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2015 Anatomy 2 Review List  External intercostal muscles

 Internal intercostal muscles
Thorax: Cage, Wall, Boundaries and Surface
 Innermost intercostal muscles
Thoracic Cage
 Transverse thoracis muscle
 12 pairs of ribs
 Subcostales muscle
 Associated costal cartilage
 External intercostal membrane
 12 thoracic vertebrae
 Internal intercostal membrane
 Sternum
Neurovascular structures
o Manubrium
 Internal thoracic arteries
o Body
 Internal thoracic veins
o Xiphoid process
 Sternum
 Costal margin
 Neurovascular bundle
 Typical Rib (3-9)
o Anterior and posterior end  Posterior intercostal vein
o Head  Posterior intercostal artery
o Neck  Intercostal nerve
o Tubercle  Costal groove
o Shaft  Azygous system
o Angle  Internal thoracic vein
o Costal groove  Superior vena cava
 First rib  Internal thoracic artery
o Anterior and posterior ends  Thoracic aorta
o Head  Anterior ramus
o Neck  Mixed spinal nerve
o Tubercle  Spinal nerve
o Shaft
o Scalene tubercle Thoracic Inlet and Outlet
o Groove for subclavian artery  Thoracic inlet
o Groove for subclavian vein  Thoracic outlet
 Thoracic vertebrae o Brachiocephalic veins
o Vertebral canal o Subclavian veins
o Vertebral body o Subclavian arteries
o Pedicles o Jugular veins
o Transverse process o Vagus nerves
o Laminae o Phrenic nerves
o Spinous process o Recurrent laryngeal nerves
o Superior and inferior articular processes o Thoracic duct
o Costal facets o Carotid arteries
 Manubriosternal joint o Trachea
 Xiphisternal joint o Oesophagus
 Sternocostal joint o 1st intercostal nerve
 Costochondral joint  Attachments of muscular diaphragm
 Interchondral joint o Sternal attachment (xiphoid process)
 Zygapophysial joint o Costal attachment
 Costotransverse joint o Lumbar attachment
 Costocorporeal joint o Left and right crus
o Median, medial and lateral arcuate
Thoracic Wall ligaments
Lymphatics (not readily identified)
Imaging Head & Neck: Noses, Sinuses, Mouth
 PA chest films Osteology: Nasal Cavity & Sinuses
 Lateral chest films  Conchae (superior; middle; inferior)
 Meatuses (superior; middle; inferior)
Head & Neck: Scalp, Face, Mastication, Thyroid  Septum
Osteology: Bones of Face and Skull Mouth
 Zygomatic bone  Hard (palatine, maxilla)
 Maxilla bone  Soft (+uvula) palate
 Frontal bone  Faucial arches (palatoglossal, palatopharyngeal)
 Mandible  Anterior 2/3 of tongue
o Head  Posterior 1/3 of tongue
o Neck  Palatine tonsils
o Angle  Lingual tonsils
o Ramus  Pharyngeal tonsils
o Coronoid process Muscles
o Mandibular foramen  Styloglossus
Muscles of Facial Expression  Genioglossus
 Frontalis  Hypoglossus
 Obicularis oculi  Palatoglossus
 Obicularis oris  Intrinsic glossal
 Zygomaticus major  Tensor veli palatini
 Platysma buccinator  Levator veli palatini
Muscles of Mastication, Suprahyoid & Infrahyoid  Palatopharyngeus
Muscles of Mastication Salivary Glands
 Temporalis  Parotid gland (+duct)
 Masseter  Sublingual gland
 Medial and lateral pterygoids  Submandibular gland
 Stylohyoid
Head & Neck: Pharynx, Larynx & Thyroid Gland
 Digastric
 Nasopharynx
 Mylohyoid
 Oropharynx
 Geniohyoid
 Laryngopharynx
 Superior, middle, and inferior constrictors
 Omohyoid
 Salpingopharyngeus
 Sternohyoid
 Palatopharyngeus
 Thyrohyoid
 Stylopharyngeus
 Sternothyroid
Blood Supply to the Face
 Epiglottis
 External carotid artery
 Thyroid
 Sub thyroid artery
 Cricoid
 Lingual artery
 Arytenoid
 Facial artery
 Maxillary artery
 Aryepiglotticus
 Superficial temporal artery
 Lateral cricoartenoideus
 Posterior cricoartenoideus
 Internal jugular vein
 Cricothyroideus  Optic canal
