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Acid-Base and Electrolyte Teaching Case

Approach to the Treatment of Methanol Intoxication

Jeffrey A. Kraut, MD

Methanol intoxication is an uncommon but serious poisoning. Its adverse effects are due primarily to the impact
of its major metabolite formic acid and lactic acid resulting from cellular hypoxia. Symptoms including abdominal
pain and loss of vision can appear a few hours to a few days after exposure, reflecting the time necessary for
accumulation of the toxic byproducts. In addition to a history of exposure, increases in serum osmolal and anion
gaps can be clues to its presence. However, increments in both parameters can be absent depending on the
nature of the toxic alcohol, time of exposure, and coingestion of ethanol. Definitive diagnosis requires mea-
surement with gas or liquid chromatography, which are laborious and expensive procedures. Tests under study to
detect methanol or its metabolite formate might facilitate the diagnosis of this poisoning. Treatment can include
administration of ethanol or fomepizole, both inhibitors of the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase to prevent for-
mation of its metabolites, and hemodialysis to remove methanol and formate. In this Acid-Base and Electrolyte
Teaching Case, a patient with methanol intoxication due to ingestion of model airplane fuel is described, and the
value and limitations of current and new diagnostic and treatment measures are discussed.
Am J Kidney Dis. -(-):---. Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of the National Kidney Foundation, Inc. This
is a US Government Work. There are no restrictions on its use.

INDEX WORDS: Toxic alcohols; serum osmolal gap; serum anion gap; fomepizole; methanol; methanol
intoxication; ethanol; hemodialysis.

in Table 1 and revealed a low serum bicarbonate level, elevated

Note from the editors: This article is part of a series of invited serum osmolality and osmolal gap, and increased serum creatinine
case discussions highlighting either the diagnosis or treat- level. The latter was shown to be due to laboratory error caused
ment of acid-base and electrolyte disorders. by interference of nitromethane in the airplane fuel with serum
creatinine measurement as performed by the usual Jaffé method.11
INTRODUCTION Additional Investigations
Methanol intoxication can cause severe cellular Urinalysis showed no cells or crystals. Serum acetaminophen,
dysfunction and death,1 primarily due to the accu- ethyl alcohol, acetone, and isopropyl alcohol results were negative.
Methanol concentration obtained on admission reported 2 days
mulation of organic acids and their anions produced later was 71 mg/dL.
by its metabolism.2-4 Effective methods of treatment
that include administering inhibitors of the enzyme Diagnosis
alcohol dehydrogenase to prevent its metabolism5 and Acute methanol intoxication.
hemodialysis6 to remove it and its toxic metabolites Clinical Follow-up
from the body are readily available. However,
The patient initially was given fomepizole and dialyzed for 4
recognition of the intoxication is often hampered by hours. Additional doses of fomepizole were given and dialysis was
the lack of specific signs and symptoms and the
limitation of present diagnostic modalities.7 Although
mortality is low if treatment is initiated promptly,8 a From the Medical and Research Services Veterans Adminis-
delay can cause it to increase to as high as 44%.9,10 tration Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System, UCLA Membrane
In this Acid-Base and Electrolyte Teaching Case, a Biology Laboratory, and Division of Nephrology, Veterans
Administration Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System, and
case of methanol intoxication is presented, which was
David Geffen School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA.
previously reported by Rastogi et al,11 and current Received October 16, 2015. Accepted in revised form February
methods of diagnosis and treatment are discussed. 4, 2016.
Because the author of this article is the editor for this feature,
CASE REPORT the peer-review and decision-making processes were handled
without his participation. Details of the journal’s procedures for
Clinical History and Initial Laboratory Data potential editor conflicts are given in the Information for Authors
A 22-year-old woman presented to the emergency department & Journal Policies.
30 hours after ingesting 16 ounces of model airplane fuel. She Address correspondence to Jeffrey A. Kraut, MD, Division of
reported no abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, visual disturbances, Nephrology, VHAGLA Healthcare System, 11301 Wilshire Blvd,
or headache. On physical examination, temperature was 37.2 C; Los Angeles, CA 90073. E-mail:
pulse rate, 100 beats/min; blood pressure, 132/50 mm Hg in the Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of the National Kidney
sitting position; and respirations, 16 breaths/min. Lungs were clear Foundation, Inc. This is a US Government Work. There are no
to auscultation, and cardiac, abdominal, and neurologic examina- restrictions on its use.
tion findings were normal. No ophthalmic changes were reported. 0272-6386
Laboratory studies performed during the hospitalization are shown

