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PE R S PE C T IV E Paradigm Shifts in Heart-Failure Therapy

Paradigm Shifts in Heart-Failure Therapy — A Timeline

Chana A. Sacks, M.D., John A. Jarcho, M.D., and Gregory D. Curfman, M.D.
Related article, p. 993

W ith the publication of the

PARADIGM-HF trial in the
Journal (pages 993–1004) we may
and SOLVD-Treatment (1991a) tri-
als established that angiotensin-
converting–enzyme (ACE) inhibi-
emerged for three beta-blockers,
bisoprolol, carvedilol, and sus-
tained-release metoprolol. In the
be entering a new era of treatment tion with enalapril reduced overall timeline, we include two studies
for heart failure with reduced mortality by 16 to 40%. V-HeFT II on the alpha- and beta-adrener-
ejection fraction. To provide a his- (1991b) showed that enalapril was gic blocker carvedilol (the U.S.
torical perspective on the begin- superior to the combination of Carvedilol Heart Failure Study,
ning of this new epoch, we con- hydralazine and isosorbide dini- 1996, and COPERNICUS, 2001a).
An interactive structed an interactive trate. The SOLVD-Prevention trial Both studies demonstrated that
timeline is timeline (available with (1992) showed that enalapril’s ben- carvedilol led to a substantial re-
available the full text of this ar- efit in reducing the rate of hospi- duction in mortality and contrib-
at ticle at of talizations for heart failure extend- uted to our understanding of the
26 randomized, controlled trials ed to asymptomatic patients with role of adrenergic activation in
in heart-failure treatment that have reduced ejection fraction. These the pathophysiology of heart fail-
been published in the Journal since landmark trials ushered in the era ure. These studies underscored a
1986. Each of these articles — of ACE inhibition, which has been novel, transformative approach
some demonstrating successes the centerpiece of heart-failure to therapy.
and others documenting disap- therapy for 25 years. Another paradigm shift in
pointments — represents a criti- Angiotensin-receptor blockers heart-failure therapy occurred
cal step in the effort to reduce (ARBs) interfere with the action with the RALES trial (1999) of
mortality from heart failure with of angiotensin II at its type 1 re- spironolactone, a mineralocorti-
reduced ejection fraction. The ceptor, resulting in vasodilatation. coid-receptor antagonist (MRA).
timeline includes important mile- These agents interrupt the angio- The investigators reported a 30%
stones, some of which mark tensin pathway by a different reduction in mortality among pa-
paradigm shifts in the treatment mechanism than ACE inhibitors, tients already receiving an ACE
of this debilitating disorder. which block the conversion of an- inhibitor and a loop diuretic. The
The timeline makes clear that giotensin I to angiotensin II and EMPHASIS-HF trial (2011a), in
highly productive research in heart also interfere with the breakdown which investigators studied the
failure has been an international of kinins. The Val-HeFT trial MRA eplerenone in patients with
effort. This pattern of internation- (2001c) introduced the concept of systolic heart failure and mild
al collaboration was continued in ARB therapy for heart failure, but symptoms, confirmed and ex-
PARADIGM-HF, a trial conduct- because treatment with ARBs is tended this finding. Together,
ed in 47 countries, with princi- not superior to treatment with these trials added another im-
pal investigators from Scotland ACE inhibitors, ARBs have gener- portant drug class to the heart-
and the United States. ally been reserved for patients who failure armamentarium.
The modern history of therapy cannot take ACE inhibitors be- Not all therapies listed on the
for heart failure with reduced cause of cough or angioedema. timeline proved successful. Drugs
ejection fraction began with the The use of beta-blocker thera- with positive inotropic effects,
introduction of vasodilatation as py, now a cornerstone of heart- such as the phosphodiesterase
a treatment for heart failure. The failure treatment, was once con- inhibitor milrinone, provide a
V-HeFT I study (1986; see box for sidered counterintuitive, because striking example. In a large clin-
cited Journal articles) demonstrat- of concern that patients with re- ical trial (PROMISE, 1991c), oral
ed that treatment with hydrala- duced ejection fraction either milrinone, as compared with pla-
zine plus isosorbide dinitrate, as would not benefit or would have cebo, increased mortality among
compared with either placebo or unacceptable side effects from patients with heart failure by 28%.
prazosin, reduced mortality. Soon adrenergic blockade. However, Novel inotropic agents generally
thereafter, the CONSENSUS (1987) evidence of a mortality benefit proved disappointing.

