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Sec. 80 making X as the payee.

X here
will be considered as an
What you have to pin point is
accommodation indorser
where is the indorser in the
because after receiving the
order of negotiation (referring
instrument, he is supposed to
to the example in the board)
indorse the instrument to the
Where should he be in this person whom he will make
case? payment.

From B to F where should he SO, here (referring to example)

be? X was accommodated by B,
the person who appeared to
He should be the subsequent
be the person primarily liable.
party next to the maker (the
AND that is the reason why
payee) because the provision
here F is not required to present
says the instrument was made
the instrument for payment.
or accepted for his

How does that work? However, is this true for all

parties then?
He has to be the reason why
the instrument why the It only applies to the party who
instrument was made, thus he was accommodated
must be the payee. It may (accommodated indorser).
happen that here is X wanting Thus, if F wants to make the
to make payment for someone other parties liable he needs to
else through a negotiable present the instrument for
instrument but no one will payment to them.
believe him. The person to
Sec. 81
whom he will make payment
doesn’t believe him. BUT he Is Sec.81 a ground to excuse
believes V perhaps. So, V made the presentment for payment?
a promissory note in which he is
No, it does not excuse the Otherwise, they will be
presentment for payment but discharged.
only excuses the delay for such
BUT it goes also that the
presentment. Thus, where
moment the instrument is
circumstances exist beyond the
dishonored by non-payment,
control of the holder and not
there is an automatic recourse
imputable to his default,
to parties secondarily liable.
misconduct, or negligence,
(BUT there is still a requirement
delay for such presentment is
that notice of dishonor is
excused. However, where the
cause of the delay ceases,
prompt presentment must be
made. Otherwise, persons
What constitutes payment in
secondarily liable will no longer
due course?
be charged.
When payment is made at or
When is an instrument
after maturity to the holder
considered dishonored by non-
thereof in good faith without
notice that his title is defective.
1) When it is duly presented for
payment and payment is
refused or cannot be obtained Who has to make payment?

2) When presentment is Ideally the person primarily

excused and the instrument is liable should make payment
overdue and unpaid. but payment may be made by
another on behalf of the
What happens when an
person primarily liable so long
instrument is dishonored by
as he is authorized to make
payment. BUT if it is paid for the
Give notice of dishonor to person who is not authorized by
parties secondarily liable. the person primarily liable, the
instrument will not be
discharged because the
instrument will now belong to
the person who made the
payment. SO he will be the one
to enforce payment to the
person primarily liable because
he was not authorized.

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