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Name: __________________ ( ) Marks: ___________%

Class: 3 ( ) Date : ____/____/2017
Parent’s Signature: ______

Section A [40 marks]

Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.

1. The farmer’s wife saw a wolf. ________ shouted for help.

A. She B. He C. It

2. Joel and I saw a lion in the jungle. _______ were very afraid.

A. He B. They C. We

3. ______ are my socks and _______ are yours.

A. This, that B. This, those C. These, those


________ is my lips.

A. This B. That C. These


We ________ hard for our examination.

A. eat B. study C. read


The girls ________ the vegetables.

A. cook B. plant C. wash

7. The school bell _______ every 30 minutes.

A. ring B. rings C. rang

Ng Cai Yin / English Paper 1 / Year 3 / Page 1

8. A stranger _______ on the door a minute ago.

A. knock B. knocked C. knocks

9. Every Saturday, I ______ my friends at the park.

A. met B. meets C. meet

10. Once upon a time, a giant _______ the villagers.

A. help B. helps C. helped

Look at the pictures and choose the best answer.

Rina was born deaf. Although she could not hear well, she love watching

the (11) __________. She enjoyed shows that talked about (12) _________.

She loved to (13) __________ pictures of them. Her friends liked her

(14) __________ very much. Soon she became famous and stories about her

were in the (15) __________.

11. A. book B. television C. radio

12. A. people B. scenery C. animals

13. A. write B. paint C. read

14. A. paintings B. papers C. books

15. A. newspapers B. flyers C. notices

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Read the poem below carefully and answer the questions that follow.

Breakfast for
The hens in the coop,
The ducks in the pond,
A farm in the morning, The nanny goats in the pen,
A busy, busy place, The cows in the shed,
Many, many things to do. Breakfast!

Before sunrise, before sunrise, Breakfast also for

The farmer and his wife arise, The rooster outside the coop,
Before sunrise, they arise. The drake by the pond,
The billy goat near the pen,
The bull beside the shed,
Breakfast for all!

16. Why is the farm a busy place in the morning?

A. There are many animals. B. They are many farmers.

C. There is a lot of work to be done.

17. When do the farmer and his wife get up?

A. When the sun is setting. B. When the sun is rising.

C. When the sky is still dark.

18. These animals are on the farm except _______.

A. hens B. fish C. ducks

19. Where is the male cow?

A. Outside the coop. B. Beside the shed.

C. Near the pen.

20. Which of these matches is correct?

A. goat - pen B. duck - shed C. hen - pond

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Section B [60 marks]

A. Write the correct verbs. (4x2m=8m)

1. 2. 3. 4.

B. Rearrange the letters and write the correct words. (8x2m=16m)

1. 2. 3. 4.

oytesdr awrnp pepaneswr etam

5. 6. 7. 8.

lritw kctiene rgantsre usitse

Ng Cai Yin / English Paper 1 / Year 3 / Page 4

C. Tick () the correct sentences. (6x1m=6m)

1. The animals had a meeting. It wanted to choose a king. ( )

The animals had a meeting. They wanted to choose a king. ( )

2. This boys are my neighbours. ( )

These boys are my neighbours. ( )

3. They clean the classroom every day. ( )

They cleaned the classroom every day. ( )

4. The policeman talks to the children about road safety. ( )

The policemen talks to the children about road safety. ( )

5. We must use the overhead brigde. ( )

We must use the overhead bridge. ( )

6. We must qeueu up before boarding a bus. ( )

We must queue up before boarding a bus. ( )

D. Based on the given pictures, write the correct answers. (5x2m=10m)

Yes, I would love to help. Let’s visit your grandparents this weekend.

Let me help you, Sir. Congratulations! Sure, you can have this.

1. Can you give me

some food to eat? Answer :


[2 marks]

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2. Answer :
That’s a great


[2 marks]

3. You are very

Answer :
kind. Thank you.


[2 marks]

4. Can you help to throw Answer :

the rubbish?


[2 marks]

5. I won the first

Answer :


[2 marks]

Ng Cai Yin / English Paper 1 / Year 3 / Page 6

E. Read the speech below and answer the questions.

Good morning, pupils. I am Officer Yati. I am an officer from the Skudai

Police Station Crime Prevention and Community Safety Unit. Today, I would
like to give a speech on ‘Safety First’.

There are many rules for you to follow. You must always use the zebra
crossing to cross the road. This will avoid accidents. When you cross the road,
remember to look right and left and then right again. You must make sure
that the road is really clear and safe for you to cross. You should wait for the
traffic warden. He can help you to cross the road.

In school, you must not run up and down the stairs. You may fall down
and get hurt. You must always line up to buy food in the canteen. If you push
your friends to buy food, they may spill the hot food.

Remember, you must never talk to strangers in public places. Tell your
parents or teachers when strangers try to talk to you or offers you sweets.
You should not go to the playground alone. Go with your family. Do not wonder
off on your own. Always tell your parents where you are going.

Always follow these safety tips and you will be safe. Thank you for

Tick ( ) the correct answer.

1. Who gives the speech?

A traffic warden.
A police officer.
A teacher.
[ 2 marks ]
2. Strangers are people that _________.

we can trust
we do not know
live near us
[ 2 marks ]
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3. Match the phrases in List A to the suitable phrases in List B.

List A List B
Make sure the road is clear the playground with your family.
You must line up before crossing the road.
You should go to to buy food at the canteen.
You may fall down if you running up and down the stairs.
[4 marks ]

4. What will happen if we do not use a zebra crossing to cross the road?

If we _____________________________________________________.
[2 marks]
5. Why should you follow the safety tips?

I should follow the safety tips ___________________________________.

[2 marks]

F. Read the story below and answer the questions.

Once, there was a giant who lived alone in a castle. He was kind and
gentle. He was also lonely.
There was a village near the castle. The children from the village often
played beside the castle. The giant tried to make friends with them but the
children would run away whenever they saw him. They were afraid of him. This
made the giant very sad. He would watch them play from a window of his
One day, the giant suddenly heard a child crying. When he looked out his
window, he saw a little boy on the branch of a tree. The little boy could not
come down. Immediately, the giant rushed out of his castle. Although the
other children were afraid, they did not want to leave their friend behind.
The giant smiled at the little boy and gently lifted him down. The little boy
hugged and thanked him. From that day on, the children played with the giant
every day.

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Tick ( ) the correct answer.

1. Where did the giant live?

In a cave.
In a village.
In a castle.
[ 2 marks ]

2. Why do you think the giant is lonely?

He had no friends.
He chased the children away.
He lived far away from the village.
[ 2 marks ]

3. Why was the giant sad?

The giant was sad because ______________________________________.

[ 2 marks ]

4. Do you think the children should make friends with the giant? Why?



[ 2 marks ]


*Note: Pupils who are involved in cheating during the examination will be given
0 marks for the particular subject.*

Set by : Miss Ng Cai Yin

Vetted by : Mdm. Lee Poh Kuen

Ng Cai Yin / English Paper 1 / Year 3 / Page 9

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