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Country Bankers Insurance vs.

Keppel Since Unimarine failed to deliver on

FACTS: On January 27, 1992, the above promise, Cebu Shipyard, on July
Unimarine Shipping Lines, Inc. (Unimarine), 2, 1992, through a faxed letter, asked
a corporation engaged in the shipping Unimarine if the payment could be picked up
industry, contracted the services of Keppel the next day. This was followed by another
Cebu Shipyard, formerly known as Cebu faxed message on July 6, 1992, wherein
Shipyard and Engineering Works, Inc. (Cebu Cebu Shipyard reminded Unimarine of its
Shipyard), for dry docking and ship repair promise to pay in full on July 28, 1992. On
works on its vessel, the M/V Pacific August 24, 1992, Cebu Shipyard again
Fortune.[5] faxed[15] Unimarine, to inform it that interest
charges will have to be imposed on their
On February 14, 1992, Cebu outstanding debt.
Shipyard issued Bill No. 26035 to Unimarine On November 18, 1992, Cebu
in consideration for its services. Negotiations Shipyard, through its counsel, sent
between Cebu Shipyard and Unimarine led Unimarine a letter,[16] demanding payment.
to the reduction of this amount
to P3,850,000.00. The terms of this Due to Unimarines failure to heed Cebu
agreement were embodied in Cebu Shipyards repeated demands, Cebu
Shipyards February 18, 1992 letter to the Shipyard, through counsel, wrote the
President/General Manager of Unimarine, sureties CBIC[18] on November 18, 1992, and
Paul Rodriguez, who signed his conformity Plaridel,[19] on November 19, 1992, to inform
to said letter. them of Unimarines nonpayment, and to ask
In compliance with the agreement, them to fulfill their obligations as sureties,
Unimarine, through Paul Rodriguez, secured and to respond within seven days from
from Country Bankers Insurance Corp. receipt of the demand.
(CBIC), through the latters agent, Bethoven
Quinain (Quinain), a surety bond in the However, even the sureties failed to
amount of P3,000,000.00. The expiration of discharge their obligations, and so Cebu
this surety bond was extended, through Shipyard filed a Complaint dated January 8,
Endorsement No. 33152[9] (the 1993, before the RTC against Unimarine,
endorsement), which was later on attached CBIC, and Plaridel.
to and formed part of the surety bond. In CBIC, in its Answer,[20] said that
addition to this, Unimarine, obtained Cebu Shipyards complaint states no cause
another bond from Plaridel Surety and of action. CBIC alleged that the surety bond
Insurance Co. (Plaridel). was issued by its agent, Quinain, in excess
On February 17, 1992, Unimarine of his authority. CBIC claimed that Cebu
executed a Contract of Undertaking in favor Shipyard should have doubted the authority
of Cebu Shipyard. Because Unimarine failed of Quinain to issue the surety bond.
to remit the first installment when it became
due on May 30, 1992, Cebu Shipyard was CBIC added that its liability was
constrained to deposit the peso check extinguished when, without its knowledge
corresponding to the initial installment and consent, Cebu Shipyard and Unimarine
of P2,350,000.00. The check, however, was novated their agreement several
dishonored by the bank due to insufficient times. Furthermore, CBIC stated that Cebu
funds.[12] Cebu Shipyard faxed a message to Shipyards claim had already been paid or
Unimarine, informing it of the situation, and extinguished when Unimarine executed an
reminding it to settle its account Assignment of Claims[23] of the proceeds of
immediately.[13]On June 24, 1992, Cebu the sale of its vessel M/V Headline in favor
Shipyard again faxed a message[14] to of Cebu Shipyard. CBIC also averred that
Unimarine, to confirm Paul Rodriguezs Cebu Shipyards claim had already
promise that Unimarine will pay in full prescribed as the endorsement that
the P3,850,000.00, in US Dollars on July 1, extended the surety bonds expiry date, was
1992. not reported to CBIC. Finally, CBIC
asseverated that if it were held to be liable,
its liability should be limited to the face
value of the bond and not for exemplary
damages, attorneys fees, and costs of CBIC presented Dakila Rianzares,
litigation.[24] the Senior Manager of its Bonding
Department. Her duties included the
CBIC claimed that Paul Rodriguez, evaluation and approval of all applications
Albert Hontanosas, and Peter Rodriguez for and reviews of bonds issued by their
executed an Indemnity Agreement, wherein agents, as authorized under the Special
they bound themselves, jointly and Power of Attorney and General Agency
severally, to indemnify CBIC for any amount Contract of CBIC. Rianzares testified that
it may sustain or incur in connection with she only learned of the existence of CBIC
the issuance of the surety bond and the Surety Bond No. G (16) 29419 when she
