Labor Relations Case Digest

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Labor Relations | Czeska Johann G.

Co, SBU-3S

Case Facts Doctrine

Francisco vs Francisco hired as Tests to determine the existence of an E-E relationship:
NLRC accountant, corporate
secretary and liason 1. Right of Control Test - the person for whom the services are performed reserves a
p. 2-3 officer. Her salary was right to control not only the end to be achieved but also the means to be used in reaching
diminished until waley such end.
na. 2. Two-tiered test – involves (1) the putative employer's power to control the employee
with respect to the means and methods by which the work is to be accomplished; and (2)
Kasie Corp claims the underlying economic realities of the activity or relationship.
technical consultant
lang daw siya. The proper standard of economic dependence is whether the worker is dependent on
the alleged employer for his continued employment in that line of business.
Issues: Was there E-E
rel? YES It is apparent that petitioner is economically dependent on respondent corporation for
Was she illegally her continued employment in the latter's line of business.
dismissed? YES
A diminution of pay is prejudicial to the employee and amounts to constructive dismissal.
Sonza vs SONZA and ABS-CBN The elements of an employer- employee relationship are:
ABS-CBS entered into an
agreement. SONZA to (a) the selection and engagement of the employee;
pps. 4-6 be co-host in Mel & Jay (b) the payment of wages;
radio program. (c) the power of dismissal; and
(d) the employer's power to control the employee on the means and methods by which
SONZA resigned from the work is accomplished. (control test)
notice of rescission to The control test is the most important test our courts apply in distinguishing an
ABS-CBN. employee from an independent contractor.

This test is based on the extent of control the hirer exercises over a worker. The greater
the supervision and control the hirer exercises, the more likely the worker is deemed an
employee. The converse holds true as well — the less control the hirer exercises, the more
likely the worker is considered an independent contractor.
Locsin vs Security guards Petitioners remained at their post even after the termination of the Agreement.
PLDT remained in post after
agreement between Respondent dictated upon petitioners that the latter perform their regular duties to
P 6-7 PLDT and Security secure the premises during operating hours.
Services was
terminated. The power of control has been explained as the "right to control not only the end to be
achieved but also the means to be used in reaching such end".
Citibank vs Security agency’s The Labor Arbiter has no jurisdiction over a claim filed where no employer-employee
CA contract was not relationship existed between a company and the security guards assigned to it by a
renewed by Citibank. security service contractor.
p. 7
Security guards A labor dispute "includes any controversy or matter concerning terms of conditions of
threatened to hold a employment or the association or representation of persons in negotiating, fixing,
strike. maintaining, changing or arranging the terms and conditions of employment, regardless
of whether the disputants stand in the proximate relation of employer and employee."
Security guard loitered
around the area. No E-E, no labor dispute. Jurisdiction over the subject matter of the complaint lies with
the regional trial court.
PAL vs NLRC Private respondents, by their length of service and the nature of work performed, had
become regular employees whose services cannot be terminated except for cause and
p. 7-8 that the existence of redundancy renders their dismissal valid and that they are entitled
only to separation pay and not to backwages pursuant to Article 283 of the Labor Code
payable jointly and severally by petitioner and G.C. Services Enterprises.

Labor Relations | Czeska Johann G. Co, SBU-3S

Redundancy, for purposes of our Labor code, exists where the services of an employee
are in excess of what is reasonably demanded by the actual requirements of the
enterprise. Succinctly put, a position is redundant where it is superfluous

Austria vs

Halagueña vs
Services vs
Sec of Labor
Kawachi vs
Del Quero

McBurnie vs

Sara Lee PH
vs Macatlang

Lepanto Substantially compliance with the mandatory requirement of posting an appeal bond is
Consolidated allowed.
Mining vs Icao
This ruling remains faithful to the spirit behind the appeal bond requirement which is to
ensure that workers will receive the money awarded in their favor when the employer's
appeal eventually fails.
Sadol vs The rules of technicality must yield to the broader interest of justice. It is only by giving
Pilipinas Kao due course to the motion for reconsideration that was timely filed that the NLRC may be
able to equitably evaluate the conflicting versions of facts presented by the parties.

Ong vs CA The posting of cash or surety bond is not only mandatory but jurisdictional as well, and
non-compliance therewith is fatal and has the effect of rendering the judgment final and

Cotton Mills
vs CA

Campo rendered against corp. Regular courts have no jurisdiction to hear and decide questions which arise from and are
incidental to the enforcement of decisions, orders, or awards (DOA) rendered in labor
Writ of execution issued cases by appropriate officers and tribunals of the DOLE.
on petiitoner’s conjugal
property, as president The power of the NLRC, or the courts, to execute its judgment extends only to
of the corporation. He properties unquestionably belonging to the judgment debtor alone. A sheriff,
filed an injunction on therefore, has no authority to attach the property of any person except that of the
write of execution. judgment debtor.

PAL vs NLRC The power of the NLRC to issue an injunctive writ originates from "any labor dispute"
upon application by a party thereof, which application if not granted "may cause grave or
irreparable damage to any party or render ineffectual any decision in favor of such party."

It is an essential requirement that there must first be a labor dispute between the
Labor Relations | Czeska Johann G. Co, SBU-3S

contending parties before the labor arbiter.

The jurisdiction of the NLRC in illegal dismissal cases is appellate in nature and,
therefore, it cannot entertain the private respondents' petition for injunction which
challenges the dismissal orders of petitioner.

Pfizer, Inc vs An award or order of reinstatement is immediately self-executory without the need for
Velasco the issuance of a writ of execution.

Even if the order of reinstatement of the Labor Arbiter is reversed on appeal, it is

obligatory on the part of the employer to reinstate and pay the wages of the
dismissed employee during the period of appeal until reversal by the higher court.
Diamond Taxi
vs Llamas

