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In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the subject

Practical Research 1

A Case Study Presented to

Dapdap High School



By :
Graciela Galang
Rhea Ignacio
Kristelle Lingat
Karen Gamalinda
Jhonalyn Regala
Venus Pangilinan
Shaira Madriaga
Kharl Vallozo
Daniel Bilar
Feliciano Dela Cruz
Jerico Campo


Chapter I

Background of The Study

According to saying of our national hero Dr. Jose P. Rizal that " Youth is the hope of our
Mother Land ". In their hand lies the future generation to follow.

The researchers studying about the case of the early live in partners. But us we see from
the situation nowadays, what were expecting from youth is the contrary of the saying. Teenage
are prone to live in partner. Live in Partners causes of this problem is that most of youths
nowadays grew up in broken homes. Parents either father or mother of the youths choose to
leave their children behind because the fact that they cannot handle anymore their obligations
as parents.

A marriage is legally recognized union between a man and a woman in which they are
united sexually ; cooperate economically, and they have children through birth or adoption
( Strong De Vault & Sayad, 1998 ). Throughout the literature review early marriage is either one
or both of married couple being under age of 18 years old in high school ( Hutchinson & McNall
1994, Lindsay 1985, Walker-Moffat 1995 ) .

Marriage or living with a partner brings may changes into an adolescent's life such a
communications, arguments and financial issues ( Lindsey, 1985 ). These is also a loss of
individual freedom because for a marriage to work both partners have to be fully committed. It
is likely that couples who marry as adolescents have had less experience in developing the
maturity and social cognitive, skills required to maintain a stable marital union than couples
who marry as adults ( Teti et al., 1987 ).


Due to the occurence of early marriage among Senior High School students in Dapdap
High School educational setting it is important for the researchers understand the Senior High
population especially the practice of early marriage. The researchers study the factors related to
early marriage and find ways to help these students achieve successfully because there is a
great likehood that they will be in our educational system.

Therefore the knowledge gained from this study will help us as the researchers to
improve counseling strategies, programs to helping these students achieve successfully.

Conceptual Framework


Profile of teenager Identify the number of Couples learners indulge

students engaged in live teen aged students in live in partners
in partners

Process Ouput

The findings of this research study indicates that the terminants of being teenage

living without marriage. And this study will show how the teenaged are prone to this. And the

results will be basis to develop or propose alternative solution that will help the participants of

Senior High at Dapdap High School.

Statement of The Problem


Due to the facts the researchers would like to investigate, describe, find the reason of why

teenage engage in this situation. The cases of Live in Partners of Senior High in Dapdap High

School. For the reason that the researchers to know the influence to other.

This study answers the following questions :

1. What causes the students to be engage in the following situation.

2.How can you manage financially , physically, emotionally, and mentally your current situation?

3. How does it affects your education? If does not specify.


1.There is no alternative cases about the live in partner.

2. There are alternative cases in live in partner.

Scope and Delimitation


The researchers are intended and conducted for the senior high school.

Significance of The Study

The following research will benefit the following :

Learners - they are the one involved in the case. They could be helped through the informative
content of this study. They could realize the negative effects of live in partner cases.

Teachers - will help the students in deciding and to sharing their knowledge to the students in
what are the possible outcome if you will be married early.

Administrators - this research may guide them to set programs or school activities to help the
learners to give them knowledge regarding in live in partner.

Future Research - this study may help them to serve information about the live in partner to
strengthen their knowledge.

a.This research has greater value to the learners, teachers and those people who are engaged
in the live in partners .

b. Enhancement of people's knowledge on number of students indulged in Live in Partners in

Dapdap High School.

c. To be able for them to absorb and reflect the affects and problem attached in live in partner.

d. To help prevent from indulging for this live in partner.


Definition of Terms

Cope - ( a person ) deal effectively with something difficult.

Hypothesis - a supposition or proposed explanation made in the basis of limited as a starting

point for further investigation.

Marriage - the legally or formally recognized union of two people as partners in a personal


Poverty - the state of being extremely poor.

Teenagers - a person aged from 13-19 years old.