endorsement.[27] As for Quinain, CBIC received the summons for this case. Upon
alleged that he exceeded his authority as investigation, she found out that the surety
stated in the Special Power of Attorney, bond was not reported to CBIC by Quinain,
wherein he was authorized to solicit the issuing agent, in violation of their
business and issue surety bonds not General Agency Contract, which provides
exceeding P500,000.00 but only in favor of that all bonds issued by the agent be
the Department of Public Works and reported to CBICs office within one week
Highways, National Power Corporation, and from the date of issuance. She further stated
other government agencies.[28] that the surety bond issued in favor of
Unimarine was issued beyond Quinains
On August 23, 1993, third party authority. Rianzares added that she was not
defendant Hontanosas filed his Answer with aware that an endorsement pertaining to the
Counterclaim, to the Cross and Third Party surety bond was also issued by Quinain.[33]
Complaint. Hontanosas claimed that he had
no financial interest in Unimarine and was
neither a stockholder, director nor an officer The RTC held that CBIC, in its
of Unimarine. He asseverated that his capacity as surety is bound with its principal
relationship to Unimarine was limited to his jointly and severally to the extent of the
capacity as a lawyer, being its retained surety bond it issued in favor of [Cebu
counsel. He further denied having any Shipyard] because although the contract of
participation in the Indemnity Agreement surety is in essence secondary only to a valid
executed in favor of CBIC, and alleged that principal obligation, his liability to [the]
his signature therein was forged, as he creditor is said to be direct, primary[,] and
neither signed it nor appeared before the absolute, in other words, he is bound by the
Notary Public who acknowledged such principal.[36]
The RTC found CBICs contention
Paul Rodriguez admitted that that Quinain acted in excess of his authority
Unimarine failed to pay Cebu Shipyard for in issuing the surety bond untenable. The
the repairs it did on M/V Pacific Fortune, RTC held that CBIC is bound by the surety
despite the extensions granted to bond issued by its agent who acted within
Unimarine. He claimed that he signed the the apparent scope of his authority.-
Indemnity Agreement because he trusted
Quinain that it was a mere pre-requisite for All the defendants appealed this
the issuance of the surety bond. He added Decision to the Court of Appeals.
that he did not bother to read the documents
and he was not aware of the consequences The Court of Appeals held that it was
of signing an Indemnity Agreement. Paul duly proven that Unimarine was liable to
Rodriguez also alleged to not having noticed Cebu Shipyard for the ship repair works it
the limitation Valid only in favor of DPWH did on the formers M/V Pacific Fortune. The
stamped on the surety bond.[31] However, Court of Appeals dismissed CBICs
Paul Rodriguez did not contradict the fact contention of novation for lack of
that Unimarine failed to pay Cebu Shipyard merit.[43] CBIC was held liable under the
its obligation.[32] surety bond as there was no novation on the
agreement between Unimarine and Cebu To go a little further, CBIC said that
Shipyard that would discharge CBIC from its the correct Civil Code provision to apply in
obligation. The Court of Appeals also did not this case is Article 1898. CBIC asserts that
allow CBIC to disclaim liability on the Cebu Shipyard was charged with knowledge
ground that Quinain exceeded his authority of the extent of the authority conferred on
because third persons had relied upon Mr. Quinain by its failure to perform due
Quinains representation, as CBICs diligence investigations.[55]
agent.[44] Quinain was, however, held Cebu Shipyard, in its
solidarily liable with CBIC under Article Comment[56] first assailed the propriety of
1911 of the Civil Code.[45] the petition for raising factual issues. In
support, Cebu Shipyard claimed that the
Court of Appeals application of Article 1911
CBIC[48]and Unimarine, together with third of the Civil Code was founded on findings of
party defendants-appellants[49] filed their facts that CBIC now disputes. Thus, the
respective Motions for Reconsideration. This question is not purely of law.
was, however, denied by the Court of
Appeals in its October 28, 2004 Resolution The fact that Quinain was an agent of CBIC
for lack of merit. was never put in issue. What has always
been debated by the parties is the extent of
Unimarine elevated its case to this Court via authority or, at the very least, apparent
a petition for review on certiorari, which was authority, extended to Quinain by CBIC to
denied in a Resolution dated January 19, transact insurance business for and in its
2005.[50] behalf.

