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Chapter 2


This study considers a number of literatures and studies that have some relevance

with the study including foreign and local settings.

Review of related literatures in Foreign Setting:

Webber (2015) quoted in his article that “World Health Organization (WHO)

has proposed the inclusion of “gaming disorder” in the next edition of its

International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11). Internet gaming disorder” also

features in the latest edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-V) from

the American Psychiatric Association (APA), in a chapter of Conditions for Further

Study, which means it’s not yet an official disorder and its proposed criteria are not

meant for clinical use.”

“The neuro scientific analogy: that the areas in the brain associated with the

pleasures of drug use are the same as those associated with the pleasures of

playing video games. This is true but not illuminating. These areas of the brain —

those that produce and respond to the neurotransmitter dopamine — are involved

in just about any pleasurable activity: having sex, enjoying a nice conversation,

eating good food, reading a book, using methamphetamines. The amount of

dopamine involved in these activities, however, differs widely. Playing a video

game or watching an amusing video on the internet causes roughly about as much

dopamine to be released in your brain as eating a slice of pizza. By contrast, using

a drug like methamphetamine can cause a level of dopamine release 10 times that

or more. On its own, the fact that a pleasurable activity involves dopamine release

tells us nothing else about it.(New York Times,2017)

“Computer addiction is “digital heroin” or “digital pharmakeia. The American

Psychiatric Association has identified internet gaming disorder as a possible

psychiatric illness, and the World Health Organization has proposed including

“gaming disorder” in its catalog of mental diseases, along with drug and alcohol

addiction”. (Whybrow, 2016)

Policy Statement by the American Academy of Pediatrics, 8- to 10 year-olds

spend 8 hours a day with various digital media while teenagers spend 11 hours in

front of screens. One in three kids are using tablets or smartphones before they

can talk. Meanwhile, the handbook of “Internet Addiction” by Dr. Kimberly Young

states that 18 percent of college-age internet users in the US suffer from tech

addiction (,2016)

Kids are more prone to addictive escape if they feel alone, alienated, purposeless

and bored. Thus the solution is often to help kids to connect to meaningful real-life

experiences and flesh-and-blood relationships. The engaged child tethered to

creative activities and connected to his or her family is less likely to escape into

the digital fantasy world. Yet even if a child has the best and most loving support,
he or she could fall into the Matrix once they engage with hypnotic screens and

experience their addicting effect. After all, about one in 10 people are predisposed

towards addictive tendencies.( Kardaras,2016)

(Brody, 2007) stated in a press release that "there is not enough research

on whether or not video games are addictive. However some children and

adolescents, it displaces physical activity and time spent on studies, with friends,

and even with family."

Review of Related Literature in Local Setting on their newspaper (2010) quoted Dr. Randy Dellosa

Psychiatrist and expert on computer addiction says one can overcome computer

addiction in children by encouraging them to have other interests and social

activities; setting limits on computer use and understanding that the child might

have underlying emotional problems which make him escape through computer

addiction. (2015) asserted in there article that “Too much of

gaming can cause serious health and brain issues and can also prove fatal in

certain cases. (Defence of the Ancients: A 17-year-old Philippine teen murdered

his 68-year-old grandmother for interrupting his game in a neighborhood internet

café. His grandmother was scolding him and he allegedly blacked-out and beat

her to death. Dota 2: (2014) An 11-year-old was stabbed to death in the

Philippines by a 16-year-old boy, simply because the former kit allegedly hacked
into the latter’s online gaming account. He slammed the victim’s head numerous

times on a wall, after which he stabbed him over 40 times .Ghost Recon: (2006)

A 28-year-old from Philadelphia beat his 17-month daughter to death after the

latter crawled into his room and accidentally toppled the gaming console and broke

it. He battered the child and then placed it in another room to look like an accident.

He fled the scene only to turn himself in the next day. He got 22-years in prison.