Labor Relations | Czeska Johann G. Co, SBU-3S

Francisco vs NLRC In addition to the standard of right-of-control, the existing

economic conditions prevailing between the parties, like the
FACTS: Petitioner was hired by Kasei Corporation as its
inclusion of the employee in the payrolls, can help in determining
Accountant and Corporate Secretary. She was assigned to
the existence of an employer-employee relationship.
handle all the accounting needs of the company. She was also
designated as Liaison Officer to the City of Makati to secure
2. Two-tiered test – involves (1) the putative employer's power
business permits, construction permits and other licenses for the
to control the employee with respect to the means and methods
initial operation of the company.
by which the work is to be accomplished; and (2) the underlying
economic realities of the activity or relationship.
Although she was designated as Corporate Secretary, she was
not entrusted with the corporate documents.
Takes into consideration the totality of circumstances
surrounding the true nature of the relationship between the
Later, petitioner was designated Acting Manager.
In January 2001, petitioner was replaced as Manager. Petitioner
This is especially appropriate in this case where there is no
alleged that she was required to sign a prepared resolution for
written agreement or terms of reference to base the relationship
her replacement but she was assured that she would still be
on; and due to the complexity of the relationship based on the
connected with Kasei Corporation.
various positions and responsibilities given to the worker over
the period of the latter's employment.
Thereafter, Kasei Corporation reduced her salary by P2,500.00 a
month beginning January up to September 2001 for a total
The determination of the relationship between employer and
reduction of P22,500.00 as of September 2001. Petitioner was
employee depends upon the circumstances of the whole
not paid her mid-year bonus allegedly because the company was
economic activity, such as:
not earning well. On October 2001, petitioner did not receive her
(1) the extent to which the services performed are an integral
salary from the company. She made repeated follow-ups with
part of the employer's business;
the company cashier but she was advised that the company was
(2) the extent of the worker's investment in equipment and
not earning well. When she asked for her salary from the
accountant, she was informed that she is no longer connected
(3) the nature and degree of control exercised by the employer;
with the company.
(4) the worker's opportunity for pro t and loss;
(5) the amount of initiative, skill, judgment or foresight required
She filed a case for illegal dismissal against Kasei Corp.
for the success of the claimed independent enterprise;
(6) the permanency and duration of the relationship between the
Kasei Corp defenses: Petitioner is not an employee of Kasei
worker and the employer; and
Corporation. She was hired as a technical consultant. As
(7) the degree of dependency of the worker upon the employer
technical consultant, she performed her work without control
for his continued employment in that line of business.
and supervision of the company. Petitioner had no daily time
record and she came to the office any time she wanted.
The proper standard of economic dependence is whether the
Petitioner did not go through the usual procedure of selection of
worker is dependent on the alleged employer for his
employees, but her services were engaged through a Board
continued employment in that line of business.
Resolution designating her as technical consultant. The money
she received was her professional fee. Her services were only
Can she be considered an employee under the:
temporary. Not among the list of employees.
Control Test: YES
LA: In favor of Francisco
NLRC: In favor of Francisco
- she was under the direct control and supervision of Seiji
CA: In favor of Kasei Corp
Kamura, the corporation's Technical Consultant.;
- she reported for work regularly and served in various
ISSUES: 1) Whether there was an employer-employee
relationship between petitioner and private respondent Kasei
- performing functions necessary and desirable for the proper
Corporation; and if in the affirmative, (2) Whether petitioner was
operation of the corporation
illegally dismissed.
Economic Reality Test: YES
RULING: 1) Yes
2) Yes
- she had served the company for six years before her dismissal
- receiving check vouchers indicating her salaries/wages,
Tests to determine the existence of an E-E relationship:
benefits, 13th month pay, bonuses and allowances, as well as
deductions and Social Security contributions
1. Right of Control Test - the person for whom the services are
- petitioner's membership in the SSS
performed reserves a right to control not only the end to be
achieved but also the means to be used in reaching such end.
Labor Relations | Czeska Johann G. Co, SBU-3S

It is therefore apparent that petitioner is economically

dependent on respondent corporation for her continued
Sonza vs ABS-CBS
employment in the latter's line of business.
FACTS: ABS-CBN and MJMDC (Mel and Jay Management and
The coverage of Social Security Law is predicated on the Development Corporation) entered into an agreement for Jose Y.
existence of an employer-employee relationship. Sonza ("SONZA") to provide her services exclusively to ABS-CBN
as talent for radio and television as co-host for Mel & Jay radio
The actual nature of petitioner's job was as Kamura's direct program. ABS-CBS would pay SONZA his talent fees.
assistant with the duty of acting as Liaison Officer in
representing the company to secure construction permits, As SONZA resigned from MJMDC, he also sent a letter rescinding
license to operate and other requirements imposed by the agreement to ABS-CBN.
government agencies.
SONZA led a complaint against ABS-CBN before the DOLE for
Based on the foregoing, there can be no other conclusion that his unpaid salaries, separation pay, service incentive leave pay,
petitioner is an employee of respondent Kasei Corporation. She 13th month pay, signing bonus, travel allowance and amounts
was selected and engaged by the company for compensation, due under the Employees Stock Option Plan ("ESOP").
and is economically dependent upon respondent for her
continued employment in that line of business. Her main job LA: Lack of jurisdiction
function involved accounting and tax services rendered to NLRC: the regular courts have jurisdiction and not the NLRC
respondent corporation on a regular basis over an indefinite
period of engagement. Respondent corporation hired and Sonza’s contention: the Labor Arbiter has jurisdiction over the
engaged petitioner for compensation, with the power to dismiss case because he was an employee of ABS-CBN.
her for cause. More importantly, respondent corporation had the
power to control petitioner with the means and methods by ABS-CBN’s contention: the Labor Arbiter has no jurisdiction
which the work is to be accomplished. because SONZA was an independent contractor.

Constructive Dismissal: ISSUE: Is there an employer-employee relationship between

The corporation constructively dismissed petitioner when it
reduced her salary by P2,500 a month from January to RULING: The elements of an employer- employee relationship
September 2001. are:

This amounts to an illegal termination of employment, where (a) the selection and engagement of the employee;
the petitioner is entitled to full backwages. Since the position (b) the payment of wages;
of petitioner as accountant is one of trust and confidence, and (c) the power of dismissal; and
under the principle of strained relations, petitioner is further (d) the employer's power to control the employee on the means
entitled to separation pay, in lieu of reinstatement. and methods by which the work is accomplished.

There is constructive dismissal. The last element, the so-called "control test", is the most
important element.
A diminution of pay is prejudicial to the employee and amounts
to constructive dismissal. Constructive dismissal is an 1. Selection and engagement of the employee
involuntary resignation resulting in cessation of work resorted to
when continued employment becomes impossible, unreasonable The specific selection and hiring of SONZA, because of his
or unlikely; when there is a demotion in rank or a diminution in unique skills, talent and celebrity status not possessed by
pay; or when a clear discrimination, insensibility or disdain by an ordinary employees, is a circumstance indicative, but not
employer becomes unbearable to an employee. conclusive, of an independent contractual relationship. If SONZA
did not possess such unique skills, talent and celebrity status,
ABS-CBN would not have entered into the Agreement with
SONZA but would have hired him through its personnel
department just like any other employee.

