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Clearly state a public health issue that is of personal interest to you and identify a county
of interest.

Herat disease in Monroe county

2. Define the scope of the problem you are addressing. Thinking broadly about the problem
I.e., opioids, infant mortality, etc):

Rate of heart disease mortality in Monroe compared to other specialties?

 What sources of data have you identified to begin to understand this issue?
o I identified many sources including
 What is known about this problem in Indiana?
o There are many factors that play into the amount of heart disease in Indiana.
Many including education, financial, and race dependent.
 How does Indiana compare to other states?
o Indiana is ranked 39 in the 50 states with a 4.9% of heart disease in age 2017.
 What are the regional disparities in the State of Indiana?
 What subsets of the population are most impacted?
o Poor older and African American patients are the most impacted by herat disease
than white higher socioeconomic adults
 What other data would be helpful?
o Other factors that might play into heart disease such as diet, exercise, and
environmental pollution. Areas with food deserts would be helpful.
 What experts would it be helpful to consult?
o A cardiologist, and a socialist would be great to consult

3. Based on an initial (or preliminary) literature search (i.e., not restricted to Indiana):

 What factors contribute to the disparities that you have identified?

o Amount of education, less education is correlated with more incidence of heart
o Minorities also have a higher incidence of uninsured and health disease like
angina and CAD. African americans are noted to have the highest incidence of
heart disease

 What approaches or interventions been identified to address these disparities?
o More access for patients to have access to primary care doctors
o Volunteer clinics to that do more required insurance to help people with comorbid
 What are the barriers or facilitators to addressing the problem here in Indian (i.e. policy,
economic resources, access to care, institutionalized racism, stigma…)?
o Asceses to care is the biggest carrier for patients in Indiana
 Considering the state and your county of focus:
o What human and capital resources (government, hospital, or other) are engaged in
addressing your identified public health issue? Other foundations like the
American health foundation also gathers data.
o he government is address this public health crises by gathering data.

o Who are the community stakeholders invested in this problem?

 Primary stakeholders that are invested in this problem are the patients who
suffering from his disease. They re the ones that are suffering from the
heath disease and are the ones who are going to die because of it. There
are no other stokeholds that have more of a stake then the patients who
have health disease.


Roger VL, Go AS, Lloyd-Jones DM, Adams RJ, Berry JD, Brown TM, Carnethon MR, Dai S, De Simone G,
Ford ES, Fox CS. Heart disease and stroke statistics—2011 update: a report from the American Heart
Association. Circulation. 2011 Feb 1;123(4):e18-209.

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