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FRIDAY 9 NOVEMBER 2018 Forecast: Mostly Sunny Temp: Max.34°C. Min.20C. Humidity: 39 Sunrise: 06:17 Sunset: 05:45

H Simultaneously published from Hyderabad | Warangal | Tirupati | Amaravati | Visakhapatnam | Khammam | Kurnool | Delhi: RNI No: DELENG/2017/74095 H





Time to save democracy AQI PEAKS AFTER DIWALI

People comfort each other
as they sit in Thousand

SC order disappears
Oaks of California where a
gunman opened �ire on
Wednesday inside a

in spiral of
country dance bar crowded


with hundreds of people on
"college night," killing 12
persons � Report: P9

firecracker smoke

Amaravati/ Bengaluru: In a quick

Tribal university in follow up action to his recent Delhi
visit to bring all anti-BJP forces New Delhi/Lucknow: A day after ers until at least midnight, two
AP gets Cabinet nod together, Chief Minister N Chan- Diwali, many parts of the country hours after the 8pm-10 pm dead-
New Delhi: The Union cabinet on drababu Naidu on Thursday called were shrouded in haze on Thurs- line, and even Thursday morning.
Thursday approved setting up of on JDS chief HD Deve Gowda and day as pollution levels spiked to Loud bangs rent the air in New
'Central Tribal University of Andhra his son and Karnataka Chief Min- dangerous levels with several Delhi, where the air quality index
Pradesh'. It will be established in ister Kumaraswamy and discussed people celebrating the festival of (AQI) literally went o� the charts
Relli village of Vizianagaram Dis- the need for cutting the BJP down lights with sound and lots of at 642, several times over the
trict. The proposed university will to size in the next elections. smoke in defiance of the Supreme permissible limit, according to
come up after necessary amend- "All anti-BJP parties will soon Court two-hour limit for bursting data by the Centre-run SAFAR
ment in the Central Universities have a meeting at Delhi. Before firecrackers. There was anguish (System of Air Quality and
Act, Law and Justice Minister Ravi that, I will meet DMK chief to- and searching questions on the Weather Forecasting and Re-
Shankar Prasad said. "The 'Central morrow and share my views with yawning gap between the law search). This means that even
Tribal University of Andhra him," Chandrababu Naidu said and its enforcement as the sun healthy people may su�er from
Pradesh' will be set up in Relli vil- after the meeting. The grand al- struggled to shine through murky respiratory illnesses on a pro-
lage of Vizianagaram District as liance is likely to take a shape by skies, particularly in the Delhi- longed exposure to such air.
provided under the Thirteenth the end of November. NCR region which recorded its In 2017, the AQI post Diwali
Schedule to the Andhra Pradesh The AP Chief Minister left for worst air quality of the year. was recorded at 367. An AQI be-
Reorganisation Act, 2014. Bengaluru on Thursday afternoon Pollution levels in the national tween 0 and 50 is considered
along with leaders from AP and capital and its surrounding areas "good", 51 and 100 "satisfactory",
Telangana and discussed the entered the "severe-plus emer- 101 and 200 "moderate", 201 and
winds of change that were blowing gency" category due to a toxic 300 "poor", 301 and 400 "very
across the nation which they felt Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu waves a�er being felicitated by Karnataka Chief Minister HD mix of firecrackers, farm fires in poor", and 401 and 500 "severe".
was a good augury for formation Kumaraswamy and former prime minister HD Deve Gowda ahead of a mee�ng, in Bengaluru on Thursday neighbouring states and local AQI above 500 falls in the "se-
of an anti-BJP front and intensify weather conditions, authorities vere-plus emergency" category.
the struggle against the sa�ron The three leaders who were that it was imperative that there Mayawati who is understood to said. The Supreme Court had AQI is the combined impact of
party. They reportedly discussed closeted for about an hour decided should be an immediate halt to have said to him that she was permitted the sale and manufac- di�erent pollutants, including
the verdict in favour of the Con- to strike the iron while it is still attempts of the Centre to destroy game when it came to fight along- ture of low emission "green" fire- PM (particulate matter) 10, PM
gress-JDS candidates in the by- hot and bring all the opposition all democratic institutions. Naidu side Congress against the BJP in crackers countrywide and fixed 2.5, nitrogen and sulphur oxides
elections for one Assembly and parties big or small on one side has already visited Delhi twice Lok Sabha elections, her stand in a two-hour period for bursting and ozone. Violations were also
four Lok Sabha seats in which of the battle in the interests of and conferred with Congress chief respect of Assembly elections in them. recorded in Mumbai, Kolkata,
the sa�ron party managed to win democracy and nation. After call- Rahul Gandhi and leaders of sev- the North, notwithstanding. In gross violation of the order, Jaipur, Chandigarh and other
only one -Shimoga. ing on the two leaders, Naidu said eral parties, including mercurial Con�nued on Page 4 however, people burst firecrack- cities. Con�nued on Page 4

CBI chief meets CVC; Congress list to be out in next 48 hours

refutes graft charges Party prepares leaders who are not on the ticket list
New Delhi: CBI Director Alok cluded those who had handled OUR BUREAU they are not allotted tickets. gress offered Wyra, Husnabad
Verma on Thursday met Central the Moin Qureshi bribery case, The o�cial announcement is and Bellmapally seats to CPI.
Vigilance Commissioner K V the IRCTC scam, involving for- New Delhi: The Congress has likely on November 9 or 10. Similarly, TJS is learnt to have
Chowdary and denied corruption mer railway minister Lalu been preparing ground for the The Congress has told the been given Jangaon from
charges levelled against him by Prasad, the cattle smuggling case announcement of the party alliance partners about the where Prof Kodandaram will
his deputy and special director in which a senior BSF officer nominees for the ensuing As- seats they would be given. Ac- contest, Malkajgiri Kapilvai
in the probe agency Rakesh was caught with wads of cash in sembly elections. Before mak- cording to sources, the Con- Dileep Kumar, Medak Janard-
Asthana, o�cials said. Verma Kerala. The Supreme Court had ing the o�cial announcement, gress offered 11 seats to Telugu han Reddy, Wardhanpet, Mab-
came to the CVC o�ce in the directed that the CVC's inquiry the Congress counselled leaders Desam, eight to Telangana habubanagar Rajender Reddy.
late afternoon and stayed there into the allegations against Ver- from several districts asking Jana Samithi, one to Telangana Siddipet Bhavani Reddy, Dub- Telangana Congress in-charge RC Khun�a
for about two hours, they said. ma, who has challenged the gov- them work together and help Inti Party and 3 to CPI. The baka Rajender, and Ramagun- addressing media at 10 Janpath a�er
He met Chowdary and Vigilance ernment's decision divesting the Congress- TDP-TJS com- Congress would contest in dam G Ilaiah Yadav. Congress party central elec�on commission
Commissioner Sharad Kumar, him of his duties and sending bine win the election even if about 94 to 96 seats. The Con- Con�nued on Page 4 mee�ng in New Delhi on Thursday
the o�cials said, without giving him on leave, would be conduct-
any other details. ed under the supervision of re-
The Supreme Court had on
October 26 asked the Central
tired apex court judge Justice
A K Patnaik and this was a "one-
Maoists kill 4 Trump interim
Vigilance Commission to com- time exception". civilians, one
plete within two weeks its inquiry
into allegations against Verma
The feud between Verma and
Asthana escalated recently lead- CISF jawan relief to India
levelled by Asthana. Verma and
Asthana have been sent on leave
ing to registration of an FIR
against the latter and others, in-
Raipur: Four civilians
and a CISF jawan were
on Iran curbs
by the government. cluding Deputy Superintendent killed when suspected Washington: President Donald
O�cials said Asthana also met of Police Devender Kumar, who Naxals detonated a bus Trump said he gave temporary
the CVC. The Commission had is in CBI custody in an alleged with an improvised ex- exemptions to India and seven
recently examined some CBI o�- bribery case. plosive device (IED) in other major importers of Iran-
cials probing crucial cases which The CBI had on October 15 Chhattisgarh's Dante- ian oil as they sought US "help"
figured in Asthana's complaint registered the FIR against wada district on Thurs- and he did not want to drive oil
of corruption against the probe Asthana for allegedly receiving day, four days ahead of prices "up to $100 a barrel or
agency's chief Verma, they said. a bribe of Rs 2 crore from Hy- the first phase of elec- $150 a barrel".
The officials said CBI person- derabad-based businessman tions in the state, police The US on Monday imposed
nel from the rank of inspector Sana Sathish Babu which was said. Two personnel of "the toughest ever" sanctions
up to superintendent of police given through two middlemen the CISF were also in- on a defiant Iran aimed at al-
were called and their versions Manoj Prasad and Somesh jured in the explosion, tering the Iranian regime's "be-
recorded before a senior CVC Prasad to sabotage the probe the third Naxal attack haviour". The sanctions cover
official. These officials, who had against meat exporter Moin in 15 days in the poll- Prime Minister Narendra Modi celebra�ng Diwali with the jawans of the Indian Iran's banking and energy sec-
recorded their statements in- Qureshi. bound state. � P9 Army and ITBP, at Harsil in U�arakhand on Wednesday tors and reinstate penalties for
countries and companies in Eu-
rope, Asia and elsewhere that
do not halt Iranian oil imports.
CURBS ON CRACKERS However, Secretary of State

‘Make law enforcement agencies accountable for SC fiat’

Mike Pompeo said that eight
countries -- India, China, Italy,
Greece, Japan, South Korea, Tai-
wan and Turkey -- were tem-
porarily allowed to continue buy-
New Delhi: As violations of level entered "severe-plus emer- to be made accountable for the There have been criticism from the Delhi police failed. "Of course, "huge step". Dwivedi said au- ing Iranian oil as they showed
Supreme Court-imposed restric- gency" category or ten times the non-compliance of the two-hour- some quarters that it was not the order has been implemented. thorities will be in a better posi- "significant reduction" in oil pur-
tions on use and sale of firecrack- permissible limit due to rampant long window granted by the apex practical to implement the order The time limit (fixed by the tion next time to prevent bursting chase from the Persian Gulf coun-
ers were reported across states bursting of toxic firecrackers in court on October 23 for bursting in this festive season. The experts Supreme Court) was largely fol- of crackers beyond the permis- try. "I gave some countries a
during Diwali, questions cropped gross violation of a Supreme of the less polluting green crack- said the apex court direction lowed. In Delhi, police decided sible time limit. His views were break on the oil. I did it a little
up on Thursday over implement- Court order, authorities said. ers. would eventually lead to ending not to implement it. It is the fault shared by Sinha and Dhavan who bit because they really asked for
ing the ban in a short period, but Experts, both legal and envi- Senior advocates Rakesh manufacturing of polluting crack- of the Commissioner of Police. said the apex court order "did some help," Trump told reporters
legal experts said law enforce- ronmental, said though sounds Dwivedi, KTS Tulsi, Rajeev Dha- ers and that the next Diwali will Only the Commissioner of Police succeed in many areas" and that at a press conference in the White
ment agencies must be made ac- of cracker bursting were heard van, Ajit Sinha and environmen- be less polluting with the only disobeyed it," he said, citing the greater awareness among citizens House on Wednesday. The Pres-
countable for the breaches that in breach of the 2-hour time limit talist and lawyer M C Mehta, ad- green crackers which have low order which stated that the SHOs would lead to more compliance. ident said he also did it "because
can hurt the ambitious efforts to between 8 PM to 10 PM on Diwali vocates Gopal Sankaranarayanan, emission of light, sound and of concerned police stations "The Supreme Court's order I don't want to drive oil prices
combat pollution. (Wednesday), they said the orders Aprajita Singh and environmen- harmful chemicals entering the would be made accountable for could not have been obeyed at up to $100 a barrel or $150 a bar-
The experts also said the ban were in the right direction for talist Anumita Roy Chowdhury market. the violations, if any. Singh, who the time of festival but it did suc- rel". "I am driving them (oil
is not unimplementable. In Delhi, gradual implementation and were unanimous in their view Sankaranarayanan, who has has been assisting the apex court ceed in many areas...Such mag- prices) down. If you look at oil
a thick haze engulfed the national would set the tone for policy that the apex court has come out been arguing for the ban of fire as amicus curiae in the air pol- num orders can only be treated prices, they have come down very
capital as it recorded its worst making on the issue of controlling with implementable orders and crackers, said the order has been lution matters, said even if the as messages of restraint," Dhavan substantially over the last couple
air quality of the year the morn- pollution. The experts said the now, it is for the authorities and largely implemented, barring the "positive" order was not imple- said. of months," he asserted.
ing after Diwali as the pollution law enforcement agencies have the citizens to take it forward. national capital where, he alleged mented in "totality", it was a Con�nued on Page 4 Con�nued on Page 4

Twist and turns of

women cricketers faceted women. Their journeys
The first ever are inspiring – and entertaining!
book on history of At a time when the game is
changing, and the understanding
women’s cricket in of women's voice in society itself
is changing, we wanted to cele-
India is here brate their lives and remember
their achievements beyond what

W estland Publishing (an

Amazon company) will
publish the first ever-compre-
the scorecards did. It has been a
delight and an honour to learn
more about these role models.’
hensive history of women's Speaking on the journey of
cricket in India. women’s cricket in India, Sid-
Co-authored by Karunya Ke- hanta Patnaik said, ‘A book on

‘I am an empowered woman’
shav and Sidhanta Patnaik, The women's cricket in India was
Fire Burns Blue: A History of much needed and I am glad that
Women’s Cricket in India will both of us were in a position to
publish under Westland’s new game right from its origin to dedicate ourselves to this project
imprint, Westland Sport on 30 the present day. It also presents for almost a year and pull it o�.
November 2018. the readers with rare photo- While there have been many who
SIDDHI JAIN From the days of pioneers like graphs that further helps in re-it- have contributed significantly

Diana Eduljee and Shantha Ran- erating the highs and lows of the and have our gratitude, we were
rtist Rekha Rodwittiya, gaswamy in the early ‘70s to the early years of women’s cricket. extremely lucky that both former
whose art is "free, feisty, stars of today like Mithali Raj and Commenting on the process of and current cricketers welcomed
feminist and more" and Harmanpreet Kaur, the story of writing the book, Karunya Ke- the idea and opened up to us. We
yet is the "everyday woman", women’s cricket has gone through shav said, ‘Women's cricket in hope that the readers enjoy the
numerous twists and turns. India has been built on the hard experience of reading as much as
The Fire Burns Blue provides work and this wonderful can-do we had fun putting these pages
an elaborate narrative of the spirit of some incredible, multi- together.’

placed the female figure at the
centre of her work "as an en-
dorsement of female victory". My Team India- L-R_Jemimah Rodrigues, Veda Krishnamurthy, Smri� Mandhana, Mithali Raj, Deep� Sharma, Harmanpreet Kaur
Rodwittiya's exhibition, Calling her- tance "precious is consciously placed as an en-

Your weight is a
"Rekha@Sixty: Transient Worlds self a proud enough to not be dorsement of female victory -- as
of Belonging", at the Sakshi
Gallery, Mumbai explores the
representation squandered".
Through her
a totemic trophy of the self for the
self -- to reinforce the embodi-
ideas of womanhood. It does so rewinds her endorsement of easily-identi- ment of the female spirit as a vital

matter of concern
through the autobiographical life for one to fied, bold style axis to life itself," she explained.
lens of the artist, who positions better under- female victory, spirit of painting, On the #MeToo movement ris-
the female form in her work as stand the per- Rodwittiya ing to a fever pitch in India, the
unrelenting. sonal politics says, artist Rekha brings alive the widely-exhibited artist, who has
"I see the female figure as be- that governs her Rodwittiya ordinary through previously argued on social media
ing emblematic of being a life- art. this lens of the cul- that "men from cultural spaces of
giving force through the cen- She recalled the tural self -- something authority, who have behaved sex- Weight management in pregnancy may
turies. The unflinching gaze and nights she spent as a child, especially visible in her 1995 ually inappropriately with women, have impact on child's bone health

the frontal posture of the female listening to her mother and aunts seminal work "Songs From the (be) held accountable", said the
protagonist demands that the
viewer is obliged to participate
and engage with her presence”
talk about their lives "lived with
independence and courage to
stand up for what they believed
Blood of the Weary" created for
Geneva exhibition commemorat-
ing 50 years of the United Nations.
a movement is a stage for everyone.
"Power hierarchies of all types
must be questioned. The #Metoo
T here is no benefit for chil-
dren's bone mass if women
gain weight during pregnancy,
ment could adversely a�ect child
bone health, said the researchers.
The study, published in the
said, the 60-year-old artist in", which became the "lullabies" "As a feminist, it isn't the theo- movement is everyone's stage to says a new study. Journal of Bone and Mineral Re- during pregnancy would have a
"Stark and arresting in de- for Rodwittiya's feminist belong- retical pedagogic that I wish to en- celebrate this emboldened mo- And this applies to both normal search, showed that in under and beneficial e�ect on children's
meanor, these figures with their ing. gage with in my art. My content is ment of truth and freedom, and overweight women prior to normal weight mothers, weight bone mass," said Monjardino.
unrelenting gaze stand... free, With a non-conformist up- culled from the life of the everyday through stories of survivors, and pregnancy, says Teresa Mon- gain during pregnancy was asso- "Our study results corroborate
feisty, feminist and more." bringing, "unfettered by restrictive woman... It is through the lives of to work for the change. jardino, lead author from the Uni- ciated with slightly increased that there is no benefit in gaining
In response to a popular state- boundaries of community a�lia- the ordinary that we best witness "Sexual harassment and op- versidade do Porto in Portugal. bone mass at 7 years of age in weight above the US Institute of
ment made by art historian John tion and religious" diktat, the any ideology." pression must be viewed as crimi- Weight management strate- children. Medicine recommendations for
Berger on the gender dynamic in artist, born in Bangalore (now A former student of London's nal acts and legislation (to deal gies during pregnancy reduce On the other hand, in the case pregnancy weight gain for chil-
artworks - “Men act and women Bengaluru), knew from the age of Royal College of Art, Rodwittiya with this) must not only be struc- child cardiometabolic risk such of overweight or obese mothers, dren's bone mass, in both normal
appear" - Rodwittiya said she ab- five that she would paint. commends the indomitable spirit tured, but also implemented with as diabetes and heart disease. no beneficial e�ect of weight gain and overweight women prior to
hors the “gaze that suggests con- She said that, when asked how of women. visible results for all," she stated. However, because maternal on bone mass was observed. pregnancy," added Monjardino.
sumption" and that her attempt it feels like to be a woman in India, "The female figure as a central weight has an overall positive "Until recently, it was a widely The team analysed prospec-
is to bring out accountability in her answer is that she views her- image is neither accidental, nor ar- "Rekha@60" will run till correlation with a child's bone held scientific belief that any tive data from 2,167 mother-
the gaze. self as "empowered" -- an inheri- rived at by chance in my work. It November 30 mass, pregnancy weight manage- weight gain from the mother child pairs.

Match your way as a bridesmaid

those lovely social media
pictures !
A hope that builds families
Style tips for � Bridesmaids can try FASHION FILE
bridesmaid for this various outfits which are
unique and contemporary saree gowns. It is again
wedding season but the key point is to be important for the
comfortable as you may bridesmaids to choose an
have to be on your toes with outfit the compliments their
BHAVYA CHAWLA ‘bridal’ duties. body.