Am J Kidney Dis. 2016;-(-):--- 1

Jeffrey A. Kraut

Table 1. Laboratory Studies During Hospitalization

17 h After
Test Admission Admission Day 2 Day 3
Sodium, mEq/L 141 140 143 142 dehydrogenase
Potassium, mEq/L 3.5 3.2 3.8 3.6
Chloride, mEq/L 111 104 109 112
Total carbon dioxide, 18 28 25 25
SUN, mg/dL 14 5 7 4
Serum creatinine, 23.7b 10b 8.4b 6.0
mg/dLa dehydrogenase
eGFR,c mL/min/1.73 m2 2 5 6 9
Anion gap, mEq/L 11 8 9 5
Serum osmolality, 357 303 303 303
Formic acid
Osmolal gap, mOsm/ 70 — — —
kg/H2O Folinic acid
Methanol, mg/dL 71 26 — —
Serum albumin, g/dL 4 — — —
Note: Conversion factors for units: serum creatinine in mg/dL CO2 + H2O
to mmol/L, 388.4; SUN in mg/dL to mmol/L, 30.357.
Abbreviations: eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate;
SUN, serum urea nitrogen. Figure 1. Metabolism of methanol. Methanol undergoes
Values obtained using the Jaffé reaction. serial oxidation: methanol is catalyzed by the enzyme alcohol
b dehydrogenase to formaldehyde and then formaldehyde is cata-
Values proved to be inaccurate due to interference of nitro-
lyzed by the enzyme formaldehyde dehydrogenase to formic
methane in ingested airplane fuel with measurement of serum acid. Folinic acid given to a patient will accelerate the conversion
creatinine. to carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O). Adapted from Rastogi
As calculated by the Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology et al11 with permission of the National Kidney Foundation.
Collaboration creatinine equation.
Adapted from Rastogi et al11 with permission of the National
Kidney Foundation.
hypoxia and lactic acidosis.13 Clinical abnormalities
can be delayed as long as 96 hours if ethanol or
certain antiviral medication, such as abacavir, are
repeated during the hospitalization. With treatment, acid-base pa- coingested because both inhibit the enzyme that
rameters and serum osmolality (Table 1) returned to normal and catalyzes the metabolism of methanol, alcohol dehy-
the patient was discharged. drogenase.3,16-19 Both the nonspecificity of the clin-
ical abnormalities and the delay between exposure
DISCUSSION and their appearance can hinder establishing the
This patient had a history of exposure to methanol, diagnosis, thus resulting in high mortality.10 An in-
a markedly increased serum osmolal gap, and meta- crease in the serum osmolal gap (caused by accu-
bolic acidosis. These features are suggestive of mulation of methanol in the blood) and anion gap
methanol intoxication.7,12 Methanol intoxication is a (caused by accumulation of formate and sometimes
relatively uncommon but important poisoning: lactate in the blood) can also serve as clues to the
approximately 5,000 cases are reported to the US presence of methanol intoxication.16,20 The marked
Poison Control each year.2,8,13 Methanol is present in increase in serum osmolal gap in the present case
several household cleaning solutions and dyes, model (70 mOsm/kg/H2O) reflects in part a high methanol
airplane fuel, windshield washer fluid, gas line anti- concentration and is indicative of toxic alcohol
freeze, and illegally produced alcoholic beverages. ingestion because an osmolal gap greater than 15 to
Intoxication is most commonly due to ingestion, but 20 mOsm/kg/H2O is rarely observed with other cau-
can also result from inhalation or absorption through ses of increased osmolal gap.2,13 However, the
the skin.13 Symptoms can include dyspnea, nausea, osmolal gap exceeds the level predicted based on the
vomiting, abdominal pain, impaired sensorium, and measured methanol concentration (71 mg/dL; osmo-
impaired vision.14 Ophthalmologic examination can lality, 23 mOsm/kg/H2O). The explanation for this
reveal optic papillitis (found in 10% of cases). Muscle disparity is not clear, but possibly could reflect
rigidity and masked facies can be observed when the accumulation of osmotically active substances such
putamen is damaged.15 The majority of the clinical as nitromethane and/or polyalkylene glycol found in
abnormalities are due to the effects of formic acid, the the airplane fuel.
major metabolite of methanol (Fig 1). Interference Although the osmolal gap and anion gap were
with cytochrome oxidase by formate causes tissue increased in this case, individuals can have methanol

