Review Job Application

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Have you learnt the previous topics about job application?

Do you still remember about

kinds of jobs vacancies? Can you make your own application letter well? Can you
compose your CV to enclose your application? And do you have any idea on what skills
you are going to have in the future to compete in the 21st century?

We are going to review all above topics about jobs and qualifications in vacancies. At
the end of the topic, you are expected to understand well about jobs and you can
prepare it well start from right now.

Look at the following situation

Rina needs a job and fortunately there is job recruitment in her city. She reads the
vacancy and she wants to apply for the job on it. So she prepares everything and
composes application letter and CV.

The common parts/ generic structures of job vacancy are: title, purpose, qualification
and address/contact.
You can get a job vacancy from various models like through job recruitment, job fair
and walk-in interview.
After reading the vacancy, Rina writes an application letter.

Remember the parts of the application above, those are: sender address, date,
company address, salutation, opening paragraph, body, closing paragraph and closing.

Then, Rina also composes a CV to enclose it to her application letter.

Pay attention to the common structures in composing CV like: the applicant’s name,
recent photograph, contact details (telephone, mobile, email, address, fax), educational
backgrounds (formal, informal, seminars, training, awards/ achievement) and
professional experiences.


 In getting a job, find the vacancy that meets your qualification. You can get it
from various models like through job recruitment, job fair and walk-in interview.
 The common parts/ generic structures of job vacancy are: title, purpose,
qualification and address/contact.
 After getting a suitable vacancy, then compose an application letter intended to
the company you want to join in.
 In making the application letter, be aware to use the parts of the application like:
sender address, date, company address, salutation, opening paragraph, body,
closing paragraph and closing.
 Enclose your Curriculum Vitae to let the company know about your personal data
and qualifications. There are some common structures in composing CV, those
are: the applicant’s name, recent photograph, contact details (telephone, mobile,
email, address, fax), educational backgrounds (formal, informal, seminars,
training, awards/ achievement) and professional experiences.

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