T hough
attributed to the West, it is not
� For Sangeet, fusion capes
and jackets with lehenga or
pants are good options. For
� Slimmer women can opt for
blouses or tops with fullness
like ru�es. If you have a
a new concept in Indian the main wedding, if its a fuller body, experiment with
weddings where people have, south Indian wedding, sleeve lengths and highlight
for a long time planned and choose a silk saree and for the right curves.
coordinated their outfits. north Indian weddings, � Choosing the right colors is
Indian bridesmaids have lehenga and designer sarees key for bridesmaids
plenty of stunning outfit are good. Receptions are the ensembles. The bride or
options to choose from, each perfect opportunities to groom can choose to use
equally unique. Lets see style make style statements so go matching colors, contrast D SHREYA VERONICA whether it is a Dealing with fertility Is the concept of designer
tips to up the style quotient on all out with latest trends like colors or play with hospital or a needs sensitivity, says babies coming here to India?
the wedding stage and for all the fusion gowns or draped complementary colors.
B eing parents is the one of the
most wonderful experience
in one’s life. And for parents with
clinic, and I feel
that the facility
provided is very
COO, Medicover,
If you think about the way
that Indian regulation is, I
don’t think this is something
fertility issues it is surely a mat- important. Es- John Stubbington easy because you are very
ter of stress and this is where fer- pecially in India, not protective here. India is very
tility clinics come in. Medicover people have the asolution at all. It might be sensitive to this very subject. So,
the Sweden-based medical fertil- stigma from family that people are stressed or their I personally don’t see that
ity provider has come to Hyder- perspective and have an expecta- body weight is not conducive to happening.
abad to build families and help a tion and it is not just the expecta- be able to produce a child. How does Medicover work?
dream of a child turn into reality tion from husband or wife, but Convincing people to be better It is individualistic approach to
for couples.John Stubbington, also mother, father, grandparents; and get themselves into shape to begin with. People who come to
Chief Operating O�cer of the 23- a lot of people are involved. So, it have a family could be the us get counseled and then we
year-old facility shares, “We are is important that wegive a nice en- answer. So, we do not jump into understand them and know what
a health care provider, which is vironment for people. The quality conclusions. Counseling is really had happened in the past. We get
unique as we have had the same of our services is really good, and important part of it to make the the full range of tests and then
primary investor since the day of we train people who work with us whole process easy and then it is doctors decide on the appropriate
our inception.We believe in qual- very well. Our first interaction is about finding and hiring good treatment. We do have a lot of
ity and give the best to our pa- important.We need to be sensi- doctors etc. people who are experienced and
tients.” tive, empathetic and listen to the What is the age group of your decide the treatments. Then we
couples, who approach us without patients? have di�erent cycles in terms of
Excerpts jumping into any conclusions. The usual age-group of stimulations and di�erent
Why do many think IVF is the couples, who approach us is processes before the baby comes.
In India, there is stigma only solution to fertility between 25 to early 40. If There is no better feeling for us
attached to fertility issues. How problem? somebody came to us and they when somebody comes back to us
do you deal with this? In India people jump to were much older, we need to also with their baby. We enable life
Fertility is a sensitive area. I go conclusions that IVF is the only consider in terms of the welfare and we help people create
into many clinical environments solution, where sometimes it is of the child. families.

AAP seeks contempt action against BJP leaders

Belittling SC order on green crackers Over 250 cases of
Two children dead
New Delhi: The AAP on Thurs-
day demanded initiation of con-
matters," Kapoor tweeted in
Hindi. as shanty catches burn, eye injuries
tempt action against two BJP His party colleague Sharma
fire in central Delhi; this Diwali
leaders for their remarks on said that he has not committed
Supreme Court order on use of
green crackers.
any contempt of court. "I am just
asking what is ‘green cracker’
two injured New Delhi: Over 250 cases of
burn injuries were reported by
Senior AAP leaders Atishi and if any licence has been given New Delhi: Two children died and various hospitals in the na�onal
Marlena and Raghav Chadha al- by the government for its sale," two others of the same family capital this Diwali. The five gov‐
leged that BJP's Adarsh Nagar Sharma said, claiming that sustained severe injuries a�er ernment hospitals ‐‐ Safdarjung,
MLA O P Sharma termed the around 40 to 50 people from his their shanty near central Delhi's Ram Manohar Lohia (RML), Guru
apex court order on green crack- constituency were picked up by Desh Bandhu Gupta Road caught Teg Bahadur (GTB), Deen Dayal
ers as "laughable" and "pro- police for burning non-green fire while they were sleeping, po‐ Upadhyay (DDU) and Lok Nayak
voked" people for its violation. crackers. lice said Thursday. The incident (LN), reported majority of the
"We urge the Supreme Court to On October 23, the Supreme took place on the intervening burn injuries and firecracker‐re‐
take suo motu cognisance of Court had said that people in the night of Wednesday and Thurs‐ lated accidents.
Sharma's contempt of court and country can burst firecrackers day, they said. The deceased were The Centre‐run Safdarjung
send him behind the bars," from 8 pm to 10 pm only on Di- iden�fied as Ganesh (10) and hospital, which has largest burns
Chadha said in a press confer- wali and other festivals and had Swa� (4), a senior Delhi Fire Serv‐ unit in the country, received
ence here. They also demanded allowed manufacture and sale of ice (DFS) official said. The injured, around 104 cases, including 22
law enforcement agencies to just "green crackers" which have Suman (28), with 55 per cent admissions related to major burn
take action against Delhi BJP a low light and sound emission burns, and Munna (5), with 70 injuries, from 9 AM on Wednes‐
spokesperson Praveen Shankar and less harmful chemicals. The per cent burns, are undergoing day to 9 AM on Thursday. "While
Kapoor over his statements on AAP leaders claimed that their treatment at the Ram Manohar 22 pa�ents were admi�ed, rest
the Supreme Court verdict. "I party supported the court order Lohia hospital, he said. The vic‐ were treated as out pa�ents,"
also burst crackers on Wednes- and Delhiites also honoured it as �ms were sleeping when the said Dr Shalabh Kumar, Professor
day night -- except matters re- less firecrackers were burst on shanty caught fire, a senior police and Consultant, Plas�c Surgery
lated to faith, I obey law in all Diwali this year. officer said. Police suspect that Department, Safdarjung Hospital.
the fire started from an LPG cylin‐ Of the total 104 pa�ents, 26 were

Twitter users slam ‘mass

der and spread to the shanty. A children. At the RML Hospital, lo‐
call about the blaze was received cated in central Delhi, 25 people
at 2.18 am and two fire tenders came to the casualty wards with

contempt’ of SC order
were rushed to the spot, the DFS burn injuries, out of whom, six
official said. pa�ents had to be admi�ed as
they had more than 20 per cent
burns, said Dr V K Tiwari, Medical
New Delhi: Twitter users took to tweeted with Twitter handle 'Cos- Superintendent of the hospital.
the microblogging site posting pic- mic noodle'. Another user The Dr R P Centre for Ophthalmic
tures of people burning crackers tweeted, "If this isn't mass con- Sciences at the AIIMS also re‐
wearing masks and slammed the tempt of #SupremeCourt, then ceived pa�ents who had sus‐
"mass contempt" of Supreme what is? Non-stop crackers is
A cyclist walks across a field engulfed in thick haze, in New Delhi, on Thursday
Water sprinkling to tained burns in eyes or other ocu‐
Court's order permitting bursting
of firecrackers between 8-10 pm.
what I was hearing last night. Full
on. Anarchy. How can u do this reduce dust pollution lar injuries during Diwali
fes�vi�es. Consultant Plas�c Sur‐
They vented their anger, disap-
pointment and sadness at the
#delhi?" "The air is so polluted in
Delhi that one can just choke to 50 LAKH KG OF CRACKERS New Delhi: The Public Works
Department of the Delhi gov‐
the next few days as part of
anti‐pollution measures, the
geon at the Lok Nayak hospital,
Dr P S Bhandari, said, "21 persons
brazen violation of the court or-
der, wondering how could farmers
death. The city has become a
breathing hell. #Diwali #Del- BURNT THIS YEAR ernment on Thursday carried
out a drive to sprinkle water in
official said. The Supreme
Court has allowed people to
with burn injuries were a�ended
to at our hospital, out of which
burning crop residue in neigh- hiPollution #masscontempt," several areas to settle sus‐ burst firecrackers from 8 PM five were admi�ed."
bouring states be blamed for the Martand Jha tweeted. Shruti New Delhi: Close to 50 lakh kilo‐ an overnight change in people's pended dust particles as part to 10 PM only on Diwali and "This year we had an�cipated
deteriorating air quality of the na- Chan, a software professional, grammes of firecrackers were behaviour because of a court or‐ of efforts to check pollution. other festivals. The Supreme that the cases will go down on Di‐
tional capital when Delhiites tweeted, "It feels Delhiites bursted burst in Delhi on Diwali despite a der. But at least there is a recogni‐ The measure comes on a day Court also allowed manufac‐ wali as lot of efforts have been
themselves were unmindful of crackers only to let Supreme Supreme Court direc�ve limi�ng �on by the court of the harmful when Delhi recorded its worst ture and sale of just "green made to sensi�se the public. But
their behaviour. Court order down #Delhichoked the burs�ng of crackers to only consequences of crackers and the air quality after Diwali, which crackers" which have low then people started pouring in
Aditya Periwal, a corporate #masscontempt #pollution". two hours, according to a report gradual realisa�on by the public saw people in several cities emission of light, sound and since last evening and con�nued
lawyer, tweeted, "#CrackerBan Delhi recorded its worst air by a research group. That is the that using crackers is not accept‐ across the country bursting harmful chemicals. But despite �ll today (Thursday) morning,"
No farmer is burning crops now quality of the year the morning af- same amount of firecrackers burst able anymore," he said. Partly as crackers well beyond the two‐ the court's order, firecrackers Bhandari added. Around 35
in Delhi. Don't blame them. Del- ter Diwali as the pollution level in 2017. It equates to 1,50,000 kg a result of smoke from crackers, hour deadline set by the were burnt before and after pa�ents were sent back home af‐
hiites, you deserve what you get! entered the "severe-plus emer- of mass of PM2.5 (par�cles in the the overall air quality index (AQI) Supreme Court. According to the set deadline. Areas where ter first aid at the Deen Dayal
Pollution level 999 from 120 in 3 gency" category due to rampant air with a diameter of less than in Delhi jumped to 642, which an official, the department's violations were recorded in Upadhyay Hospital. The Guru Teg
hours. Brazen contempt of court. bursting of toxic firecrackers, au- 2.5 micrometres). Reac�ng to the falls in the "severe‐plus emer‐ field staff sprinkled water in the city on Wednesday in‐ Bahadur Hospital received 45 pa‐
But somehow, not surprised. It's thorities said. People in several report by Urban Emissions, gency" category, according to the ITO, Rohini, Dwarka, Ring Road cluded Mayur Vihar Extension, �ents for bodily injuries from fire‐
Delhi after all". "Peak Delhi is peo- cities burst firecrackers until at Ritwick Du�a, environment data by Centre‐run SAFAR (System and other areas of the na‐ Lajpat Nagar, Lutyens Delhi, IP related incidents and saw two ad‐
ple bursting crackers while wear- least midnight, two hours after the lawyer, said the viola�on is not of Air Quality and Weather Fore‐ tional capital. The water sprin‐ Extension, Dwarka and Noida missions this Diwali. Most of the
ing pollution masks. Wow. I have 10 PM deadline set by the unexpected. "One cannot expect
cas�ng and Research). kling drive will continue for Sector 78. burn injuries were mainly related
no words," a journalism student Supreme Court. to hands and eyes.

Two men get lifer for 19-year-old 550 cases, over 300 Don’t file status
held on Diwali night
stabbed to death
abducting, murdering New Delhi: A 19-year-old man
report in ‘casual’
youth for ransom
was stabbed to death allegedly

manner, police told

by his neighbour on Thursday New Delhi: Over 550 cases were wali and other festivals. It had
after a scu�e broke out be- registered, and more than 300 also allowed manufacture and
tween the two over a petty issue people arrested on Diwali night sale of only "green crackers",
New Delhi: The Delhi High Court calls, there is no such evidence in northwest Delhi's Jahangir for violating the Supreme which have a low light and sound
has awarded life imprisonment as far as accused no. 3 (Sidhu) is Puri, police said. Court's order on burning of fire emission and less harmful chem- New Delhi: The Delhi High derogatory remarks made
to two persons for abducting a concerned. "Therefore, he can- The deceased, Dipak, alias crackers, o�cials said Thursday. icals. Court has directed Delhi Po- against her and her commu-
youth for ransom and strangu- not be said to have been part of Balli, was a resident of the area Police also seized 2,776 kg of The court had asked the police lice o�cials to refrain from nity by a post on a social net-
lating him to death 15 years ago. any criminal conspiracy or even and the accused, Yogesh, has firecrackers from various parts to ensure that banned firecrack- filing status reports in a "ca- working site. On court's direc-
A bench of justices S Muralid- shared a common intention of been arrested, they said. of the city on Diwali. A total of ers were not sold and said in case sual" and "cavalier" manner. tion, a status report was filed
har and Vinod Goel upheld the first abducting the deceased for "When police reached the 87 people were arrested and 72 of any violation, the station A division bench of justices by the SHO concerned in
verdict of a trial court sentencing ransom and then murdering spot, they learnt that Dipak was cases registered in connection house o�cer (SHO) of the police Siddharth Mridul and Sangita which it was stated that "a let-
Joginder and Vikas Chaudhary him," the bench said. It said it has stabbed with a knife by his with illegal sale of crackers, they station concerned would be held Dhingra directed the o�cials ter has been sent to .... (social
to life term, which would mean been conclusively proved by the neighbour Yogesh (19). During added. personally liable and it would to exercise caution, care and networking site) through Cy-
incarceration till their natural prosecution that Joginder and investigation, police found that The Delhi police said it regis- amount to committing con- diligence while responding to ber Cell East Delhi to remove
life, and that they would not be Chaudhary entered into a crimi- a minor scu�e broke out be- tered around 562 cases under tempt of the court. proceedings pending before the contents/ photographs
entitled to "any parole, remission nal conspiracy and abducted 20- tween Dipak and Yogesh last section 188 of the Indian Penal According to police, out of the the court. "The o�cers of the uploaded on the site in con-
or any furlough before 30 years year-old Parakh Chadha for ran- night over a petty issue which Code (disobedience of order) 562 cases registered, six cases Delhi Police are directed to nection with the petitioner
of imprisonment" for the of- som. They murdered him and was later settled," Deputy Com- and arrested 310 people for vio- were registered in New Delhi eschew from filing status re- (woman)."
fences. concealed the evidence of the missioner of Police (northwest) lating the Supreme Court's or- district, 22 in southwest district, ports in a casual and cavalier However, the single judge
The bench, however, acquitted crime by burning the body and Aslam Khan said. der. 37 in east district, 59 in north- manner," it said. later came to know that at the
Vikas Sidhu, who was also threw it in a ditch near the Hin- However, at around 11.40 am Those arrested were later east district, 47 in Shadara, 30 in The bench's observations time of filing of status report,
awarded life term by the trial don river in Ghaziabad, it said. on Thursday, the accused al- granted bail, a senior police o�- central, eight in north, 48 in came while discharging a no communication had been
court, by giving him benefit of The High Court has also up- legedly attacked the victim and cer said. Legal action was taken northwest, 58 in Rohini, 48 in criminal contempt notice is- addressed to the social net-
doubt. "While the involvement held the trial court's order di- stabbed him in the chest with a against 24 juveniles under the south, 23 in southeast, 52 in sued to a station house o�cer working site by the compe-
of accused no. 1 (Joginder) and recting Joginder and Chaudhary knife and fled from the spot, he provisions of the Juvenile Act for west, 89 in outer Delhi and 35 in of Mayur Vihar Police Station tent authority for removing
accused no. 2 (Chaudhary) to pay a compensation of Rs four said. not abiding by the top court's di- Dwarka district of Delhi. Among in East Delhi by a single judge the alleged objectionable ma-
stands conclusively established lakh each to the victim's family. Dipak was rushed to the rection, he said. the eight cases registered in of the high court for allegedly terial posted on its website.
by the matching of their speci- The three men had challenged Babu Jagjivan Ram Memorial The Supreme Court had al- north district, two were in Bu- making a wrong statement in The single judge then made a
men voices with the questioned the trial court's order of Novem- Hospital, where he succumbed lowed bursting of firecrackers rari, two in Sabzi Mandi and four a status report filed in the reference to the division
voices in the recorded ransom ber 2017. to injuries, the o�cer added. from 8 pm to 10 pm only on Di- in Roop Nagar, they said. court. The bench observed bench for initiating appropri-
that o�cials of Delhi Police ate action for criminal con-
are required to be held to the tempt against the SHO con-
AMRITA’S WORK UNSEEN FOR 80 YEARS high standards by which they cerned.

‘The Little Girl in Blue’ to go under hammer at Sotheby’s

profess their conduct to be The SHO expressed uncon-
judged. ditional regret and apology
"In view of the foregoing, for the language error that oc-
the notice of criminal con- curred on his behalf. The di-
New Delhi: Amrita Sher-Gil's 'The lieved to depict Babit, the artist's Honoured as a National Treasure neously aggressively modern and tempt issued to the con- vision bench in its order said:
Little Girl in Blue' that was last second cousin and the grand- Artist, she holds a special place in decidedly Indian. At a time when cerned SHO is hereby dis- "However, in our considered
seen 80 years ago at her first ever daughter of the eminent politician the history of Indian art. "The most artists portrayed women as charged, whilst directing him view, although the expression
solo show in Lahore in 1937, will go Sunder Singh. Embodying a bo- scarcity of her paintings means content and compliant, Sher-Gil's to exercise due caution, employed by the concerned
under the hammer at Sotheby's in- hemian combination of East and that very few have been o�ered at treatment of female subjects was henceforth. The o�cers of the SHO in the subject status re-
augural India sale -- 'Boundless: In- West, Sher-Gil's work belonged to auction in India before. This is a singularly unique, revealing their Delhi Police are directed to port could be said to misdirect
dia' on November 29. The 1934 no particular school or style of very special moment," Gaurav loneliness or silent resolve. Ahead eschew from filing status re- the proceedings, the same in
work, estimated between Rs 10 and painting and has been treasured Bhatia, Managing Director of of Sotheby's 'Boundless: India' sale ports in a casual and cavalier our view does not constitute
15 crore, is only the third oil paint- in the same family collection ever Sotheby's India, said. later this month, 'The Little Girl manner," the bench said. a deliberate and wilful at-
ing by the artist ever o�ered at an since it was acquired eight decades The Hungarian-Indian painter in Blue' will be placed on public The single judge was hear- tempt to mislead the court or
auction in India, and the seventh back by Charles Fabri at Faletti's forged a revolutionary new path display at the Bikaner House (No- ing a petition by a woman interfere in the administra-
o�ered anywhere in the world. Hotel in Lahore. artists that reflected the true spirit informed by her experiences in vember 17) here, and the Taj Ma- seeking directions to remove tion of justice".
Painted by Sher-Gil at the age "For Sotheby's first sale in of India, and who could better em- Hungary, Paris and India, creating hal Palace Hotel (November 27-
of 21, 'The Little Girl in Blue' is be- Mumbai, we were looking for body this than Amrita Sher-Gil? a body of work that was simulta- 28) in Mumbai.

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Amnesty India for probe into HAIL OF STONES

custodial torture of activist

New Delhi: Amnesty India on ing and this raises serious ques- Sen, and Mahesh Raut. minder of how India is fast be-
Thursday demanded an impar- tions about the government's On August 28, Maharashtra coming a dangerous place for
tial probe after activist Arun treatment of human rights de- police arrested activists Sudha those demanding accountability
Ferreira's claimed he was fenders. "The authorities must Bharadwaj, Gautam Navlakha, from the state. Amnesty India
beaten by a Maharashtra police conduct a prompt, thorough and Vernon Gonsalves, Ferreira, and believes that arrests in relation
officer in custody, and asserted impartial investigation into his Varavara Rao from across the to the Bhima Koregaon incident
the alleged ill-treatment shows allegations." Amnesty India country and raided the homes are politically motivated and are
how India is becoming a "dan- claimed Ferreira's lawyer Sid- of several others. Authorities aimed at chilling peaceful dis-
gerous place" for human rights harth Patil spoke to them. have alleged that the 10 human sent. "The Indian government
defenders. The Amnesty statement said rights defenders and activists seems to have failed in its obli-
Ferreira, who was arrested in Patil told them that Ferreira was had incited Dalits at a public gation to protect human rights
August for alleged Maoist links, admitted to a local hospital soon rally on December 31, 2017, defenders, and the freedom of
along with four other prominent after the incident and his in- leading to violent clashes the expression and assembly," said
activists, told a Pune court on juries were recorded in the next day in which one person Basu. The body said ill-treat-
Tuesday he was "hit" by the in- medical report. "The report has died and several were injured. ment and torture in police cus-
vestigating officer. He said he been submitted to the court. Hundreds of Dalits had gath- tody are widespread in India but
was "hit" on his face "eight to Arun is recovering, and his fam- ered in Bhima Koregaon village are rarely punished. While tor-
ten times" by Assistant Com- ily met him in jail yesterday." in Maharashtra on January 1 to ture is not recognised as a dis-
missioner of Police (ACP) Shiv- Amnesty India said in a series commemorate a 200-year-old tinct crime under the Indian
aji Pawar on November 4 during of brutal crackdowns on human battle in which Dalit soldiers of law, the Supreme Court has
interrogation. rights defenders, Maharashtra the British army defeated the ruled that torture and other ill-
Asmita Basu, programmes di- police on June 6 arrested ac- ruling Peshwas. treatment violates constitution- ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������
rector at Amnesty India, said tivists Surendra Gadling, Rona "Reports of Arun Ferreira be- ally guaranteed rights to life and
Ferreira's submission is alarm- Wilson, Sudhir Dhawale, Shoma ing beaten in custody are a re- personal liberty, it added.