The lone petitioner in this case, In a contract of agency, a person, the

CBIC, is now before this Court, seeking the agent, binds himself to represent another,
reversal of the Court of Appeals decision and the principal, with the latters consent or
resolution on the following grounds: authority.[57] Thus, agency is based on
representation, where the agent acts for and
in behalf of the principal on matters within
Issue: The crux of the controversy lies in the scope of the authority conferred upon
CBICs liability on the surety bond Quinain him.[58] Such acts have the same legal effect
issued to Unimarine, in favor of Cebu as if they were personally done by the
Shipyard. principal. By this legal fiction of
representation, the actual or legal absence of
ARGUMENTS: the principal is converted into his legal or
CBIC avers that the Court of Appeals erred juridical presence.[59]
in interpreting and applying the rules
governing the contract of agency. It argued The RTC applied Articles 1900 and
that the Special Power of Attorney granted to 1911 of the Civil Code in holding CBIC liable
Quinain clearly set forth the extent and for the surety bond. It held that CBIC could
limits of his authority with regard to not be allowed to disclaim liability because
businesses he can transact for and in behalf Quinains actions were within the terms of
of CBIC. CBIC added that it was incumbent the special power of attorney given to
upon Cebu Shipyard to inquire and look into him.[60] The Court of Appeals agreed that
the power of authority conferred to CBIC could not be permitted to abandon its
Quinain. CBIC said: obligation especially since third persons had
relied on Quinains representations. It based
its decision on Article 1911 of the Civil Code
CBIC claims that the foregoing is true and found CBIC to have been negligent and
even if Quinain was granted the authority to less than prudent in conducting its
transact in the business of insurance in insurance business for its failure to
general, as the authority to bind the supervise and monitor the acts of its agents,
principal in a contract of suretyship could to regulate the distribution of its insurance
nonetheless never be presumed forms, and to devise schemes to prevent
fraudulent misrepresentations of its Neither Unimarine nor Cebu
agents.[61] Shipyard was able to repudiate CBICs
testimony that it was unaware of the
RULING existence of Surety Bond No. G (16) 29419
This Court does not agree. and Endorsement No. 33152. There were no
allegations either that CBIC should have
Our law mandates an agent to act been put on alert with regard to Quinains
within the scope of his authority.[62] The business transactions done on its behalf. It
scope of an agents authority is what appears is clear, and undisputed therefore, that there
in the written terms of the power of attorney can be no ratification in this case, whether
granted upon him.[63] Under Article 1878(11) express or implied.
of the Civil Code, a special power of
attorney is necessary to obligate the Article 1911, on the other hand, is
principal as a guarantor or surety. based on the principle of estoppel, which is
necessary for the protection of third
In the case at bar, CBIC could be persons. It states that the principal is
held liable even if Quinain exceeded the solidarily liable with the agent even when the
scope of his authority only if Quinains act of latter has exceeded his authority, if the
issuing Surety Bond No. G (16) 29419 principal allowed him to act as though he
is deemed to have been performed within had full powers. However, for an agency by
the written terms of the power of attorney he estoppel to exist, the following must be
was granted.[64] established:

However, contrary to what the RTC 1. The principal manifested a

held, the Special Power of Attorney accorded representation of the agents
to Quinain clearly states the limits of his authority or knowingly allowed
authority and particularly provides that in the agent to assume such
case of surety bonds, it can only be issued in authority;
favor of the Department of Public Works and 2. The third person, in good faith,
Highways, the National Power Corporation, relied upon such
and other government agencies; representation; and
furthermore, the amount of the surety bond 3. Relying upon such
is limited to P500,000.00, to wit: representation, such third
person has changed his position
to his detriment.[68]
CBIC does not anchor its defense on
a secret agreement, mutual understanding, In Litonjua, Jr. v. Eternit Corp.,[69] this
or any verbal instruction to Quinain. CBICs Court said that [a]n agency by estoppel,
stance is grounded on its contract with which is similar to the doctrine of apparent
Quinain, and the clear, written terms authority, requires proof of reliance upon the
therein. This Court finds that the terms of representations, and that, in turn, needs
the foregoing contract specifically provided proof that the representations predated the
for the extent and scope of Quinains action taken in reliance.[70]
authority, and Quinain has indeed exceeded
them. This Court cannot agree with the
Court of Appeals pronouncement of
Under Articles 1898 and 1910, an negligence on CBICs part. CBIC not only
agents act, even if done beyond the scope of clearly stated the limits of its agents powers
his authority, may bind the principal if he in their contracts, it even stamped its surety
ratifies them, whether expressly or tacitly. It bonds with the restrictions, in order to alert
must be stressed though that only the the concerned parties. Moreover, its
principal, and not the agent, can ratify the company procedures, such as reporting
unauthorized acts, which the principal must requirements, show that it has designed a
have knowledge of. system to monitor the insurance contracts
issued by its agents. CBIC cannot be faulted
for Quinains deliberate failure to notify it of trust the agents; statements
his transactions with Unimarine. In fact, as to the extent of his powers;
CBIC did not even receive the premiums paid such person must not act
by Unimarine to Quinain. negligently but must use
reasonable diligence and
Furthermore, nowhere in the prudence to ascertain
decisions of the lower courts was it stated whether the agent acts within
that CBIC let the public, or specifically the scope of his
Unimarine, believe that Quinain had the authority. The settled rule is
authority to issue a surety bond in favor of that, persons dealing with an
companies other than the Department of assumed agent are bound at
Public Works and Highways, the National their peril, and if they would
Power Corporation, and other government hold the principal liable, to
agencies. Neither was it shown that CBIC ascertain not only the fact of
knew of the existence of the surety bond agency but also the nature
before the endorsement extending the life of and extent of authority, and
the bond, was issued to Unimarine. For one in case either is controverted,
to successfully claim the benefit of estoppel the burden of proof is upon
on the ground that he has been misled by them to prove it. In this case,
the representations of another, he must the petitioners failed to
show that he was not misled through his discharge their burden;
own want of reasonable care and hence, petitioners are not
circumspection.[71] entitled to damages from
respondent EC.[75]
Unimarine undoubtedly failed to
establish that it even bothered to inquire if
Quinain was authorized to agree to terms In light of the foregoing, this Court is
beyond the limits indicated in his special constrained to release CBIC from its liability
power of attorney. While Paul Rodriguez on Surety Bond No. G (16) 29419 and
stated that he has done business with Endorsement No. 33152. This Court sees no
Quinain more than once, he was not able to need to dwell on the other grounds
show that he was misled by CBIC as to the propounded by CBIC in support of its