Slenderman: (2014) A 12-year-old girl was stabbed 19 times and left in the woods

to die. Two of her friends, 12 and 13, were playing the video game and hoped that

the ghost in the game would not haunt them if they sacrificed their friend and left

her in the woods. They planned this for months. World of Warcraft: Defense of

the Ancients: (2015) A 17-year-old Russian teen Rustam dies after playing the

game continuously for over 22-day with just enough breaks to snack and nap.

Young men were also more likely to use the Internet for entertainment, daily

headline news, and pornography, while young women more often used the Internet

for email and schoolwork.However, regardless of gender, clear correlations were

seen between frequent gaming and more frequent alcohol and drug use and lower

quality personal relationships, as well as more frequent violent gaming and a

greater number of sexual partners and low quality personal


Chapter 3


This chapter presents the method used, the locale and the respondents.

This also shows the research design which involves the sources of data, data

gathering procedures, instrument used, and statistical treatment applied.

Research Design

To investigate the problems stated in this study, descriptive research is employed.

Descriptive-correlation survey method will be used because the study aims to

provide information and data about the relationship between two or more variables.

It will involve collecting of data in order to test a hypothesis or find out answers

concerning the present status under study. To identify the relationship of the

educational computer gaming in the pupils’ academic performance, correlational

type of research is employed.

Research Locale

This study will be conducted in Cagayan de Oro College Puerto Campus. It is

located in purok 2 Puerto,Cagayan de Oro City. People living in this barangay are

usually engaged in business management and fishing as a means of living.The

main industry is agriculture and its top products are rice, corn, pineapple, and

cassava. The parents of the students usually worked on industrial corporations,

pineapple plantations, factories, and government agencies.

Research Respondents
The respondents of this study are the Senior High School students of

Cagayan de Oro College Puerto campus. The respondents were enrolled in the

school year 2017-2018.The respondents are only selected from different strands

of senior high students.

Research Instrument

To identify the academic performance of the respondents, the first grading

period grades were acquired. The other source of data is the survey questionnaire

to achieve the purpose of the study. The questionnaire is one of the most common

instruments for data gathering. The questionnaire was composed of two parts,

namely: Part I which contained the respondents’ personal data and Part II which

was the question proper.

Data Gathering Procedure

This study used the descriptive survey method which was directed toward

ascertaining the prevailing questions. The researchers had undergone. The

researchers made an approval letter to Jedhlar Anaya, the school’s college

administrator, noted by the Crim research and statistics instructor, Dr. Edgardo G.

Gablines PhD .The researchers personally administered and retrieved the

questionnaire after the test. The results were tabulated, analyzed and interpreted.

Statistical Tools
The data will be analyzed and interpreted with the use of mean, frequency

count, percentage, Pearson Product Moment Correlation of Coefficient (Guilford

and Further, 1996).

Scoring Scheme

In this study, a five point Likert- type 1-4 point scale, was used to measure

student’s computer gaming which is rated 4 for “At all times”, 3 for “Sometimes” 2

for “Seldom” and 1 for “Never”.

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

This chapter deals with the presentation, analysis, and interpretation of the data

gathered in answering the problems connected to the factors affecting computer

addiction among selected senior highschool students in Cagayan de Oro College.

Based on the gathered data from the survey tool interpretations were derived. To

calculate the corresponding statistical treatment, Minitab Statistical Software will

be utilized in the interpretation of data.

Profile of Selected Senior High School Students

Based from the data to be collected, the respondents’ profile is summarized in

Table 1. In terms of gender,

Table 1. Frequency Distribution of the Respondents’ Gender

Gender Frequency Percentage




Table 2 will show the respondents whose age ranges from 18,000 years old ,age

ranging from 19-25 years old, 26-30 years old, 31-40 years old, and 41 years old

and above.
Table 3 will show the respondents whose family income ranges from 1,000- 5,000

Pesos ,whose family income ranges from 5,000-10,000, whose family income

ranges from 10,001-15,000, whose family income ranges from 15,000-25,000,

whose family income ranges from 25,000-30,000, and respondents whose family

income ranges from 30,000 and above.