Review of Related Literature



According to Dr. Judith A. Magnetico, Arthur R. Sepe, Jean T. Balo, Honey Dhean O.
Bernales, and Bianca Hope E. Cañete.The Legally Married and Live-in Couple : A Comparative
Study of Family Union Styles among The Residence of Purok 1 and 8 in Barangay Santiago, Ilagan
City. This study aimed to know if there is a significant difference among the two types of family
union couples, the “LEGAL” and the “LIVE-IN” based on some predetermined factors from
selected residence in Iligan City specifically in Barangay Santiago.

The descriptive method of research was used in this study. There were forty (40)
respondents who were chosen through purposive quota sampling procedure which were
composed of twenty (20) married and (20) live-in couple mostly female. The researcher-made
questionnaire was used in collecting the data. The percentage, weighted mean and t-test were
used to analyze the results of the gathered data. Based on the results, it revealed that there is a
significant difference on the mean rating in terms of “Conflict Resolution” between the married
and live-in couple respondents since a pvalue of 0.025 less than a 0.05 level of significance. This
implies that conflict resolution for the married and live-in couple respondents differ. This might
because most of the respondent’s is still young and cannot handle well their conflict to their
spouse/partner. On the other hand, no significant difference on the mean rating in terms of
financial aspects, parental style, personal happiness and sex life satisfaction between the
married and live-in couple respondents since the respective p-values exceeded the 0.05 level of
significance. It was recommended that there should be thorough information dissemination
about handling relationships, for the benefits of teenagers and young professionals to be
sponsored by the government agencies should be taught by the parents in their families.

According to Santos, Soliman M1 ( August 2000 )Common Law Elements in the

Philippine Mixed Legal System.There is more common law than is imagined, even by Filipino

lawyers, in the Philippine mixed legal system. The mix reflects certain communities in the

Philippines: the Westernised Christian majority, the Muslims, the indigenous mountain tribes,


and even the rebel constituencies. After a brief overview of the mixed legal system, this article

traces the emergence of common law in the Philippines during the American period (1900-46)

and charts its continuing existence in an analysis of the present ordering of Philippine law,

especially in the areas of constitutional, procedural, commercial, revenue and industrial law.

The article demonstrates that even in the bastion of the civil law tradition in the Philippines, the

Civil Code, there are significant common law influences in the provisions on equity, estoppel,

trusts, unjust enrichment, and torts.

According to MarieRelucio (October 12, 2012) Philippines : More Couples Living

Together Without Marriage.In this Year of Faith, one of the biggest challenges is to encourage
Catholic couples to get married in Church. The domestic church, the Christian family, cannot be
built, without the foundation of a Christian marriage. Filipino family life has changed drastically
as marriage is losing ground and more couples live together without tying the knot.


This was the result of the “Truth Survey”, survey which was commissioned by the.Manila
archdiocese-run Radio Veritas and this was conducted during the second quarter of 2012. The
survey showed that 57.7 percent of the 2,500 Catholic respondents were found to be unmarried
in churches.

Using random sampling, the “Truth Survey” was conducted in 85 archdioceses and dioceses
covering the country’s 17 regions for the topic “The Filipino Catholicity.

The poll also showed that for those belonging to salary class D or those earning P4, 999
and below a month, there were 47 percent% who said they got married in the Church. This
could be attributed to the Mass weddings organized by various local governments or
organizations to help those in financial struggle to receive the Sacrament of Matrimony.

Retired Novaliches Bishop Teodoro Bacani, vice chairperson of the Catholic Bishops
Conference of the Philippines – Episcopal Commission on Doctrine of the Faith, lamented the
findings of the survey. He said the survey just confirmed what he has known all along and
demands for “serious pastoral concern.”

CBCP Media Office director Monsignor Pedro Quitorio III, for his part, said the results of
the survey is “very alarming”. He even lamented that many unmarried couples continue to
receive Holy Communion during Masses even if they were not married in the Church.


