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: 3 Learning Area Grade level Quarter Duration

Practical Grade 11 I 60 mins.
Research 1

Learning Competency/ies The learner describes characteristics, Code: CS_RS11-

processes, and ethics of research IIIa-3
Key Concepts/
Understanding to be
1.Learning Objectives Knowledge Give the proper sequence/order of the research
Skills Decipher the characteristic of research shown
based on the pictures presented,

Create a graphic organizer summarizing the


Attitudes State the importance of being ethical when

conducting research, and

Values Display social responsibility through a thematic

show presentation.

2. Content Characteristics of research

Processes of research
Ethics of Research
3. Learning Resources Thesis Writing with Probability and Statistics, Practical Research 1 for
Senior High School, Pictures, laptop, meta strips, bondpapers

4. Procedures

4.1 Introductory Activity (5 Teacher

mins)  groups the class into 10
 facilitates a game called 4 pics, 1 word wherein teacher
shows 4 pictures to guess the concept/word
*This activity introduces the characteristics of research (empirical,
logical, cyclical, analytical, critical, replicable, methodical)
 the teacher writes down on the board the characteristics of
research and provides a brief explanation.

4.2 Activity (20mins) Focusing on the characteristic methodical, the teacher introduces the
Stages of the Research Process

 distributes meta strips to random students and have them
guess the correct order of the stages of research.
 gives a brief lecture explaining the stages of research
(outline is attached as appendix A)

*Insert ethical considerations when conducting research (planning

phase part)
4.3 Analysis (5 mins) Teacher asks:

On our first meeting, I told you to start thinking of potential research

problems, therefore, what stage are you now in the research

Answer: Thinking Phase

4.4 Abstraction (10 mins) Students create a graphic organizer summarizing the topics of the

Characteristics of Research, Process of Research, Ethics of

4.5 Application (5 mins) Students come up with an initial timeline/matrix/schedule for the
completion of their research output

4.6 Assessment (15 minutes)

The teacher divides the class into four groups. Each group will be
assigned to create a thematic show about a radio or television
program airing an episode with the theme, “No Plagiarism Please.”
Each group will be given time to prepare their show. Their
performance will be rated by the other groups and the teacher with
the use of the rubric.

(The rubric is attached as Appendix B)

4.7 Assignment Research on one reported case of plagiarism. Analyze the case by
identifying the violations committed by the author. Write a reaction
paper about it.
4.8 Concluding Activity (5mins)
Let the students reflect on this:

“Science brings SOCIETY to the next level; ETHICS keep us there.

Dr. Hal Simeroth

5. Remarks

6. Reflections

a. No. of learners who

earned 80% of the
b. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
c. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners
who have caught up with
the lesson
d. No. of learners who
continue to require
e. Which of my learning
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
f. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
g. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with other

Teacher: School: Corella National High School

Ma. Ligaya T. Rapatalo, Ph. D.
Jeson Bustamante
Alfreda Racho
Marlene Estorosas
Maria Grace Tuyac
Position: Division: BOHOL
Contact Number:09103377135 Email address:

Characteristics of Research:

1. Empirical
The research is based on direct observation or experience of the researcher.
2. Logical
Logical research is based on legal principles and procedures in gathering of data.
3. Cyclical
Research starts with a problem and ends with a problem. For instance, a researcher who has
completed his study draws conclusions that dovetail with the findings. Recommendations are
based on the conclusions. If there are two conclusions, there are three recommendations, and
the third recommendation is usually further research.
4. Analytical
Research utilizes proven analytical procedures in collecting data, whether historical, descriptive,
experimental, or case study.
5. Methodical
Research is conducted in an orderly manner without bias, using systematic procedures and
techniques, an appropriate research design, and statistical tool to arrive at a scientific
6. Critical
Research exhibits careful and exact judgment.
7. Replicable
Research designs and procedures are replicated or duplicated using different materials.

Stages of Research/Research Process

I. Thinking Phase
1. Determine the research problem and purpose
2. Establish context
a. Literature review
b. Conceptual/theoretical framework
II. Planning Phase
1. Determine the Research Design
2. Determine the Sampling Procedure
3. Develop and Pilot Test Data Collection Strategies
4. Plan for Data Analysis
5. Address Ethical Considerations
III. Implementing Phase
1. Recruit subjects or respondents
2. Collect data
3. Establish validity and reliability
4. Procure data for analysis
IV. Analyzing Phase
1. Analyze data
a. Quantitative
b. qualitative
2. Interpret the data
V. Utilizing Phase
1. Determine audience and dissemination strategy
2. Apply findings on practical settings


1. Respect for intellectual property. Honor patents, copyrights, and other forms of intellectual
property. Do not use unpublished data, methods, or results without permission. Give proper
acknowledgement or credit for all contributions to research. NEVER PLAGIARIZE!

2. Informed consent

3. Anonymity

4. Privacy

Rubric for the Thematic Show

CRITERIA 4 3 2 1
Content More than 5 4 concepts were 3 concepts were Less than 3
concepts were displayed displayed concepts were
displayed displayed
Creativity 75%-100% 50%-74% creative 25%-49% creative 1%-24% creative
Coordination 0 to 1 instance of 2 to 3 instances of 4 to 5 instances of More than 5
discoordination discoordination discoordination instances of
Participation 75%-100% 50%-74% 25%-49% 1%-24%
participated participated participated participated
Props More than 5 props 4 props were 3 props were Less than 3 props
were displayed displayed displayed were displayed
appropriately appropriately appropriately appropriately.

*Source: Practical Research 1 for Senior High School by Amadeo Crsitobal, Jr. Ed. D and Maura
Consolacion Cristobal, Ed. D.

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