2. Payment of Wages

All the talent fees and benefits paid to SONZA were the result of
negotiations that led to the Agreement. If SONZA were ABS-
CBN's employee, there would be no need for the parties to
stipulate on benefits such as "SSS, Medicare, . . . and 13th
month pay" which the law automatically incorporates into
every employer-employee contract. Whatever benefits SONZA
Labor Relations | Czeska Johann G. Co, SBU-3S

enjoyed arose from contract and not because of an employer- First, ABS-CBN engaged SONZA's services specifically to co-host
employee relationship. the "Mel & Jay" programs. ABS-CBN did not assign any other
work to SONZA. How SONZA delivered his lines, appeared on
SONZA's talent fees, amounting to P317,000 monthly in the television, and sounded on radio were outside ABS-CBN's
second and third year, are so huge and out of the ordinary that control. SONZA did not have to render eight hours of work per
they indicate more an independent contractual relationship day.
rather than an employer-employee relationship. ABS-CBN
agreed to pay SONZA such huge talent fees precisely because of ABS-CBN could not dictate the contents of SONZA's script.
SONZA's unique skills, talent and celebrity status not possessed
by ordinary employees. Obviously, SONZA acting alone The clear implication is that SONZA had a free hand on what to
possessed enough bargaining power to demand and receive such say or discuss in his shows provided he did not attack ABS-CBN
huge talent fees for his services. or its interests.

The power to bargain talent fees way above the salary scales of ABS-CBN did not instruct SONZA how to perform his job.
ordinary employees is a circumstance indicative, but not
conclusive, of an independent contractual relationship. ABS-CBN's sole concern was the quality of the shows and their
standing in the ratings. Clearly, ABS-CBN did not exercise
The payment of talent fees directly to SONZA and not to MJMDC control over the means and methods of performance of
does not negate the status of SONZA as an independent SONZA's work.
contractor. The parties expressly agreed on such mode of
payment. ABS-CBN’s power not to broadcast his shows: ABS-CBN was
still obligated to pay SONZA's talent fees.
3. Power of dismissal
ABS-CBN could not dismiss or even discipline SONZA.
For violation of any provision of the Agreement, either party may
terminate their relationship. SONZA failed to show that ABS- ABS-CBN could not terminate or discipline SONZA even if the
CBN could terminate his services on grounds other than means and methods of performance of his work — how he
breach of contract, such as retrenchment to prevent losses as delivered his lines and appeared on television — did not meet
provided under labor laws. ABS-CBN's approval.

This proves that ABS-CBN's control was limited only to the

Even if it suffered severe business losses, ABS-CBN could not result of SONZA's work, whether to broadcast the final
retrench SONZA because ABS-CBN remained obligated to pay product or not. In either case, ABS-CBN must still pay SONZA's
SONZA's talent fees during the life of the Agreement. This talent fees in full until the expiry of the Agreement.
circumstance indicates an independent contractual relationship
between SONZA and ABS-CBN. Since the management did not have control over the manner of
performance of the skills of the artists, it could only control the
SONZA admits that even after ABS-CBN ceased broadcasting his result of the work by deleting objectionable features.
programs, ABS- CBN still paid him his talent fees.
ABS-CBN supplied the equipment and crew: The equipment,
SONZA did not merely resign, he also rescinded the agreement, crew and airtime are not the "tools and instrumentalities"
as president of MJMDC. SONZA needed to perform his job. What SONZA principally
needed were his talent or skills and the costumes necessary for
4. Power of Control his appearance.

Foreign case law was used in analyzing the present case. Second, as to the claim that ABS-CBN subjected SONZA to its
rules and standards of performance:
SONZA is not an employee but an independent contractor.
The Agreement stipulates that SONZA shall abide with the rules
The control test is the most important test our courts apply in and standards of performance "covering talents" of ABS-CBN.
distinguishing an employee from an independent contractor.
The Agreement does not require SONZA to comply with the
This test is based on the extent of control the hirer exercises over rules and standards of performance prescribed for employees of
a worker. The greater the supervision and control the hirer ABS- CBN.
exercises, the more likely the worker is deemed an employee.
The converse holds true as well — the less control the hirer The rules and standards of performance referred to in the
exercises, the more likely the worker is considered an Agreement are those applicable to talents and not to employees
independent contractor. of ABS-CBN.

Labor Relations | Czeska Johann G. Co, SBU-3S

In any event, not all rules imposed by the hiring party on the
hired party indicate that the latter is an employee of the former.
Locsin vs PLDT
SONZA failed to show that these rules controlled his
FACTS: (1990) PLDT and Security and Safety Corporation of the
Philippines (SSCP) entered into a Security Services Agreement
(Agreement) whereby SSCP would provide armed security
Lastly, on claim of exclusivity clause: Being an exclusive talent
guards to PLDT to be assigned to its various offices.
does not by itself mean that SONZA is an employee of ABS-CBN.
Even an independent contractor can validly provide his services
Petitioners were among the security guards posted to a PLDT
exclusively to the hiring party. In the broadcast industry,
exclusivity is not necessarily the same as control.
Respondent issued a letter terminating the agreement.
There is not labor-only contracting.
Despite the termination of the Agreement, however, petitioners
In a labor-only contract, there are three parties involved:
continued to secure the premises of their assigned office. They
(1) the "labor-only" contractor;
were allegedly directed to remain at their post by representatives
(2) the employee who is ostensibly under the employ of the
of respondent.
"labor-only" contractor; and
(3) the principal who is deemed the real employer.
They had pay slips.
Under this scheme, the "labor-only" contractor is the agent of
Petitioners services were terminated.
the principal. The law makes the principal responsible to the
employees of the "labor-only contractor" as if the principal itself
Petitioners filed a complaint before the Labor Arbiter for illegal
directly hired or employed the employees.
dismissal and recovery of money claims such as overtime pay,
holiday pay, premium pay for holiday and rest day, service
There are essentially only two parties involved under the
incentive leave pay, Emergency Cost of Living Allowance, and
Agreement, namely, SONZA and ABS-CBN. MJMDC merely
moral and exemplary damages against PLDT.
acted as SONZA's agent. The Agreement expressly states that
MJMDC acted as the "AGENT" of SONZA.
LA: In favor of petitioners. Petitioners were employees of PLDT
and not SSCP.
The records do not show that MJMDC acted as ABS-CBN's agent.
NLRC: same
CA: reversed 1) SSCP was not a labor-only contractor 2) SSCP
was the one paying petitioners their salaries.
ISSUE: Whether petitioners became employees of respondent
The right of labor to security of tenure as guaranteed in the
after the Agreement between SSCP and respondent was
Constitution arises only if there is an employer-employee
terminated? YES
relationship under labor laws. Not every performance of services
for a fee creates an employer-employee relationship. To hold
that every person who renders services to another for a fee is an
employee — to give meaning to the security of tenure clause —
Petitioners remained at their post even after the termination of
will lead to absurd results.
the Agreement.
Individuals with special skills, expertise or talent enjoy the
Respondent dictated upon petitioners that the latter perform
freedom to offer their services as independent contractors.
their regular duties to secure the premises during operating
The right to life and livelihood guarantees this freedom to
contract as independent contractors. The right of labor to
security of tenure cannot operate to deprive an individual,
This, to our mind and under the circumstances, is sufficient to
possessed with special skills, expertise and talent, of his right to
establish the existence of an employer-employee relationship.
contract as an independent contractor. An individual like an
artist or talent has a right to render his services without any
It is but reasonable to conclude that, with the behest and,
one controlling the means and methods by which he performs
presumably, directive of respondent, petitioners continued with
his art or craft. This Court will not interpret the right of labor to
their services. Evidently, such are indicia of control that
security of tenure to compel artists and talents to render their
respondent exercised over petitioners.
services only as employees. If radio and television program hosts
can render their services only as employees, the station owners
Such power of control has been explained as the "right to
and managers can dictate to the radio and television hosts what
control not only the end to be achieved but also the means to
they say in their shows. This is not conducive to freedom of the
be used in reaching such end".