extent of authority it granted Quinain. Paul prayer.
Rodriguez did not even allege that he asked
for documents to prove Quinains authority
to contract business for CBIC, such as their G.R. No. L-20136 June 23, 1965
contract of agency and power of attorney. It
is also worthy to note that even with the IN RE: PETITION FOR ISSUANCE OF
Indemnity Agreement, Paul Rodriguez SEPARATE CERTIFICATE OF TITLE.
signed it on Quinains mere assurance and JOSE A. SANTOS Y Diaz, petitioner-
without truly understanding the appellant,
consequences of the terms of the said vs.
agreement. Moreover, both Unimarine and ANATOLIO BUENCONSEJO, ET
Paul Rodriguez could have inquired directly AL., respondents-appellees.
from CBIC to verify the validity and
effectivity of the surety bond and
Facts: Petitioner Jose A. Santos y Diaz seeks
endorsement; but, instead, they blindly
relied on the representations of Quinain. As the reversal of an order of the Court of First
this Court held in Litonjua, Jr. v. Eternit Instance denying his petition, for the
Corp.[74]: cancellation of original certificate of title,
issued in the name of Anatolio Buenconsejo,
A person dealing with a et al and the issuance in lieu thereof, of a
separate transfer certificate of title in his
known agent is not
name, It appears that the lot was originally
authorized, under any
circumstances, blindly to owned in common by Anatolio Buenconsejo
to the extent of ½ undivided portion and Anatolio Buenconsejo, and, hence, it could
Lorenzo Bon and Santiago Bon to the extent not have possibly vested in him any property
of the other ½ that Anatolio Buenconsejo's right in his own name; (2) the children of
rights, interests and participation over the Anatolio Buenconsejo had no authority to
portion abovementioned were on January 3, execute said power of attorney, because their
1961 and by a Certificate of Sale executed by father is still alive and, in fact, he and his
the Provincial Sheriff of Albay, transferred wife opposed the petition of Santos; (3) in
and conveyed to Atty. Tecla San Andres Ziga, consequence of said power of attorney (if
awardee in the corresponding auction sale valid) and redemption, Santos could have
conducted by said Sheriff in connection with acquired no more than the share pro
the execution of the decision of the Juvenile indiviso of Anatolio Buenconsejo in Lot No.
Delinquency and Domestic Relations Court 1917, so that petitioner cannot — without
in Civil Case No. 25267, entitled "Yolanda the conformity of the other co-owners
Buenconsejo, et al. vs. Anatolio Buenconsejo"; (Lorenzo and Santiago Bon), or a judicial
that on December 26, 1961 and by a decree of partition issued pursuant to the
certificate of redemption issued by the provisions of Rule 69 of the new Rules of
Provincial Sheriff of Albay, the rights, Court (Rule 71 of the old Rules of Court)
interest, claim and/or or participation which which have not been followed By Santos —
Atty. Tecla San Andres Ziga may have adjudicate to himself in fee simple a
acquired over the property in question by determinate portion of said Lot No. 1917, as
reason of the aforementioned auction sale his share therein, to the exclusion of the
award, were transferred and conveyed to the other co-owners.
herein petitioner in his capacity as Attorney-
in-fact of the children of Anatolio Inasmuch as the appeal is patently devoid of
Buenconsejo, namely, Anastacio merit, the order appealed from is hereby
Buenconsejo, Elena Buenconsejo and affirmed, with treble cost against petitioner-
Azucena Buenconsejo. appellant Jose A. Santos y Diaz. It is so
It would appear, also, that petitioner Santos
had redeemed the aforementioned share of SPS VILORIA VS. CONTINENTAL
Anatolio Buenconsejo, upon the authority of AIRLINES
a special power of attorney executed in his
favor by the children of Anatolio FACTS: In 1997, while the spouses Viloria
Buenconsejo; that relying upon this power of were in the United States, they approached
attorney and redemption made by him, Holiday Travel, a travel agency working for
Santos now claims to have acquired the Continental Airlines, to purchase tickets
