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Teaching Philosophy

I believe the best way to teach children from diverse backgrounds is to incorporate

Universal Design for Learning in my classroom. The classroom should be accessible, inclusive

and children should be able to express what they have learned in different formats. My guiding

references in my teaching include Maria Montessori, who inspires me to create a classroom in

which children can create. Where children have tools and materials that will develop their fine

and gross motor skills. To have culturally relevant materials which children can recognize from

their homes and are able to bring that part of their lives into the classroom. Looking at the child

as a whole, not just a student. Rogoff Socio-Cultural Historical Theory has thought me the

importance of self-reflection in my teaching, what might have worked for certain children will

not work for all. Which is when I should be able to look at myself as a teacher and be able to

adapt and change to be able to reach each child. Most importantly to build bridges and

communicate with the families of the children. To make families realize that we are a team.

Being able to reach each child’s heart and mind might be difficult but not impossible. I

knew in middle school I wanted to be a teacher but, now I know more than ever that I want to be

an Educator.


Sara Robledo Lucas

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