Labor Relations | Czeska Johann G. Co, SBU-3S

Evidently, respondent having the power of control over CA: in favor of CIGLA, court has no jurisdiction
petitioners must be considered as petitioners' employer — from
the termination of the Agreement onwards — as this was the ISSUE: Who has jurisdiction over the case? RTC
only time that any evidence of control was exhibited by Is there a labor dispute? NO
respondent over petitioners and in light of our ruling in Abella.
Petitioners were entitled to the rights and benefits of RULING: There is no employer-employee relationship.
employees of respondent, including due process requirements
in the termination of their services. The Labor Arbiter has no jurisdiction over a claim filed where
no employer-employee relationship existed between a
PLDT made liable. company and the security guards assigned to it by a security
service contractor.

In this case, it was the security agency El Toro that recruited,

Citibank vs CA hired and assigned the watchmen to their place of work. It was
the security agency that was answerable to Citibank for the
FACTS: Citibank and El Toro Security Agency, Inc. (hereafter El conduct of its guards.
Toro) entered into a contract for the latter to provide security
and protective services to safeguard and protect the bank's THERE IS NO LABOR DISPUTE.
premises, situated at Makati, Metro Manila (1983)
Article 212, paragraph 1 of the Labor Code provides the definition
Citibank renewed the security contract with El Toro yearly until of a "labor dispute". It "includes any controversy or matter
1990. On April 22, 1990, the contract between Citibank and El concerning terms of conditions of employment or the association
Toro expired. or representation of persons in negotiating, fixing, maintaining,
changing or arranging the terms and conditions of employment,
Respondent Citibank Integrated Guards Labor Alliance-SEGA- regardless of whether the disputants stand in the proximate
TUPAS/FSM (hereafter CIGLA) filed with National Conciliation relation of employer and employee."
and Mediation Board (NCMB) a request for preventive
mediation against Citibank for unfair labor practice, dismissal of If at all, the dispute between the Citibank and El Toro security
union officers/members and union bursting. agency is one regarding the termination or non-renewal of the
contract of services. This is a civil dispute. El Toro was an
Citibank served a notice to El Toro that the bank would not independent contractor. Thus, no employer-employee
renew anymore the service agreement with the latter. relationship existed between Citibank and the security guards
Simultaneously, Citibank hired another security agency. members of the union in the security agency who were assigned
to secure the bank's premises and property. Hence, there was
The CIGLA converted its request for preventive mediation into a no labor dispute and no right to strike against the bank.
notice to strike alleging as supplemental issue the mass
dismissal of all union officers and members. Jurisdiction over the subject matter of the complaint lies with
the regional trial court.
The security guards of El Toro considered the non-renewal of El
Toro's service agreement with Citibank as constituting a lockout
and/or a mass dismissal. They threatened to go on strike
against Citibank and picket its premises. PAL vs NLRC
CIGLA filed a notice of strike. Private respondent: National Organization of the Workingmen
(NOWM) is a labor union
Faced with the prospect of disruption of its business operations,
on June 5, 1990, petitioner Citibank filed with the Regional Trial FACTS: Private respondents, together with several others, were
Court, Makati, a complaint for injunction and damages. (pero employed by petitioner pursuant to a service contract with G.C.
wait, why gauna ilang suit????) Services Enterprises.

CIGLA’s contention: The Court has no jurisdiction They were consequently dismissed upon the termination of the
service contract.
Citibank’s contention: There is no employer-employee
relationship between Citibank and the security guards PAL decided to give G.C. Services employees the opportunity to
represented by respondent CIGLA and that there is no "labor apply as regular employees
dispute" in the subject controversy. The security guards were
employees of El Toro security agency, not of Citibank. Its service PAL reemployed 23 original complainants, but the remaining 12,
contract with Citibank had expired and not renewed. including private respondents, were not absorbed because
there were no more available vacant positions.
RTC: Court has jurisdiction, in favor of Citibank

Labor Relations | Czeska Johann G. Co, SBU-3S

Those who were not hired filed the instant complaint for illegal and the superfluity of a position or positions may be the outcome
dismissal. of a number of factors, such as over-hiring of workers . . . The
employer has no legal obligation to keep in its payroll more
Respondents’ contention: PAL is their real employer, G.C. employees than are necessary for the operation of its business.
Services is only an agent of PAL because it does not have
substantial capital; they were supervised, directed and controlled The services of private respondents were already in excess of
by PAL regular employees, They were illegally dismissed. what is reasonably demanded by the actual manpower
requirement of petitioner.
PAL’s contention: It cannot be compelled to give employment
to a greater number of persons than the economic operations of 4. Respondents are entitled only to separation pay and not to
its business requires. backwages

LA: G.C. Services is a labor-only contractor and a mere agent of

PAL, respondents are employees of PAL. Termination was illegal. Art 298: On the other hand, an employee whose services is
NLRC: Same terminated due to any under Article 283 is "entitled to a
separation pay equivalent to at least his one (1) month pay or to
ISSUE: W/N there is an E-E Relationship between respondents at least one (1) month pay for every year of service, whichever is
and PAL? YEP higher".

Were they illegally dismissed? Who knows?

5. G.C. Services Enterprises is jointly and severally liable
The reason is that G.C. Services Enterprises, being a 'labor only'
1. Respondents were employees of PAL. G.C. Services is a contractor, is merely an agent of the petitioner (the employer);
mere labor-only contractor. the resultant "liability must be shouldered by either one or
shared by both". 20 Hence, petitioner cannot avoid liability by
Private respondents were performing work and activities which invoking its Service Agreement with G.C. Services Enterprises
are directly related to its nature of business. Their jobs are considering that here the liability is imposed by law.
directly necessary to the daily operation of petitioner's business.

They worked for a period ranging from 1 year and 4 months to 11

years and 10 months as clerks, carpenters, painters, electricians McBurnie
and assigned them to its maintenance shop and were supervised, Sara Lee
directed and controlled by PAL regular employees.

