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Kansas State University CE 537 (3 Units) Spring 2004 Semester

Civil Engineering Department Introduction to Structural Analysis Prof. Asad Esmaeily

Dr. Asad Esmaeily, 2139 Fiedler Hall, Tel: 532-6063, email:
Class web site:

Class Meeting:
Mon., Wed., Fri., 1: 30 PM-2: 20 PM, Durland Hall 1052

Office Hours:
Mon. 10: 00 AM-12:00 AM, and by appointment.
(I will arrange for a help session depending on available resources.)

Grader and TA:

Yousheng Cheng ; Fiedler Hall 3137
E- mail:
(A weekly help session will be arranged)

The content of this course is based on the fundamentals covered in the Statics (CE 333)
and Mechanics of Materials (CE 533) courses, or their equivalents. It is assumed that
students taking this class have successfully completed the Mechanics of Materials class
with a letter grade C or better. Students who did not get a grade of C or better in CE
533, or equivalent, should not take this class until the prerequisite has been met.

Hibbeler, Russell, C., Structural Analysis, Fifth Edition, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle
River, New Jersey, 2002. ISBN 0-13-041825-0

Objectives and Expected Outcomes:

The course presents the classical methods of structural analysis needed to analyze
statically determinate and indeterminate structures, including trusses, beams, frames, etc.
The students will learn how to apply such techniques as means for understanding the
behavior of structures and relate this behavior to the function for which the structure’s
components are designed and the purpose for which the structure, as a whole, is intended.
They also learn the behavior of structures in general by addressing topics such as stability,
serviceability, load transfer/load paths, bracing, and how structures resist loads. This
course provides the necessary analytical foundation for the design courses like reinforced
concrete, steel, etc. that typically follow this course in the traditional civil or architectural
engineering curriculum. It also prepares students for more advanced analysis courses.
At the end of this course, the student should be able to:
• Apply dead loads and live loads on structures according to building (or bridge) code
and analyze these structures under such loading conditions as required by common
building codes and design specifications.
• Construct shear and moment diagrams to determine internal loadings in structural
members including the maximum values of shear and moment necessary for design
• Identify unstable, indeterminate, and complex structures.
• Construct Influence Lines for statically determinate structures used in the analysis of
moving live loads. Apply the technique to calculate maximum reactions and internal
loadings due to live loads.
• Calculate deflections using new methods usually not covered in the prerequisite
classes and apply them to more complex structures such as trusses and frames.
• Compute deflections (and in turn, resultant internal forces and stresses) due to
fabrication errors, temperature, support settlement, and moving loads.
• Analyze statically indeterminate structures using a variety of methods, and explore the
effectiveness and appropriateness of these methods for different types of structures.
• Recognize the effects of support conditions, fixity, variable cross sections, and
continuity on structural behavior, and identify the advantages and disadvantages of
such types of construction.
• Model and analyze structures using numerical (iterative) procedures and computer
Relationship to KSU - CE Department Educational Objectives:
This course will help achieve the objectives of the Civil Engineering Department at K-
State as follows.
• Students will become technically competent for the practice of civil engineering by:
o Understanding of mathematics, science, and engineering principles necessary to
solve problems in the area of structural engineering [Objective 1.1].
o Gaining the ability to design simple structures and structural components based on
one of the commonly used design methods. [Objective 1.2]
o Learning to use modern computational tools to analyze a structure. [Objective 1.4]
• Students will become critical thinkers and effective communicators as they
o Analyze, formulate, and evaluate alternative approaches for solving problems
[Objective 3.2].
Relationship to ABET Learning Criteria:
This course should help satisfy the following criteria of the Accreditation Board for
Engineering and Technology (ABET), which requires the engineering programs
demonstrate that their graduates have:
• an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering [Criterion (a)]
• an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs [Criterion
• an ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems [Criterion (e)]
• an ability to use the techniques, skills and modem tools necessary for engineering
practice [Criterion (k)].

To learn the material, it is necessary to work all of the assigned problems and keep up to date.
Therefore, all problems will be collected. However, since resources do not permit grading all of
the assigned homework in detail, it will be checked if the student has attempted the assigned
problems properly, and one or more problems may be graded in detail. The assigned computer
problems will also be collected and graded.
Failure to adhere to the following specifications may result in reduced grades on the graded
homework problems:

1. Use 8 1/2 x 11 in. standard engineering paper. Work on front side only. If more than one
page is required for the solution, each page should be numbered at the top right, using the
form 1/3, 2/3 and 3/3.
2. Free Body Diagrams should be included in all solutions when appropriate.
3. All work should be in pencil, using engineering lettering. Pencil marks should be
clear-cut and black. Erasing should be clean and thorough.
4. The date on the left, "Intro. Str. Analysis" in the center and your name on the right should
be written at the top of every sheet.
5. Sketches should be drawn approximately to scale using a straight edge.
6. Computations should be arranged in logical order and each step fully recorded.
7. Answers should be prominently marked so as to be easily located. The proper units and
signs should be shown for all answers.

