Courseoffering 2 Ndsem 1011

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SECOND TRIMESTER 2010-11 (September- November 2010)
Program Course No. Course Title Units Prerequsite
MDE EDDE 201 Foundations of Distance Education 3 None
EDDE 202 Learning Theories and Instructional Design in Distance Education 3 None
EDDE 230 Ethical, Legal & Social Issues in the Information Age 3 None
EDDE 298 Special Problem in Distance Education 4
Program Course No. Course Title Units Prerequsite
AA COMM 1 Communication Skills 1 3 None
COMM 3 Speech Communication 3 COMM 1
COMPEd 2 Introduction to Web Design and Publishing 3 COMPED 1
CWTS 2 Civic Welfare Training Service (3) CWTS 1
ENG 157 English for the Professions 3 COMM 1
HIST 2 Asia and the World/Ang Asya at ang Mundo 3 None
HUM 2 Art, Man and Society 3 COMM 1
HUMA 1 Panitikan, Tao at Lipunan 3 None
KOM 2 Kasanayan sa Komunikasyon 2 3 None
MATH 1 Fundamental Concepts and Applications of Mathematics 3 None
NAT SCI 2 Foundations of Natural Science 2 3 None
PE 2 HY Hatha Yoga (2) None
PE 2 WF Walking for Fitness (2) None
PHILO 173 Practical Ethics 3 None
PSYCH 11 Introduction to Psychology 3 None
SOCS SCI 2 Social, Economic and Political Thought 3 None
STS Science, Technology and Society 3 None
DST- Biology BIO B Morphoanatomy 3 None
BIO C Physiology 3 BIO B
BIO E Evoltuion and Systematics 3 BIO D
SCED 250 Learning Theories and Their Applications to Math and Science Teaching 3 None
DST- Chemistry CHEM C6 Chemistry of Biomolecules 3 CHEM C4
CHEM C8 Chemistry and the Environment 3 CHEM A
CHEM B Fundamental Concepts of Chemistry II 3 CHEM A or COI
SCED 250 Learning Theories and Their Applications to Math and Science Teaching 3 None
DST- Physics PHYS B Thermal Phenomena 3 PHYS A
PHYS D Optics and Electromagnetic Waves 3 None
PHYS E Basic Electronics 3 PHYS C
SCED 250 Learning Theories and Their Applications to Math and Science Teaching 3 None
DMT MATH A Set Theory for Teachers 3 None
MATH C Geometry for Teachers 3 None
Math B & Math C
MATH E Calculus for Teachers 3 or COI
MATH H Mathematics, Technology and Society 3
DSSE/ EDSSE 232 Selected Topics in the Social Sciences for Social Studies Teachers, Part I 3 None
MAEd-SOC EDSSE 242 Production of Instructional and Assessment Materials in Social Studies 3 None
EDUC 280 Practicum in Teaching 3 None
DLLE/ ENG 251 Readings in New Literatures in English 3 None
MAEd-LLE EDR 201 Psychology of Reading 3 None
EDR 211 Reading in the Content Areas 3 None
EDR 210 Trends in Reading Instruction 3 EDR 201
DLL 210 Literary Theory and Critical Practice 3 None
EDL 201 Applied Linguistics for Communication Arts 3 None
EDRE 231 Statistical Methods Applied to Education 3 None
EDUC 298 Special Problem in Education 4
EDUC 300 Thesis 6
PTC EDL 221* Second Language Teaching 3 EDL 205 or COI
EDR 201 Psychology of Reading 3 None
EDR 210 Trends in Reading Instruction 3 EDR 201
EDR 211 Reading in the Content Areas 3 None
EDR 201 and EDR 210
OR EDR 201 and EDL
EDR 235* 3 221
Development of Instructional and Assessment Materials in Reading
EDRE 231 Statistical Methods Applied to Education 3 None
EDSSE 242 Production of Instructional and Assessment Materials in Social Studies 3 None
EDUC 101 Philippine Educational System 3 None
EDUC 105 Introduction to Special Education 3 None
EDUC 280 Practicum in Teaching 3 None
SCED 250 Learning Theories and Their Applications to Math and Science Teaching 3 None
PhD in EDSC 341 Research Seminar in Science Education 3 None
Education BIO 260 Advanced Ecology 3 None
CHEM 250 Chemical Thermodynamics 3 None
EDRE 331 Seminar in Advanced Statistics Applied to Education 3 None
EDSC 305 Seminar: Issues and Trends in Science & Technology Education 3 None
EDUC 400 Dissertation 12
MATH 299A Graduate Seminar: Number Theory 3 None
PHYS 205 Foundations of Statistical Mechanics 3 None
* for PTC students only