2 Am J Kidney Dis. 2016;-(-):---

Treatment of Methanol Intoxication

intoxication in the absence of an increase in osmolal day-to-day coefficient of variation is 5%. The assay
and/or anion gaps.21,22 The reasons for this can best can be done using most autoanalyzers and requires
be appreciated by examining the evolution of these only commercially available reagents. In one study,
gaps in patients with methanol intoxication. Serum the majority of patients (14 of 15) with an elevated
osmolal gap depends on the baseline osmolal gap methanol concentration also had an elevated serum
and the increment in osmolality produced by the formate concentration.34
methanol in the blood at the time it is sampled. It is A dipstick impregnated with alcohol oxidase is
often stated that a normal baseline osmolal gap is 10 available that detects methanol, ethanol, and ethylene
to 20 mOsm/kg/H2O. Values greater than this indi- glycol in blood and saliva.35 Methanol strongly reacts
cate accumulation of toxic alcohols, such as meth- to the strip and at similar concentrations, gives a more
anol.23 However, baseline serum osmolal gaps in intense color than ethanol. A liquid-based colori-
apparently healthy individuals can vary from 211 metric method using the enzymes alcohol oxidase or
to 110 mOsm/kg/H2O.21,22,24-27 If the osmolal gap alcohol dehydrogenase or the oxidizing agents so-
should prove to be negative, a methanol concentra- dium periodate and potassium permanganate was able
tion of 20 mg/dL (the level when treatment is rec- to detect methanol and other alcohols when added to
ommended) would not produce an osmolal gap saliva at concentrations as low as 1 to 10 mg/dL.36
. 10 mOsm/kg/H2O. Also, osmolal gap is highest Validation of these methods can improve treatment
early in the course of the intoxication, but will by facilitating the diagnosis of methanol intoxication.
decrease substantially as methanol is metabolized. Treatment with stomach gavage is generally not
Sampling of blood later in the course when methanol useful because methanol is rapidly absorbed. Rather,
concentration has decreased would also lessen the treatment can include inhibition of the enzyme
chances of detecting a markedly elevated osmolal alcohol dehydrogenase37 and removal of the parent
gap. alcohol and its metabolites by hemodialysis.6
The baseline serum anion gap can be as low as 3 Inhibition of alcohol dehydrogenase was initially
mEq/L in healthy individuals.28,29 As a result, the accomplished by infusion of ethanol, which binds to
anion gap might not exceed the upper limit of normal the enzyme, preventing metabolism of methanol.2-5
even if there is an increment in the concentration of Achieving a concentration of 100 to 150 mg/dL in
organic acid anions, as long as their concentration is the blood has been recommended, although lower
less than 7 to 8 mEq/L. Also, blood sampling early concentrations might be sufficient to maximally
after exposure before much of the methanol is inhibit the enzyme.13 The infusion has to be contin-
metabolized will lessen the chance of detecting an uous and is usually done in an intensive care unit to
increased anion gap.18,30 facilitate maintenance of an adequate ethanol con-
Even if the osmolal gap is elevated (as long as the centration and prevent complications of therapy.38,39
increase is modest, ie, ,15 mOsm/kg/H2O), the in- One major advantage is that this therapy is inexpen-
crease might be caused by other disorders. A retro- sive and readily available.
spective study of 346 patients with an increased Fomepizole, a specific inhibitor of alcohol dehy-
osmolal gap (averaging 14 mOsm/kg/H2O) revealed drogenase, was approved by the US Food and Drug
that in a majority of cases, the increase was due to the Administration for the treatment of methanol intoxi-
presence of lactic acidosis, ketoacidosis, kidney fail- cation in 2000.37,40,41 It has substantially greater
ure, and/or sick cell syndrome rather than a toxic binding affinity for the enzyme (.8,000 than for
alcohol.31,32 ethanol) and therefore is more effective than ethanol. It
Given the nonspecificity of the signs and symptoms can be given both intravenously and orally at the same
and inconsistency of the changes in serum osmolal and dosage,42 although presently, only the intravenous
anion gaps, more specific methods for detection of form is available in the United States. It has minimal
methanol and monitoring of changes in its concentra- side effects and in contrast to ethanol, can be admin-
tion are required. Presently, detection of methanol is istered to the patient without requiring hospitalization
best achieved using gas or liquid chromatog- in the intensive care unit. Comparisons of both agents
raphy,2,7,33 a laborious and expensive method that is showed that their side-effect profiles were not different
not available in many clinical chemistry laboratories. and mortality was identical.43
Methanol concentration was not reported for 48 hours A systematic review of MEDLINE and Embase
in the present case. Other direct and indirect methods databases including articles from 1966 to 2010
to assess methanol concentrations are shown in revealed that 80% of patients were treated with ethanol
Table 2. An enzymatic method that detects the and 16% were treated with fomepizole.5 Importantly,
metabolite formate in blood has been described.34 the authors did not compare usage patterns before and
Formate dehydrogenase and nicotinamide adenine after fomepizole was approved, theoretically biasing
dinucleotide are used to measure serum formate. The the study. By contrast, a retrospective study of all