Sikh body wants probe into govt Haasan slams ����������������������������

packages for Kashmiri Pandits
Srinagar: A Sikh organisation on Thursday
AIADMK for its
opposition to 'Sarkar'
Chennai: Actor-politician Kamal Haasan on
demanded a high-level probe into various ������������������������������������ Thursday flayed the ruling AIADMK for its New Delhi: The Delhi High an o�cial of the municipal ment Board (DUSIB), BSES
packages announced by successive govern- ��������������������������������������� opposition to Vijay-starrer 'Sarkar', saying a Court has directed the North body for the alleged o�ences of Yamuna Power Ltd and or any
ments at the Centre for Kashmiri Pandits ������������������������������������� government that cannot accept criticism Delhi Municipal Corporation causing death by negligence other agency, in accordance
and alleged that other communities in ������������������������������������� "will derail." It was also not new for "this gov- to pay Rs 10 lakh as compen- and causing hurt by act endan- with law.
Jammu and Kashmir have been ignored. ����������������������������������� ernment to exert pressure through political sation to the parents of a 13- gering life or personal safety of The civic body had said that
"Over the years, it has been observed that conspiracies," against a certified film like year-old boy, who was electro- others under the IPC. the accident might have taken
the governments in New Delhi have been an-
������������������������������ 'Sarkar,' the Makkal Needhi Maiam founder cuted in a park after receiving The child's parents ap- place due to the accumulation
nouncing packages for Kashmiri Pandits and ������������������������������ said without explicitly referring to any inci- shock from a metallic fencing proached the high court seek- of rain water in the park and
nothing has been done with respect to Mus- ��������������������������� dent. "A government that does not accept erected around a high mast ing compensation for their leakage in earthing of the main
lim and Sikh communities," All Parties Sikh criticism will derail. The coterie of political pole in 2010. son's death. They had claimed lines.
Coordination Committee (APSCC) chair- ment to provide jobs, under the Prime Min- traders will end soon," he said on his Twitter Justice J R Midha directed that the civic body was respon- The civic body had earlier
man Jagmohan Singh Raina said in a state- ister's package, to Kashmiri Pandits, who handle. "Good people will soon come to the the municipal body to deposit sible for maintaining the park claimed that it was neither the
ment. Sikhs are up against many odds and have not migrated from the Valley, is an act ruling saddle," he added. the amount, along with inter- and was liable to pay them owner nor the custodian of the
are facing di�culties with regard to employ- of gross discrimination against the Sikh com- The ruling AIADMK is up in arms against est with the high court's reg- compensation. Allowing the park or the pole and was not
ment, political representation and assistance munity," Raina alleged. He claimed that the the film for its reported reference to former istrar-general, within six plea of the parents, the court responsible for the mainte-
in business, agriculture and horticulture sec- SRO is arbitrary, illegal and an infringement Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa, besides alleged weeks and listed the matter for said North MCD was held pri- nance of the pole on the date
tors, he said. of fundamental rights guaranteed under Ar- depiction of certain government schemes in December for disbursement of mary liable to pay the com- of the accident on July 12,
Raina said a probe should be carried out ticles 14 and 16 of the Indian Constitution. bad light. Haasan has been vocal in his criti- the money to the child's par- pensation in the first instance 2010.
into the "undue" packages announced for Right from 1989, the attitude of state and cism of the AIADMK over issues including ents. The incident took place to the family. It had said that Slum and JJ
Kashmiri Pandits over the years by a parlia- central governments has been apathetic and corruption. The ruling AIADMK, in turn, has on July 12, 2010 when the mi- It said that after depositing Department of the MCD was
mentary panel or by a sitting judge of the discriminatory towards the Sikhs, especially ridiculed him. Haasan had felicitated the nor was playing in the park the compensation amount, the converted to DUSIB with ef-
Supreme Court. He said a thorough probe those living in the Valley, Raina alleged. He crew of Vijay-starrer 'Mersal' in 2017 last near his residence in Anand North MCD would be at lib- fect from July 1, 2010 and the
would expose the o�cials who have been asked the members of the community to year, following opposition to the film by the Parbat area. erty to initiate appropriate le- board was responsible for the
doling out these packages from time to time. wage a battle against the injustices meted BJP's state unit for some "incorrect refer- A case was lodged, and gal proceedings against the maintenance of the pole on
"The SRO (sadr-e-riyasat ordinance) 425 is- out to them by people at the helm of a�airs ences" to the Goods and Services Tax (GST) charge-sheet was filed against Delhi Urban Shelter Improve- the date of the accident.
sued in October 2017 by the state govern- in New Delhi and in Jammu and Kashmir. rolled out in July 2017.

11 'gangsters'
held after SC order disappears in spiral Time to save democracy: Naidu
exchange of fire
of firecracker smoke
Continued from P1 with the lopsided policies of the Centre. The chief
Speaking to media persons after his meeting minister recalled his meeting with Sharad Pawar,
Sonipat: The Haryana police ar- with Karanataka leaders, Naid said: "Our main Mayawati and Akhilesh Yadav who shared his con-
rested 11 alleged gangsters after priority is to save the country and democracy. I cern for protection of democracy.
a brief exchange of fire in Bahal- Continued from P1 "very poor' AQI. city till midnight on Diwali. am trying to bring all non-BJP parties together. Deve Gowda said the country has been facing
garh area near here and recov- While some people spoke of A thick blanket of smoke was The desert state of Rajasthan We will soon have a meeting together at Delhi to problems for the last four years under the NDA rule.
ered 10 illegal weapons and Rs maintaining Diwali traditions, noticed over the state capital faced a similar situation. Ac- ensure that the anti-BJP parties become a cohe- The Congress party too should play a greater role
10.23 lakh cash from them, an of- others bemoaned the callous- and its neighbouring districts cording to the Rajasthan State sive force. This is important because the present in forging unity among the Opposition parties.
ficial said Thursday. ness and ignorance of those as a result of rampant burning Pollution Control Board, the dispensation has been destroying institutions like Kumaraswamy said all the non-BJP parties are
The police o�cial also seized who continued to burst crack- of firecrackers. "This smoke is PM 2.5 and PM 10 parameters the CBI and the RBI.” coming together to protect the federal system. He
82 live cartridges from them, the ers despite the Supreme bad for people suffering from at one centre in Jaipur were Deve Gowda also o�ered his services to talk to described the Deve Gowda and Chandrababu Naidu
o�cial said, adding the police Court's directives. South Delhi asthma and chronic obstruc- 330 and 205 respectively. other leaders if need be to ensure that the alliance as leaders who knew their political arithmetic well.
had earlier announced a reward resident Sagarika Sharma said tive pulmonary diseases and Smaller towns like Kota and formation was completed soon. He said that Naidu will play a key role in Delhi pol-
of Rs 50,000 each for the arrest she had lost her mother to lung particularly bad for children," Ajmer fared no better. India's The AP Chief Minister said that the central gov- itics which will make 1996 happen again when
of five of them. All the 11 arrested cancer last year. "My mother Dr S K Katiyar, respiratory dis- official permissible PM2.5 ernment has been using strong arm methods to United Front government materialised at the Cen-
persons together faced about was not a smoker or drinker, eases specialist, told PTI. The limit is 60 �gm-3 while PM10 bully the Opposition parties with the help of its tre, with Deve Gowda as the country’s 11th prime
three dozen cases of murder, at- but yes, she was guilty of living situation was similar in parts level is 100 �gm-3. For Mum- agencies like Income-Tax Department. He said that minister. Naidu is scheduled to go to Chennai on
tempt to murder, loot and kid- in Delhi." Sharma wondered of the West Bengal capital baikars, it was a noisy Diwali the country’s economy was in a turbulent state now Friday to meet DMK chief Stalin.
napping for ransom, the police how people failed to under- Kolkata, which too recorded this year.
said. They said the nabbed stand the repercussions of “very poor” AQI levels. Ques- "At some places, noise up to
"criminal" were identified as as
Krishan alias Gatha, Pawan alias
their actions. "I understand
they want to celebrate, but at
tioned about the air quality
readings, West Bengal Pollu-
114.1 decibels was recorded
against the permissible limit of
Four boys injured in explosion Trump interim
Pona, Nitu alias Sita, Dinesh
alias Pahalwan, Mahipal alias
the cost of digging one's own
tion Control Board chairperson
Kalyan Rudra refused to draw
55 decibels in residential ar-
eas," Sumaira Abdulali of the
Karnal: Four boys su�ered burn injuries in an explosion here on Diwali night
when an inflammable material, used in making firecrackers, caught fire, police
relief to India
Malha, Ravinder alias Bori, Amit Delhi's air quality is ex- any conclusion about the im- NGO Awaaz Foundation told said on Thursday. The boys are in the age group of 15 to 16 years, they said. The on Iran curbs
alias Mota, Pramod alias Pammi, pected to remain in the "se- provement or deterioration in PTI. Abdulali said the Awaaz incident took place on Wednesday night at Shiv Colony in Ram Nagar area here,
Sunil Punia, Ravinder alias Golu vere" category over the next the air pollution during Kali Foundation's report indicates the police said. The teenagers were filling up an iron pipe with the inflammable Continued from P1
and Pawan. The police had two days as the smoke emitted Puja and Diwali. that all firecrackers tested by it material when it caught fire and exploded, they said. Two of the boys, identified Trump said the sanc-
raided the gangsters' hideout by firecrackers has slowed Terming the WBPCB a are unsafe for human health as Vishnu and Laxman, su�ered severe burn injuries. They have been admitted tions may "get tougher as
on a tip o� and ordered them down the process of pollutant "toothless tiger", environmen- and that none of them could be to PGIMER, Chandigarh and their condition is stated to be critical, the police time goes by", but he does
to surrender, but they opened dispersion, a SAFAR report talist Subhas Dutta said the au- classified as 'green'. As data said. The other two boys have been admitted to Kalpana Chawla hospital here, not want them to have any
fire on the police team, in which said. The dystopian scenario thorities should have been came in from state after state Karnal Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) Baljinder Singh said. e�ect on the global oil
a policeman was injured. The was replicated elsewhere. In more careful in preventing il- of alarmingly high pollution prices worldwide as he
police too fired back injuring India's most populated state legal fireworks and crackers levels and the Supreme Court's "consider that to be a tax,
two of the "gangsters", they
said, adding all the three in-
Uttar Pradesh, people in the
capital Lucknow and other key
coming from the districts and
flooding the city markets. More
diktat being violated with im-
punity, questions cropped up ‘Make law enforcement agencies and I don't like taxes". Lat-
er at another press confer-

accountable for SC fiat’

jured persons were admitted to cities burst firecrackers well than 93 people were arrested over implementing the ban in ence, the State Department
a nearby hospital, they said. past midnight, resulting in for bursting firecrackers in the a short period. said its goal is to go down
to zero oil import from Iran

Congress list to be out in next 48 hours

Continued from P1 to change the people," the senior and during the next six
Environmentalist Mehta said the lawyer said. He said the court stepped months, it will monitor the
bursting of crackers in Delhi was not in as the "government was doing noth- diplomatic progress and
due to the failure of the apex court di- ing" and opined that the apex court the price of oil to ensure
rections but was the "gross failure of could have come out with more clear that the imposition of the
the law implementing agencies" as directions on issues like green crack- sanctions was calibrated
Continued from P1 which was reviewed by the CEC of former minister Sabitha Red- Das said that those who were they were not serious in their ap- ers. The lawyer also rued the fact that in the right way.
The AICC has also asked Ko- of the party. dy, DK Aruna, former MLA M denied tickets would be given proach. Roy Chowdhury, who is Ex- the directions came at the eleventh "We have an adequate oil
dandaram to come to Delhi on The AICC’s Screening Com- Ranga Reddy, Ranga Reddy dis- recognition after the formation ecutive Director at the Centre for Sci- hour and there was little lack of clarity supply market. We have to
Friday for further talks. mittee led by Bhakthacharan trict Congress president K of the government. He said, “I ence and Environment and assisting and hoped that from the next time it ensure that we advance our
The Congress has already, it Das has been entrusted with the Mallesh, MLC K Rajagopal Red- am giving assurance on behalf the top court in various pollution-re- will be clearer to the police and the national security objectives
is said, decided upon 54 seats responsibility of counselling. dy and others in the previous of the AICC president Rahul lated matters, said law and rules with administration in complying with the without injuring our eco-
and Thursday's announcement Das held the counselling session sessions. Gandhi. Consider my word as regard to crackers are there but it is orders. Dhavan said when the matter nomic interests. If we were
means it has zeroed in on 20 on Thursday and discussed with The screening committee held Rahul’s. Your cooperation would the time for the citizens to be upfront was with Justice M B Lokur, he pio- to increase the price of oil,
seats more after filtering the about 50 leaders in the past three the counselling session on Tues- be rewarded.” towards their responsibility. Dwivedi neered the idea that obnoxious sub- it would be bad for Ameri-
names. days. day and Wednesday also. The The AICC leaders were able hailed the top court's judgement stances should not be used which led can consumers, it would be
This was disclosed by the in- The leaders who have been committee was assisted by PCC to convince aspirant of Suryapet terming it as an order in the "right di- to the concept of green crackers and bad for the global economy,
charge of the party for Telan- counselled on Thursday include president N Uttam Kumar Red- R Damodar Reddy and asked rection" and said, "the only question now the court and authorities should and it would give an advan-
gana, RC Khuntia, to the media Palvai Sravanthi, Premsagar Rao, dy, CLP former leader in Assem- him to contest from the Nalgo- is that there will be di�culties and un- turn to the manufacturers to supply tage to Iran," Deputy State
on Thursday evening after a Chandrasekhar, Manemma, bly K Jana Reddy, CLP leader nda parliamentary constituency less we cooperate and support the or- green crackers that might resolve the Department Spokesperson
meeting with Sonia Gandhi. Dhanamma, Srinivas, Obaidulla in council Shabbir Ali and state as ticket would be given to Patel der, it can't be implemented fully." problem. Sinha, a former High Court Robert Paladino said.
The Screening Committee, Kotwal, Addanki Dayakar, Patel affairs incharge RC Khuntia. Ramesh Reddy. "But it goes a long way to create judge, said it can't be said that the apex He claimed that in 2019,
which held marathon meetings Ramesh Redd, R Damodar Red- According to sources, Bhak- Several strong aspirants who consciousness among the people re- court order was not implemented, and there will be more oil supply
for the last three days, arrived dy, Aravind Reddy, Haripriya, B thacharan Das explained the de- have been denied the tickets garding pollution caused by bursting the problem is that the sudden bring- than demand, which will
at this conclusion. A list of Karthika Reddy, Bandla Ganesh, tails of the reports of the surveys have been told that they would of crackers. All this will take time and ing about of such direction and then put US in a "much better
prospective candidates was for- Gayathri Ravi, and Vanama they have obtained and told the be given MLC or nominated we should go on pushing the idea be- reaching out to the vast population, position to bring all coun-
warded to the CEC by the Venkateswar Rao. leaders the reasons for denial posts if they help for the victory cause people gradually change them- reaching out to every individual, is a tries importing Iranian
Screening Committee by 4 pm They have enlisted the support of tickets to some leaders. of the official candidate. selves. That's the most di�cult task, tedious task which takes time. crude to zero".
����������������������������� TELANGANA 5

Harish makes light of Kutami Modi to kickstart campaign for

� ������������������� ��������������������������
Assembly polls this month
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���������������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������� OUR BUREAU
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Hyderabad: Telangana BJP State �������������������������������������������������������������������������������
OUR BUREAU like a thief asking for keys of a power but still he denied justifi- ect and others. Harish said that the president Dr K Laxman said that �������������������������������������������������������������������
house. He said that Chandrababu able rights to people of Telangana. AP government refused to take the the Prime Minister Narendra
Hyderabad: Terming Mahaku- Naidu has written several letters He wanted to see industries in the repatriated employees of Andhra Modi’s election campaign for the ther, they were coming forward ily-based parties and serve the
tami, led by Telugu Desam, as un- to the Centre demanding stopping State move away and crops of the resulting in a burden of Rs 15 crore State Assembly elections this to working with BJP and also interests of people of the State.
ethical, Irrigation Minister T Har- of projects of Telangana by calling farmers dry down,” said Harish every month to Telangana. He said month will bring a sea of change contest along with it in the ensu- BJP MP Bandaru Dattatreya
ish Rao on Thursday said that them illegal. “The TDP chief wrote Rao. The Andhra Pradesh govern- that the AP government cancelled in the political scene in the State. ing Assembly elections. said the that only a few individ-
Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N letters to the Centre stating that ment denied the share of power to power purchase agreements re- Addressing the media while As part of this, the party is uals belonging to that party
Chandrababu Naidu seeking votes the projects like Palamuru Ran- Telangana stating that there was sulting in a loss of Rs 4557 crore announcing the party joining forging alliance with the YTP, as were contesting the ensuing As-
in Telangana was like a “thief ask- gareddy and others as illegal and shortage of power in their State. to Telangana. He further added hands with the Yuva Telangana it had expressed its willingness sembly elections.
ing for keys”. now he is seeking votes from the But later, participated in an open that the AP government was try- Party (YTP) here on Thursday, to work with the party as BJP YTP leader Ditta Balakrishna
The Minister wrote an open let- same people, which is unethical,” tender o�ering to sell power to ing to take away more water from he said the public meetings of was giving top priority to women Reddy said that his party
ter to Naidu demanding an expla- said Harish Rao. Earlier, Naidu Telangana, said Harish Rao. Srisailam to Rayalaseema from Modi’s election campaign in and youth in its activities. wanted to join hands with BJP
nation on what basis Mahakutami promised to construct Palamuru “Chandrababu has no moral Pothireddypadu. Already Telangana will start in Novem- Former BJP MLA G Kishan as it was not only giving priority
led by his party was seeking votes Rangareddy project in his party’s right to seek votes without ex- Pothireddypadu is an illegal proj- ber, and “he will be addressing Reddy said that Telangana was to the youth and women, but
in Telangana when his party had manifesto and also made Prime pressing regret for his anti-Telan- ect, and drawing more water from three to four public meetings”. heading towards a triangular also working with a nationalis-
conspired against the irrigation Minister Narendra Modi to make gana stand. We have responsibility Srisailam will dry up Kalwakurthy The party hopes Modi’s cam- fight in the forthcoming Assem- tic ideology, development and
projects in Telangana. Addressing this announcement during the to caution people of Telangana and project, he said. “With whose per- paign will tilt the scales of the on- bly elections. The alliances of welfare.
a press conference here at Telan- campaign in 2014 elections, Har- hence, I am addressing the press mission, the AP government is going campaign in its favour to family-based parties of Con- Another YTP leader Rani
gana Bhavan, Harish said that TD ish recalled. meet with proofs of the TDP pres- taking up new projects,” he asked. usher its leaders and cadre to be gress-TDP and TRS-AIMIM are Rudrama Devi lashed out at the
had no moral right to contest elec- The TRS leader also added that ident’s conspiracies,” said Harish. He also found fault with AP gov- more proactive in bringing the on onside to keep their power Telugu Desam and TRS for
tions in Telangana with its anti- the TDP leader denied power al- The TRS leader released letters ernment for not handing over the party to power in Telangana. intact for their betterment and spending the money mopped up
Telangana stand. The TRS leader located to Telangana even after written by the TDP president vacant buildings under its control He said that the several com- on the other, the BJP with a na- by fleecing the people of their
listed out 19 'conspiracies' of knowing that there was severe against the projects in Telangana. in the name of joint capital. “Chan- munity organisations, small par- tionalist outlook has been work- respective States where they
Naidu against the people of Telan- power crisis in Telangana, when it He referred to the projects includ- drababu Naidu made the Gover- ties from SC, ST, BC, Minorities, ing to deliver the fruits of devel- were in power to get their
gana. was formed. “The AP Chief Min- ing Palamuru Rangareddy, Kalesh- nor say division was an unforget- youth, women were supporting opment and welfare to candidates elected in Telangana
The Minister alleged that Naidu ister knew well that people of waram, Palair, KC Canal, table injury, which shows his the party’s nationalist, develop- everyone. He asked people to in the ensuing Assembly
seeking votes in Telangana was Telangana would su�er without Kalwakurthy Lift Irrigation Proj- anti-Telangana stand,” said Rao. ment and welfare agenda. Fur- vote for BJP to defeat the fam- elections.