For academic advising, please email

Program Course No. Course Title Units Prerequisite
BAMS MMS 100 Introduction to Multimedia Studies 3 none
MMS 101 Introduction to Information Technology 3 MMS 100
MMS 102 Theories in Multimedia 3 MMS 100
MMS 115 Law and Multimedia 3 MMS 102
MMS 121 Multimedia & Popular Culture 3 MMS 120
MMS 141 Principles of Programming 3 MMS 140
MMS 143 Introduction to Multimedia Computing 3 MMS 141
MMS 171 Text in Multimedia 3 none
MMS 197 Multimedia Research 3 COI
MMS 198 Special Topics 3 COI
NAT SCI 3 DNA Technology: A Brave New World 3 none
DCS CMSC A Discreet Structures in computer Science 3 none
CMSC B Principles of Programming 3 COI
CMSC C Computer Systems and Organization 3 none
CMSC D Data Structures and Algorithms 3 COI
CMSC G Management Information Systems 3 COI
CMSC H Object-Oriented Analysis and Design 3 CMSC B & D or COI
CMSC I Software Engineering 3 CMSC B & D or COI
MIS IS 215 Advanced Computer Systems 3 COI
IS 226 Web Information Systems 3 CMSC E & CMSC F or COI
IS 295a Information System Project I 2 COI
IS 295b Information System Project II 2 IS 295B (& Compre Exam)
MDC DEVC 290 Special Problem 3 COI
DEVC 206 Design & Production of Print & Radio Dev't. Comm. Materials 3 none
DEVC 207 Design & Production of Audio Visual Dev't. Comm. Materials 3 none
DEVC 204 Communication Research & Evaluation 3 DEVC 202 or COI
DComm Comm 310 Communication Theory & Practice 3 None
Comm 390 Communication Research Paradigms 3 None
Comm 320 Mgt. of Communication Media Resources & Systems 3 None
Comm 391 Communication Research Methodologies 3 None
For academic advising, please email
Program Batch Course No. Course Title Units Prerequisite
DENRM 2009-1 ENRM 222 Environmental Advocacy 3
ENRM 299 Environmental Research Methods 3
2009-2 ENRM 205 Biodiversity Conservation 3
ENRM 211 Environmental Planning and Management 3
Continuing ENRM 202 Forest and Terrestrial Ecosystems 3
MENRM-COASTAL 2008-1 ENRM 247 Management of Marine Protected Areas 3
DIRECT ENTRY ENRM 290 Special Problem 3
2008-2 ENRM 247 Management of Marine Protected Areas 3
ENRM 282
(ENRM 299) Environmental Research Methods 3
2009-1 ENRM 242 Coastal Zone Management 3
ENRM 244 Coastal Anthropology 3
2009-2 ENRM 242 Coastal Zone Management 3
ENRM 244 Coastal Anthropology 3
MENRM-COASTAL ENRM 290 Special Problem 3
DENRM GRADUATE 2009-1 ENRM 247 Management of Marine Protected Areas 3
ENRM 290 Special Problem 3
2009-2 ENRM 244 Coastal Anthropology 3
ENRM 247 Management of Marine Protected Areas 3