Am J Kidney Dis. 2016;-(-):--- 3

Jeffrey A. Kraut

Table 2. Methods to Diagnose Methanol Intoxication

Parameter Mechanism Comments

History and physical Obtain historical evidence of exposure; Findings often nonspecific; long delay between onset
examination suggestive symptoms and physical evidence and symptoms and signs can obscure the diagnosis
of optic papilitis or neurologic abnormalities
Serum osmolal gap Increased osmolality reflects accumulation of Should be performed using freezing point depression
parent alcohol in blood rather than vapor pressure osmometry; can be
helpful in many cases but osmolal gap might not be
elevated if baseline osmolal gap is negative (osmolal
gap also might not be elevated late when parent
alcohol has been fully metabolized); despite
limitations, good correlation between osmolal gap
and methanol concentration has been found in some
Serum anion gap Detects accumulation of organic acid anion Might not be elevated if baseline serum anion gap is
formate and in some cases lactate low; might not be elevated early in the course of
intoxication prior to significant metabolism of alcohol
to formate and development of lactic acidosis
Gas or liquid Detects methanol in blood using gas or liquid Gold standard for determination of methanol
chromatography chromatography methods concentrations; labor intensive and expensive; not
available in most clinical laboratories
Measurement of serum Detects accumulation of primary metabolite Indirectly estimates methanol concentration; might not
formate formate in blood using enzymatic test based be positive early in the course of intoxication prior to
on formate dehydrogenase metabolism of methanol; not yet in clinical use
Dipstick impregnated with Detects methanol, ethanol, and ethylene glycol Detects ethanol, methanol, and ethylene glycol in
alcohol oxidase strip based on enzyme alcohol oxidase blood and saliva, but most sensitive to methanol
Liquid-based test of Uses combination of enzymes (alcohol oxidase Methods work only with saliva; detects concentrations
saliva using enzyme or or dehydrogenase) and/or oxidizing agents of methanol as low as 1 mg/dL; uses readily
oxidizing agents such as potassium permanganate and available chemicals; costs of procedures likely to be
sodium periodate less than few dollars; liquid-based analysis or strip
test might be used