Revanth makes stinging ��������������������������������������

remarks on Harish ��������������������������������������
OUR BUREAU ister knows very well how Harish has

cheated his confidants.
Hyderabad: Telangana Pradesh Con- Revanth said that Harish was trying
gress Committee (TPCC) working hard to convince the Chief Minister
president A Revanth Reddy on Thurs- about his trustworthiness by writing
Gaddar to go day said that all is not well between
caretaker Minister T Harish Rao and
letter to AP Chief Minister Chan-
drababu Naidu and opposing the grand
Campaigning for elections, which are just a month away, is going on full throttle with parties
highlighting the failures of rival parties, besides promising a slew of sops to people. While the
solo from KCR’s caretaker Chief Minister K Chan-
drashekar Rao.
alliance. He said that Gajwel TRS
leader and Road Development Corpo- Congress and the Telugu Desam Party promised to turn the Pragathi Bhavan, the palatial pad of
home turf Addressing the media at Delhi, Re-
vanth said that Harish could not avoid
ration Chairman Narsa Reddy joined
the Congress after meeting
Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao, into a hospital, the Telangana Jana Samithi stated that it
OUR BUREAU the wrath of the Chief Minister by mak- Narsa Reddy had a meeting with Har- would turn the Bhavan into a museum if voted to power. TPCC chief Uttam Kumar Reddy stated
ing allegations against the Telugu De- ish on October 25 and the former went that the residence, which was constructed at a cost of Rs 500 crore on 9 acres of land and 1 lakh sq
Hyderabad: Balladeer Gad- sam Party. He said that even if Harish to Delhi the next day to join the Con-
dar hinted that he will con- walks on fire, Chandrashekar Rao gress. He said that Harish had been ft, symbolises the dictatorial rule of KCR and it should be turned into a public hospital to announce
test as independent candi- would not believe him. “The animosity trying to change the ‘driver of the car’ the return of people’s rule in the State. The Hans India readers share their views on the proposal.
date from Gajwel assembly between the TRS Chief and his nephew as he was trying to change the leader-
constituency from where is so deep that even if Harish chops o� ship of the TRS. Revanth demanded
Telangana Rashtra Samithi his head and o�ers it to the Chief Min- that the Minister show the footage of
(TRS) Chief K Chan- ister, he would say that it is a water- the CCTVs installed at the Minister’s
drashekar Rao is fighting the melon,” Harish added. The Chief Min- quarters.

KTR assures action against

Speaking to media after
meeting Telangana Chief
Electoral O�cer (CEO) Rajat
Kumar here, he said that his
meeting with AICC presi-
dent Rahul Gandhi and Sonia
Gandhi was only a courtesy
killers of temple priest T elangana Pradesh Congress
Committee president N Ut-
tam Kumar Reddy should not
I agree with Congress chief
Uttam Kumar Reddy’s
proposal of turning the
I support Congress chief
Uttam Kumar Reddy’s
statement of transforming
T he Pragathi Bhavan was
constructed with all mod-
ern facilities, and Congress
call and there was no political have made a statement like that. Pragathi Bhavan into a the Pragathi Bhavan into a leaders making statements of
talk as reported by the media. OUR BUREAU ister allocated hundreds of crores of ru- In the last 60 years, the Congress hospital. There was no need public hospital. In my view, transforming Pragathi Bhavan
During his meeting with the pees and also released funds for devel- government had deceived the for constructing the Pragathi any public representative into a government hospital
Congress leaders, he ex- Hyderabad: Caretaker IT Minister K T opment of Yadadri, Vemulawada, people of Telangana by making Bhavan by the TRS should first think of seems to be a political
plained the necessity of sav- Rama Rao on Thursday condemned the Bhadradri, Dharmapuri, Basara tem- false promises. However, the TRS government because we peoples’ welfare and put vendetta in the name of ap-
ing democracy and Constitu- death of temple priest Satyanarayana ples. government, in its four-and-a- already had one CM camp their needs before him peasing voters. I advise Con-
tion and also sang a few songs and said that the government would en- Rama Rao said that the Chief Minis- half years rule fulfilled its prom- office. The TRS government rather than making a gress leaders to refrain from
before them. sure no such incidents take place in the ter ensured best arrangements for Kr- ises and provided better gover- spent hundreds of crores on palatial home for himself making such statements, in-
He did not join the Con- State and assured to take strong action ishna and Godavari Pushkaralu. He said nance by launching various constructing the Pragathi at the cost of peoples’ stead promise to improve in-
gress and will fight elections against the culprits. that the Chief Minister stressed on welfare schemes for people. It’s Bhavan. I support the money. frastructure and services in
as independent candidate, The Minister was speaking at the Pushkar ghats in Telangana only be- a wrong idea to convert Pragathi Congress proposal. the already existing public
Gaddar said. He will also em- ‘Brahmana-Archaka Athmeeya Samme- cause local Archakas would be benefit- Bhavan into a public hospital. Yadagiri, hospitals.
bark on a campaign to create lanam’ at Wonder Park near Necklace ted. L Raja Reddy, S Ranga Rao, Unemployed youth, Venkateshwarlu, grocer,
awareness on vote among Road. The unhappy Brahmins regis- The Minister said that this was the Private Employee, Adilabad Kothagudem Nalgonda Nalgonda
people covering all SC and ST tered protest before the Minister on the golden era for welfare sector in Telan-
assembly constituencies killing of the priest. Pacifying the agita- gana. There are many welfare activates
first. Gaddar said he has no tors, the Minister said, “It was not that being taken up by the government, the
idea of the total number of the government did nothing. The issue Archakas are being provided salaries
criminal cases booked was being looked in by the Chief Secre- through treasury. He said that the gov-
against him in the country. A tary. It is our responsibility to see such ernment released Rs 252 crore under
few cases were registered things are not repeated.” Common Good Fund, Rs 2 crore subsidy
against him during the peace The Minister said no one knew Brah- was given to 72 Brahmin youth under
talks between naxals and AP maniyam better than caretaker Chief BEST (Brahmana Entrepreneur
government and unveiling of Minister K Chandrashekar Rao. He is Scheme of Telangana), under Ramanuja
memorial withdrawn re-
cently, he added.
the only Chief Minister in the country
to take up Aayuta Chandi yagam, said
Rao. He further said that the Chief Min-
students scheme Rs 5.90 lakh was re-
leased. He agreed that there were some
delays in implementation of schemes.
C ongress is trying to empha-
sise that Pragathi Bhavan is
symbol of lavish life led by K
I support their decision of
converting Pragathi Bhavan
into a hospital. Since there is
M ay be TPCC chief N
Uttam Kumar Reddy
said that Congress, if voted
Chandrashekar Rao and his good access to Pragathi Bha- to power, would turn

TJS Malkajgiri o�ce vandalised

family. Pragathi Bhavan at- van through metro rail facility Pragathi Bhavan, the official

P ragathi Bhavan is not a

personal property. It is the
property of the State
tracted a lot of criticism from
Opposition parties. Instead of
turning the Chief Minister’s offi-
and bus facility, this would be
a good option. If not a hospital,
then I urge the party that
residence of the CM, into a
hospital to appease people.
The fact is that people need
government and houses the cial residence into hospital, the comes to power in future to good healthcare facilities.
Malkajgiri district and also with Chief Chief Minister. Therefore, the Congress needs to focus on pro- sell it to any corporate com- May be Congress wants to
Dileep Kumar blames Electoral O�cer. Dileep Kumar along one who becomes the Chief viding better medical care facil- pany and spend the amount reflect the state of
TRS, seeks personal with party leaders Gopal Sharma and Minister can use it. The ities in the State. Governments which comes from it on reno- healthcare in the State. We
Rajender Reddy, who are in New Congress is just spreading need to take austerity measures vation of government schools have to wait till the results
security fearing life Delhi, also met Chief Election Com- misinformation about the and focus on development. and libraries in the State. are out on December 11.
missioner OP Rawat in this regard. Pragathi Bhavan to gain Ch Kishore, T Kishore, businessman, S Srikanth, digital expert,
threat They complained to him about code peoples’ confidence. Why businessman, Hanamkonda Meerpet Hanamkonda
violations and misuse of power by the should they convert the
Hyderabad: Telangana Jana Samithi’s
TRS government.
Meanwhile, in a complaint given to
Malkajgiri Returning O�cer, TJS al-
Pragati Bhavan into a hospital,
when it is designed and
constructed to accommodate
I welcome the decision of Congress party that they would convert Pragathi Bhavan into a
hospital after coming to power. Since the Osmania Hospital’s out-patient block is in
danger of collapse and the Gandhi already teeming with patients, it’s a good decision by
prospective candidate K Dileep Ku- leged that attack was the handiwork the government machinery the Congress. In the united Andhra Pradesh, former Chief Minister late YS Rajasekhara
mar’s o�ce in Malkajgiri was attacked of TRS. It requested election authori- and necessary requirements Reddy built the CM camp office at Begumpet by spending crores of public money. After K
by unidentified miscreants on ties to check available CCTV footage needed for a Chief Minister? Chandrashekar Rao assumed power as Chief Minister of newly-formed Telangana, he
Wednesday midnight. Following the ������������������������������������������ and nab the culprits. Such cheap talks to gain made several changes to it citing Vaastu reasons. If the newly-elected Chief Ministers fol-
incident, Dileep Kumar sought per- ����������������������������� Dileep Kumar urged the authorities political mileage will not low their predecessors, then one new building will come into existence in every five
sonal security be provided to him fear- to provide personal security to him augur well for Congress. years. Whose money are they spending? The Congress decision is a good one to to check
ing life threat from TRS. aged and party banners were torn and from TRS attacks. He also sought po- Radhika, Mahbubnagar such personal demands of political leaders. Kasani Sridhar, Advocate, Balkampet
The TJS o�ce in Malkajgiri was re- thrown to the ground by the miscre- lice protection to party local o�ces in
cently inaugurated by the party chief ants. TJS leaders lodged a complaint Vijay Marie school, Alwal, Gautam Na-
Prof Kodandaram. Chairs were dam- with Returning O�cer, Medchal- gar and Mirjalguda.
6 EDIT �����������������������������

Next big Himalayan

Ali, son of controversial hunter Shafat Ali, provoking A gun bullet injury was found on the left side of the
sharp responses from animal rights activists even as chest.” It is also not known whether a veterinary doc-
villagers celebrated the death of the big cat. tor was accompanying the team.

earthquake: Doon
Looking at the basics of the controversy, we come There is also no answer to questions regarding why
to know that the ‘shoot to kill’ order was in the name they darted it after sun set which is against the rule.
������������������������� of Khan and not his son, Asghar Ali. Hence, the killing Why was it shot when the Forest Department had

Valley watch out

itself is patently illegal. It is being alleged that Shafat sworn in an affidavit that they would only capture the
��������������������������� Ali Khan was a dear friend of Maharashtra Forest Min-
ister, Mungantiwar and he was a known illegal weapon
cubs first and then the mother as the cubs won’t be
able to survive without their mother in the wild. Wild

����������������������� supplier to criminals. The primary objective of the op-

eration was to tranquilise the tigress and capture it
alive. Now coming to Shafat's gory hunting spree, it is
life followers and scientists know that a tigress always
runs away from the spot the moment it is darted. It
does not charge back. It got that much sense to save K S JAYARAMAN
known that he had killed three tigers, at least 10 leop- itself.

A man-eating tigress, the mother of two 9-month

old cubs, that allegedly killed more than 13 per-
sons in two years was shot dead on November 2. She
ards, a few elephants and 300 wild boars in Chandra-
pur. Why would a State government get involved with
such a criminal and praise him as a glorious hunter?
Experts also question the positioning of the dart in
the tiger as "the dart could be seen stuck near the rump
of the tigress body was stuck into it after it was shot
T he Garhwal-Kumaon segment of the northwest (NW) Himalayas is
seismically the ‘most vulnerable section’ of the region with a poten-
tial to generate great earthquakes, warns a new study by researchers
was known to hunters as T1 but Avni to wildlife lovers. The case of Avni had gone to the Supreme Court with dead. When a dart is shot from a darting gun and from multiple institutions in India.
But the end of India's most high-profile tiger hunts the villagers seeking that the tigress be put to rest strikes an animal it looks very different". The reason Their findings, reported in the journal ‘Earth and Planetary Science
in decades has triggered a raging debate, and rightly while wildlife lovers opposing it. for this claim is that the pink stabilising tuft at the Letters’, is based on analysis of five years (2013-2018) of continuous GPS
so, on whether the hunt was illegal and if it amounts Here is what the post-mortem report got to say end of the plunger which pushes the sedative into the measurements from 28 stations located in the Garhwal-Kumaon Hi-
to what Union Minister and animal rights activist, about Avni's death. “...death occurred due to excessive animal would have been flush with the black collar of malayas and the adjoining Indo-Gangetic plains.
Maneka Gandhi, calls a ‘ghastly murder’. Avni was shot internal bleeding and heart attack. A tranquilising dart the drug holding barred if it was actually fired from a Lifted by the subduction of the Indian tectonic plate under the
dead in Yavatmal district of Maharashtra by Asghar was found on her left hind leg. gun. We have no right to kill the tiger. Eurasian Plate, the Himalayan mountain range runs in an arc, about
2,400-km long, separating the plains of the Indian subcontinent from

Not just Me Too,

the Tibetan Plateau.

Congress leads
Partly in India and partly in western Nepal, the NW Himalayas have
not experienced a great earthquake since at least 1505, Vineet Gahalaut,
Director of the National Centre for Seismology in New Delhi and corre-

the others too

sponding author of the paper, told this correspondent.

anti-Telangana alliance
An analysis of GPS measurements of crustal deformation suggested
‘strong seismic coupling’ underneath Garhwal-Kumaon region, he said.
Strong inter-plate coupling means the fault below Garhwal-Kumaon
The MeToo campaign comes at a time when segment is ‘locked’ and capable of accumulating stress. The width of the
coupled region, according to the report, is estimated to be about 85 km.
SURGICAL STRIKE has a clear conspiracy to force women are being courted for electoral “The derived coupling map from GPS measurements has implications
Telangana into a forced mar- gains. Is it good or bad? for seismic hazard in the Garhwal-Kumaon region,” says the report,
riage all over again with an im- adding that the regions of high-coupling would be the regions of high
ported party from Andhra RICHARD MAHAPATRA women are an influence that po- seismic energy release during future earthquakes.
Pradesh. litical parties want to exploit. And “Taking the analogy from the 2015 Gorkha earthquake and 1985 Mex-
The Congress is clearly lead-
ing an anti-Telangana Alliance
in the Assembly elections
P eople are talking about the
MeToo campaign in unex-
pected places: In tea stalls in a
each of them would presumably
have a MeToo experience to share.
Do you think the campaign will
ico earthquake, the sediment filled valleys, such as the Dehradun valley
in the Garhwal region, are expected to be the regions of potentially more
damage in future events.”
ahead. It has sold itself to quaint district in Odisha, in the spread beyond big cities? I asked This has serious implications in terms of seismic hazards, the report
Chandrababu Naidu and the drawing room of a lower middle- an Anganwadi worker recently. says, “as the population density is higher in the frontal Himalayas and
KRISHNA TDP politically for its national class patriarchal family in Delhi, The answer is clear: “That it is its contiguous Indo-Gangetic plains, thus exposing more people to high,
SAAGAR RAO needs in the general elections among Anganwadi workers and in ours too. And we have been look- near-field ground shaking.” Besides this, the unconsolidated sediments

in 2019. Naidu is brokering al- ������������������������ the corridors of maternity wards. ing for an opportunity.” She elab- in the Indo-Gangetic plains can cause more structural damage during
he Congress govern- liances for the Congress across �������������������������� Though there is a growing per- orates further: “Every day, while earthquakes and also liquefaction -- wherein saturated soil behaves
ment was responsible the country with his long-time �������������������� ception of India’s MeToo cam- coming to the local market to sell more like a liquid than a solid -- as happened in the 1934 Nepal-Bihar
for the forced marriage political connections from the ������������������ paign as being very elitist and lim- our produce, while working at earthquake, says the report.
of Andhra Pradesh with Telan- NDA. ������������������� ited to just a few sectors like home uninterrupted for hours,
gana in 1956. It took around 60 Earlier, his intervention in media and films, the resonance of while asking for medicines in a
years for the well deserving di-
vorce. However, in the process,
Karnataka Assembly elections,
trips to Chennai and other
the campaign in places men-
tioned above indicates something
public health centre and while ex-
ercising power as an elected mem- India rice export prices driven
up by higher local rates
over 369 people died in police south bastions and his initia- ����������������� else. ber of the panchayat, we face
firing ordered by an incumbent tives to drive south India po- ����������������������� In 2012, the gang rape of a 23- many hurdles and harassments.”
Congress State government in litical parties into the arms of ������������������������ year-old girl — named Nirbhaya That was her MeToo experience.
1969. Over 2,000 martyrs the UPA highlights his new
����������������������� by the media — in a moving bus “When big people speak, every- SUMITA LAYEK
ended their lives through agenda at the national level. in New Delhi triggered nation- body takes note. When everybody

painful suicides. Two genera- His re-entry into Telangana by �������������������� wide protests and called for the takes note of a development, ice export prices in India recovered this week from their lowest
tions of people of Telangana piggybacking over the Con- ������������������������ safety and status of women politicians take note of that in 21-months on increased rates for local paddy, while trade was
region lost equitable opportu- gress party is a tactical move ���������������������� in the country. In a extremely easily. And muted in Vietnam and Thailand as traders waited for fresh orders
nities. Telangana farmers and to establish himself in at least ���������������������� way one could ar- when politicians from the Philippines.
youth su�ered discrimination two States before 2019 elec- ��������������������� gue that the take note of our Top exporter India's 5 percent broken parboiled variety was quoted
in irrigation area and employ- tions. MeToo cam- concerns, we around $362-$369 per tonne this week, versus $361-$367 last week,
ment. In fact, Chandrababu Naidu
���� �������������������� paign is an need to use the lowest since January 2017.
After impinging heavy pain has almost become a franchise ������������������������ evolved form the opportu- Supplies from the new season crop have started but are expensive
and distress on Telangana re- owner of the Congress in ��������������������� of the nity to fix due to the hike in government-fixed buying prices, said an exporter
gion, the Congress party, for its Andhra Pradesh and Telan- ���������������������� protests that old prob- based in Kakinada in Andhra Pradesh.
political expediency, moved gana State with his iron grip ������������������������� started in lems,” she The government in July raised prices paid to local farmers for com-
Telangana State Bill with no over the day-to-day function-
2012. Indi- explains. mon grade paddy rice by 13 percent from a year ago to 1,750 rupees
majority in both the houses ing of the Congress party. His viduals are She lists per 100 kg for the new season crop.
and plotted a conspiracy to de- ability to fund and competence ������������������� going public the “old prob- The country's production of summer-sown rice is estimated to
feat the Bill by throwing the to get lion’s share of the Con- ����������������������� on harassment, lems” that are grow 1.8 percent this year to 99.24 million tonnes.
blame on the BJP. However, it gress seats through seat shar- ����������������������� feeling empow- fundamental to In Thailand, benchmark 5 percent broken rice prices stood at $380-
was the BJP's selfless political ing has driven even the Con- ���������������������� ered and generating her survival: “Reg- $398 per tonne, free on board (FOB) Bangkok, only a slight change
commitment which ensured gress president Uttam Reddy ������������������� wider support. Those ular payment of wages; from last week's $380-$400, as demand remained flat with no fresh
the Bill win in both Houses. to Naidu’s guest house in Delhi. discounting this campaign a toilet at home; a good gov- overseas orders, traders said.
It is the BJP which has con- Such is the hold of Naidu on of Telangana. The spirit of should take note of the changing ernment school that has a teacher; “The market still expects orders from countries like the Philippines
stitutionally made Telangana the Congress today. statehood achieved after content and contour of the role of a family where women have some before the end of the year but so far things are fairly quiet,” a Bangkok-
State possible. the Congress While it is a very remote thousands of sacrifices is now women in contemporary India. respect.” She cultivates a patch of based rice trader said.
historically played selfish vote possibility, given a hypotheti- under threat. For sure women are being farm, walks a few kilometres to “I think prices will likely drop towards the end of November and
bank politics with this region. cal situation where the Con- The Congress is leading an recognised as voters and political sell her produce and then hands start of December, a period when we are expecting new harvest,” an-
The Congress is resorting to gress-led alliance gets majority anti-Telangana alliance in parties are loath to upset any over the money to her husband. “I other trader in Bangkok said, adding lower prices could in turn attract
similar politics like in 1956 by seats to form the govern- these elections with Chan- large segment. Women are voting don’t have the dignity of an fresh orders. The Thai government remains confident that the coun-
importing the Telugu Desam ment, who will actually run drababu Naidu as it's poster more and more than their male earner. That is more humiliating,” try could reach its 11 million tonne rice export target before year-
Party (TDP) and its chief the Telangana government? boy. This risk they are taking counterparts. Women are found she says. end. In Vietnam, rates for 5 percent broken rice edged up to $415-
Chandrababu Naidu again into There are no prizes for guess- exposes the desperation and more in control of schemes and Women like her are internalis- $420 a tonne from $410-$415 a week earlier, but trade remained
Telangana politics. What the ing. Chandrababu Naidu will plight of the Congress party. local governments that directly ing the MeToo campaign or the quiet “We have heard the Philippines will reopen another bidding
Congress is doing is an unfor- certainly be a de facto Chief It is a certainty that people address or impact wider groups national outrage in 2012 to bring round for over 200,000 tonnes on Nov. 14, after failing to secure o�ers
givable betrayal to the people Minister in this scenario. Will of Telangana will teach an un- of electorates. For example, an a change in their status. With her from Vietnam and Thailand recently,” a trader based in Ho Chi Minh
of Telangana and Telangana Telangana’s interests be pro- forgettable lesson to the Con- Anganwadi worker at least deals was a member of a local SHG. City said. “I don't think the next bidding round will have any impact
State. tected under such a govern- gress party in these elections. with 30-40 women every day. “Our activity started as daily sav- on prices of Vietnamese rice given that rates are already high. Viet-
Telangana leaders in the ment? Certainly not possible. The nefarious alliance has ex- Similarly, a self-help group (SHG) ing but in the course of time it has nam didn't o�er (during the last round) on Nov 6 because the import
Congress should reflect on People of Telangana should posed the Congress party’s member in a village directly deals become a major women empow- terms were more stringent.”
what their party in Delhi is be very careful to ensure this selfish and unethical under- with economic activities of at least erment tool. You don’t know when
scheming for 2019 elections, kind of a scenario doesn't belly. 20 families. There are 1.3 million a development would empower
by selling out their Telangana
unit to Chandrababu Naidu.
arise after these elections.
The Congress in its quest to
(Writer is BJP
elected women members in our
local government bodies that im-
whom and how. But it feels good
that sisters are coming out like Why farmers continue to burn
stubble in Punjab, Haryana
This alliance has zero interest survive is trying to destroy Organisational Strategist plement a large chunk of rural de- us,” she sums up.
of the Telangana people and the spirit of self-governance & Author) velopment programmes. All these (Courtesy: Down To Earth)

