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0 Objectives:

The main idea was to study the relationship between pressure

& temperature, for saturated steam in equilibrium with water.

2.0 Theory:

Marcet boiler: It is about an instrument for measuring the vapor

pressure of water. A small spherical boiler is fitted with a thermometer
and a long mercury manometer. You half-fill it with water, and then
heat it. The thermometer and manometer give a sequence of pressures
and the matching boiling-point temperatures. The instrument is limited
by the height of the manometer. If it's 2½ feet high, you can measure up
to twice atmospheric pressure. If it's five feet high, you can go to three
atmospheres, and so on. See fig.1
From the experimental data, taken in the lab, the P-T diagram
can be drawn. Furthermore, we can use it to investigate the Clausiu-
Claperon relation, which states that:
(dT/dP) sat. = (T * vfg) / hfg , such that;

a) dT/dP: is the slope of the P-T curve, for saturated steam in

equilibrium with water.
b) T: is the absolute temperature (K).
c) vfg = vf - vg.
d) hfg = hf - hg.
e) vf : is the specific volume for saturated liquid, (m3/kg).
f) vg : is the specific volume for saturated vapor, (m3/kg).
g) hf : is the specific enthalpy for saturated liquid, (kJ/kg).
h) hg : is the specific volume for saturated vapor, (kJ/kg).

3.0 Calculations & Results:

Readings were taken as the pressure was increasing, from 0 to
5-bar, and decreasing, from 5 to almost 0, but it did not reach 0.

The following table was used to draw the required graphs.

Gauge pressure Absolute Steam temp. Mean

(bar). pressure (bar). Inc. Dec. temperature oC.
press. press.
Temp. Temp.
0 0
0 0.933 95 --- 95
1 1.933 109 110 109.5
2 2.933 121 126 123.5
3 3.933 133 137 135
4 4.933 142 145 143.5
5 5.933 149 150 149.5
Table 1: Barometric pressure.
Mean Temp. VS Absolute pressure

Mean Temp. C

150 5.933
110 1.933
0.933 1.933 2.933 3.933 4.933 5.933

Absolute pressure (bar)

Calculating the slope from the graph, at three different points,


At (2.5, 114.97) & (1.5, 103.94): dT/dP = 11.03.

At (3.5, 126.00) & (4.5, 137.03): dT/dP = 11.03.
At (5.5, 148.05) & (4.5, 137.03): dT/dP = 110.3.

Calculating the slope from the table, at three different points,


At (0.933, 95) & (1.933, 109.5): dT/dP = 14.5.

At (1.933, 109.5) & (2.933, 123.5): dT/dP = 14.0.
At (2.933, 123.5) & (3.933, 135): dT/dP = 11.5.

The difference in the results may be due to the fact that the curve
represents the best fit for the readings, and not all the points are on
the curve.
4.0 Discussion & Conclusion:

In this experiment, we learned the relationship between

temperature and pressure for saturated steam in equilibrium with water;
and was directly proportional.

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