Exams and Quizzes:

One midterm exam will be given as shown on the “Coverage and Assignment” sheet. Several in-
class 15- minutes quizzes will cover the material within quizzes (and exam). A two-hour,
comprehensive final exam will be given at the time shown at the bottom of the Course Syllabus
(Course Coverage and Assignment sheet).
There will be No make-up examinations. If a student cannot take an exam due to extraordinary
circumstances, arrangements should be made prior to the scheduled examination.

Grading (Tentative):
Homework 10 %
Computer Assignments 10 %
Quizzes 10%
Midterm 30%
Final 40 %

The performance of the student in this course and the degree to which the student has learned the
topics presented will be assessed by weekly assignments, in-term exam, quizzes, and a final exam.
Grading scale is:

90-100: A, 80-90: B, 70-80: C, 60-70: D, Less than 60: F

“Class attendance and a well performance in assignments will help for marginal grades.”
Tentative Course Coverage:

The topics covered in this course include the common and most widely used methods of elastic analysis of
simple determinate and indeterminate structures. This includes analysis of beams, trusses and frames.
The concepts introduced include the classical theory of structural analysis, global structural stability, the
matrix method of analysis, and computer modeling of structures.

Topic Covered1 No. of Class Chapter

Periods in Text

PART I: Statically Determinate Structures

- Types of Structures and Loads 1 1
- Analysis of Stability of Statically Determinate Structures 2 2
- Analysis of Statically Determinate Trusses 3 3
- Internal Loadings Developed in Structural Members 3 4
- Influence Lines for Statically Determinate Structures 5 6
- Evaluation of Elastic Deflections 6 8

PART II: Statically Indeterminate Structures

- Force (Flexibility) Method of Analysis 3 9
- Displacement Method - I: Slope Deflection Equations 4 10
- Displacement Method - II: Moment Distribution 4 11

PART III: Matrix Analysis and Stiffness Method

- Truss Analysis Using the Stiffness Method 4 13
- Beam Stiffness Matrix 1 14
- Frame Analysis Using the Stiffness Method 2 15
- Computer Practice 3 _

Introduction, 1 Exam 4 _
Total = 45

Depending or the time limitations and course progress, “Approximate Analysis of Indeterminate Structures” MAY
be added to the topics covered.
CE 537 (Introduction to Structural Analysis), Spring 2004
Tentative Course Coverage and Assignment
Session Day Date Topics Covered2 HW Collection Homework assignments 3
1 F 1/23 Introduction
2 M 1/26 1.1-4 1.1,3,10,13, (fig 1-12 is for prob 13)
3 W 1/28 2.1-3 HW 2.5,9,14
4 F 1/30 2.4-5 2.23,27,31
5 M 2/2 3.1-2 HW 3.1,4
6 W 2/4 3.3-4 3.9,11,22, 23 design oriented
7 F 2/6 3.5-6 3.25,28
8 M 2/9 Quiz, Computer App. Comp. Prob. 1
9 W 2/11 4.1-2 HW 4.6,9,26
10 F 2/13 4.3-4 4.17,19,28
11 M 2/16 4.4-5 4.45,50,60
12 W 2/18 8.1-3 HW, Comp. Prob. 8.6,15
13 F 2/20 8.4-5 8. 25,30
14 M 2/23 8.5 8.35,43
15 W 2/25 8.6-8 8.49,57,65
16 F 2/27 Quiz, 8.9 HW 8.85,91,105
17 M 3/1 8.10 8.110,114
18 W 3/3 9.1-4 9.2,9,11
19 F 3/5 9.4-5 9.24,26
20 M 3/8 9.5-6 9.17,27
21 W 3/10 10.1-3 HW 10.1,6
22 F 3/12 Comp Dem., Review
23 M 3/15 Mi dterm
24 W 3/17 10.3 10.13,15
25 F 3/19 10.4 10.9,20
26 M 3/29 10.5 10.22
27 W 3/31 11.1-2 11.2,9
28 F 4/2 Quiz, Computer App. HW Comp. Prob.2
29 M 4/5 11.2-3 11.4,8
30 W 4/7 11.3 11.10,11
31 F 4/9 11 .4 11 .1 4
32 M 4/12 App. A; 13.1-3
33 W 4.14 Quiz, Computer App. HW, Comp. Prob. Comp. Prob. 3
34 F 4/16 13.4-5 13.4
35 M 4/19 13.5-6 13.13
36 W 4/21 13.6 13.15
37 F 4/23 14.1-3 14.9
38 M 4/26 15.1-3 HW, Comp. Prob. Comp. Prob. 4
39 W 4/28 15.4 15.1,4
40 F 4/30 Quiz, 6.1-2 6.1,7,11
41 M 5/3 6.2-3 HW, Comp. Prob. 6.10,15,16
42 W 5/5 6.4-5 6.26,36,47
43 F 5/7 6.6-7 6.58,62,65
44 M 5/10 6.8 6.77,80
45 W 5/12 Review, etc. HW
Tue s day 5/18 FINAL EXAM , M ay 18 , 11 :5 0 am to 1 :40 pm, Durland Hall 1 052

May change based on the needs during the semester.
May change in some cases.

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