Bells Palsy

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BELLS PALSY Bell's palsy is thought to result from compression of the

seventh cranial nerve at the geniculate ganglion. Due to the

DEFINISI narrow opening of the facial canal, inflammation causes
Bell’s palsy is an acute, unilateral paresis or paralysis of compression and ischemia of the nerve. The most common
the face in a pattern consistent with peripheral nerve finding is a unilateral facial weakness that includes the
dysfunction, without detectable causes. muscles of the forehead.
- Bell's palsy is the most common peripheral paralysis of the
seventh cranial nerve with an onset that is rapid and DIAGNOSIS BANDING.
unilateral 1. Lyme disease--> facial palsy unilateral/bilateral, paling
sering akibat infeksi Borrelia Burgdorferi.
F.RESIKO 2. Ramsay Hunt Syndrome-->reaktivasi HZV di geniculate
-pregnancy dan DM,obesitas,hipertensi. ganglion mengakibatkan facial palsy berat berhubungan
-rekativasi virus HSV tipe-1 DNA (ditemukan di endoneurial dengan erupsi vesicular di meatus acusticus external,
fluid dan otot posterior auricular). Epstein-Barr virus kadang di faring serta nervus cranial dermatom (terutama
- Viral infection, vascular ischemia, autoimmune N.VIII).
inflammatory disorders, and heredity. 3. sarcoidosis dan Guillain barre syndrome--> fasial palsi
pria=wanita(ada yg bilang insiden meningkat pada wanita 5. DM--> neurophaty
hamil trimester ketiga) - sjogren syndrome dan amyloidosis.
-sering pada pasien diabetes dan hipertensi. 6. Tumor((badan carotis,cholesteatoma.dermoid))--> invasi
- with a peak incidence between the ages of 10 and 40. pada os tempora meneybablkan facial palsy tapi onsetnya
insidous dan progresive.
-onsetnya sangat mendadak, harus dibedakan lokasi lesinya supranuclear atau nuclear.
-weakness maximal sampai 48 jam-->general rule 1.lesi supranuclear berhubungan dengan emosipnal,dan
- nyeri dibelakanh telinga selama 1/2 hari bisa mendahului gerakan volunter wajah serta ada bbrp paralisis dari lengan
paralisis. daan paha atau aphasia.
- sensasi perasa lost unilateraljarang pesrsisten selama 2. lesi nuclear.
2mgg,tanda lesi meluas ke proximal di mana chorda
tymphani menyendi dengan nervus fasial. DIAGNOSIS
- hiperacusispada telinga ipsilateral menandakan paralisis 1, manifestasi klinis typical
otot stapedius. 2. no risk factor or gejala yg mendahului.
-mild CSF lymphocitosis 3. absence lesi kutaneus herpes zooster di meatus
-geniculate ganglion dan saraf wajah swelling dan acusticus externale
membesar uniform(deteksi MRI). syaraf yg swelling 4. pemeriksaan fisik abnormal pada nervus facial(terutama
entrapment di os temporal. N.VIII dekat nervus facial di junction pontomedullary dan di
-biasanya sembuh dalam bbrp mgg atau bulan, denervasi os temporal.
setelah 10 hari menandakan degenerasi axon sehingga ada - GBS--> lumbar puncture
delay 3 bulan sebelum terjadi regenerasi dan itu juga bisa -MRI--> swelling dan pembesaran nervus facial di bells
aja incomplete. palsy idhiopatic.
- paralisis incomplete biasanya terjadi pada mgg pertama- The key physical exam finding is a partial or complete
->tanda gold prognostic factor. weakness of the forehead. If forehead strength is preserved,
a central cause should be investigated.
PATOFISIOLOGI History and physical examination guide the evaluation.
-akut--> inflamasi pada persarafan wajah oleh sel The House-Brackmann Facial Nerve Grading System can
mononuclear akibat infeksi atau proses imunitas. be used to describe the degree of facial nerve weakness.
-ada reaktivasi virus di ganglion geniculate. This grading system goes from a grade of I (no
-vaksinasi influenza intranasal . enterotoxin E.Coli sebagai weakness) to VI (complete weakness). If the presentation
adjuvant atau reaktivasi virus latent. is consistent with Bell's palsy, there are no required lab
-interval episode reaktivasi bisa sampai 10 tahun. or radiographic tests. If there are atypical features,
patients may need to be evaluated for a central cause of biasanya sembuh dalam bbrp mgg atau bulan, denervasi
their symptoms. Likewise, Lyme disease testing is based setelah 10 hari menandakan degenerasi axon sehingga ada
on a history of possible tick-borne illness. The routine delay 3 bulan sebelum terjadi regenerasi dan itu juga bisa
testing for Lyme disease is not recommended without aja incomplete.. indra perasa akan membaik duluan baru
other findings of the disease such as a history of tick bite, motoriknya baiknya dalam mgg pertama.tapi lebih baik lagi
skin rash or arthritis. Diabetic testing should not be kalau gejala motoric hilang 5-7 hari lebih awal.
performed as facial nerve palsy is not considered diabetic
neuropathy. There is no consensus on the optimal timing LYME DISEASE
of imaging for Lyme disease, but most sources
recommend after 2 months of no improvement of the
facial palsy. MRI is the imaging modality of choice. MRI
can detect facial nerve inflammation as well as ruling out
other conditions such as schwannoma, hemangioma or a
space-occupying lesion.[6]
There is a grading system for clinical evaluation of Bell
palsy. The grading system ranges from mild to severe

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tertidur dan mencegah corneal drying.
-pijat di daerah otot yg lemah.

-prednisolone 60-80 mg sehari selama 5 hari pertama dan

tapering off 5 hari kemudian.
- antiviral: valacyclovir 1000 mg perhari selama 5-7 hari
atau asiklovir 400 mg 5x/hari selama 10 hari.

lebih baik digunakan kombinasi antivirus dan prednisolon.


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