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Copyright © 2014 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
PERS PE C T IV E Paradigm Shifts in Heart-Failure Therapy

Remarks on Dropsy, and Other Diseases,

Heart-Failure Therapy Articles in the New England Journal of Medicine
digitalis glycosides were a main-
1986. V-HeFT I. Cohn JN, Archibald DG, Ziesche S, et al. Effect of vasodilator ther- stay of therapy for heart failure.
apy on mortality in chronic congestive heart failure. 314:1547-52. However, a trial published in the
1987. CONSENSUS. The Consensus Trial Study Group. Effects of enalapril on Journal (Digitalis Investigation
mortality in severe congestive heart failure. 316:1429-35.
Group, DIG, 1997) showed un-
1991a. SOLVD-Treatment. The SOLVD Investigators. Effect of enalapril on survival equivocally that digoxin had no
in patients with reduced left ventricular ejection fractions and congestive heart
failure. 325:293-302. beneficial effect on mortality in
1991b. V-HeFT II. Cohn JN, Johnson G, Ziesche S, et al. A comparison of enalapril
heart failure, though it did re-
with hydralazine–isosorbide dinitrate in the treatment of chronic congestive duce overall hospitalizations and
heart failure. 325:303-10. specifically reduced hospitaliza-
1991c. PROMISE. Packer M, Carver JR, Rodeheffer RJ, et al. Effect of oral milrinone tions for heart failure by 28%.
on mortality in severe chronic heart failure. 325:1468-75. Despite their long history, cardi-
1992. SOLVD-Prevention. The SOLVD Investigators. Effect of enalapril on mortality ac glycosides are no longer first-
and the development of heart failure in asymptomatic patients with reduced line therapy for heart failure,
left ventricular ejection fractions. 327:685-91.
though they may be used to miti-
1996. U.S. Carvedilol Heart Failure Study Group. Packer M, Bristow MR, Cohn JN,
et al. The effect of carvedilol on morbidity and mortality in patients with chron-
gate symptoms and prevent hos-
ic heart failure. 334:1349-55. pitalizations for heart failure.
1997. DIG. The Digitalis Investigation Group. The effect of digoxin on mortality The story of nesiritide, a re-
and morbidity in patients with heart failure. 336:525-33. combinant B-type natriuretic pep-
1999. RALES. Pitt B, Zannad F, Remme WJ, et al. The effect of spironolactone on tide with vasodilator properties,
morbidity and mortality in patients with severe heart failure. 341:709-17. reinforces the fundamental im-
2001a. COPERNICUS. Packer M, Coats AJS, Fowler MB, et al. Effect of carvedilol portance of evidence-based prac-
on survival in severe chronic heart failure. 344:1651-8. tice. Nesiritide was approved for
2001b. REMATCH. Rose EA, Gelijns AC, Moskowitz AJ, et al. Long-term use of a use in acute heart failure in 2001
left ventricular assist device for end-stage heart failure. 345:1435-43. to improve dyspnea. Given by in-
2001c. Val-HeFT. Cohn JN, Tognoni G. A randomized trial of the angiotensin- fusion, the drug was administered
receptor blocker valsartan in chronic heart failure. 345:1667-75.
at many outpatient centers estab-
2004. COMPANION. Bristow MR, Saxon LA, Boehmer J, et al. Cardiac- lished specifically for this pur-
resynchronization therapy with or without an implantable defibrillator in ad-
vanced chronic heart failure. 350:2140-50. pose. However, the ASCEND-HF
trial (2011b) demonstrated no ben-
2005a. SCD-HeFT. Bardy GH, Lee KL, Mark DB, et al. Amiodarone or an implant-
able cardioverter–defibrillator for congestive heart failure. 352:225-37. efit of nesiritide on the coprima-
2005b. CARE-HF. Cleland JGF, Daubert J-C, Erdmann E, et al. The effect of cardiac
ry end point of death or rehospi-
resynchronization on morbidity and mortality in heart failure. 352:1539-49. talization for heart failure and no
2009. MADIT-CRT. Moss AJ, Hall WJ, Cannom DS, et al. Cardiac-resynchronization significant improvement in dys-
therapy for the prevention of heart-failure events. 361:1329-38. pnea. Thus, an interesting and
2010. RAFT. Tang ASL, Wells GA, Talajic M, et al. Cardiac-resynchronization thera- widely used biologic agent proved
py for mild-to-moderate heart failure. 363:2385-95. to be ineffective when subjected
2011a. EMPHASIS-HF. Zannad F, McMurray JJV, Krum H, et al. Eplerenone in pa- to a rigorous clinical trial.
tients with systolic heart failure and mild symptoms. 364:11-21. The introduction of cardiac
2011b. ASCEND-HF. O’Connor CM, Starling RC, Hernandez AF, et al. Effect of ne- devices represents perhaps the
siritide in patients with acute decompensated heart failure. 365:32-43. most fundamental paradigm
2014a. MADIT-CRT follow-up. Goldenberg I, Kutyifa V, Klein HU, et al. Survival shift exhibited on the timeline.
with cardiac-resynchronization therapy in mild heart failure. 370:1694-701.
Not appearing on the timeline
2014b. PARADIGM-HF. McMurray JJV, Packer M, Desai AS, et al. Angiotensin– until 2001, device trials neverthe-
neprilysin inhibition versus enalapril in heart failure. DOI: 10.1056/
NEJMoa1409077. less appear more frequently than
trials of any single class of medi-
cal therapy. The timeline includes
An older class of inotropic William Withering, recorded 230 three types of cardiac devices:
agents, the cardiac glycosides, years ago in his extraordinary doc- the left ventricular assist device
also met with disappointment. ument, An Account of the Foxglove, and (LVAD) in REMATCH (2001b), the
Since the classic observations of Some of Its Medical Uses: With Practical implantable cardioverter-defibril-