Table 3. Frequency Distribution of the Respondents’ Family Income

Family Income Frequency Percentage







30,000 and above


Table 3 will show the respondents’ whose father’s educational attainment is on

elementary level, high school level, and on college level.

August 28, 2017
Jedhlar Lanaya
School Administrator
Cagayan de Oro College Puerto campus
Puerto, Cagayan de Oro City


Good day sir,we the students Bachelor of Science in Criminology and Criminal

Justice students of PHINMA- Cagayan de Oro College Puerto. Under (Research

and statistics) subject, would like to ask your permission to please allow us to

conduct a study in your school on September 3. This study is entitled “Factors

Affecting Computer Addiction among GAS Senior High School Students on

PHINMA-Cagayan de Oro College Puerto Campus”.

We are looking forward for your positive response.

Thank you very much!

Kevin Plem Cabiladas


John Rey E Cardente


Dear Respondents,

Good day!

These questions will be used for our survey as a part of our requirement to
our course, the Research study-Data Gathering Procedure. It may notice the
Factors Associated in Computer Addiction among Selected Senior High School
Students of PHINMA Cagayan de Oro College Puerto Campus.

Please answer each question honestly.

We will assure you that it will remain confidential. Thank You.

The Researchers

PARTI-PERSONAL INFORMATION. Please check your chosen answer.

Name (optional):

1. Age

18 years old below 19-25 years old 26-30 years old

31-40 years old 41 years old and above

2. Gender

Male Female

3. Combined Monthly Family Income of Parents

1000-5000 Pesos 25,000- 30,000 Pesos

5000-10,000 Pesos 30,000 Pesos and above

10,000- 15,000Pesos

15,000-25,000 Pesos
4. Religion

Roman Catholic Bible Baptist Born again Christian

Protestant Islam Others

5. Strand

GAS (General Academic Strand)

HUMSS (Humanities and Social Sciences Strand)

ABM (Accountancy, Business and Management)

STEM (Science, Technology and Mathematics Strand)

6. Time usually spent for playing computer games per day

30 min – 1 hour 4 hours-5 hours

1 hour – 2 hours 5 hours above

2 hours -3 hours



Please check your chosen answer.


A. School Drop-out 1 2 3 4
1. Computer Games affects my studies.
2. I feel inclined to cut classes and play computer
3. I didn’t realize computer gaming is affects my
4. I have been dropped out from one my classes
because of my absences from playing computer
5. Computer games push me to stop schooling and
just play games.
B. Accessibility of Computer/ Computer 1 2 3 4
1. Having personal computer gives us the tendency
to be addicted to computer games.
2. Proximity from the computer shops affects my
decision to play computer games.
3. Computers installed with games and applications
are more preferred over those which have none.

4. Computer shops serving better facilities such as

aircons, functional computer set, clean
surroundings is more preferred than the other.
5.Internet café’s with faster surfing connection is
much more preferred than slower one.

C. Peer Pressure 1 2 3 4
1. Playing computer games with friends gives me a
sense of excitement when I teamed-up with them
than playing alone.

2. I prefer playing computer games with friends

than to have a group study.
3. Skipping classes to play computer games with
peers are more fun than skipping classes alone .
4. My Friends tempts me to play computer games
even I don’t feel like.
5. I think playing games when my friends is
enjoyable than playing alone.

D. Kind of Computer game 1 2 3 4

1. Online games are more entertaining to play than
offline games.

2. MMORPG games are more entertaining to play

than educational games.

3. Violent games are more challenging and fun to

play than the casual games.

4. Games having good graphics are more preferred

than those games with poor graphics.

5. Games where we can save our progresses and

characters are more preferred than games without
save/AutoSaved button.

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