share of Anatolio Buenconsejo in the from Newark to San Diego. The travel agent,
aforementioned Lot that as the alleged Margaret Mager, advised the couple that
present owner of said share, Santos caused they cannot travel by train because it was
a subdivision plan of said Lot to be made, in already fully booked; that they must
which the portion he claims as his share purchase plane tickets for Continental
thereof has been marked as Lot No. 1917-A; Airlines; that if they won’t purchase plane
and that he wants said subdivision at No. tickets; they’ll never reach their destination
1917-A to be segregated from Lot No. 1917 in time. The couple believed Mager’s
and a certificate of title issued in his name representations and so they purchased two
exclusively for said subdivision Lot No. plane tickets worth $800.00.
Later however, the spouses found out that
ISSUE: Is the claim of the petitioner correct? the train trip wasn’t really fully booked and
so they purchased train tickets and went to
their destination by train instead. Then they
RULING: As correctly held by the lower court,
called up Mager to request for a refund for
petitioner's claim is clearly untenable, for:
the plane tickets. Mager referred the couple
(1) said special power of attorney authorized
to Continental Airlines. As the couple were
him to act on behalf of the children of
now in the Philippines, they filed their
request with Continental Airline’s office in Lourdes’ ticket, breached its undertaking
Ayala. The spouses Viloria alleged that under its March 24, 1998 letter.6
Mager misled them into believing that the
only way to travel was by plane and so they
were fooled into buying expensive plane
tickets. On September 8, 2000, Spouses
Viloria filed a complaint against CAI, praying
In a letter dated March 24, 1998, that CAI be ordered to refund the money they
Continental Micronesia denied Fernando’s used in the purchase of the subject tickets
request for a refund and advised him that he with legal interest from July 21, 1997 and to
may take the subject tickets to any pay P1,000,000.00 as moral
Continental ticketing location for the re- damages, P500,000.00 as exemplary
issuance of new tickets within two (2) years damages and P250,000.00 as attorney’s
from the date they were issued. Continental fees.7
Micronesia informed Fernando that the
subject tickets may be used as a form of
payment for the purchase of another Continental Airlines refused to refund the
Continental ticket, albeit with a re-issuance amount of the tickets and so the spouses
fee.5 On June 17, 1999, Fernando went to sued the airline company. In its defense,
Continental’s ticketing office at Ayala Continental Airlines claimed that the tickets
Avenue, Makati City to have the subject sold to them by Mager were non-refundable;
tickets replaced by a single round trip ticket that, if any, they were not bound by the
to Los Angeles, California under his name. misrepresentations of Mager because there’s
Therein, Fernando was informed that no contract of agency existing between
Lourdes’ ticket was non-transferable, thus, Continental Airlines and Mager.
cannot be used for the purchase of a ticket The trial court ruled in favor of spouses
in his favor. He was also informed that a Viloria but the Court of Appeals reversed the
round trip ticket to Los Angeles was ruling of the RTC.
US$1,867.40 so he would have to pay what
will not be covered by the value of his San ISSUES:
Diego to Newark round trip ticket. In a letter 1. Whether or not a contract of agency exists
dated June 21, 1999, Fernando demanded between Continental Airlines and Mager.
for the refund of the subject tickets as he no
longer wished to have them replaced. In 2. Assuming that an agency relationship
addition to the dubious circumstances exists between CAI and Holiday Travel, is
under which the subject tickets were issued, CAI bound by the acts of Holiday Travel’s
Fernando claimed that CAI’s act of charging agents and employees such as Mager?
him with US$1,867.40 for a round trip ticket
to Los Angeles, which other airlines priced at 3. Is CAI justified in insisting that the
US$856.00, and refusal to allow him to use subject tickets are non-transferable
and non-refundable?