 Thyroarytenoideus  Superior orbital fissure
Folds  Inferior orbital fissure
 Vestibular  Foramen ovale
 Vocal folds  Foramen rotundum
Head & Neck: Eye and Ear  Internal acoustic meatus
Osteology: Orbit  Styloid mastoid foramen
 Roof: frontal, sphenoid  Jugular foramen
 Floor: maxilla, zygomatic, palatine  Hypoglossal
 Medial: maxilla, lacrimal, ethmoid, sphenoid Cranial Nerves and Relationship with Brainstem
 Lateral: sphenoid zygomatic  Optic
 Optic canal  Oculomotor
 Superior orbital fissure  Trochlear
 Inferior orbital fissure  Trigeminal
Osteology: External Ear  Abducents
 Internal acoustic meatus  Facial
 External acoustic meatus  Vestibulocochlear
 Auricles  Glossopharyngeal
Extraocular Muscles  Vagus
 Recti (superior; inferior; medial; lateral)  Accessory
 Obliques (superior; inferior)  Hypoglossal
 Levator palpebral superior (LPS) Cranial Nerves with Relationship with Periphery
Blood Supply  Trigeminal (V1, V2, V3)
 Ophthalmic artery  Facial
 Central retinal artery  Glossopharyngeal
 Ciliary artery  Vagus
 Ophthalmic / central vein  Accessory
Middle Ear  Hypoglossal
 Tympanic membrane Thorax: Mediastinum, Heart and Great Vessels
 Auditory ossicles Boundaries and Contents of Mediastinum
 Auditory muscles Mediastinum
 Tympanic cavity and boundaries  Superior
 Auditory tube  Middle
 Mastoid air cells  Posterior
Internal Ear  Anterior parts
Osseous Labyrinth Contents of Mediastinum
 Semicircular canals  Superior vena cava
 Vestibule  Azygos vein
 Cochlea  Heart and surrounding pericardium
Membranous Labyrinth  Aorta
 Semicircular ducts  Brachiocephalic trunk
 Utricle  L. common carotid artery (from aortic)
 Saccule  L. subclavian artery
 Cochlea duct  Trachea, bronchi and roots of lungs
Cranial Nerves  Oesophagus
Cranial Nerves and Relationship with Skull  Phrenic nerves
 Cribriform plate (ethmoid)  L. and R. vagus nerves
 Thoracic duct Coronary Arteries
 Thymus  L. coronary artery
Anatomy of the Heart: External Features o L. anterior interventricular artery
 Base o L. circumflex artery
 Apex o L. marginal artery
 Sterno-costal (anterior) surface  R. coronary artery
 Diaphragmatic (inferior) surface o R. posterior interventricular artery
 Pulmonary (lateral ) surface o R. marginal artery
 Borders of the heart (right; left; superior; Cardiac Veins
inferior)  Coronary sinus
 Atrioventricular and interventricular grooves or o Great cardiac vein
sulci o Middle cardiac vein
 L. and R. auricles and associated atria o Small cardiac vein
 Coronary arteries Structures of Pericardium
 Cardiac veins  Pericardium
 Coronary sinus o Fibrous pericardium
o Serous pericardium
 Ligamentum arteriosum
 Visceral layer
Anatomy of the Heart: Internal Features
 Parietal layer
Right Atrium
 Transverse pericardial sinus
 Musculi pectinati
 Oblique pericardial sinus
 Crista terminalis
Innervation of the Heart
 Interatrial septum
 L. and R. phrenic nerves
 Opening side of fossa ovalis
 L. and R. vagus nerves
 Openings of SVC and IVC
 L. and R. sympathetic trunks
 Opening of coronary sinus
 Tricuspid valve
Right Ventricle
 Tricuspid valve (3 leaflets)
 Chordae tendineae
 Papillary muscles
 Trabeculae carnae
 Interventricular septum
 Infundibulum
 Pulmonary semilunar valve with its three cusps
Left Atrium
 Musculi pectinati
 Interatrial septum
 Valve side of fossa ovalis
 Opening for four pulmonary veins
 Bicuspid (mitral) valve
Left Ventricle
 Bicuspid (mitral) valve (2 leaflets)
 Chordae tendinaeae
 Papillary muscles
 Trabeculae carnae
 Interventricular septum
 Aortic semilunar valve
Origin and Course of Coronary Vessels

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