G.C. Services Enterprises is merely a "labor-only" contractor who

acted as mere supplier of manpower for petitioner at its
maintenance department. Lepanto Consolidated Mining Corp vs
2. Respondents are deemed regular employees. Icao
GR No. 196047, January 15, 2014
Further, private respondents, having performed activities which CJ Sereno
are directly related to petitioner's business, are deemed regular
employees of petitioner pursuant to Article 280 of the Labor FACTS: Private respondent was a lead miner in one of
Code. petitioner’s mines. He was charged with "highgrading" or the act
of concealing, possessing or unauthorized extraction of
What the fork is redundancy??? What??? Labor term ba to? There is highgrade material/ore without proper authority. Private
redundancy. So yeah pabalik balik. SO whut? respondent denied the charge. Consequently, he was dismissed
from his work.
3. The existence of redundancy renders their dismissal valid
Btw, a hearing was conducted by the company.
Termination was legal.
Respondent filed a complaint for illegal dismissal and damages
Redundancy is an authorized cause for termination under against petitioner Lepanto and its CEO, Felipe Uy before the
Article 283. Arbitration Branch of the NLRC.

Redundancy, for purposes of our Labor code, exists where the LA: Illegal dismissal. Full backwages and separation pay.
services of an employee are in excess of what is reasonably
demanded by the actual requirements of the enterprise. Petitioner and its CEO led an Appearance with Memorandum of
Succinctly put, a position is redundant where it is superfluous Appeal before the NLRC.

Labor Relations | Czeska Johann G. Co, SBU-3S

While it is true that the procedure undertaken by petitioner is

Instead of posting the required appeal bond, petitioner and its not provided under the Labor Code or in the NLRC Rules, we
CEO they led a Consolidated Motion for Release of Cash Bond rule that petitioner substantially complied with the
and to Apply Bond Subject for Release As Payment for Appeal mandatory requirement of posting an appeal bond for the
Bond (Consolidated Motion). reasons explained below.

They requested therein that the NLRC release the cash bond First, there is no question that the appeal was filed within the 10-
which they had posted in the separate case and apply that same day reglementary period. Except for the alleged failure to post
cash bond to their present appeal bond liability. They reasoned an appeal bond, the appeal to the NLRC was therefore in order.
that since this Court had already decided Dangiw Siggaao in their
favor, and that the ruling therein had become final and Second, it is also undisputed that petitioner has an
executory, the cash bond posted therein could now be released. unencumbered amount of money in the form of cash in the
custody of the NLRC.
They also cited financial difficulty as a reason for resorting to
this course of action and prayed that, in the interest of justice, Under the Rule VI, Section 6 of the 2005 NLRC Rules, "[a] cash or
the motion be granted. surety bond shall be valid and effective from the date of
deposit or posting, until the case is finally decided, resolved or
NLRC: Dismissed the appeal for non-perfection. They failed to terminated, or the award satisfied."
post the required appeal bond equivalent to the monetary award.
Hence, it is clear that a bond is encumbered and bound to a case
The Consolidated Motion for the release of the cash bond in only for as long as 1) the case has not been finally decided,
another case (Dangiw Siggaao), for the purpose of applying the resolved or terminated; or 2) the award has not been satisfied.
same bond to the appealed case before it, could not be Therefore, once the appeal is finally decided and no award
considered as compliance with the requirement to post the needs to be satisfied, the bond is automatically released. Since
required appeal bond, as the application or posting is subject the money is now unencumbered, the employer who posted it
to the condition that the cash bond would be released. should now have unrestricted access to the cash which he may
now use as he pleases — as appeal bond in another case, for
Consequently, it declared the labor arbiter's Decision to be final instance. This is what petitioner simply did.
and executory.
Third, the cash bond in the amount of P401,610.84 posted in
Petitioner’s contention: They had tried to comply in good faith Dangiw Siggaao is more than enough to cover the appeal bond in
with the requisite appeal bond by trying to produce a cash bond the amount of P345,879.45 required in the present case.
anew and also to procure a new surety bond. However, after
canvassing several bonding companies, the costs have proved to Fourth, this ruling remains faithful to the spirit behind the appeal
be prohibitive. bond requirement which is to ensure that workers will receive the
money awarded in their favor when the employer's appeal
ISSUE: Whether or not petitioner complied with the appeal eventually fails. There was no showing at all of any attempt on
bond requirement under the Labor Code and the NLRC Rules by the part of petitioner to evade the posting of the appeal bond.
ling a Consolidated Motion to release the cash bond it posted in On the contrary, petitioner's move showed a willingness to
another case, which had been decided with finality in its favor, comply with the requirement. Hence, the welfare of Icao is
with a view to applying the same cash bond to the present case. adequately protected.

RULING: Yes In this case we are not even exempting petitioner from the
rule, as in fact we are enforcing compliance with the posting of
Intro: An appeal is not a matter of right, but is a mere statutory an appeal bond. We are simply liberally applying the rules on
privilege. It may be availed of only in the manner provided by law what constitutes compliance with the requirement, given the
and the rules. Thus, a party who seeks to exercise the right to special circumstances surrounding the case as explained above.
appeal must comply with the requirements of the rules;
otherwise, the privilege is lost.

The intention Sadol vs Pilipinas Kao, Inc.

of the lawmakers to make the bond an indispensable requisite for GR No. 87530, June 13, 1990
the perfection of an appeal by the employer, is clearly limned in Justice Gancayco
the provision that an appeal by the employer may be perfected
"only upon the posting of a cash or surety bond." The word "only" FACTS: Petitioner was a laborer of private respondents. He was
makes it perfectly clear, that the lawmakers intended the posting allegedly summarily dismissed. he filed a complaint for
of a cash or surety bond by the employer to be the exclusive reinstatement and backwages with the DOLE Regional Office of
means by which an employer's appeal may be perfected. CDO.

Labor Relations | Czeska Johann G. Co, SBU-3S

The labor arbiter ordered all parties to submit their position allowed to resume the employment which he unceremoniously
papers. abandoned.

Only petitioner complied.

Petitioner filed an urgent motion that the failure of respondent Ong vs CA

to file their position papers is a waiver and so judgment should be GR No. 152493, September 22, 2004
rendered in favor of petitioner.
FACTS: Petitioner is the sole proprietor of Milestone Metal
LA rendered a decision: ordering private respondents to jointly Manufacturing (Milestone), which manufactures, among others,
and solidarily pay petitioner his separation pay wearing apparels, belts, and umbrellas.

Petitioner appealed. Sometime in May 1998, the business suffered very low sales and
PKI appealed. productivity because of the economic crisis in the country.
Hence, it adopted a rotation scheme by reducing the workdays of
NLRC: PKI’s appeal was dismissed. PKI was ordered to reinstate its employees to three days a week or less for an indefinite
petitioner to his former position with full backwages from the period.
time of dismissal up to his actual reinstatement.
The 15 respondents filed before the NLRC complaints for illegal
Respondent PKI filed MR on the dismissal of the appeal. dismissal, underpayment of wages, non- payment of overtime
pay, holiday pay, service incentive leave pay, 13th month pay,
NLRC: case is dismissed for lack of merit. No illegal dismissal. damages, and attorney's fees against petitioner.