According to Sonali Abhang (Dec. 2014)Judicial Approach to „Live- In-Relationship‟ In

India- Its Impact on Other Related Statutes. The "live- in-relationship‟ is a living arrangement in
which a un-married couple lives together in a long-term relationship that resembles a marriage.
„Live-in-relationship‟ is neither recognized by The Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 nor by The
Criminal Procedure Code, 1973, nor by The Indian Succession Act 1925. The expression
„relationship in the nature of marriage‟ which is included within the definition of " domestic
relationship‟ has not clearly been defined in the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence
Act, 2005(PWDVA). However a child born out of "relationship in the nature of marriage‟ is not


entitled to claim its share in ancestral coparcener property but is entitled only to claim its share
in self acquired property of its parents.

According to Aree Jampaklay and Fariha Haseen(June 10, 201) MARITAL UNIONS AND
UNMARRIED COHABITATION IN BANGKOK, THAILAND.Cohabitation has been understudied in the Thai
context where national data on the complex forms of contemporary unions remain extremely rare. This
paper uses data of the National Survey on HIV/AIDS Risk Behaviours and ART Knowledge in Thailand
(NSBS), 2006 to understand the issue of cohabitation in contemporary Thailand. The data were collected
from 6048 individuals aged 18–59, among whom about half were aged 18–24. In general, cohabitation is
still uncommon in Thailand, accounting for only 2.4 per cent of 18–59-year-old individuals. The
multivariate analysis of the study sample in Bangkok, where cohabitation is most common, suggests that
married individuals and cohabiters are significantly different in terms of geographical area, age,
education, religion, religiosity and work. Results reveal both consistent and different effects across
genders. Further research on family formation in Thailand should acknowledge the complex forms of
sexual unions and explore how differentials in background characteristics between married persons and
cohabiters affect other aspects of family processes such as the well-being of couples and children.

According to Roy Bregman(April 06, 2017)Common-Law Marriage In South Africa In

South African law, there is no such thing as a common-law marriage, no matter how long a
couple may live together. Their cohabitation does not create any automatic legal rights and
duties between them. This is a common misunderstanding.

Cohabitation Agreement

In an age when most marriages fail, parties with a trail of prior relationships and
marriages behind them may prefer to live together, rather than marry. Same-sex or
heterosexual partners who choose not to get married should sign a domestic partnership (also


called a life partnership or cohabitation) agreement to protect them should their relationship
end. It is cheaper than ending up in court!

A widely-used definition describes “domestic partners” as “two adults who share an

emotional, physical and financial relationship like that of a married couple but who either
choose not to marry or cannot legally marry. They share a mutual obligation of support for the
necessities of life.”

Cohabiting couples do not have the same rights as married couples under the law, so it
makes sense to set out at the outset of the relationship what the division would be if the
cohabitation breaks down.

If a party cannot prove the existence of such a partnership, he or she may walk away with
nothing, even if the parties lived together for years.




Research Design

The research design in the study will be qualitative. It includes the collection of data

needed to answer the question concerning the current status of the studies.Where in the

researchers will interview the some students in Senior High at Dapdap High School.

Selection of Participants

The respondents of this research study are the senior high students are engaged in

live-in partner at Dapdap High School. This study is conducted at Dapdap High School where the

study focuses to extract the statistical data of live-in partner. The study is conducted in February


Defining the Case

The case in this study was a students teenager engaged in live-in partner. That the

researchers want to resolve. The primary question was, What are the coping skills that cannot

affect their studies.


Research Question

This study answers the following questions :

1. What causes the students to be engage in the following situation.

2.How can you manage financially , physically, emotionally, and mentally your current situation?

3. How does it affects your education? If does not specify.

Data Collection Procedures

The researchers used a semi-structured questionnaire. The questionnaire is all about

the background information about live-in partner of the teenagers. It is structure as to guide

the respondents in reflecting and understanding their situation.

Ethical Consideration


The goal of the researchers on their research project is to facilitate their learning

through a better understanding of the research and how it is influenced practice. However the

researchers will be required to seek information from the individuals who are part of it. The

researchers ensure that no harm occurs to these voluntary participants and that all participants

have made the decision to assist their information as to what is required and what is any

potential negative consequences may arise from such participation.

Data Processing Analysis

This data analysis discussed the finding from the qustionnaires completed by adolesce

who engaged to this case of live-in partner. And the researchers data collected use to improve

the knowledge of this study and the data gathered from the participants was all true because of

the researchers used some strategies like voice recording, video recording and writing down

notes all the information and details.




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