The Impacts of Technology

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University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP)

RWS 1301

November 19, 2018

Efrain Retana


Playing a worldwide role on the development of every individual and the work ethics of

all humans, is technology. It is seen giving a positive impact to many places such as those of the

medical industry. From better surgical equipment, to wearable tech, it is demonstrated that

human’s health care is being developed and is assisting many people in many different ways

such as in the call to emergency quickly, or the monitoring of someone’s health. Some pieces of

equipment have developed systems such as the ECG (Electrocardiogram), which enables people

to check on their heart rhythm patterns or if any of their patterns is abnormal. Another example

of an innovation in the medical industry includes the voice technology now being used. This has

simplified the call for help and the supervision of patients from doctors by just utilizing a simple

command of the voice. Let us not forget about the older age groups and their connection to the

internet and technology, Elders tend to separate from the new, however factual evidence

demonstrates the beneficial impacts that the internet has had on them, increasing their

communication to their doctors, and to their family, and their knowledge of any sort of disease or

issue that they might have.

Keywords: Technology, Medical Industry, Health Care, Voice Technology, Mechanization,


The Impacts of Technology

The improvements of mechanization are highly interconnected to the growth and survival

of the human life, however, why is it that the human race has come to depend on such thing?

Large numbers of people are obsessed with finding reasons to not support any sort of technology

improvements and only find ways to bring science under their shoe. Without any possible

realization of the truth behind its impacts, people have blindfolded themselves from the amazing

wonders tech has provided for everyone. Not only has it helped with the daily issues including

improvement in the lifestyles of each individual’s life, but also has arrived to the point where it

saved those who were not able to be saved by just the human hand. The speed of work, range of

knowledge, and health developments have all been outcomes of the improvements of

mechanization. Truth is, the influence that technology has had on the civilization is one of the

greatest benefits that human kind has ever come see.

The Medical Industry: Incorporation of technology

One of the biggest environments in which mechanization can be largely seen in is the

medical industries. Hospitals have begun to incorporate the usage of wearable technology and

other types of tech in order to strengthen these three principles: assistance, augmentation, and

assessment. Starting off by expanding these three A’s, assistance is aimed to replace tasks that

would increase the doctor’s work efficiency. An example of this is to capture the range-of-

motion date by using sensors that the surgeon is operating in order to obtain more information

that is unable to be obtained by the surgeon in that current situation (Shantz, 2014).

Augmentation, in this context, is a reference of collection of data in real-time at the moment of

surgical and clinical jobs through the utilization of some instruments such as a CT scan, or visual

recognition software in order to aid in an orthopedic trauma, which reveals the true potential

behind image guided surgery, generally improving efficiency and flow (Shantz, 2014). Lastly,

Assessment proves the usage of wearable technology in order to determine the severity of a

disease before, during, or after medical procedures. For example, being able to monitor a

patient’s spinal stenosis in order to detect any disease progression or worsening (Shantz. 2014).

As seen in the article cited above, the goal of medical industries has been to increase the aid to

patients and largely improve their ability to monitor patient’s progress and continue with surgical

procedures. Though the medical industry has been one of the biggest environments with tech, it

hasn’t been the only one.

Figure 1: Surgical
equipment utilized in
current hospitals

CNET: The usage of wearable tech

CNET, one of the biggest websites for reviews, has been focused to make reviews about

new technology and their impacts to the current world and to the way society is composed. Just

like they mention the goods and bad of all the objects, they are more dominant on the benefits of

this new tech. Our current technology has ranged from large cars with autonomous driving which

serve in the decrease of human-error crashes, to watches that are able to supervise an individual’s

health, calorie intake, and exercise amount. Apple, one of the biggest brands in the market, is

known to have produced life changing products, and amongst them is the apple watch series 4.

By Focusing on its strength of the usage of its health benefits, journalist, Scott Stein

(2018) explains how the Apple Watch Series 4 has included an electrocardiogram (ECG), which

announces any abnormal heart rhythm patterns by reading its users heart rhythm accurately

(Apple Watch Series 4 review in progress (updated)), however, some people are wondering, how

is this useful and beneficial? Since the apple watch series 4 has an EKG sensor integrated, people

are able to measure their heart rhythm and can quickly report it if it reaches a life-threatening

situation. Apple has added an Emergency SOS and fall detection, further proving its fast call for

aid. An example of this system in action is when an elderly individual is alone working out and

reaches an irregular heart rhythm pattern; the last thing they expect is to fall or faint while

leaving them immovable on the ground. As the watch detects these patterns, its first instruction is

to call for emergency and send off the location of the person, allowing for them to receive help


Aging: The connection between the world and the elders

There has always been a gap between the elders and the teenagers when it comes to

technology. People with advanced age have

Figure 2: Percentages of distinct
demonstrated their unattachment from age groups in relation to their
access to the internet
complicated instructions

especially those of new,

appealing pieces of equipment.