Petitioner filed MR. The cases were consolidated.

Petitioner’s contention: respondent's appeal having been filed Petitioner contentions: Some were not employees of Milestone
out of time its motion for reconsideration of the decision should and the rest were not dismissed from employment; rather, they
not have been entertained as it raised issues for the first on refused to work after the rotation scheme was adopted.
appeal which were not raised before the labor arbiter.
LA: Respondents were illegally dismissed. Awarded monetary
ISSUE: Whether or not a party who failed to appeal from a award of separation pay.
decision of the labor arbiter to the National Labor Relations
Commission (NLRC) within the ten (10) day reglementary period Petitioner filed with the NLRC a notice of appeal with a
can still participate in a separate appeal timely interposed by the memorandum of appeal and paid the docket fees therefor.
adverse party by filing a motion for reconsideration of a decision However, instead of posting the required cash or surety bond,
of the NLRC on such appeal?? he filed a motion to reduce the appeal bond.

Otherwise stated, having lost the right to appeal can respondent NLRC: Denied the motion to reduce bond and dismissed the
PKI file a motion for reconsideration of said decision? appeal for failure to post cash or surety bond within the
reglementary period.
Petitioner content that the amount of the bond was unjustified
The rules of technicality must yield to the broader interest of and prohibitive.
justice. It is only by giving due course to the motion for
reconsideration that was timely filed that the NLRC may be ISSUE: Was the petitioner deprived of the chance to post bond
able to equitably evaluate the conflicting versions of facts because the NLRC took 102 days to decide his motion?
presented by the parties.
The decision of the labor arbiter became final by the failure to
respondent PKI to appeal on time, and the NLRC may no longer Time and again it has been held that the right to appeal is not a
amend, modify, much less set aside the same. However, this natural right or a part of due process, it is merely a statutory
posture is correct insofar as respondent PKI is concerned. privilege, and may be exercised only in the manner and in
accordance with the provisions of law. The party who seeks to
As petitioner had filed a timely appeal, the NLRC had jurisdiction avail of the same must comply with the requirements of the
to give due course to his appeal and render the decision of rules. Failing to do so, the right to appeal is lost.
August 28, 1988, a copy of which was furnished respondents.
Art 223 of the Labor Code and the New Rules of Procedure of the
Findings in administrative case: complainant abandoned his job NLRC provides that an appeal by the employer may be perfected
to look for greener pastures and it was only when he failed to find only upon the posting of a cash or surety bond.
such opportunity that he came back to demand that he be

Labor Relations | Czeska Johann G. Co, SBU-3S

Section 6, Rule VI of the NLRC's New Rules of Procedure allows

the Commission to reduce the amount of the bond, the exercise
of the authority is not a matter of right on the part of the movant Yupangco
but lies within the sound discretion of the NLRC upon showing of
meritorious grounds.
Ando vs Campo
The NLRC did not act with grave abuse of discretion when it
GR No. 184007, February 16, 2011
denied petitioner's motion for the same failed to either elucidate
Justice Nachura
why the amount of the bond was "unjustified and prohibitive" or
to indicate what would be a "reasonable level."
FACTS: Petitioner was the president of Premier Allied and
Contracting Services, Inc. (PACSI), an independent labor
"A substantial monetary award, even if it runs into millions, does
not necessarily give the employer-appellant a "meritorious case"
and does not automatically warrant a reduction of the appeal
Respondents were hired by PACSI as pilers or haulers tasked to
manually carry bags of sugar from the warehouse of Victorias
Milling Company and load them on trucks.
In a judgment involving a monetary award, the appeal shall be
perfected only upon (1) proof of payment of the required appeal
Respondents were dismissed from employment.
fee; (2) posting of a cash or surety bond issued by a reputable
bonding company; and (3) ling of a memorandum of appeal. A
They filed a case for illegal dismissal and some money claims
mere notice of appeal without complying with the other
with the NLRC Regional Arbitration Branch in Bacolod City.
requisites mentioned shall not stop the running of the period for
perfection of appeal.
LA: in favor of respondents. PACSI and petitioner were directed
to pay a total of P422,702.28, representing respondents'
The posting of cash or surety bond is not only mandatory but
separation pay and the award of attorney's fees.
jurisdictional as well, and non-compliance therewith is fatal
and has the effect of rendering the judgment final and
Petitioner and PACSI appealed to the NLRC.
NLRC: Petitioner failed to perfect his appeal because he did not
The word "only" makes it perfectly clear that the lawmakers
pay the supersedeas bond. Affirmed.
intended the posting of a cash or surety bond by the employer to
be the exclusive means by which an employer's appeal may be
NLRC Sheriff issued a Notice of Sale on Execution of Personal
Property on the property of petitioner.
Petitioner did NOT seasonably file the appeal bond.
This prompted petitioner to file an action for prohibition and
damages with prayer for the issuance of a temporary restraining
The fact that the NLRC took 102 days to resolve the motion will
order (TRO) in the RTC.
not help petitioner's case. The NLRC Rules clearly provide that
"the ling of the motion to reduce bond shall not stop the running
Petitioner claimed: the property belonged to him and his wife, in
of the period to perfect appeal."
their personal capacities, not to the corporation, and, hence,
could not be subject of the execution sale. Since it is the
In the alternative, he should have paid only a moderate and
corporation that was the judgment debtor, execution should be
reasonable sum for the premium, as we have held in
made on the latter's properties.
RTC: Denied TRO. RTC had no jurisdiction. Pursuant to the NLRC
While the bond requirement on appeals involving monetary
Manual on the Execution of Judgment, petitioner's remedy was
awards has been relaxed in certain cases, this can only be done
to file a third-party claim with the NLRC Sheriff.
where there was substantial compliance of the Rules or where
the appellants, at the very least, exhibited willingness to pay by
Petitioner: He argues that he was never sued in his personal
posting a partial bond.
capacity, but in his representative capacity as president of PACSI.
In the case at bar, petitioner did not post a full or partial
appeal bond within the prescribed period, thus, no appeal was
1. Does the RTC does not have jurisdiction to restrain the
perfected from the decision of the Labor Arbiter. For this
implementation of the writ of execution issued by the
reason, the decision sought to be appealed to the NLRC had
Labor Arbiter? NO
become final and executory and therefore immutable. Clearly,
2. May the property be levied? NO
then, the NLRC has no authority to entertain the appeal, much
less to reverse the decision of the Labor Arbiter.