T here is a visible reduction in the volume of post-harvest stubble-

Why are our lives filled with sorrow?

burning in Punjab and Haryana this year owing to the promotion
of farm machinery backed by financial assistance by the government
and awareness programmes.
Yet, a significant chunk of farmers are still reluctant to use the
Happy Seeder - which obviates the need for stubble burning - fearing
lower yields. And this fear, coupled with the high cost of the machines,

W e find that we grieve or cry when-

ever we commit a mistake. We
continue to commit mistakes, big and
edge is that having gained it, nothing
more remains to be known or gained (BG
7.3). We gain total fulfilment and happi-
seems to override the fear of penal action for burning stubble.
Many farmers in these States take land on lease - by paying up to
Rs 60,000 per acre - which leaves them with small leeway to think
small and repeat the same ones over and ness. about the Happy Seeder, as they assume lower yields translate into
over again. The consequence of mistakes Vedanta, the knowledge expounded in huge losses for them. However, the fear of a lower output has no fac-
is suffering and regret. We commit them the end portion of the Vedas, is the sole tual or legitimate basis, say experts in the field, even as they feel all
due to any one or a combination of fac- means of gaining this priceless knowl- farmers would adopt new techniques in due course of time.
tors: ignorance, wrong notions, force of edge about one’s Self. It is in fact, the Conceived by the Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) in 2007-
habit, family pressure, social pressure, culmination of all knowledge. It reveals 08, Happy Seeder, which allows sowing without removing stubble, is
peer pressure or our own propensities the truth and teaches us about the na- seen as a perfect alternative as it completely rules out possibility of
and tendencies. All these factors put to- ture of the individual, the world, and straw burning. The machine is expensive at Rs 150,000, despite the
gether lead us to commit mistakes and God. 50 per cent subsidy which brings down the cost to over Rs 75,000.
result in sorrow. The Bhagwad Gita de- In our present state of ignorance, we They can hire the machine for Rs 1,500 per acre from Custom Hir-
clares that people are deluded because see three separate and dissimilar factors: ing Centres (CHC) but find it hard to get them during wheat sowing
their knowledge and understanding are the individual, the world and God. But, period because there are not enough machines available.
veiled by ignorance. Ignorance is the after being exposed to this liberating Punjab farmer Satuguru Singh has cultivated his 18-acres of land
root cause of all problems (5.15). knowledge, we discover that even though using Happy Seeder this year. But he is apprehensive about the
Ignorance of what? Ignorance by itself they appear as three distinct factors, the amount of sprouting.“I burnt my fields till last year. I have used the
is not a material thing. Ignorance is al- the Knower is not known, my knowledge painting or sculpture, we immediately truth of them all is only One. And if we Happy Seeder this time as I do not want to contribute to pollution.
ways related to something, be it a person, is not declared as complete. ask, ‘Who made it?’ But, we never stop know that One, everything is as good as But I am nervous as I heard this machine lowers the output,” said
object, or situation. Ignorance of read- The scriptures mention three factors: to ask, ‘Who created this marvellous cre- known. What a relief that we need only the farmer from Sangrur's Namol village.
ing, writing or subjects like mathemat- jiva, the I, the individual living in this ation which functions with such beauti- to know One and not three entities! Gursharan Singh from the same village firmly believes the Happy
ics, physics, chemistry, botany, IT and so world; jagat, the world experienced by ful precision?’ ‘What is His nature? Liberation from sorrow and gain of Seeder lowers crop output. There is a need to restore confidence
on cannot be the cause of our suffering. the individual; and Ishwara (popularly What does He do?’ My knowledge is bliss is our birth right. To put an end to among farmers that the Happy Seeder is a�ordable and does not im-
Sometimes the more the degrees, the known as ‘God’), the One who is the complete only when I know the true na- all suffering, what is needed is a pure, pact the yield, said Sridhar Iyer of the EY Foundation.
less happy the person seems to be! cause of both. Most of us do not reflect ture of all three factors and their inter- discriminative and dispassionate mind, The EY Foundation, along with NGO India Paryavaran Sahayak
Here, the important question is, ‘Do I on this third, most important factor – relationship. It is this knowledge that which longs for the Truth. (IPS) Foundation, is working in five districts of Punjab to spread
know myself? Do I know who I am?’ In the Creator of both jiva and jagat. It is will remove my ignorance and eradicate Swami Tejomayananda awareness about Happy Seeder and to make it available on rent to
spite of the vastness of my knowledge, if surprising that when we see a beautiful suffering. The uniqueness of this knowl- (Chinmaya Mission) farmers at a subsidised rate.

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����������������������������� PERSPECTIVE 7

Let Ayodhya become playground A rude wake-up call designed to fail and come up with people-friendly

for children, feel residents for BJP policies to win their hearts. The BJP should try for a
positive vote,instead of trying the principle of

T he results of by elections in Karnataka for three

Lok Sabha and two Assembly seats is a stunning
blow to the BJP which had taken people for granted.
Suhrudbedha, again from Panchatantra, causing
dissection between friends, on its opponents.
Dr D V G Sankararao, Nellimarla
KUNAL DUTT The failure of demonetisation issue , improper im-

Shed arrogance, public
plementation of GST, making the constitutional in-
s the chorus for early construction of a stitutions that are IT, CBI, RBI, ED etc., defunct and
Ram temple in Ayodhya grows ahead of
next year's parliamentary election, many
unwarranted interference of the central government
in the day- to- day functions of the said institutions, tell BJP
residents say the disputed site should be turned
into a playground for children, and not politi-
cians. Tired of living under the restive shadow
the unity shown by congress and JDS can be said to
be the reasons for the resounding victory of the
coalition government in Karnataka.
C ongress-JD(S) coalition in Karnataka is upbeat
after winning 4 out of 5 seats was more or less
expected after a BJP candidate for the Bellary seat
of communalism, Ayodhya residents, be it Vijay If this same unity continued by all the opposition ditched the party at the last moment by switching
Singh or Mohammad Azim, do not want any parties at national level until Lok Sabha elections over to congress. However, BJP winning a sole seat
fresh political trigger for communal dishar- which is round the corner, it may not be a difficult and losing the remaining when the Lok Sabha polls
mony. task to dislodge Narendra Modi from his seat. The is just six months away and assembly polls in four
Vijay Singh, a doctor who lives near the Ram assembly elections which are going to be held for 5 important states round the corner is a setback but
Janmabhoomi, is a devout Hindu but he says states in November and December of 2018 will be the reverses is not the end-all and be-all because re-
he is not in favour of building a temple there if semi- finals for both opposition parties and BJP. This sults in bypolls do not generally reflect the changing
it leads ti acrimony between two communities. is the time for BJP to make self- introspection in pattern of voting. All the same, Congress taking
Ram Janmabhoomi is the place where, many right direction and take initiatives to introduce peo- credit for the success is acceptable but at the same
people believe, Lord Ram The 48-year-old ple- friendly measures. Troubling the opposition time it cannot be said that the moods of voters have
medic says he was present in Ayodhya on the parties and threatening them by using CBI, ED etc changed against BJP across the nation as claimed.
fateful day of December 6, 1992 when Babri would not give desired results. Now people are very However, there is no doubt that anger against BJP is
Masjid was demolished by right-wing activists much aware of what is happening in the country. growing due to shoddy governance. All said and
and has seen the riots that ensued in the holy Addanki Srinivasa Rao, Ongole done, bypoll results is a wake-up call to BJP to shed
city. "People of Ayodhya have lived peacefully arrogance and improve its governance, otherwise it
and in communal harmony for ages, but politi-
Alliances a must for
will meet its waterloo at the hustings.
cians stoke the fire to suit their agenda. Tripathi, who worked as a software engineer wedge between the two communities for po- K.R.Srinivasan, Secunderabad
Even in 1992, so many people had come from
outside to bring the structure (mosque) down.
in several parts of the country as well as abroad,
was in town to attend the 'Deepotsav' celebra-
litical gains."
Ram Lochan, 45, a tarot card reader who puts Congress win
BJP e�orts come unstuck
It was a very tragic and unfortunate incident
that a�ects Ayodhya till this day," Singh said.
Like most of the people in the city, Singh is an
tions with his family. He recalls the horrible
memories of 1992 when he was a school kid.
"I was living in Bhopal those days, and after
up his shop near a tree on way to Ram Janmab-
hoomi, said, "I want a temple to be built, but a
playground for children would also be fine. Ram
T he bypoll results in Karnataka may have been
considered a confidence booster for the non BJP
coalition formation- in the making on national plat- T he assembly election results is a pointer for both
BJP and Congress coalition. BJP in Karnataka as-
avowed devotee of Lord Ram, and the iron gates the riots broke out in Ayodhya, it a�ected our Lalla, after all is the child avatar of Lord Ram." form. The trouncing of BJP at the hands of Congress, sembly has more seats than Congress and JDU. The
of his clinic, neighbouring 'Sugriv Kila', displays city (Bhopal) too as it did in other parts of India. UP Chief Minister Adityanath visited the Ram JD(S) combine losing four seats out of five, rings an local strongman Yeduyu rapa has been attempting
the chant 'Jai Shri Ram' in Hindi. On way to We were present in school when it was shut Janambhomi on Diwali and o�ered prayers alarm bell as well for the aspiring party with 'Mis- to break the coalition and almost managed to bring
the Ram Janmabhoomi, underneath a tree, he suddenly, and I had to run back home taking there. Currently, a statue of Ram Lalla (child sion 25 Karnataka', i.e. aiming to win twenty-five few disgruntled leaders from Congress-JDU to his
and his wife run a makeshift counter to o�er alleys and bylanes, avoiding the route I would avatar of Lord Ram) is kept at the site, which seats in that state in next general elections. The los- side. This did not work and election results is a
medical help to devotees. generally take as it wasn't safe then," Tripathi attracts devotees from far and wide, including ing of one citadel, Ballary and losing a major part of clear indication for BJP that they cannot take voters
"We all have faith in Lord Ram, and I per- told PTI. The software professional, whose last Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat and West Bengal. vote majority in another seat show the imminent either in Karnataka or India for granted including
sonally have no issue with a temple being built assignment was in Italy, has taken to perma- A multi-layered security guards the heavily dangers to BJP in receding their popularity in the the states which are going to pools. As for as Con-
there, but if it leads to acrimony between two culture farming practice in Himachal Pradesh, fortified zone while shopkeepers nearby sell populace.The proposed anti BJP platform, Ma- gress win in association with JDU, it is only symbolic
communities, then I am not in favour of it. In- said he only understood the scale of the tragedy religious artefact and merchandise, including haghatbandhan, must be happy with the outcome. as there were no real issues before the people and
stead, I feel, the disputed site should be turned when "I grew up and read about the case". a CD on 'Ayodhya Darshan' which has clips of But they cannot afford to forget the moral of the hence managed to win and it is true BJP attempts to
into a playground, where children of all faith "I do not understand this temple-mosque the 1992 demolition incident, and a printed col- story i.e.Mithra labha, the gaining of friends from use Reddy brothers did not help them to defeat Con-
can play together," Singh told PTI. The chorus rift. Why we are trying to revive an issue that lage of photos which depicts an artist's rendi- Panchatantra. With this success they should apply gress. The national party cannot take the win as a
for early construction of the Ram temple at the might trigger something unpleasant. Commu- tion of a 'proposed Ram Temple'. A police o�- the same principle in next general elections and at- signal to return to power either in Centre or in Ra-
disputed site has been growing in the party and nal harmony is important, and we do not need cial said about 20,000 people visited Ram tain unity in diversity. The Congress party should jasthan, MP, Chhattisgarh and TS as they still have
the Sangh Parivar. to build anything there, we can just make it a Janmabhoomi on Diwali, almost double the act like an adhesive,rather to a big brother to stitch not presented any clear programme for the people
Many BJP leaders, including Uttar Pradesh playground for children and not a playground footfall recorded on regular days. Aravind S and alliances with different parties with a common to vote them.
Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, have been for politics," Tripathi said. Mohammad Azim, Vasanthi M, a couple from Eluru in Andhra agenda. It's time for BJP to review their missions, N Nagarajan, Hyderabad
pitching for speeding the work towards con- a 46-year-old resident of the city, who also bore Pradesh's West Godavari district, were among
struction of a Ram temple in Ayodhya in Uttar the brunt of the 1992 tragedy, said, "Hindus and the devotees who visited Ram Janmabhoomi
Pradesh (UP), and some of them, including Muslims have always lived in peace here. They for the first time. Allies should tone India should also start
Union minister Vijay Goel, have suggested tak- still do," and alleged, "politicians and outside "We both feel a Ram temple should be built
ing the ordinance route. Ayodhya native Vivek elements, driven by an agenda, try to drive a here, it is the truth and a matter of our faith. down demands receiving slush funds
But, people should go by the judgment of the
Supreme Court," Aravind said. The Supreme
Court recently fixed the Ram Janmabhoomi-
T he component parties of Mahakutami in T S
elections should note their real strength in T
S before they fight for seeking more constituen-
T his is with reference to "The enduring busi-
ness of money laundering". (THI, Nov 7,
2018). Illegal hoarding is human instinctive.
���������������������������������������������������������������� Babri Masjid land dispute cases for the first cies in fighting elections. Whether it is TJS or the Money laundering and investment in other
�������������������������������������������������������������� week of January next year before an appropri- CPI , it is high time that they should immediately countries is as old as the human civilisation and
ate bench, which will decide the schedule of go for attracting voters in their allotted con- migration. As the civilisation advanced, loop-
�������������������������������������������������������������� hearing. As many as 14 appeals have been filed stituencies instead of asking for more.. more.. holes in the developed scientific and technolog-
���������������������������������������������������������� against
the 2010 High Court judgement that more seats.. Mere getting a seat does not mean ical knowhow are better made use of by the per-
suggested that the 2.77 acres of disputed land that they have won elections as it is not easy for verts for such illegal activities too.
����������������������������������������������������������� be partitioned equally among three parties — them to fight TRS in the ensuing elections. KCR Lacking economic morals, the benefited coun-
��������������������������������������������������� the Sunni Waqf Board, the Nirmohi Akhara and is tremendously powerful in intelligence and or- tries stand as models of civilisation. e.g. Inspira-
Ram Lalla. atory and has succeeded in many fronts, such as tion for Amaravati is Singapore and Malaysia.
driving away A P employees by raking up bitter Apart from the philosophy or Karma and Neme-

Publicise Jeevan Pramaan scheme

feelings against A P Employees , not sharing in- sis, a culprit may be caught at any time and the
come with A P as per Act ( even though Hyderabad moment he is caught, his decay starts. If his earn-
is joint capital for 10 years ), announcing freebies ing is in arithmetical proportion, the decline will
in the last few months, creating disputes in asset be in mathematical proportions. The countries

