Lesson Reflectionn 3

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Lesson reflection 3:

In math lesson I teach the students measuring (how long this

objects) in this lesson it includes EYFS curriculum. I make four
different activity for the students. The first activity is
(comparing length), the students will find three objects are
longer than crayon and three are shorter than crayon. Then the
student will sort the longer things in longer session and the
shorter things in shorter session after that they will draw the
objects that they find it in the classroom, this way of learning it
make the students be active in the classroom also they will
improve their thinking and social and emotional skills.
The second activity is (Measure me) in this activity I will give
each two students cards, one of the students will use the cards to
measure his friend. Then they will write how many cards they
use to measure her friend. this activity helps the students to be
social and emotional person because each two students work
together. The third activity is (Measuring length) I will give the
students picture of objects and they should use the cubes to
measure them. Then the students will write how many cubes
they use for each thing for example how many cubes they use to
measure the strawberry. The last activity is (order and write) in
this activity there is three objects in different length and behind
each object box, the students will write 1, 2, or 3 in each box to
order the objects by the length. then the students will color the
objects. My MST value me she tell me that the activity was very
nice and make the students be active in the classroom but the
thing that I should make it better is to manage the classroom.

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