Labor Relations | Czeska Johann G. Co, SBU-3S

1. The RTC does not have jurisdiction to restrain the

implementation of the writ of execution issued by the Labor 2. Since he was sued in a representative capacity, and not in
Arbiter. his personal capacity, the property could not be made to
answer for the judgment obligation of the corporation.
Regular courts have no jurisdiction to hear and decide questions
which arise from and are incidental to the enforcement of Even if we consider petitioner as an agent of the corporation and
decisions, orders, or awards (DOA) rendered in labor cases by therefore, not a stranger to the case — the property was
appropriate officers and tribunals of the DOLE. registered not only in the name of petitioner but also of his wife.
She stands to lose the property subject of execution without ever
The NLRC Manual on the Execution of Judgment that governs being a party to the case. This will be tantamount to deprivation
any question on the execution of a judgment of that body. of property without due process.

The Rules of Court apply ONLY by analogy or in a suppletory Moreover, the power of the NLRC, or the courts, to execute its
character. judgment extends only to properties unquestionably
belonging to the judgment debtor alone. A sheriff, therefore,
Difference with NLRC Manual and ROC: has no authority to attach the property of any person except that
of the judgment debtor. Likewise, there is no showing that the
ROC: sheriff ever tried to execute on the properties of the corporation.

NLRC Manual: deals specifically with third-party claims in cases In sum, while petitioner availed himself of the wrong remedy
brought before that body. to vindicate his rights, nonetheless, justice demands that this
Court look beyond his procedural missteps and grant the
Defines Third-party claim as one where a person, not a party to
the case, asserts title to or right to the possession of the property
levied upon.
Petitioner's complaint is a third-party claim within the GR No. 120567, March 20, 1998
cognizance of the NLRC. Justice Martinez

Petitioner may indeed be considered a "third party" in relation to FACTS:

the property subject of the execution vis-à-vis the Labor
Arbiter's decision. Private respondents are flight stewards of the petitioner. (2 sila
The property belongs to petitioner and his wife, and not to the
corporation. Both were dismissed from the service for their alleged
involvement in the currency smuggling in Hong Kong. Aggrieved
It can be said that the property belongs to the conjugal by said dismissal, private respondents filed with the NLRC a
partnership, not to petitioner alone. Thus, the property belongs petition for injunction.
to a third party,i.e., the conjugal partnership. At the very least,
the Court can consider that petitioner's wife is a third party Respondents also asked for reinstatement.
within contemplation of the law.
Cause of dismissal: alleged violation of the Code of Discipline
The present controversy arose from the complaint for illegal
dismissal. The subject matter of petitioner's complaint is the NLRC: issued a temporary mandatory injunction enjoining
execution of the NLRC decision. Execution is an essential part of petitioner to cease and desist from enforcing its Memorandum of
the proceedings before the NLRC. Dismissal.

Jurisdiction, once acquired, continues until the case is finally Sabi niya: “private respondents are left "with no speedy and
terminated, and there can be no end to the controversy adequate remedy at law" except the issuance of a temporary
without the full and proper implementation of the mandatory injunction” Cited Article 218 (e) of the Labor Code.
commission's directives.
Petitioners contention: The NLRC has no jurisdiction to issue an
Also, injunction or restraining order since this may be issued only
Labor Code: ART. 254. INJUNCTION PROHIBITED. under Article 218 of the Labor Code if the case involves or arises
— No temporary or permanent injunction or from labor disputes.
restraining order in any case involving or growing
out of labor disputes shall be issued by any court
or other entity, except as otherwise provided in NLRC: What we have here is a LABOR DISPUTE mga bes!
Articles 218 and 264 of this Code. Quoting: “If security of tenure is not a "term or condition of

Labor Relations | Czeska Johann G. Co, SBU-3S

employment, what then is?” Charot. Infainess galling mag reason

ng NLRC dito. The petition for injunction directly filed before the NLRC is in
reality an action for illegal dismissal.
Quote ko to kasi gusto ko but you may disregard: “Article 218 (e)
of the Labor Code clearly envisioned adequacy, and not plain The petition should have been filed with the labor arbiter who
availability of a remedy at law as an alternative bar to the has the original and exclusive jurisdiction to hear and decide the
issuance of an injunction.” case. – this is the ordinary and proper recourse of the illegally
dismissed employee.
ISSUE: Can the NLRC without a complaint for illegal dismissal
filed before the labor arbiter, entertain an action for injunction The jurisdiction of the labor arbiter is both original and
and issue such writ enjoining petitioner Philippine Airlines, Inc. exclusive, meaning, no other officer or tribunal can take
from enforcing its Orders of dismissal against private cognizance of, hear and decide any of the cases in Article 217 (a).
respondents, and ordering petitioner to reinstate the private
respondents to their previous positions?  In short, the jurisdiction of the NLRC in illegal
dismissal cases is appellate in nature and, therefore, it
RULING: No. cannot entertain the private respondents' petition for
injunction which challenges the dismissal orders of
 The power of the NLRC to issue an injunctive writ petitioner.
originates from "any labor dispute" upon application
by a party thereof, which application if not granted The New Rules of Procedure of the NLRC makes injunction only
"may cause grave or irreparable damage to any party an ancillary remedy in ordinary labor disputes.
or render ineffectual any decision in favor of such
party." In this case, the respondents disregarded this rule and went
directly with the NLRC.

Introduction: Generally, injunction is a preservative remedy for In fact, the preliminary mandatory injunction prayed for by the
the protection of one's substantive rights or interest. It is not a private respondents in their petition before the NLRC can also be
cause of action in itself but merely a provisional remedy, an entertained by the labor arbiter. Bat di nyo kasi siya binigyan ng
adjunct to a main suit. It is resorted to only when there is a chance!
pressing necessity to avoid injurious consequences which cannot
be remedied under any standard of compensation.  There is no showing of any urgency or irreparable injury
which the private respondents might suffer
The application of the injunctive writ rests upon the existence of
an emergency or of a special reason before the main case be An injury is considered irreparable if it is of such constant and
regularly heard. The essential conditions for granting such frequent recurrence that no fair and reasonable redress can be
temporary injunctive relief are that 1) the complaint alleges facts had therefor in a court of law, or where there is no standard by
which appear to be sufficient to constitute a proper basis for which their amount can be measured with reasonable accuracy,
injunction and 2) that on the entire showing from the contending that is, it is not susceptible of mathematical computation.
parties, the injunction is reasonably necessary to protect the
legal rights of the plaintiff pending the litigation. Injunction is It is considered irreparable injury when it cannot be adequately
also a special equitable relief granted only in cases where compensated in damages due to the nature of the injury itself or
there is no plain, adequate and complete remedy at law. the nature of the right or property injured or when there exists no
certain pecuniary standard for the measurement of damages.
"Labor dispute" is defined as "any controversy or matter
concerning terms and conditions of employment or the  In the case at bar, the alleged injury which private
association or representation of persons in negotiating, fixing, respondents stand to suffer by reason of their alleged
maintaining, changing, or arranging the terms and conditions of illegal dismissal can be adequately compensated.
employment regardless of whether or not the disputants stand in
the proximate relation of employers and employees." Petition granted.