to reach all pensioners

distribution etc being in power to name a few. like India, which lose heavily due to such eco-
Mass skilled orators like Gaddar and Kodandaram nomic o�ences, unable to curtail them, shall se-
should lead the public meetings or else there will riously think of assimilating such liberal policies
be no impact on the voters against the autocratic into our public administration.
rule of KCR along with Sonia and Rahul. To purchase a Demand Draft of the value of
Katuru Durga Prasad Rao, Hyderabad. Rs.50,000/- or more and deposit an equal
DR SUMAN KUMAR KASTURI amount, I am required to produce my PAN no.
It is so ridiculous that the exemption limit for
2019 elections look
T he pension is an indispensa-
ble source of income after
the retirement of a person. It not interesting
Income tax is Rs.2,50,000/-. There are ever so
many restrictions for depositing in the public
financial institutions like the banks. The banks
only ensures looking after the
pensioner’s needs at the ad-
vanced stage of the life but also
T he uniqueness of 2018 &19 elections is that
of a Grand Alliance against ruling party. Each
one of the parties in GA are aware of their weak-
in other countries, which accept the ill-gotten
money do not pay interest for the depositors,
nor do they seek explanations of the sources.
serves as a financial backing dur- ness and inability to singularly face ruling party. On the other hand, like the 'Safe Deposit Vaults'
ing an emergency. In order to It's a welcome development if GA is fighting elec- or 'The Lockers', depositors have to pay for the
continue to receive the pension, tion on qualitative issues. 2014 elections were 'safe deposit.' If India too adopt similar
a pensioner needs to provide a mainly fought on corruption issues. People schemes, the money will not go out of the coun-
life certificate at the pension wanted a corruption-free government, thus try and there will be huge amounts for devel-
drawing branch of the bank or voted for a change. Particularly in Andhra opmental activities with marginal interests. In-
any other pension disbursing Pradesh, court proceedings have diminished stead of pressurising the banks, they themselves
agency. prospects of one aspirant. Similarly, in 2016 will volunteer to waive the farmers loans. De-
The month of November has GHMC elections, legal proceedings against one positors do not mind Tax Deduction at Source.
been considered for the submis- party functionary have created such an adverse (TDS). This may look cynical. But it is a finan-
sion of the life certificates, failing impact on voters, they trusted TRS more than cial discipline that is being followed by many
to which results in stoppage of the other party involved in undemocratic activ- small, but far advanced countries, which many
pension, up until the submission ities, result -clean sweep by TRS. The proceed- of our leaders hail and appeal to the nation to
of the life certificate. The very ings didn't come to logical end yet. Voters are in emulate.
purpose of life certificate is to en- a dilemma what to do? Investigating agencies K C Kalkura, Kurnool
sure if the pensioner is alive or called Jeevan Pramaan, an Aad- mitted Digital Life Certificates would, certainly, dilute the con- have to speed up the process of note for vote is-
not. har based Digital Life Certificate since November 1, 2017. vivial drive of the Jeevan Pra- sue. TRS stands to gain if the charges are proved.
A life certificate is a document for Pensioners, was launched by However, considering the maan. Advantage to GA if charges cannot be estab- INS Arihant, a great asset
signed by an authorised person,
who certifies that a pensioner is
still alive to receive the pension.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Through this software program,
a pensioner can submit his life
many numbers of pensioners in
India and taking into consider-
ation of the Digital Life Certifi-
In view of the above, there is
a need to fuss about Jeevan Pra-
maan for its reach to all pension-
lished. Voters can choose a corruption free party.
G Sivaramakrishna, Hyderabad T he success of INS Arihant enhances India's
security needs. It is like Agni ballistic mis-
siles for the Army and fighter jets to Air Force
Based on the physical presence certificate from any place in the cates obtained by the pension ers. For the effective implemen- that carry nuclear warheads but last two are eas-
and considering an ink signed world. disbursing agencies at their tation of submission of DLC, Beef up conservation ier to detect than INS Arihant. With the success-
copy submitted by the pen-
sioner, the life certificate is de-
Beyond doubt, this digital ini-
tiative is of great advantage to
doorsteps to replace the manual
work, the mentioned figures ac-
awareness programmes may be
taken up in collaboration with e�orts ful completion of INS Arihant first deterrence
patrol , the two decade waiting for it ended be-
Indubitably, this as a matter
of course means a lot of upset for
the pensioners as it ensures
curbing of a lot of hardship and
unnecessary inconvenience.
counts to a trifling fraction. The
reason could be accounted
mainly to the lack of awareness
all forms of media. Also, while a
person retires, he may be ap-
praised of the Jeevan Pramaan
A controversy has arisen on killing of a Tiger
Anvi, who allegedly killed 13 human beings
during last two years. As per rules tiger can be
sides giving a fitting response in a clear and veiled
reference to Pakistan's oft-repeated nuclear
threats .
elders, who are in dire need of Consistent with the reply to an among the pensioners. utility. killed only if a state government determines the Once Arihant the second in series is now un-
geriatric support. One interest- RTI query, in India, there are a Secondly, the UIDAI has dis- Additionally, to make this dig- animal is dangerous to human life. It is a fact dergoing sea trials inducted, our peninsula will
ing fact is — in the year 2016, total of 8, 20, 578 pensioners in continued the use of public bio- ital initiative, a grand success, that there are a few tigers that remain in the wild be fortress in defence. Counterattacking
Railways has claimed that it has central services — without con- metric devices. At present, they the competent authorities may today. This is certainly also a cause of concern for launches are a part of India's nuclear doctrine
2, 80, 000 pensioners, who are sidering the number of pension- allow only Registered Biometric contemplate about the offering the environment. Trading in skin and body parts that stress we are not a first strike nation or No-
above the age of 80 years. In ad- ers in Railways, Banks, Defence, Devices for Aadhaar enabled Au- of the Biometric Devices at a of animals is a lucrative business in India as well First-Use(NFU) principle. Since end of the Sec-
dition to the age-related prob- Posts and Telecom / BSNL. If all thentication. For this, UIDAI has subsidy rate to the pensioners. as in other countries such as China. This has re- ond World War geopolitics supports powerful
lems, a lot of pensioners relocate the pensioners are taken in light introduced a new Aadhaar Au- Besides, those devices allocated sulted in poachers killing animals for money. As deterrence even for the nation which doesn't
to various other places as a mat- of, there are approximately 2 thentication Framework. Conse- to the pensioners may be regis- a result, many species, including the tiger, are dy- have ambition of hegemony.
ter of choice or to be with their crore pensioners in India. quently, if a pensioner needs to tered permanently with UIDAI, ing out. Human beings in this increasingly mate- At the same time, the project of INS Arihant
children. It makes the situation Despite the fact that the sub- submit the in situ Digital Life while limiting the usage of the rialistic world must ensure that animals and birds that cost about Rs 90000 crores must be viewed
more complex when it comes to mission of life certificate Certificate, there arises a need devices only to the pensioner and are able to live peacefully in their natural habitat. as an onerous requirement but not one to be
gaining access to their rightful through Jeevan Pramaan is very for a Registered Biometric De- family-pensioner — to curb the To save guard not only animals but also climate boasted in a given confrontational attitude
pension amount. convenient, many pensioners vice. Registration of biometric unsanctioned use of the device. changing to worse and promote tourism, forests across the globe. On this occasion the nation
However, in order to address and their caretakers are uncon- device itself is a herculean task. Thus, the aim to streamline the must not be cut and model conservations –forest must salute the navy personnel for their courage.
this significant problem, as a scious of it. The latest statistics Even after registration, the de- process of DLC while making it type must be developed too. Pratapa Reddy Yaramala,
part of the Digital India initia- show that as many as 173.66 lakh vice requires timely renewal for hassle-free could be achieved. Mahesh Kapasi, New Delhi Tiruvuru
tive, the government has taken pensioners have already submit- incessant services — more so, the (An Air Veteran and
up steps to terminate the pain of ted Digital Life Certificates renewal is not a free provision. a mass communicator,
this tedious procedure. On No- (DLC) since 2014, out of which Hence, the complexity involved Dr Kasturi is an author of more
vember 10, 2014, a new initiative 80.16 lakh pensioners have sub- in the registration process than 10 mass media books)
8 AP �����������������������������


Write about development
BJP leaders taken into on walls: CM tells o�cials
preventive custody, let off
ment ensured normalcy in the
� Says this will help a�ected areas with its limited re-
villagers to discuss sources in 25 days. He said that
developmental the Union government did not
programmes provide any financial or other
moral support to the cyclone-af-
Lakshminarayana, GVL � Public satisfaction fected people of Srikakulam dis-
� Manikyala Rao, to Narasimha Rao squatted on the rose from 72% to trict.
evade house arrest, NH-5 and raised slogans 77% since the launch He said that the government
attempts to jump against the TDP government. of Grama Darsini prepared plans for development
over compound wall They alleged that TDP govern- � Village-specific of more than 10,000 villages and
ment is taking revenge on the plans ready for the asked the o�cials to complete
and sustain injuries opposition parties. Kanna the plans for the remaining vil-
development of
� Party’s State warned that the voters would lages too as early as possible.
10 villages
president Kanna teach a fitting lesson to the These village-specific plans will
TDP in the forthcoming elec- help in developing each village
Lakshminarayana, tion. OUR BUREAU state. There must be discussion as a unit, he observed.
GVL Narasimha Rao, Later, the BJP activists on the development and welfare The Chief Minister said that
Gokaraju Gangaraju raised slogans against the TDP Amaravati: Stressing the need to provided by the state govern- they had formed multi-discipli-
and Kavuri Sambasiva government. Police shifted create awareness among people ment despite bifurcation prob- nary teams with 5,674 students.
Kanna Lakshminarayana and on the development that had lems and Central government’s He asked the o�cials to use
Rao are taken into
GVL Narasimha Rao to Kanna's taken place in the last four years non cooperative attitude, he these teams e�ectively to create
preventive custody residence at Kannavarithota in in the state, Chief Minister N added. awareness among public on de-
Guntur city. Later, Gokaraju Chandrababu Naidu directed of- The Chief Minister said that velopment that took place in the
OUR BUREAU Ganga Raju, Kavuri Sambasiva ficials to ensure awareness was public satisfaction had increased state. He suggested to them to
������������������������������������������������������������������������������ Rao returned to Vijayawada. created among people in villages by five per cent since the Grama write the development of every
Tadepalligudem: Former En- ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Addressing a press meet and towns on the developmental Darsini programme was village on walls, which would
dowment Minister and BJP ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Kanna Lakshminarayana con- programmes through writing launched. “It increased to 77 per help to discuss them at village
MLA P Manikyala Rao sus- demned their preventive cus- them on walls. He said during a cent from 72 per cent. This must level.
tained injuries when he tried to police also announced pro- tional highway in Guntur dis- tody while they were proceed- teleconference on Grama increase to more than 90 per During the meeting, he ex-
jump over the compound wall to hibitory orders under Section trict stating that more trouble ing to Tadepalligudem and Darsini on Thursday from Un- cent by January,” he stressed. plained the statistics and feed-
evade house arrest on Thursday. 144 and confined the movement will be brewed if they reach alleged that Chief Minister N davalli that government o�cials On Centre neglecting the back on the performance of o�-
Tension prevailed in the of the BJP leader to his house. Tadepalligudem. Chandrababu Naidu is weaken- must explain to the people the plight of Titli cyclone victims, cials in Grama Darsini
town since morning when En- TDP leader and ZP chairman RS member GVL Narasimha ing the opposition in the state. development achieved by the Naidu said that the state govern- programme.
dowment Minister negated the Mullapudi Bapiraju was also Rao came down heavily on po- He condemned arrest of MLA

Congress to observe
claims of the TDP leaders that placed under house arrest. lice for not allowing them to go P Manikyala Rao.
he did not do any development
to his Assembly constituency
In order to evade the house
arrest, the BJP leader at-
to Tadepalligudem to call on in-
jured party leader.
BJP activists took out a rally
from Kanna Lakshmi-
KCR’s niece wants
during his term as the minister. tempted to jump over the com- The Police stopped BJP state narayana’s residence to Market to join TDP,
protests across State
He challenged for an open de- pound wall of his house and in president Kanna Lakshmi- Centre in Guntur city. Police
bate with the TDP leaders, the process he fell down and narayana and MPs GVL took them into custody and Naidu wavers
headed by ZP Chairman Mulla- sustained injuries on his leg. He Narasimha Rao, Gokaraju shifted them to Nallapadu Po-
pudi Bapiraju over the develop- was rushed to the hospital. Ganga Raju and former Union lice Station. OUR BUREAU
ment works undertaken in the On learning that the BJP minister Kavuri Sambasiva Rao Later BJP leaders led by
constituency when he was the leader sustained injuries, BJP along with the activists at Ma- Kanna Nagaraju protested at � Infrastructure and banking sectors in the Amaravati: TRS president K
minister. MP GVL Narasimha Rao, BJP nipal Hospital near Nallapadu Police Station for country are still struggling due to its effect, Chandrashekar Rao’s niece
Both the leaders expressed state president Kanna Laksh- Kanakadurga Varadhi in Tade- taking Kanna Lakshmi- Ramya Rao met TDP president
readiness for an open debate at minarayana, MP Gokaraju Gan- palli town on Thursday while narayana and GVL Narasimaha APCC maintains N Chandrababu Naidu at his at
Venkatramanna Gudem. How- garaju and others tried to reach they were proceeding to Tade- Rao into preventive custody. Undavalli here on Thursday
ever, sensing trouble, the police Tadepalligudem. palligudem to extend support They raised slogans against OUR BUREAU the announcement of demon- seeking ticket to contest in
intervened and stated that However, the police took to BJP MLA P Manikyala Rao's TDP government in the etisation, people all over the Telangana Assembly elections.
there was no police permission them into preventive custody protest. When the police state.Later they were released Vijayawada: Andhra Pradesh country are yet to recover from Party sources said she told
to conduct an open debate. The at Manipal Hospital on the na- stopped the BJP leaders, Kanna on bail. Congress Committee is organ- the damage it had caused. ``The Naidu that she had decided to
ising protest demonstrations at employment opportunities join TDP since she was vexed
all district headquarters have taken a severe beating and with the Congress and want to

Karem Sivaji plans to contest throughout the State on Friday

recalling the black day of de-
monetisation which was an-
the GDP suffered a setback,” he
said. Infrastructure and bank-
ing sectors are still struggling
contest from Nizamabad dis-
trict. The party chief discussed
the issue with the Telangana

elections if CM gives nod

nounced on November 8, 2016.
APCC general secretary
Janga Gauram, in a statement
in the country and the rupee
lost its value, he said and added
that the prices of the essential
TDP leaders including L Ra-
mana and others who met him
during the day. He reportedly
organisation Act-2014 and cheated here on Thursday, recalled that commodities are skyrocketing. observed that if the TDP wel-
� The SC, ST Commission
the people in the state. Prime Min- demonetisation affected the The Congress activists comed her into the party, it may
Chairman says that ister Narendra Modi has been try- common man from Kashmir to throughout the State would be seen as an unfriendly gesture
discussions were held ing to take revenge on N Chan- Kanyakumari and Gandhinagar stage protest demonstrations by the Congress in Telangana.
between JSP and YSRCP on drababu Naidu who had left NDA to Gangtok destroying the frag- on Friday demanding resigna- The Telangana TDP leaders also
��������������������������������������� sharing of seats alliance,’’ he said. ile Indian economy. tion of Prime Minister Naren- said to have concurred with the

� Pawan Kalyan demanded 50 Sivaji said, ``YSR Congress Party He said that two years after dra Modi, he added. party supremo’s opinion.
seats for his party to president YS Jaganmohan Reddy
and Jana Sena Party chief Pawan

17 bank contract sta�, 20 touts booked

contest, Sivaji says
Kalyan colluded with BJP and have

� Underlines the need to elect been acting as per its direction. The
N Chandrababu Naidu as two leaders are trying to tarnish
Chief Minister for overall the image of Chief Minister N OUR BUREAU given exemption for scanning the maintaining laddu dispensing
development of State Chandrababu Naidu with the sup- LADDU SCAM counters. During these period,
OUR BUREAU sive governments. Though siz- port of Narendra Modi.’’ Tirupati: TTD Vigilance sleuths � Total 26,000 laddus thousands of laddu tokens had
able number of tourists visit the OUR BUREAU He further said that discussions came to the conclusion in Tiru- diverted into black been recycled and every day lad-
Vijayawada: The State govern- fort every day, there are no basic were held between JSP and YSRCP mala Srivari laddu black marketing dus were diverted into black mar-
market in a span of
ment has decided to renovate amenities on the fort premises. Rajamahendravaram: SC/ST Com- in Visakhapatnam recently and scam that various bank contract ket successfully with the coopera-
Kondapalli Fort by spending Rs Significantly, the fort assumed mission Chairman Karem Sivaji JSP demanded YSRCP 50 Assem- employees and many middlemen 10 days tion of outsiders. The scam came
10 crore. The fort assumed importance after the bifurca- said that he is interested to contest bly seats in the ensuing Assembly were involved in diversion of � Urban SP Anburajan to light on October 19 at the end
more significance for its prox- tion of the state. Now, the State in the forthcoming Assembly elec- elections. JSP chief Pawan Kalyan 26,000 Laddus worth Rs 15 lakh to confirms, Tirumala One of Brahmostavams. Acting on a
imity to AP's capital Amaravati. government is making plans by tions. is not a matured politician, there black market. Town police registered a tip-o�, TTD vigilance sleuths
The State government has also giving utmost importance to the Speaking to media persons at R is no clarity in his speeches and is In the sensation case, after com- criminal case based on nabbed five bank contract em-
planned to conduct two-week fort development. & B Guest house here on Thursday, reading the scripts given by others. pletion of 15 days probe, TTD vig- TTD vigilance sleuths’ ployees on the day and grilled
fort celebrations from Decem- The Tourism department he said that though he is interested ``Pawan Kalyan’s brother Chi- ilance personnel registered a crim- complaint them over their involvement in
ber second week. has finalised plans to construct to contest the polls, a decision will ranjeevi merged Praja Rajyam inal case against the 17 bank the laddu black marketing scam.
According to the o�cials, the cottages also. Speaking to The be taken as per the directions of Party in Congress and now we contract employees and others on � TTD is rethinking on They confessed before the vigi-
State government wants to de- Hans India, Tourism depart- Chief Minister N Chandrababu have to wait and see whether Wednesday. According to sources, using services of bank lance o�cials that they had taken
velop Kondapalli Fort as an im- ment principal secretary Naidu. The BJP government at the Pawan runs the party or not?,’’ he miscreants’ number will reach staff at laddu tokens help from many brokers. TTD in
portant tourist centre in the Mukesh Kumar Meena said the Centre is trying to destabilise the pointed out. around 40. Based on vigilance de- counters at Vaikuntam charge CVSO T V Siva Kumar
capital Amaravati. As part of it, cottages would be constructed elected governments in AP, Tamil The SC, ST Commission Chair- partment’s complaint Tirumala I complex Reddy and other o�cials probed
the Tourism and Archaeology on parallel with the iconic Nadu, Karnataka and Kerala states man underlined the need to elect Town police registered a case un- the case and submitted an interim
departments have planned to bridge at Ibrahimpatnam by hook or crook, he stated. Chandrababu Naidu as Chief Min- der IPC section 420 on the charges laddu tokens at dispensing counter report. On the instructions of
preserve Queen Mahal, which is adjacent to Kondapalli ``The BJP government miser- ister again for all-round develop- of cheating. It may be noted that due to heavy rush. But this instruc- TTD EO Anil Kumar Singhal, as
weapons storage point, jail and Fort. Besides, the Archaeology ably failed to fulfill the assurances ment of the state and also for the during Navaratri Brahmostavams tion was taken advantage of by var- per the TTD norms vigilance de-
ancient structures. The Archae- and Tourism departments have made in Andhra Pradesh State Re- welfare of the people. in October, TTD authorities had ious banks’ contract sta� who were partment filed a complaint.
ology department made plans jointly proposed to conduct

Ed-Tech-2018 global meet from Nov 15

to display the history of fort. Kondapalli Fort celebrations for
Similarly, the Archaeology de- two weeks in December. Chief
partment designed a proposal Minister N Chandrababu Naidu
to develop view point on the will participate in the inaugural
lines of Araku Valley. The view programme. Minister Devineni
point will be an added attraction Umamaheswara Rao said that
to Kondapalli Fort in near fu- the glory of the fort would be re- � The State government, in collaboration with help establish Andhra Pradesh as
ture. It will provide new view to vived soon. He said the govern- the 'Skill Capital' of India,” Srini-
UNESCO-MGIEP and with support from Union Ministry of
tourists to watch greenery and ment would take all necessary vasa Rao said.
nature in an attractive manner. steps to make the fort as an im- Human Resources, will conduct the three-day conference AP government, with the knowl-
The 14th century fort has portant tourist centre to Ama- � Several educational and IT companies extend their edge partnership with UNESCO
been neglected by the succes- ravati capital. support to the international conference MGIEP, will be setting up the In-
telligent Global Hub for Digital
� Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu, IT Minister Pedagogies in the city. This hub
N Lokesh and Union Minister for Human Resource would comprise a Centre of Excel-
lence (COE) on the science of learn-
GREETING THE LEADER Development Prakash Javadekar will participate in the
conference, says Minister for HRD Ganta Srinivasa Rao
ing, a school for Di�erence learners
(children a�ected by Dyslexia,
Dyscalculia), a Global Standards
OUR BUREAU ganised by AP Government and Certification Bureau, a Teachers
UNESCO MGIEP with the support Training Academy, a top notch De-
Visakhapatnam: The Government of the Union Ministry of Human sign University that will teach
of Andhra Pradesh, in collaboration Resource Development. among other courses Digital prod-
with UNESCO-MGIEP (Mahatma Addressing a press conference uct design and game design, a cross-
Gandhi Institute of Education for here on Thursday, HRD Minister sectoral skilling platform as also an
Peace and Sustainable Develop- Ganta Srinivasa Rao said that Chief ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� incubation center where start ups
ment), is conducting a 3-day con- Minister N Chandrababu Naidu, that would build ed-tech learning
ference on ``Transforming Educa- Minister for Information and Tech- Veative Labs and Eon Reality etc. aiming to transform the State into products based on the research
tion for Humanity” (Ed-Tech) in nology N Lokesh and Union Min- Delegates from 22 countries are ex- a globally competitive and happy from the COE.
the city from November 15. The ster for Human Recourse Devel- pected to participate in the meet- society with a vision focuses not This hub is a unique ecosystem
state government has entered into opment Prakash Javadekar will ing. Eminent resource persons just on economic growth but also and will generate thousands of high
5-year agreement with UNESCO– participate in the conference. from Canada, USA, Japan, France, on happiness, well-being. AP aims skill jobs, train a talent pool of
MGIEP to conduct the conference The conference is supported by United Nations, Finland, Denmark to be number one in the World by highly specialised talent pool, and
in Visakhapatnam and the TECH- several educational and technology and Sweden will deliver key note 2050, there by influencing global in its wake spawn innovation bring-
��������������������������������������������������������������������� 2018 is the second edition of the partners including Microsoft, Sam- addresses in the conference, the communities. The TECH-2018, the ing global research, industries, and
��������������������������������������������������������� global conference being jointly or- sung, Unity, Adobe, HP, 3DS, minister said. ``The Government is hub and the Vizag declaration will investment to the region.
����������������������������� NATION/WORLD 9