What has not been explained to

the elders, is that mechanization

is a beneficial impact to their

health and their outer communication with the world. In the book, “The Impact of Technology

on Successful Aging”, Authors Neil Charness , and K. Warner Schaie discuss one of the effects

of allowing for elders to connect to the world through the usage of tech:

For example, the Internet can facilitate linkages between older adults and health care

providers and communication with family members and friends, especially those who are

far away. It is quite common within the United States for family members to be dispersed

among different geographic regions (116).

Teenagers have been able to adapt to the new changes in society quickly because of their

experiences with the current world. On the other hand, older individuals have become used to

their way of living from the past and refuse to adapt new ways of innovation. Though some

people do not relate internet to technology innovation, it is created and engineered to increase to

speed of communication and by means, can be considered new technology. Due to this

communication and transmitting speed, Neil and Warner also reflects how, “Specifically, a

computer-integrated telephone (CTIS) system was used to facilitate the ability of caregivers to

communicate with health care professionals, family members, and other caregivers,” (117). This

system, has also permitted the care givers to connect to the Alzheimer’s resource guide and to be

involved in support groups (117). Some people are unable to be productive especially when

under the slavery of a disease, but there is a solution to this. The internet keeps the work load

low and keeps patients who suffer different conditions in check with their specialists. In the end,

the growth of science has proven to be beneficial in many situations, but it just doesn’t end there.

Health Care vs. Voice Technology

The way our voice is used has evolved as a result of the situations in which it is needed.

Humans have mainly utilized speech as a form of communication, but to what extent was this

being used in that form? From conversations, to calls for help, but looking at this from a different

standpoint, how long would it take to better our forms of communication? One of the biggest

environments, the medical industries, has embodied the usage of the new “voice” technology.

Geoff Parker, author of an article about voice technology, explains, “Then, moving to more

integrated options, voice can also order food, request nursing assistance (and be able to articulate

the reason for the assistance so that nurses can prioritize appropriately), or find out more about

your medical condition from trusted sources such as HealthWise and Health Navigator,” (Parker,

2018). This article continues to further describe how rooms, such as the recovery rooms in the

hospitals, can help patients by calling for help immediately by just receiving a command from

the patients.

Voice technology means that patients won’t have to get up to call for help or can call for

help as soon as the patients require the help. Voice technology has allowed for patients to keep

doctor updated on their progress and their daily journals, “Companies like Amgen have started

adding voice interfaces to make it easier for patients to complete their daily journal, and Orbita is

working with clinical trial data firm ERT to include voice as a component of data collection

(complete surveys, verify completion, and report health concerns),” (Parker, 2018).

Implementation of mechanization in hospitals does not just aim for better equipment, but the

health care of every patient.

Conclusion and Overview

Our integration of technology in the cause for a better world has led to significant

changes in everyone’s lives, our health, knowledge of wellbeing/care, and velocity to accomplish

things. Medical industries throughout the world have incorporated new machines, equipment,

wearable technology and many other forms of tech, which have been of productive use for

surgeons and patients. Voice technology has also allowed for patients to receive aid rapidly and

to be assisted and to keep in touch with their doctors. CNET, has described more benefits of

mechanical gadgets and their contribution to the health of individuals, such as through the usage

of Apple’s new Apple Watch Series 4. Wearable equipment such as this one, keeps watch over

the person using it and ensures its health through a reading called the electrocardiogram. Lastly,

let us not forget about the elders. Most elders have become detached from the society and the

internet, yet, they have not realized that the internet allows for them to stay in check of their

health and to stay contacted with family members. Without a doubt, the usage of technology in

our daily lives has proven to be beneficial yet has not stopped in improving our lives in more



Charness, N., & Schaie, K. W. (2003). Impact of technology on successful aging. Springer

Publishing Company.

CNET (1994). Retrieved from

“Lack of Education About Technology in Hospitals.” 3rd Annual Smart Tech Healthcare 20 – 21

Sep 2018 – Gurugram, 16 July 2018,


Parker, G. (2018). How Voice Technology Will Impact Healthcare. Machine Design, 90(9), 40–


Shantz, J. A. S. & Veillette, C. J. H.(2014).The application of wearable technology in surgery:

ensuring the positive impact of the wearable revolution on surgical patients. Front

Surg,1:39. doi:10.3389/fsurg.2014.

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