electronic entries from the American Association of hemodialysis protocol (4 hours with blood flow of
Professional Code Center (AAPC) National Poison 400 mL/min and dialysis flow of 800 mL/min),
Data System Database revealed that in 2012 to 2013, methanol clearance of 200 mL/min can be achieved,
fomepizole was used in 90% of patients with meth- resulting in a half-live of 2 hours.50 Clearance of
anol or ethylene glycol toxicity.8 However, use of formate is w223 mL/min under these conditions,
ethanol in other countries has been reported to be resulting in a half-life of 1.8 hours.50
greater than that of fomepizole.44 This presumably The decision to use an inhibitor alone or in com-
reflects less access to the latter drug because it was bination with dialysis therefore remains an area of
only added to the World Health Organization controversy.6,47 In 2002, the American Academy of
essential medicine list in 2013.45 Because fomepizole Clinical Toxicology published criteria for the use of
or ethanol will prevent the formation of toxic me- dialysis in the treatment of methanol intoxication13
tabolites, theoretically, this therapy could be suffi- (Box 1). Indications included metabolic acidosis
cient for the patient with methanol intoxication with blood pH , 7.25, deteriorating vital signs
without the need for dialysis. In the absence of despite supportive care, and serum methanol con-
kidney failure, fomepizole alone has been shown to centration . 50 mg/dL. In 2015, the Extracorporeal
be effective in the treatment of methanol intoxica- Treatment in Poisoning Workgroup published their
tion.46,47 In patients without severe symptoms, se- criteria after careful examination of the literature
vere acidemia, or kidney failure, fomepizole alone (Box 1).6 Some differences included a lower target
has been recommended by some experts.47 blood pH (7.15) and use of different blood concen-
A major disadvantage of using fomepizole alone is trations depending on the specific conditions: serum
that by preventing its metabolism, the methanol is methanol concentrations . 70 mg/dL with fomepi-
eliminated only by the lungs and kidney, a relatively zole therapy, .60 mg/dL with ethanol therapy, and
slow process that increases the mean half-life to 54 .50 mg/dL in the absence of inhibitors. Recom-
hours.47 This increases the duration of hospitalization mendations by both committees favored intermittent
substantially and thus the cost of treatment.48 hemodialysis over continuous renal replacement
With hemodialysis, rapid removal of methanol and dialysis. Dialysis can be terminated when methanol
formate can be achieved.49 With the usual intermittent levels are ,20 mg/dL.