Army to induct NaMo's DeMo meltdown
K9, M777
howitzer guns
Independent India's biggest scam: Congress
����������������� ����������
Notes ban satisfied agenda of a few: Mamata
�������������������������� New Delhi (PTI): On the second anniversary of demonetisa-
���������������������������� tion, the Congress on Thursday alleged it was the "biggest 'Scars from 2016 getting more visible'
�������������������������� scam" of independent India that should be probed and as- Former PM Manmohan Singh said the scars and wounds from
����������������������������� serted that the people will punish Prime Minister Narendra 2016 are only getting more visible with time, adding that the
������������������������������ Modi for his "wreckless decision". consequences of the note ban are still unraveling. Singh
��������������������������� Congress's spokesperson Anand Sharma alleged that de- said, I urge the government to restore certainty and visibility
����������������������������� monetisation was "a big money laundering project", NPAs in economic policies." Today is a day to remember how eco-
������������������������� have increased sharply, the banking system was struggling, nomic misadventures can roil the nation for a long time and
����������������������������� and now the Modi government was bent on "snatching" the understand that economic policymaking should be handled
����� ��������������������� contingency reserves of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). with thought and care. "
������������������������ His remarks came after Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said
��������������������������� demonetisation resulted in formalisation of economy and in- �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������
������������������������� creased tax base, with the government earmarking more re- ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������
������������������������������ sources for the poor and infrastructure development. Con-
�������������������������� gress' chief spokesperson Randeep Surjewala, while speaking
to reporters, asked why the BJP government did not issue any
Protests in
������������������������� advertisement or congratulate people on the second anniver-
sary of demonetisation as they had done in the past.
�������������������������� He alleged that demonetisation was the "biggest scam" of

independent India and that the black money of several people
not acceptable:
������������������������ was converted to white through the move. "What did the coun- tent," he charged. Sharma also hit back at Jaitley and the BJP
try get, was black money found, was counterfeit currency re- for asking questions to the Congress, saying the BJP still "has
Kerala HC
����������������������������� covered, did it stop naxalism and terrorism,instead the Indian the audacity" to ask questions and call demonetisation an

��������������������������� economy su�ered a loss of Rs 3 lakh crore," he claimed. "anti-corruption" move. Rebutting Jaitley's assertion that the
��������������������������� "Time has come for Prime Minister Narendra Modi to take move has increased the tax base, Sharma said with the seventh Kochi (PTI): The Kerala High
����������������������������� responsibility for this destruction and apologise...Time has pay commission, more people have come into the tax slabs. Court on Thursday termed as "un-
������������������������������ come that the scam of notebandi is probed and those guilty "FM should do his homework. If they have such good man- justifiable" agitations launched by
���������������������������� are caught. The country will not forget, it remembers and is agement of the economy then why are they trying to plunder various groups against the Raipur (PTI): Four civilians and a CISF jawan were killed
���������������������� ready to hit back with the might of its votes," Surjewala said. the RBI, why is the rupee worst performing currency," he said. Supreme Court verdict permitting when suspected Naxals detonated a bus with an impro-
Sharma announced that the Congress will hold a nationwide Sharma also accused the government of manipulating eco- entry of women of all age groups vised explosive device (IED) in Chhattisgarh's Dantewada
protest on Friday to mark the second anniversary of demon- nomic figures to show a bright picture of the economy. into the Lord Ayyappa temple in district on Thursday, four days ahead of the first phase of
Air India etisation. Congress president Rahul Gandhi said the note
ban cost 1.5 million jobs and 1 per cent of India's GDP.
West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Thursday
alleged that the notes ban move was initiated for the benefit
Justice Sunil Thomas agreed
elections in the state, police said.
Two personnel of the Central Industrial Security Force
flights delayed The Congress also released videos and a documentary on of a handful of people, saying the common people were the with the state government's con- (CISF) were also injured in the explosion, the third Naxal
due to strike
the "ill-a�ects" of demonetisation. Sharma claimed that on worst su�erers. Aam Aadmi Party convener and Delhi Chief tention that the protests and the attack in 15 days in the poll-bound state.
an average, 11 crore people were standing in queues each day Minister Arvind Kejriwal questioned the rationale behind the violence that occurred recently at The attack comes before Prime Minister Narendra
�������������� �������������� outside banks and "begging" for their money. "143 died in that Modi government's note ban move and termed it as "a self in- the hill shrine and its key entry Modi's scheduled visit on Friday to Jagdalpur district,
�������������������������� process. Government was confused, clueless and incompe- flicted deep wound" on the Indian economy. points were against the apex about 100 km from Dantewada, to campaign for the BJP.
���������������������������� court's directives. "Agitations are The IED explosion took place in a hilly area in Bacheli,
��������������������������� unjustifiable," the court said while about 450 km from here, when the CISF personnel were
������������������� dismissing a bail application filed returning to their camp in Akashnagar after purchasing
�������������������������� by Govind Madhusoodan of Thrip- groceries from the market, Dantewada Superintendent
������������������������������ punithura, who was arrested in of Police Abhishek Pallava told PTI.
������������������������������ connection with clashes with po- The Naxals triggered a powerful IED blast near curve
����������������������� lice at Nilackal, near Pamba, when no.6 on the hills, killing a CISF jawan, the bus' driver, con-
����������������������������� the temple doors were opened for ductor, cleaner and another person who is yet to be iden-
������������������������������ monthly puja last month. "Agita- tified, Pallava said.
���������������� ���������� ����������� tions caused serious hardships to The private bus, which was targeted, was allotted to
�������������������������� the devotees. If bail is granted in the CISF team deployed in the Bailadila mining area of
�������������������������� ������������ such cases, that may lead to repe- the National Mining Development Corporation in Dan-
����������������������������� tition of similar incidents," the tewada for election duty. Reinforcements were rushed to
����������� court said. He was arrested for al- the spot and the injured personnel and bodies of the de-
��������������������������� ������������ legedly blocking vehicles at Ni- ceased shifted to a local hospital, Pallava said.
��������������������������� lackal and attempting to assault Security forces have launched a combing operation in
�������������������������� ������������ women devotees. Girls below 10 the area to trace the ultras, he added.
������������������������������ years and women above 50 have On October 30, three police personnel and a camera-
������������������������������� ������������ frequently prayed at the Lord man of national broadcaster Doordarshan were killed in
Ayyappa temple in the past. a Maoist attack in Dantewada's Aranpur area.
In a first, India
to be in talks BJP drops ex-MP CM Gaur, gen Case filed against
BJP leader over
with Taliban
in Moscow
secy Vijayvargiya from ticket list Sabarimala
New Delhi (IANS): The Bharatiya Janata Party on 75. He was representing the Govindpura Assembly con-
New Delhi: For the first time, Thursday released the third list of 32 candidates for stituency since 1980 and had threatened the party that Kozhikode (IANS): The Kerala Po-
India will be talking to the Tal- Madhya Pradesh with the party deciding to drop 10 if he or his daughter-in-law was not given a ticket, both lice on Thursday registered a case
iban but in a "non o�cial" ca- sitting MLAs including former Chief Minister Babulal would contest the polls independently. under non-bailable charges
pacity during a multilateral Gaur and its national General Secretary Kailash Vijay- Vijayvargiya's son Akash Vijayvargiya is set to begin against state BJP President P.S.
meeting in Moscow on Friday. vargiya. his electoral politics from Indore-3, the constituency Sreedharan Pillai who has claimed
Russia is hosting talks for As per the list, the party has fielded the daughter- represented by Thakur. that the Sabarimala issue provides
peace in Afghanistan and has in-law of Babulal Gaur, Krishna Gaur from Govindpura Senior Vijayvargiya, a close confidant of BJP Chief a "golden opportunity" for the BJP
invited several countries in- Assembly constituency while Vijayvargiya has been Amit Shah, has been more focussed on national politics to grow in Kerala.

India’s nuke Arihant

cluding India, the US, Pakistan replaced by Usha Thakur, the sitting MLA from In- especially after the sa�ron party for the first time The police have registered the
and China. The Taliban will dore-3. Babulal Gaur, a former Home Minister, was formed its government in Haryana. The party's victory case under Section 505 1(b) of the
also be part of the meeting. forced to resign on the grounds that his age was over in Haryana was credited to Vijayvargiya. Indian Penal Code which refers to
"We are aware that the
Russian Federation is hosting
a meeting in Moscow on No-
comments that can cause fear or
alarm in the public and disturb
deployment irks Pak
vember 9 on Afghanistan," for-
eign ministry spokesperson
LK TURNS 91 The police action came after a
media professional filed a com-
Lahore: Pakistan on Thursday expressed concern over the recent de-
ployment of India's nuclear submarine INS Arihant, saying there should
Raveesh Kumar said in re- plaint against Pillai for his inflam- be no doubt about Islamabad's resolve and capabilities to meet the
sponse to media queries. matory speech of last week. challenges in the nuclear and conventional realms in South Asia.
India will be part of the talks Pillai said in a speech at a meet- "This development marks the first actual deployment of ready-to-
at a non-o�cial level and will be ing of the Bharatiya Janata Yuva fire nuclear warheads in South Asia which is a matter of concern not
represented by Amar Sinha, Morcha here that he told the only for the Indian Ocean littoral states but also for the international
who has served as India's Am- Sabarimala temple 'tantri' that it community at large," Pakistan's Foreign O�ce spokesperson Moham-
bassador to Afghanistan, and would be best to shut down the hill mad Faisal said. Nuclear-powered submarine INS Arihant successfully
T.C.A. Raghavan, former Indian ����� shrine if any woman in the 10-50 completed its first deterrence patrol this week, taking India into a club
High Commissioner to Pakistan. �������� age tried to enter it following a of a handful of countries which have the capability to design, construct
The move by India came after �������� Supreme Court verdict. and operate such a submarine or SSBN.
Russian's Vladimir Putin visited ����������� Pillai also said that the Sabari- The spokesperson said the "bellicose" language employed by the top
New Delhi last month for a an- ���������� mala issue provided a "golden op- Indian leadership highlights the threats to strategic stability in South
nual bilateral summit with PM ���������� portunity" for the Bharatiya Asia and raises questionsabout responsible nuclear stewardship in In-
Narendra Modi. ��������� Janata Party (BJP) to expand its dia. He said the increased frequency of missile tests by India, aggressive
"India supports all e�orts at �������� political footprint. posturing and deployment of nuclear weapons calls for an assessment
peace and reconciliation in �������� When the case was registered, of the non-proliferation benefits resulting from India's membership
Afghanistan that will preserve ������ Pillai, a lawyer, was on a 'rath yatra' of the Missile Technology Control Regime. The spokesperson said
unity and plurality, and bring ���������� that was flagged o� from Kasar- Pakistan is committed to the objective of strategic stability in South
security, stability and prosper- ������ gode and will reach Pathanamtitta Asia and believes that the only way forward for both countries is to
ity to the country," Kumar �������� district, where the Sabarimala agree on measures for nuclear and missile restraint.
told reporters. �������� temple is located, on November 13.

��������������������������� 12 massacred at California bar

California : The gunman who massacred 12 peo- His body was
Raipur: He looks like Prime Minister Naren- Sabha election. Hurt by seeing problems of ple at a country music bar in southern California found in an o�ce
dra Modi, dresses and speaks like him and be- the common man, I left the BJP's ally to join on Wednesday night has been identified as an inside the bar. The
gins his speech with 'Mitron', but Congress last month," Pathak ex-Marine. sheri�'s sergeant
their similarities end there -- He said. Ian Long, 29, opened fire on the Borderline who was shot later
is Abhinandan Pathak, a Congress On his campaign trail, Bar and Grill in Thousand Oaks at 11.20pm. Long died in hospital.
campaigner in the Naxal-a�ected Pathak always targets the had been cleared by mental health experts after He was Ron
Bastar region of Chhattisgarh who prime minister, while mimick- an incident in his home in April, sheri�s revealed Helus, a 29-year
says "achche din nahin ayenge". ing his style, over his promises on Thursday morning. veteran.
A new entrant to the grand old of 'good days' and depositing He killed 11 people inside the bar and one of In total, 13 are
party, Pathak was with the BJP- Rs 15 lakh in bank accounts of the first cops on the scene before taking his own dead; 11 people in-
led NDA constituent Republican every Indian after retrieving life. side the bar, the
Party of India (Athawale) as its black money stashed abroad. Survivors from the shooting said he looked sheri�'s sergeant
state vice-president for Uttar "Mitron (friends), I came here 'like he knew what he was doing' as he repeatedly and the gunman.
Pradesh till he joined the Con- to tell you the truth that fired his legally purchased Glock .45 handgun. Long is a for-
gress last month in the presence 'achche din' are not going to As dozens ran for their lives, hid beneath pool mer Marine who
of actor-turned-politician Raj Babbar. come. It was a false promise and please vote tables and used bar stools to shatter the windows ���� �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� lived in nearby
"Since I look like Modiji, people will always for the Congress which can ensure your de- to escape, Long continued firing and also threw �������������������������� Newbury Park. In
ask me where are the 'acche din' (good days), velopment," he said, while addressing a small smoke grenades to confuse the crowds. April this year,
as promised by Modiji ahead of the 2014 Lok gathering in a local market. When the first police o�cers arrived at the multiple times before shooting himself. deputies were called to his home amid reports
scene three minutes later, Long shot one of them By the time SWAT teams arrived, he was dead. of a disturbance.


US Dollar 73.25 Singapore
India shares dream, vision of ITU Illicit products lead to `1,05,381 cr loss

Sterling Pound 95.82 Dollar 53.47
We have launched the new alternate digital KYC process Euro 83.59 Canadian Dollar 55.97
Illicit products are adversely affecting the Indian industry resulting in an
system for issuing new connections across various circles Australian Dollar 53.42 Japanese Yen 0.66
estimated loss of Rs 1,05,381 crore in seven sectors - auto components,
and it has stabilised. We have conveyed about the roll out UAE Dirham 20.12 Malaysian Ringgit 18.43
alcoholic beverages, computer hardware, FMCG -packaged goods, FMCG -
of new system to Department of Telecom Saudi Rial 19.71 Sri Lanka Rupee 0.56
personal goods, tobacco and mobile phones, according to FICCI CASCADE.
Chinese Yuan 11.13 Swiss Franc 73.06
– BSNL CMD Anupam Shrivastava Illicit trade creating loss to exchequer in these industries is Rs 39,239 crore


Shriram to ship
92k ton sugar NBFCs NEED `95K CRORE
New Delhi: Diversified group
DCM Shriram has contracted
around 40,000 tonnes of sugar
exports so far and will under-
take shipments of en�re
92,000 tonnes quota assigned
to it by April-May next year, its With `70,000 cr commercial papers maturing this month, banks
Chairman Ajay Shriram said.
will have to lend more to the sector to avoid defaults, says Crisil
GDP growth to slow
On exports, he said: “We have
got an export quota of 92,000
tonnes. We have already con- Mumbai: As top 50 non-banking the past, issuances by financial
tracted about 40,000 tonnes finance companies need Rs 95,000 sector entities have typically been

to 7.3 per cent in 2019

for exports and will soon com- crore to repay debts, of which Rs fully rolled over or refinanced on
plete the contracts for the en- 70,000 crore are commercial pa- maturity. Nevertheless, CP vol-
�re quota. We will complete pers maturing this month, and umes have increased in the last
shipments by end of the cane banks will have to lend more to week of October and if the trend
crushing season.” The losses in the sector to avoid defaults, says continues, rollover rates should New Delhi: Indian economy will Reserve Bank will con�nue to
undertaking exports would be a report. Since the IL&FS defaults, be higher in November. expand 7.4 per cent in 2018, but steadily raise the benchmark
compensated from financial as- it can be noted that NBFCs and Commercial paper or CPs are the growth will slow down to 7.3
sistance offered by the govern- housing finance companies (HFCs) short-term debt with one to three per cent in the next year as do-
rate through 2019, which will
ment. The Centre has an- were facing a crisis of confidence, months maturity. "NBFCs with mestic demand tapers on higher further dampen domes�c
nounced a financial assistance sending call money rates higher wide redemption of Rs 60,000 40 per cent of the average month- strong parentage and those be- borrowing cost due to rising in- demand, says global ra�ng
of Rs 13.88 per quintal cane and overall liquidity tight. This crore between November 1 and 9 ly issuances between June and longing to large corporate groups terest rates, Moody's Investors agency Moody’s
crushed in 2018-19 marke�ng forced RBI to open a special win- alone. In October, the rollover August 2018. have managed to partially roll Service said on Thursday.
year to offset the cost of cane. dow for banks but denied the same rate of CPs issued by these 50 Consequently, NBFCs were over their CPs and raise funds In its report titled ‘Global ciation raises the cost of house-
to NBFCs and also announce Rs largest NBFCs was only around forced to tap banks for funds. In from banks to a greater extent Macro Outlook 2019-20', holds' consumption basket and
36,000 crore of OMO purchase in compared with peers, although Moody's said the economy grew will weigh on households' capac-
Fortis CEO quits October and Rs 40,000 crore in they have had to pay higher in- 7.9 per cent in the first half (Jan- ity for other expenditures. Bor-
New Delhi: For�s Healthcare November, which has brought in NBFC CRISIS MIGHT PROVE A terest rates," said Sitaraman. uary-June) of 2018, which reflects rowing costs have already risen
some sanity to system. "Selective lending by mutual post demonetisation base e�ect. because of tightening monetary
said on Thursday its CEO
Bhavdeep Singh has resigned The crisis of confidence comes DRAG ON ECONOMY: REPORT funds means in the weeks ahead, Stating that borrowing costs policy,” it said.
but will con�nue in his current even as asset quality of NBFCs is Mumbai: The ongoing crisis of confi- two fiscals. Warning that lower credit continued and times access to have already increased on higher Moody's said, in the short term
capacity �ll a successor is found. largely steady. "As many as 50 dence in non-banking financial com- availability from NBFCs will hurt bank funding will be critical for interest rates, Moody's said it ex- while measures to stabilise the
Singh has resigned from his po- large NBFCs have debt repay- panies (NBFCs) may prove to be a growth, Singaporean lender DBS' NBFCs," he added. Though most pects the Reserve Bank will con- financial sector are put in place,
si�on by communica�on dated ments worth Rs 95,000 crore due drag on economic growth, as balance economist Radhika Rao said, "the NBFCs have adequate liquidity tinue to steadily raise the bench- credit growth is likely to slow.
November 8, 2018. The Board of in November, of which, Rs 70,000 sheet constraints and higher likelihood of stricter lending bu�er in the form of cash/cash mark rate through 2019, which “Downside risks from a pro-
Directors of the company has crore are commercial papers funding costs may prompt controls on NBFCs and equivalents and sanctioned will further dampen domestic de- longed liquidity squeeze for non-
considered and accepted his (CPs) maturing," said Krishnan these shadow banks to The tougher operating envi- unutilised bank lines to manage mand. “These factors will limit bank financial institutions, which
resigna�on, For�s Healthcare Sitaraman, a senior director at slowdown lending, likelihood of ronment is likely to im- mismatches in their asset-liability the pace of the Indian economy's could lead to a sharper slowdown
said in a regulatory filing. “At the the agency, adding some of them warns a report. But
stricter lending pinge on their ability maturity profiles, in the past one growth over the next few years, in their credit provision, remain,”
controls on NBFCs
request of the board, Singh has are well- placed to meet the debt this will come as a
and tougher to expand their month, some of them have found with real GDP growth of 7.3 per it added. Moody's said global eco-
agreed to con�nue in his current repayments without drawing growth booster for opera�ng books, prompting it tough to quickly drawdown on cent in 2019 and 2020, from around nomic growth will slow in 2019
capacity �ll such �me his suc- down on bank lines, others may banks, which for long environment might them to scale back bank lines, which led to some liq- 7.4 per cent in 2018,” Moody's said. and 2020 to a little under 2.9 per
cession planning is crystallised,” have to do so, at least partially. have been ceding in turn hurt their aggressive uidity stress. On top of it, market It said the greatest downside cent from an estimated 3.3 per
the filing added. The develop- The report, however, did not credit market share to growth growth targets. As a re- sentiment continues for select risk to India's growth prospects cent in 2018 and 2017. The US-
ment comes nearly four months say how much of short- tenor NBFCs, which had ac- sult, overall credit avail- NBFCs, which are into housing stem from concerns about its fi- based agency expects trade and
a�er the crisis-hit healthcare debt is due this month at the in- counted for 12-15 per cent of ability is likely to moderate, finance and wholesale lending, nancial sector. “The impact of geopolitical frictions between
chain was acquired by dustry level. But media reports the total credit generated in the past which in turn will be hurting growth." forcing them to the securitisation higher global oil prices com- the US and China to persist for
Malaysia's IHH Healthcare. last week had pegged the system market to get liquidity. pounded by sharp rupee depre- some time.

