A Poison Tree

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A Poision Tree

William Blake

Q 1: What is the implicit meaning of the poem?

What message does the poem convey?
What moral lesson does the poem “A Poison Tree” convey to us?
What is the theme of the poem “A Poison Tree”?
Write a critical summary of the poem “A Poison Tree”.

In “A Poison Tree”, William Blake advises us not to nourish hatred in our

hearts. The theme / moral lesson of the poem is that we should speak out the
misunderstandings if they arise. Breeding hatred in one’s heart is not only
harmful but also fatal. He gives this message through an example.
The poet was angry with his friend. He talked to him about his anger, and it
did end. He was angry with his enemy but he didn’t talk to him. He hated his
enemy. He watered it with tears in fears and sunned it with hypocritical smiles
and cunning tricks. It grew into a tree and bore ‘an apple bright’.
The poet’s enemy saw that bright, shining and tempting apple and planned
to steal it. He thieved into his garden in the darkness of night to steal it. The poet
saw his enemy lying dead under the tree. The hatred of enemy brought his death.
(Words 157)

Q 2: How appropriate is the title of the poem “A Poison Tree”.

Do you find the poem symbolic? What does the noun “Apple” symbolise?
Write a note on symbolism in the poem “A Poison Tree”.

“A Poison Tree”, by William Blake, is full of contrasting abstractions and

symbols. The poem is highly symbolic and greatly moralising. Blake wants to say
that love is constructive and hatred is destructive. Love is forgetting and
forgiving. Hatred is the outcome of the lack of trust. The process of nourishment
described in this poem is highly symbolic.
The underlying meaning of the poem is Love. Hatred is the symbol of evil
resulting in destruction. It is all fears, tears, wiles and wickedness. It is poisonous.
The metaphors of nourishing the tree of hatred, watering it with tears and
sunning it with smiles are very suitable.
The title of the poem is very appropriate although symbolic. The “apple
bright” is the symbol of “Temptation”. An apple appears tempting, but it is
poisonous if it is watered with hatred. The ideas expressed, the words chosen,
and the figures of speech employed add to the suitability of the title and the
effect of the poem. (Words 163)

Q 3: What are the contrasting elements in the poem?

Write down some words and images that express hatred.
Do the contrasting elements in the poem add to the general impact of the poem?

The poem contains many contrasts in it. These contrasting elements add to
the effect and impact of the poem. Some of the contrasts are; friend-foe, trust-
deceit, end-grow, tears-smiles, night-bright, hate-love. The contrasts thus used
in the poem also show the poet’s knowledge of human nature. The poem is
rhythmic. It conveys profound meaning in simple but beautiful language.
There are many words in English that express anger. Anger, wrath, rage,
hate, despise, repel, shun, abuse, torture, tease, persecute, pester, admonish,
threaten, slap, beat, punish, maltreat, manhandle, grapple, quarrel, are a few
words that express anger and hatred.
The image of a man with a frowning face and a bat or a stick in his hand
expresses strong anger. A person with a raised hand ready to slap somebody also
shows anger. A person armed with a dagger, sword or gun rushing to stab or
shoot somebody shows intense hatred. (Words 149)

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