4. the agent acts within the scope of his
Yes. All the elements of agency are authority.
present, to wit:
The first and second elements are present as
1. there is consent, express or implied of the Continental Airlines does not deny that it
parties to establish the relationship; concluded an agreement with Holiday Travel
2. the object is the execution of a juridical act to which Mager is part of, whereby Holiday
in relation to a third person; Travel would enter into contracts of carriage
3. the agent acts as a representative and not for with third persons on the airlines’ behalf.
himself, and The third element is also present as it is
undisputed that Holiday Travel merely acted
in a representative capacity and it is one, and simultaneously claim that they are
Continental Airlines and not Holiday Travel not bound by Mager’s supposed
who is bound by the contracts of carriage misrepresentation for purposes of avoiding
entered into by Holiday Travel on its behalf. Spouses Viloria’s claim for damages and
The fourth element is also present maintaining the validity of the subject
considering that Continental Airlines has contracts. It may likewise be argued that CAI
not made any allegation that Holiday Travel cannot deny liability as it benefited from
exceeded the authority that was granted to Mager’s acts, which were performed in
it. compliance with Holiday Travel’s obligations
as CAI’s agent.However, a person’s vicarious
Continental Airlines also never questioned
liability is anchored on his possession of
the validity of the transaction between Mager
control, whether absolute or limited, on the
and the spouses. Continental Airlines is
tortfeasor. Without such control, there is
therefore in estoppel. Continental Airlines
nothing which could justify extending the
cannot be allowed to take an altogether
liability to a person other than the one who
different position and deny that Holiday
committed the tort.
Travel is its agent without condoning or
giving imprimatur to whatever damage or
prejudice that may result from such denial 3. YES.
or retraction to Spouses Viloria, who relied
on good faith on Continental Airlines’ acts in On the basis of the foregoing and given the
recognition of Holiday Travel’s authority. allegation of Spouses Viloria that Fernando’s
Estoppel is primarily based on the doctrine consent to the subject contracts was
of good faith and the avoidance of harm that supposedly secured by Mager through
will befall an innocent party due to its fraudulent means, it is plainly apparent that
injurious reliance, the failure to apply it in their demand for a refund is tantamount to
this case would result in gross travesty of seeking for an annulment of the subject
justice. contracts on the ground of vitiated consent.
2. NO. Whether the subject contracts are
annullable, this Court is required to
determine whether Mager’s alleged
Spouses Viloria’s cause of action on
misrepresentation constitutes causal fraud.
the basis of Mager’s alleged fraudulent
Similar to the dispute on the existence of an
misrepresentation is clearly one of tort or
agency, whether fraud attended the
quasi-delict, there being no pre-existing
execution of a contract is factual in nature
contractual relationship between them.
and this Court, as discussed above, may
Therefore, it was incumbent upon Spouses
scrutinize the records if the findings of the
Viloria to prove that CAI was equally at fault.
CA are contrary to those of the RTC. Under
However, the records are devoid of any
Article 1338 of the Civil Code, there is fraud
evidence by which CAI’s alleged liability can
when, through insidious words or
be substantiated. Apart from their claim that
machinations of one of the contracting
CAI must be held liable for Mager’s supposed
parties, the other is induced to enter into a
fraud because Holiday Travel is CAI’s agent,
contract which, without them, he would not
Spouses Viloria did not present evidence
have agreed to. In order that fraud may
that CAI was a party or had contributed to
vitiate consent, it must be the causal (dolo
Mager’s complained act either by instructing
causante), not merely the incidental (dolo
or authorizing Holiday Travel and Mager to
incidente), inducement to the making of the
issue the said misrepresentation.It may
contract.30 In Samson v. Court of
seem unjust at first glance that CAI would
Appeals,31 causal fraud was defined as “a
consider Spouses Viloria bound by the terms
deception employed by one party prior to or
and conditions of the subject contracts,
simultaneous to the contract in order to
which Mager entered into with them on CAI’s
secure the consent of the other.”32Also, fraud
behalf, in order to deny Spouses Viloria’s
must be serious and its existence must be
request for a refund or Fernando’s use of
established by clear and convincing
Lourdes’ ticket for the re-issuance of a new
On 11 May 1994, respondent, acting as
This Court finds the only proof of Mager’s administrator and attorney-in-fact of
alleged fraud, which is Fernando’s testimony
that an Amtrak had assured him of the Revelen, filed a complaint for recovery of
perennial availability of seats at Amtrak, to
possession with damages and prayer for
be wanting. As CAI correctly pointed out and
as Fernando admitted, it was possible that preliminary injunction against petitioners
during the intervening period of three (3)
with the RTC.
weeks from the time Fernando purchased
the subject tickets to the time he talked to
said Amtrak employee, other passengers
may have cancelled their bookings and RTCs Ruling
reservations with Amtrak, making it possible
for Amtrak to accommodate them. Indeed,
the existence of fraud cannot be proved by The RTC stated that based on the evidence
mere speculations and conjectures. Fraud is presented, Revelen owns the lot and
never lightly inferred; it is good faith that is.
Under the Rules of Court, it is presumed that respondent was verbally authorized to sell
"a person is innocent of crime or wrong" and 200 square meters to petitioners. The RTC
that "private transactions have been fair and
regular."35 Spouses Viloria failed to ruled that since respondents authority to
overcome this presumption. sell the land was not in writing, the sale was
void under Article 1874[6] of the Civil
Code.[7] The RTC ruled that rescission is the
proper remedy.[8]
Revelen, who is respondents daughter and of
legal age, is the owner of an unregistered CA Ruling
land with an area of 1,939 square meters
located in Cardona, Rizal. Sometime in On 5 January 2004, petitioners
March 1984, respondent accepted the offer appealed the trial courts Decision to the
of petitioners to purchase a 200-square appellate court. In its decision dated 10
meter portion of Revelens lot (lot) at P200 per June 2004, the appellate court reversed the
square meter. Petitioners paid P3,000 as RTC decision and dismissed the civil case.[10]
downpayment and the balance was payable
on installment. Petitioners constructed their The appellate court explained that this is an