4 Am J Kidney Dis. 2016;-(-):---

Treatment of Methanol Intoxication

Box 1. Indications for Hemodialysis for Treatment of Box 2. Teaching Points

Methanol Intoxication
 Symptoms including abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting,
American Academy of Clinical Toxicology Practice and decreased vision are nonspecific and can occur hours
Guidelines13 to days after exposure
 An increase in serum osmolality and/or anion gap can be
pH , 7.25 to 7.35 clues to methanol intoxication, but their presence depends
or visual signs and/or symptoms on the baseline serum osmolal gap, baseline serum anion
or decreased vital signs despite intensive supportive care gap, methanol concentration in blood, time after exposure,
or kidney failure and absence or presence of coingested ethanol
 Definitive diagnosis of methanol intoxication presently
or substantial electrolyte disturbances unresponsive to
requires measurement with gas or liquid chromatography,
supportive care
a laborious and expensive procedure. Newer methods of
or serum methanol concentration . 50 mg/dL diagnosis including use of an alcohol oxidase strip to
Extracorporeal Treatment in Poisoning Workgroup6 detect methanol in blood, enzymatic test to detect formate
in blood, or liquid-based test using alcohol oxidase and
pH , 7.15 potassium permanganate to detect methanol in saliva
Severe visual defects might improve the effectiveness of diagnosis
or coma  Treatment should be initiated when estimated serum
methanol concentration is $20 mg/dL or signs and
or worsening vital signs despite intensive supportive care
symptoms of significant acidemia are present. Some ex-
or kidney failure perts also recommend initiation of treatment with only a
or serum methanol: high suspicion of exposure
.70 mg/dL with fomepizole  Treatment can include administration of ethanol or
.60 mg/dL with ethanol fomepizole, 2 inhibitors of alcohol dehydrogenase.
Although both are effective, the latter is often preferred
.50 mg/dL in absence of inhibitor
because of ease of administration, absence of impact on
Note: Intermittent hemodialysis is preferred over continuous the central nervous system, and lack of need for close
renal replacement therapy. observation in an intensive care unit
 Hemodialysis can remove both methanol and formate
while providing base. Controversy remains about its use
because in many cases, intoxication can be treated alone
Randomized controlled studies of the different with the inhibitor. We have a low threshold for its use
approaches to treatment in order to provide because it will accelerate recovery, reduce hospitalization
evidence-based recommendations have not been duration, and minimize exposure to methanol
performed. Factors to take into consideration in
making a decision include effectiveness, cost,
availability of resources, and potential complica- essential aspect of therapy. However, most centers do
tions of therapy. In large academic centers with not have the ability to obtain timely measurements of
ready access to dialysis and fomepizole, combina- serum methanol or its major metabolite formate. In the
tion therapy is often favored, as it was in the present absence of these measurements, serum osmolal gap has
case. However, in smaller centers, ready access to often served as a surrogate for blood methanol concen-
hemodialysis and fomepizole might not be avail- tration.48,53-55 Several investigators have shown there is
able. As noted, several experts have concluded that a strong direct correlation between serum methanol
inhibitor alone might be sufficient in the treatment concentration and serum osmolal gap.48,55 For every 10-
of certain cases of methanol intoxication.47 Use of mg/dL increase in serum methanol concentration,
the inhibitor, whether it be ethanol or fomepizole, osmolal gap will be increased by w3 mOsm/kg/H2O.
will markedly increase the half-life of methanol to The clinician can used this estimated serum methanol
between 40 and 70 hours.30,51 This will increase the concentration to assess the clearance of methanol from
duration of hospitalization and theoretically increase the body. When serum osmolal gap is decreased
the risk for complications. to ,6 mOsm/kg (equivalent to serum methanol con-
When acidemia is severe (blood pH , 7.2), base is centration of 20 mg/dL), dialysis therapy and treatment
recommended, although its value has not been subject with inhibitor can theoretically be discontinued.
to rigorous examination. In addition to negating However, in situations such as the present case
the adverse effects of the acidic tissue environment, when a portion of the increase in serum osmolality
some have suggested that it lessens the severity of appears to be due to accumulation of other substances
ophthalmic injuries13 and facilitates the urinary than methanol, osmolal gap is not as precise a mea-
excretion of formate.52 Administration of folinic acid sure of changes in methanol concentration.
is said to speed the metabolism of formic acid and is Monitoring serum formate concentrations has also
often recommended.13 been found to be helpful in the assessment of the
The ability to monitor blood concentrations of severity of intoxication and in its management.9
methanol and possibly its metabolites is theoretically an Serum formate levels $ 3.7 mmol/L indicate the

Am J Kidney Dis. 2016;-(-):--- 5

Jeffrey A. Kraut

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Peer Review: Evaluated by 2 external peer reviewers, the 19. Ghannoum M, Haddad HK, Lavergne V, Heinegg J,
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Treatment of Methanol Intoxication

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