Live Your Life With No Regrets

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Live your life with no regrets


Future Self,

This is going to be weird… I am currently writing to you from Maria’s apartment, both of

us doing our homework, listening to music, and listening to the pattering of the rain outside and

the thunder and lightning. So far, your first semester at Loyola has been, well hectic so to say.

You have done a lot: taken your first midterm exams, gone to a semi-formal, gotten into Delta

Sigma Pi, attended a career fair, had an interview with Plante Moran, gotten 2 mentors- Anita

and Kim, gotten out of your comfort zone at parties, gotten an opportunity through Plante Moran

in May to visit and network, you have self-advocated for your goals, you have been humble, you

have asked for help, and you had the courage to let someone in and be vulnerable. These tasks

may have been small, but you have completed a lot already, so I suggest that you keep powering

through. You have also added another major, Information Systems, and you have made plans to

study abroad in Rome.

Life may seem tough at times, but you must keep going, there is nothing stopping you

from achieving your goals except yourself, I hope that you are still ambitious and that you still

try new things. I want you to be able to experience life and not just sit by and watch it go past

you. Make sure that you are still living it to the fullest and that you have no regrets. Make sure

you leave time for you mental health and do things that make you happy. I would hope that you

are working out by now, it HAS been 3 years, if not, you should start…. Anywho, I hope that

you have stayed true to being you, yes you can adapt and change, but I want you to be you, at
your core. The kind, loving, caring, humble man who is also intelligent, but will not let himself

be taken advantage of.

Now, I also want you to understand that life is tough. No one is saying that it isn’t. And

you will have your breakdowns and heartaches, but don’t be stuck. Life goes on. Everything

happens for a reason and you are where you are because you are supposed to be here. Do not

take what you have for granted. You have gotten this far, you are the first person in your

immediate family to get a degree. You should be proud of yourself, you have put in the time,

work, sweat, tears, and effort to be here. All that sacrifice has made you strong, a strong man

who will keep going. I set some goals for you earlier today, 21 goals to shoot for by the time you

have finished at Loyola. Some of them are very attainable, and others, you will have to reach for.

I wish you all the best in your future endeavors. Be strong and keep charging.

Take the risk, or lose the chance

21 Goals by ‘21
1. Attend a show on Broadway (Chicago or New York)
2. Create an (E)Business
3. Bungee Jump
4. Get a painting from France
5. Take 21,000 photos
6. Read 21 books
7. Drive on German AutoBahn
8. Learn how to Ballroom Dance
9. Drive/Go to a Rallying event
10. Go cliff Diving
11. Do a polar bear swim
12. Complete a Half Marathon
13. Get @ least 2 internships
14. Secure a job
15. Have a GPA of 3.75 or better
16. Go on a road trip
17. Visit France, Florence, Venice, Prague
18. Visit California, Oregon, Washington  Drive on HWY 1
19. Mentor to someone
20. Donate Blood
21. Attend a Habitat for Humanity Build

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