houses in 1985. In 1986, with respondents unlawful detainer case. The prayer in the

consent, petitioners occupied an additional complaint and amended complaint was for

150 square meters of the lot. By 1987, recovery of possession and the case was filed

petitioners had already within one year from the last demand letter.

paid P17,500[5] before petitioners defaulted Even if the complaint involves a question of

on their installment payments. ownership, it does not deprive the Municipal

Trial Court (MTC) of its jurisdiction over the
ejectment case. Petitioners raised the issue
daughter, and former
of lack of jurisdiction in their Motion to
defendant Eduardo Rubi
Dismiss and Answer before the RTC.[11] The (deceased), is void; and
RTC denied the Motion to Dismiss and 2. The appellate court
assumed jurisdiction over the case because erred in not ruling that
the petitioners are
the issues pertain to a determination of the entitled to their
real agreement between the parties and counterclaims,
particularly specific
rescission of the contract to sell the performance.[15]

The appellate court added that even if

respondents complaint is for recovery of
possession or accion publiciana, the RTC still
We deny the petition.
has no jurisdiction to decide the case.

Petitioners submit that the sale of land by an

The appellate court also held that
agent who has no written authority is not
respondent, as Revelens agent, did not have
void but merely voidable given the spirit and
a written authority to enter into such
intent of the law. Being only voidable, the
contract of sale; hence, the contract entered
contract may be ratified, expressly or
into between petitioners and respondent is
impliedly. Petitioners argue that since the
void. A void contract creates no rights or
contract to sell was sufficiently established
obligations or any juridical relations.
through respondents admission during the
Therefore, the void contract cannot be the
pre-trial conference, the appellate court
subject of rescission.[14]
should have ruled on the matter of the
counterclaim for specific performance.[16]
Aggrieved by the appellate courts Decision,
petitioners elevated the case before this
Respondent argues that the appellate court
cannot lawfully rule on petitioners
counterclaim because there is nothing in the
records to sustain petitioners claim that they
have fully paid the price of the
Petitioners raise the following arguments: lot.[17] Respondent points out that
petitioners admitted the lack of written
1. The appellate court
gravely erred in ruling authority to sell. Respondent also alleges
that the contract entered that there was clearly no meeting of the
into by respondent, in
representation of her
minds between the parties on the purported written authority from Revelen is void. A void
contract of sale.[18] contract produces no effect either against or
in favor of anyone and cannot be ratified.[20]
Sale of Land through an Agent

A special power of attorney is also

Articles 1874 and 1878 of the Civil Code
necessary to enter into any contract by
which the ownership of an immovable is
transmitted or acquired for a valuable
Art. 1874. When a sale of a
piece of land or any interest consideration. Without an authority in
therein is through an agent,
writing, respondent cannot validly sell the
the authority of the latter
shall be in writing; otherwise, lot to petitioners. Hence, any sale in favor of
the sale shall be void.
the petitioners is void.
Art. 1878. Special powers of
attorney are necessary in the
following cases: Further, Article 1318 of the Civil

xxx Code enumerates the requisites for a valid

contract, namely:
(5) To enter into any contract
by which the ownership of an
immovable is transmitted or 1. consent of the contracting
acquired either gratuitously parties;
or for a valuable
2. object certain which is the
subject matter of the contract;
Article 1874 of the Civil Code
explicitly requires a written authority before 3. cause of the obligation which is
an agent can sell an immovable property. established.
Based on a review of the records, there is
absolutely no proof of respondents written Respondent did not have the written
authority to sell the lot to petitioners. In authority to enter into a contract to sell the
fact, during the pre-trial conference, lot. As the consent of Revelen, the real owner
petitioners admitted that at the time of the of the lot, was not obtained in writing as
negotiation for the sale of the lot, petitioners required by law, no contract was perfected.
were of the belief that respondent was the Consequently, petitioners failed to validly
owner of lot.[19] Petitioners only knew that acquire the lot.
Revelen was the owner of the lot during the
hearing of this case. Consequently, the sale
General Power of Attorney
of the lot by respondent who did not have a
On 25 March 1994, Revelen executed a
General Power of Attorney constituting
respondent as her attorney-in-fact and
authorizing her to enter into any and all
contracts and agreements on Revelens
behalf. The General Power of Attorney was
notarized by Larry A. Reid, Notary Public in
California, U.S.A.

Unfortunately, the General Power of

Attorney presented as Exhibit C[22] in the
RTC cannot also be the basis of respondents
written authority to sell the lot.

Since the General Power of Attorney was

executed and acknowledged in the United
States of America, it cannot be admitted in
evidence unless it is certified as such in
accordance with the Rules of Court by an
officer in the foreign service of the
Philippines stationed in the United States of
America. Hence, this document has no
probative value.

Specific Performance

Petitioners are not entitled to claim for

specific performance. It must be stressed
that when specific performance is sought of
a contract made with an agent, the agency
must be established by clear, certain and
specific proof.[26] To reiterate, there is a
clear absence of proof that Revelen
authorized respondent to sell her lot.

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