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PE R S PE C T IV E Paradigm Shifts in Heart-Failure Therapy

lator (ICD) in SCD-HeFT (2005a), angiotensin-receptor and neprily- cardiac devices, and now angio-
and cardiac resynchronization sin inhibition with LCZ696, a tensin-receptor–neprilysin inhibi-
therapy (biventricular pacemak- combination of sacubitril and val- tors have strong evidence bases
ers, CRT) in COMPANION (2004), sartan, reduced cardiovascular demonstrating a reduction in mor-
CARE-HF (2005b), MADIT-CRT mortality by 20% and overall mor- tality. Still, in the intervention arm
(2009), and RAFT (2010). All tality by 16%, as compared with of PARADIGM-HF, the mortality
three types of devices have been enalapril. Neprilysin is a neutral rate among patients with heart
shown to reduce mortality in endopeptidase involved in the me- failure remains about 20% over
heart failure. LVADs may be used tabolism of a number of vasoac- 2 years, highlighting the reality
as a bridge to cardiac transplan- tive peptides. The inhibitor blocks that this newest entry hardly
tation or, in some patients, as the action of neprilysin, resulting concludes the compelling story of
destination therapy. ICDs may be in higher levels of peptides such heart-failure treatment. We antici-
used alone or together with CRT as natriuretic peptides, which have pate that progress will continue,
(CRT-D). A recent follow-up study vasodilator properties, facilitate and we hope that a timeline
of the MADIT-CRT trial (2014a) sodium excretion, and most like- crafted three decades from now
demonstrated that as compared ly have effects on remodeling. will reveal novel therapies and
with ICD alone, CRT-D reduced The timeline reveals steady new paradigms that push our un-
mortality among patients with progress, punctuated by paradigm derstanding of heart failure to a
heart failure and mild symptoms, shifts, in the treatment of heart level unimaginable today.
but only when the QRS complex failure over the past 28 years. At Disclosure forms provided by the au-
was greater than 130 msec with a the timeline’s beginning, two thors are available with the full text of this
article at
left bundle-branch block pattern. drugs with no mortality benefit
The final entry in the timeline — digoxin and diuretics — rep- This article was published on September 3,
is the PARADIGM-HF trial (2014b), resented first-line treatment for 2014, at
now published in the Journal. The heart failure. By the timeline’s DOI: 10.1056/NEJMp1410241
study showed that a novel ap- last entry, ACE inhibitors, beta- Copyright © 2014 Massachusetts Medical Society.
proach to heart-failure therapy, blockers, aldosterone antagonists,

Perspective Roundtable:
PARADIGM-HF — The Experts’
A video is Discussion
available at Leading cardiologists discuss PARADIGM-HF, a trial of angiotensin–
neprilysin inhibition versus enalapril in advanced heart failure.

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