 Taking into account the foregoing definitions, it is an

essential requirement that there must first be a labor
dispute between the contending parties before the Pfizer, Inc vs Velasco
labor arbiter. GR No. 177467, March 9, 2011
Justice Leonardo-De Castro
 In the present case, there is no labor dispute between
the petitioner and private respondents as there has FACTS: Private respondent Geraldine L. Velasco was employed
yet been no complaint for illegal dismissal filed with the by Pfizer as a Professional Health Care Representative. Due to
labor arbiter by the private respondents against the the complications brought by her pregnancy, she had to take a
petitioner. leave of absence for several times. While still on leave, she

Labor Relations | Czeska Johann G. Co, SBU-3S

received 3 “Show- cause Notice” about an investigation being a bond by the employer shall not stay the execution for
conducted on her due to “unauthorized deals” and unauthorized reinstatement.
discounts. She denied all the charges and explained her side.
PFIZER did not immediately admit respondent back to work
Velasco filed a complaint for illegal suspension with money which, according to the law, should have been done as soon as an
claims before the Regional Arbitration Branch. order or award of reinstatement is handed down by the Labor
Arbiter without need for the issuance of a writ of execution.
Pfizer dismissed respondent. Thus, respondent was entitled to the wages paid to her under the
aforementioned writ of execution.
LA: Velasco was illegally dismissed, ordering her reinstatement
with backwages and further awarding damages. 2. Pfizer cannot be said to have reinstated respondent
to her FORMER POSITION, under the same terms
NLRC: Affirmed but deleted damages. and conditions. REINSTATEMENT WAS NOT UNDER
THE same terms and conditions as her previous
Both appealed. Respondent appealed because her award of employment.
damages was removed.
PFIZER ordered respondent to report to its main office in Makati
CA: dismissal was valid but Pfizer should pay her wages from the City while knowing fully well that respondent's previous job had
date of the LA decision up to the CA. her stationed in Baguio City (respondent's place of residence)
and it was still necessary for respondent to be briefed regarding
Pfizer’s contention: there was no unjustified refusal on its part her work assignments and responsibilities, including her
to reinstate respondent, it had already required respondent to relocation benefits.
report for work but respondent refused to work when she wrote
PFIZER, through counsel, that she was opting to receive her  Under Article 223 of the Labor Code, an employee
separation pay and to avail of PFIZER's early retirement program. entitled to reinstatement 1) "shall either be admitted
back to work under the same terms and conditions
Another contention: it had already previously paid an enormous prevailing prior to his dismissal or 2) separation or, at
sum to respondent under the writ of execution issued by the 3) the option of the employer, merely reinstated in the
Labor Arbiter; it would purportedly be tantamount to allowing payroll.
respondent to choose "payroll reinstatement" when by law it was
the employer which had the right to choose between actual and Reinstatement means restoration to a state or condition from
payroll reinstatement; which one had been removed or separated. The person
reinstated assumes the position he had occupied prior to his
Another prayer: Annul the award of backwages and separation dismissal. Reinstatement presupposes that the previous position
pay and require respondent to refund the amount she collected from which one had been removed still exists, or that there is an
un filled position which is substantially equivalent or of similar
ISSUE: Can wages be ordered to be paid even when the dismissal nature as the one previously occupied by the employee.
was found to be valid? Yes.
 In this instance, there was no real, bona de
Should PAL be refunded? No. reinstatement to speak of.

RULING: Yes A transfer of work assignment without any justification therefor,

even if respondent would be presumably doing the same job with
1. The previous payment to respondent under the Writ of the same pay, cannot be deemed faithful compliance with the
Execution is not the WAGES to be paid. reinstatement order.

Due to PFIZER's unreasonable delay in complying with the 3. The option of the employer to effect actual or payroll
reinstatement order of the Labor Arbiter, reinstatement must be exercised in good faith.

PFIZER required respondent to report for work almost 2 years 4. However, reinstatement may no longer be possible in
from the time the order of reinstatement by the Labor Arbiter's certain circumstances.
In the event, however, that reinstatement is no longer feasible,
TIME AND AGAIN, an award or order of reinstatement is or if the employee decides not be reinstated, the employer shall
immediately self-executory without the need for the issuance pay him separation pay in lieu of reinstatement. Such a rule is
of a writ of execution. likewise observed in the case of a:
A. Strained employer-employee relationship or
An award [by the Labor Arbiter] for reinstatement shall be B. When the work or position formerly held by the
immediately executory even pending appeal and the posting of dismissed employee no longer exists.

Labor Relations | Czeska Johann G. Co, SBU-3S

In sum, an illegally dismissed employee is entitled to: (1) either The refund doctrine disregards social justice principles. It is
reinstatement if viable or separation pay if reinstatement is no unduly favorable to management. UNFAIR UNFAIR siya.
longer viable, and (2) backwages.
The Court reaffirms the prevailing principle that even if the
5. Respondent's decision to claim separation pay over order of reinstatement of the Labor Arbiter is reversed on
reinstatement had no legal effect because the appeal, it is obligatory on the part of the employer to reinstate
employer chose not to act on said claim. and pay the wages of the dismissed employee during the
period of appeal until reversal by the higher court.
Dapat si employee without fear to refunding the salaries.
PFIZER's failure to effect reinstatement and accept respondent's
offer to terminate her employment relationship with the
company meant that, prior to the Court of Appeals' reversal in Diamond Taxi
the November 23, 2005 Decision, PFIZER's liability for backwages
continued to accrue for the period not covered by the writ of
execution dated May 24, 2005 until November 23, 2005.

Genuino vs NLRC – upheld the refund doctrine

Garcia vs Philippine Airlines, Inc, - more in accord with the

dictates of fairness and justice; NO refund

Even if the order of reinstatement of the Labor Arbiter is

reversed on appeal, it is obligatory on the part of the employer to
reinstate and pay the wages of the dismissed employee during
the period of appeal until reversal by the higher court. On the
other hand, if the employee has been reinstated during the
appeal period and such reinstatement order is reversed with
finality, the employee is not required to reimburse whatever
salary he received for he is entitled to such, more so if he
actually rendered services during the period.

Does this constitute unjust enrichment? No.

It would otherwise render inutile the rationale of reinstatement
pending appeal.

Pursuant to the same power (police power), the State may

authorize an immediate implementation, pending appeal, of a
decision reinstating a dismissed or separated employee since
that saving act is designed to stop, although temporarily since
the appeal may be decided in favor of the appellant, a
continuing threat or danger to the survival or even the life of
the dismissed or separated employee and his family.

The "refund doctrine" easily demonstrates how a favorable

decision by the Labor Arbiter could harm, more than help, a
dismissed employee.

The employee, to make both ends meet, would necessarily have

to use up the salaries received during the pendency of the
appeal, only to end up having to refund the sum in case of a nal
unfavorable decision.

The sum is better left unspent if ganyan.


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