MENRM-UPLAND Continuing ENRM 290 Special Problem 3

DIRECT ENTRY 2008-1 ENRM 232 Management of Terrestrial Protected Areas 3
ENRM 282
(ENRM 299) Environmental Research Methods 3
2008-2 ENRM 232 Management of Terrestrial Protected Areas 3
ENRM 282
(ENRM 299) Environmental Research Methods 3
2009-1 ENRM 233 Rehabilitation of Marginal and Degraded Upland Areas 3
SF 263 Cultures and Societies in Tropical Ecosystems 3
2009-2 ENRM 233 Rehabilitation of Marginal and Degraded Upland Areas 3
SF 263 Cultures and Societies in Tropical Ecosystems 3
MENRM-UPLAND ENRM 290 Special Problem 3
DENRM GRADUATE 2009-1 ENRM 232 Management of Terrestrial Protected Areas 3
ENRM 290 Special Problem 3
2009-2 ENRM 232 Management of Terrestrial Protected Areas 3
SF 263 Cultures and Societies in Tropical Ecosystems 3
Revised MENRM 2010-1 ENRM 231 Economics of Upland Resources 3
(Upland) SF 263 Cultures and Societies in Tropical Ecosystems 3
2010-2 ENRM 221 Socio-Cultural Perspectives on the Environment 3
(NEW) ENRM 223* Ecosystem Structure and Dynamics 3
(ENS 201)
Revised MENRM 2010-1 ENRM 240* Aquatic Ecosystems 3
(Coastal) (ENRM 203)
ENRM 241 Economic Valuation and Assessment of Aquatic Resources 3
2010-2 ENRM 221 Socio-Cultural Perspectives on the Environment 3
(NEW) ENRM 223** Ecosystem Structure and Dynamics 3
(ENS 201)
** Revised course code
DR&DM 2009-1 R&DM 221 Problem Solving & Decision Making in R&D Management 3 R&DM 201
R&DM 252 Technology Commercialization & Utilization 3 R&DM 251
2009-2 R&DM 231 R&D Project Planning and Control 3 R&DM 201
R&DM 251 Technology Evaluation 3 R&DM 201
Organizational Structures, Relations & Processes in R&D
2010-1 R&DM 220 Systems 6 R&DM 201
2010-2 R&DM 201 Concepts and Principles of R&D Management 3
(NEW) R&DM 211 Support System for R&D 3
MPH Cont IH 220* Public Mental Health 3
2008-1 HPAd 208 Economics in Health 2
2009-1 BIO 206 Research Methods 2
PHPE 210 Public Health Education 2
HPAd 202 Practice of Health Administration 2
MPH Cont IH 220* Public Mental Health 3
PHPE 215 Human Behavior in Health Care Organization 2
PH 280 Field Practice 2
Comprehensive Exam
MPM-LGRA 2008-1 PM 227 Human Resource Development/Management 3
PM 259 Special Problems in Local Gov & Regional Ad 3
2008-2 PM 230 Financial Management in Government 3
PM 254 Local and Regional Finance 3
2009-1 PM 253 Urban & Metropolitan Admin & Development 3
PM 231 Public Fiscal Administration 3
2009-2 PM 252 Rural Administraion and Development 3 PM 251
PM 299.2 Research Methods in Public Administration 3 PM 299.1
2010-1 PM 208 The Philippine Administrative System 3
PM 299.1 Quantitative Methods in Public Policy & Prog Admin 3
2010-2 PM 201 Theory and Practice of Public Administration 3
(NEW) PM 251 Local Government and Regional Administration 3
MPM-PPPA 2007-2

2008-1 PM 227 Human Resource Development/Management 3

PM 245 Program and Project Implementation 3 PM 241 or COI
2008-2 PM 230 Financial Management in Government 3
PM 244 The Policy Process 3 PM 241 or COI
2009-1 PM 243 Project Planning and Management 3 PM 241 or COI
PM 231 Public Fiscal Administration 3
2009-2 PM 242 Methods of Policy Analysis 3 PM 241
PM 299.2 Research Methods in Public Administration 3 PM 299.1
2010-1 PM 208 The Philippine Administrative System 3
PM 299.1 Quantitative Methods in Public Policy & Prog Admin 3
2010-2 PM 201 Theory and Practice of Public Administration 3
(NEW) PM 241 Public Policy and Program Admnnistration 3
MPM-VSM 2009-1 PM 231 Public Fiscal Administration 3
PM 283 Resource Gen and Financial Mgmt in the Vol Sector 3
2009-2 PM 282 Human Resources Mgmt in the Voluntary Sector 3
PM 299.2 Research Methods in Public Administration 3 PM 299.1
2010-1 PM 208 The Philippine Administrative System 3
PM 299.1 Quantitative Methods in Public Policy & Prog Admin 3
2010-2 PM 201 Theory and Practice of Public Administration 3
(NEW) PM 281 Voluntary Sector Mgmt & the Devt of Civil Society 3
For academic advising, please email

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