Toshiba to cut 7,000 jobs
Foundry to
grow by 14%

over the next five years

Coimbatore: The foundry sec-
tor in the country is expected
to witness an annual growth of
13-14 per cent from the pres- Ready for new
ent five-seven per cent, cap-
tains of industry said on Thurs- Tokyo: The boss of struggling
economy challenges:
day. This would see produc�on Toshiba said on Thursday that he
Business leaders
of cas�ngs increase from 11.5 would cut 7,000 jobs over the next Singapore: Global business leaders
million tonnes to 14-15 million five years as the Japanese engi- EVERY YEAR WILL CONTRIBUTE TO THE JOB CUTS on Wednesday vowed to address
tonnes by 2021 and was set to neering firm pulled out of foreign challenges brought by rising new
reach 20 million tonnes by investments and downgraded its economy after a two-day discussion

Diwali sales up 20%

2025, chairman of the city annual profit forecasts. here over solutions to key issues
chapter of Ins�tute of Indian "Over the next five years, we facing the changing global economy
Foundrymen G Ezhil said. The expect a reduction of 7,000 jobs," like remaking global trade, manag-

to `30k crore: CAIT

demand for foundry products many coming from early retire- ing supply chain threats and artifi-
was increasing owing to its ment, CEO Nobuaki Kurumatani cial intelligence (AI).
quality, and the industry was told reporters in Tokyo. In addi- In the closing session of the New
the second largest producer of tion, e�ciency gains from im- Economy Forum held here from
cas�ngs in the world a�er Mumbai: The national traders keens, readymade garments, bis- proved IT and the planned retire- Tuesday, panelists including the fo-
China, he said. Apart from this, body CAIT has said there was a cuits, confectionary items etc, did ment of about 3,000 employees rum's founder Michael Bloomberg,
the opportuni�es coming from 20 per cent volume growth dur- brisk business, he said, adding every year will contribute to the International Monetary Fund Man-
the defence, railways and the ing Diwali sales across the coun- traders of computer and computer job cuts, he said. Toshiba also ex- aging Director Christine Lagarde
automobile sectors would try at Rs 30,000 crore. In 2017, peripherals, paints, hardware, and pects to scrap or consolidate some and Singaporean Deputy Prime Min-
boost the demand, he said. the total sales stood at Rs 25,000 kitchen appliances & equipments factories and reduce its sub- firm said it expected a net profit cash-strapped group sold its lu- ister Tharman Shanmugaratnam
crore, CAIT secretary general also saw spike in their volumes. sidiaries by 25 per cent -- an- of 920 billion yen ($8.1 billion), crative chip business for $21 bil- discussed the potential biggest is-
Praveen Khandelwal said in a Khandelwal reiterated that widen- nouncing the withdrawal from a down from an earlier projection lion to KK Pangea, a special-pur- sues in the coming 2019 including
Piped gas statement Thursday. ing e-commerce without any reg- US-based liquid natural gas busi- of 1,070 billion yen. Annual op- pose company controlled by a trade tensions, global economic
"During last four years, there ulations is causing loss to o�ine ness and the liquidation of NuGen, erating profit outlook is now 60 consortium led by US investor slowdown and climate change, Xin-
in 50 cities was a slump during Diwali sales. trade and demanded setting up a nuclear subsidiary in Britain. billion yen, down from a previous Bain Capital. hua reported. The panelists called
New Delhi: Oil regulator PN- However, this year traders did of a regulatory authority. "In ab- The former Japanese behemoth 70-billion-yen forecast, while the The sales of the memory unit for sustainable solutions to the is-
GRB on Thursday put up for good business during compared sence of a proper e-commerce is going through a sweeping reform sales estimates were kept at 3,600 continued to boost Toshiba's net sues in the areas of globalization
bidding 50 ci�es including to last year," Khandelwal said. In policy, online companies are doing e�ort to revive itself following its billion yen. profit, although the firm's opera- and trade, technology, finance and
Gwalior in Madhya Pradesh, Delhi alone, sales volume crossed business without any checks and disastrous acquisition of US nu- Still, the firm's share price tions remained under pressure. capital markets, climate, urbaniza-
Mysore in Karnataka, Ajmer in over Rs 5,000 crore, he added. balances. Government should clear energy firm Westinghouse, soared, closing up more than 12 For the six months to September, tion and inclusion, with combined
Rajasthan and Howrah in West Consumer durables like electron- frame an e-commerce policy im- which racked up billions of dollars per cent on the Tokyo stock ex- the company's net profit stood at efforts from the government side
Bengal for grant of licence to ics and electrical items and FMCG mediately and set up a regulatory in losses before being placed under change, mainly due to the an- 1.08 trillion yen, reversing a net and private sector so as to bring
retail CNG and piped natural products like decoration and gift authority to regulate and monitor bankruptcy protection. nouncement of a share buy-back loss of 49.8 billion yen seen a year more confidence to the interna-
gas. The Petroleum and Natural items, dry fruits, sweets & nam- them," he said. For the year to March 2019, the programme. To stay afloat, the earlier. tional community.
Gas Regulatory Board (PNGRB)
offered 50 geographical areas
India’s oil demand set
(GA), carved out by clubbing

DGCA puts Jet Air, SpiceJet on notice

adjoining districts in 12 states,

to recover in 2019
in the 10th round of bidding
for city gas licences. Bids are
due by February 5, according
to PNGRB. Bidders have been
asked to quote the number of New Delhi: Indian oil demand, China's demand, with growth be-
CNG sta�ons to be set up and Asks airlines to take action on sensor-related issues which faced substantial pressures coming increasingly diversified
the number of domes�c cook- in 2018 because of rising rates across emerging markets. Al-
ing gas connec�ons to be given New Delhi: Aviation regulator have to be done, for procedures and a weakened rupee, is set for though their populations are of
in the first eight years of opera- DGCA has asked Jet Airways and which have to be followed by flight recovery next year, Fitch Solu- similar size, the scale of the Indian
�on. Also, they have to quote SpiceJet to take corrective action crew. "The DGCA has ensured that tions Macro Research said in a economy and its capacity for
the length of pipeline to be laid to address possible issues with all Indian operators are aware of note Thursday. growth are not compa-
and the tariff proposed for city their Boeing 737 MAX planes that the FAA AD and have taken appro- "Indian oil demand rable to that of China,
gas and CNG. Ci�es on offer in could lead to "significant altitude priate corrective action," he added. will become an increas- it said, adding that de-
the 10th round include Nellore loss" of the aircraft, a senior o�cial Comments from Jet Airways and ingly important driver mand will become in-
in Andhra Pradesh, Muzaf- said Thursday. The latest directive SpiceJet were awaited. On Novem- of global demand creasingly diversified
farpur in Bihar, Kaithal in follows advisories issued by US (AOA) sensor input and corrective cessive nose-down attitude, sig- ber 6, Boeing said it had issued an growth, as China's across emerging mar-
Haryana, Mysore and Gulbarga watchdog Federal Aviation Ad- action for the same as it has po- nificant altitude loss, and possible Operations Manual Bulletin (OMB) economy slows and the kets, in particular,
in Karnataka, Allapuza and Kol- ministration (FAA) and Boeing tential for repeated nose-down impact with terrain," the o�cial directing operators to existing flight government pushes di- those in Asia. While
lam in Kerala, Ujjain, Gwalior regarding the B 737 MAX planes trim commands of horizontal sta- noted. Based on initial investigation crew procedures to address cir- versification away from this will shelter prices
and Morena in Madhya after the crash of a Lion Air aircraft biliser," a senior Directorate Gen- of Lion Air aircraft accident, the cumstances where there is erro- oil," Fitch Solutions, an from any "idiosyncratic
Pradesh, Jhansi and Bas� in Ut- in Indonesia last month. Current- eral of Civil Aviation (DGCA) o�- FAA issued Emergency Airworthi- neous input from an AOA sensor. a�liate of Fitch Ratings, said. It shocks" to the Indian economy,
tar Pradesh, Firozpur and ly, Jet Airways and SpiceJet fly cial told PTI. ness Directive (AD) on November On October 30, Civil Aviation put fuel consumption growth at the global demand growth is set
Hoshiarpur in Punjab, Ajmer Boeing 737 MAX planes in India. The o�cial said that if the con- 7. Boeing released a bulletin about Minister Suresh Prabhu said the 6 per cent in 2019, up from 5.5 to soften in both percentage and
and Jalor in Rajasthan, Nainital Together, there are at least six dition is not addressed, it could the issue on November 6. The DGCA had been asked to look at per cent this year. volume terms over the coming
in U�arakhand and Darjeeling such aircraft with the two carriers. cause the flight crew to have di�- DGCA o�cial said that within three engines and other issues related The world's third largest oil decade, dragged down by struc-
and Howrah in West Bengal. "Both the documents address culty in controlling the airplane. days after receipt of FAA AD, to airlines following the plane consumer will, however, not be tural declines in developed mar-
erroneous high 'angle of attack' The condition can even lead to "ex- changes to airplane flight manual crash in Indonesia. able to replicate the strength of kets and China, it said.

10 out of 15 newly-listed Godrej Properties cuts net

firms trade below IPO price debt on sales bookings
New Delhi: Realty firm Godrej The company recently re-
Properties has reduced its net ported a sharp jump in consoli-
New Delhi: More than half of 15 companies Shares of railways consultancy firm RITES debt by 51 per cent in last one dated net profit at Rs 20.57 crore
that made their stock market debut this fiscal have surged 45.94 per cent over its issue year to Rs 1,539 crore mainly for the second quarter of this fis-
are trading below their issue price, plunging price of Rs 185. Besides, chemical manufac- with the help of better sales cal. Its net profit stood at Rs 0.21
as much as 53 per cent. turer Fine Organic Industries has given a bookings. crore in the year-ago period. To-
A total of 15 companies have been listed on smart return of 42.91 per cent from its IPO The net debt of Gordej Prop- tal income increased to Rs 487.07
the bourses this fiscal after completing their price of Rs 783. erties -- the real estate arm of Go- crore during July-September pe-
respective initial public o�ers. Dinesh Engi- The broader market has seen severe volatil- drej group -- stood at Rs 1,539 riod of this fiscal as against Rs
neers, a passive communication infrastruc- ity recently, with the BSE benchmark Sensex crore as on September 30, 2018 349 crore in the corresponding
ture provider, withdrew its initial public o�er falling sharply by 3,407.39 points, or 8.81 per as against Rs 3,137 crore a year- period of the previous year. Go-
early last month due to sluggish investors' re- cent, since August this year. The key index ago, according to an investors' 5,083 crore. However, the sales drej Properties has restated its
sponse. Out of the 15 newly-listed companies, had in April gained 1,905 points or 5.72 per presentation for the second bookings have dropped by 42 per previous year's figures based on
shares of 10 firms are trading below their IPO cent, while in May it was up 162.02 points or quarter of this fiscal. The average cent to Rs 1,627 crore in the first new accounting standard.
price, tumbling as much as 53 per cent, an 0.46 per cent and in June it rose by 101.1 borrowing cost stood at 7.88 per half of this fiscal. Established in 1990, the realty
analysis of the new market entrants showed. points or 0.28 per cent. Also, in July it was up cent as on September 30, 2018 as “We have just completed the firm has successfully delivered 18
Shares of these 10 firms have declined in the 2,183.1 points or 6.16 per cent, and the index against 8.1 per cent a year-ago. best ever year in GPL's (Godrej million sft of real estate in the
range of 0.5-53 per cent till the latest trading surged 1,038.49 points or 2.76 per cent in Au- Net debt-equity ratio has also re- Properties Ltd) history in terms past five years. It had about 145
session (November 7). gust. The rally in stocks, however, came to a duced to 0.6 from 2.08 during the of the value and volume of real million sft of developable area
Shares of ICICI Securities have been the doStar Capital Finance has tumbled 45.39 per halt from September onwards. In September period under review. estate we have been able to sell,” across India as on September 30,
worst hit, plunging 53.20 per cent from its is- cent against its IPO price of Rs 572 a share. the 30-share index tumbled 2,417.93 points Mumbai-based Godrej Proper- Company's Executive Chairman 2018. Following an ‘asset light
sue price of Rs 520 per share. ICICI Securi- Weak trading performance by these firms or 6.25 per cent and in October it fell by ties sales performance have been Pirojsha Godrej had said in May business model’, the company
ties, which got listed in April, had to reduce came amid volatile market conditions and 1,785.09 points or 4.92 per cent. In the fiscal good despite overall slowdown in this year. Godrej Properties has generally ties up with land own-
the size of its initial public o�er after the sale sluggish investor sentiment. Of the 15 com- gone by, a total of 45 companies came out with the property market. During decided to focus on four key mar- ers to develop projects. It also has
elicited a sluggish response, especially from panies, five have, however, managed to stay their IPOs raising a record of over Rs 82,000 2017-18 fiscal, Godrej Properties' kets -- Delhi-NCR, Mumbai, access to group's land back
high net-worth individuals. The scrip of In- afloat, giving returns of up to 46 per cent. crore. (PTI) sales bookings stood at record Rs Bengaluru and Pune. across India. (PTI)

MRF Q2 profit
falls 12.29% to RAYMOND TO OPEN 600 MINI Note ban increased indigenous
`263.04 crore
New Delhi: Tyre major MRF on
Thursday posted a 12.29 per
New Delhi: Raymond expects around 20
payment system: Jaitley
New Delhi: Finance Minister Arun
Jaitley said on Thursday global pay-
cent decline in its profit at Rs per cent of its textile and apparel retail ment gateways like Mastercard and
263.04 crore for the quarter business in India to come from small Visa are losing market share to in-
ended September 30, 2018, on towns, where it is opening ‘Mini TRS’ digenous RuPay card and UPI pay-
account of higher expenses. The stores catering to aspirations of the peo- ment system.
company had reported a profit ple, a company official said. In a Facebook post marking the
of Rs 299.92 crore during the The company, which has recently second anniversary of demonetisa-
same period of the previous fis- achieved the target to open its 200th 'Mini tion, the minister said note ban has ments Corporation of India for
cal. Total income rose to Rs TRS' (The Raymond Shop), has plans to add increased digital transactions. “To- quick payment transactions using
4,004.85 crore for the quarter around 600 more in its network in tier IV, day, Visa and Mastercard are losing UPI, is currently being used by 1.25
under review, up 9.41 per cent V and VI towns. “For the TRS channel, we market share in India to indige- crore people.
as compared with Rs 3,660.22 see, these stores, Mini TRS which we are nously developed payment system The value of BHIM transactions
crore in the same period of the opening up, to contribute around 15 to 20 of UPI and RuPay card whose share has gone up from Rs 2 crore in Sep-
previous year, MRF said in a per cent of the revenue,” Raymond Director has reached 65 per cent of the pay- tember 2016 to Rs 7,060 crore in
regulatory filing. Total expenses – Retail Mohit Dhanjal told PTI. As per its ments done through debit and September 2018. The share of
in the second quarter of this fis- retail strategy, Raymond has identified credit cards,” Jaitley said. BHIM transactions in overall UPI
cal stood at Rs 3,611.19 crore, up around 800 small towns having population Unified Payment Interface (UPI) transactions is at about 48 per cent
12.17 per cent, as against Rs above 50,000 to sustain a store and tap the our total count to 1,000 and after that for ments for the TRS format stores. According was launched in 2016 involving real in June 2017. RuPay card transac-
3,219.30 crore reported in the potential through Mini TRS. next 2-3 years, we would plan to open 100 to him, these small towns have "lot of aspi- time payments between two sets of tions have increased from Rs 800
corresponding quarter a year Raymond has a network of around 880 stores every year,” he said. The regular TRS ration for branded clothes" besides "grow- mobile holders. Its transactions crore before demonetisation to Rs
ago. The board of directors has stores including Mini TRS, in which 820 has a spread of over 2,500 sq feet, while ing spending power". Raymond is also have grown from Rs 50 crore in Oc- 5,730 crore in September 2018 for
also approved the payment of are on franchise model and rest 60 are Mini TRS format is optimised in around working on omni channel retail system by tober 2016 to Rs 59,800 crore in transaction through Point of Sale
interim dividend of Rs 3 per owned by the company, the Raymond Shop 800 sq feet, he added. All these new stores integrating online with o�ine. It operates September 2018. Besides, the (PoS). For e-commerce purchases,
share for the financial year end- Channel. “In the next six months, we plan coming out are on franchise model and the around 50 stores in overseas markets as the Bharat Interface for Money (BHIM) it has gone up from Rs 300 crore to
ing March 31, 2019. (PTI) to open another 100 stores and then to take company has brought down the invest- Middle East, Bangladesh. (PTI) app developed by National Pay- Rs 2,700 crore. (PTI)

Kohli exceeding his limits? Rupinder, Sunil excluded

Rest fast bowlers in IPL: Franchises unlikely to support Kohli's proposal from hockey WC squad
New Delhi (PTI): Indian skipper Virat
Kohli wants World Cup-bound fast
Indian captain suggested res�ng pacers, especially Bumrah and New Delhi (PTI): Manpreet Singh will lead India's 18-
member hockey squad for the FIH World Cup begin-
bowlers to be rested from next year's IPL Bhuvneshwar, from the en�re IPL to keep them fresh for the WC ning in Bhubaneswar on November 28 but the experi-
but the idea mooted at a meeting with enced Rupinder Pal Singh and S V Sunil missed out
the Committee of Administrators (CoA) from the team announced on Thursday.
is unlikely to find favour with the fran- Veteran striker Sunil's participation in the mega
chises. event was always in doubt ever since he picked up a
During a recent meeting of the CoA in knee injury during the national camp in the lead up to
Hyderabad, Kohli suggested resting pac- the Asian Champions Trophy held in Muscat last
ers, especially Jasprit Bumrah and Bhu- month.
vneshwar Kumar, from the entire IPL to Rupinder Pal has been ignored again after being
keep them fresh for the World Cup. dropped from the continental event last month. Sunil
However, the India captain didn't find too did not play in the tournament in which India were
too many backers for his proposal as declared joint winners with Pakistan after rain played
Board officials said franchises are un- spoilsport on the final day.
likely to agree. "The IPL is starting on The Indian team, which will play their against South
March 29 and will finish on May 19. Africa on the opening day, features PR Sreejesh and
In any case, there will be a 15-day gap Krishan Bahadur Pathak as goalkeepers. Manpreet's
before India play their first World Cup deputy will be Chinglensana Singh Kangujam, Hockey
game against South Africa on June 5. India said in a statement.
So there is no chance that pacers can Odisha's experienced defender Birendra Lakra, who
be rested for the entire duration of the makes a comeback into the team after missing out in
IPL," a senior official, who was present Muscat due to rehabilitation, Amit Rohidas, Surender
in the meeting, told PTI on Thursday. In Kumar, Kothajit Singh, 2016 Junior World Cup winners
fact, limited-overs vice-captain Rohit Harmanpreet Singh and Varun Kumar will form India's
Sharma, who was present in the meeting, defence with three of them being drag-flick special-
also had a different take.
"When Kohli mooted the idea, CoA CRICKET ROUND UP ists.
The midfield will feature the dynamic Manpreet, who
chief Vinod Rai asked Rohit about his
Warne on why a
played a pivotal role in India's campaign as defending
take. Rohit apparently said, 'If Mumbai
Indians reach Play Offs or finals and if England set Lanka champions at the Asian Champions Trophy. Chinglen-
sana will add to the experience in the center along
Bumrah happens to be fit, then I cannot
afford to rest him'," the official said. great concept huge target after with young guns Sumit, Nilakanta Sharma and Hardik
Singh, who made his international debut last month.
didn’t take o�
Another official, who was present in
Jennings ton
The forward line has the experienced Akashdeep

Pak hockey team

the meeting, said it was "weird" that the Singh, Dilpreet Singh, Lalit Upadhyay and Junior World
Indian skipper was asking for all the key Cup winners Mandeep Singh, Simranjeet Singh. India,

may skip big event

pacers to be rested from the IPL. "It has New Delhi (PTI):Their mutual respect even dur- Galle (Sri Lanka), (AFP):A Keaton Jennings century grouped in Pool C along with World No.3 Belgium,
been a convention for the past few years ing epic on-field face-o�s is well-documented helped England put Sri Lanka on the ropes in the Canada and South Africa, will need to finish on top of
that IPL trainers and physios work with but Shane Warne has claimed that his relations first Test on Thursday, setting the hosts a daunting the pool to secure a place in the quarterfinals. "We
the Indian team's support staff on work- with Sachin Tendulkar took a hit in 2015-16 -- 462 to win at notoriously low-scoring Galle. England have chosen the best available combinations for the Karachi (PTI): Pakistan's chances of participating in
load management. reason being di�erence of opinion on the organ- declared at 322 for six on day three with Jennings World Cup. We had to make some tough decisions to the Hockey World Cup received another blow after
That will be followed next year as well isation of exhibition matches in the US. In his 146 not out after a patient innings that saw him deal select 18 out of a very strong pool of 34 players," as- the country's cricket board, PCB, turned down a re-
and in any case, fast bowlers don't play recently-released autobiography 'No Spin', deftly with the home side's tricky spin attack. At serted Chief Coach Harendra Singh. "The final 18 are a quest for financial aid to send the national team for
all the games" the official said. "The Warne recalled how a concept that he and Ten- the close of play, Sri Lanka were 15 without loss with mix of experienced and youth and have been selected the mega event in India beginning November 28.
question is more about Bhuvi and Bum- dulkar thought of making an annual a�air failed Dimuth Karunaratne on seven and Kaushal Silva on the basis of their current form and fitness. Pakistan Hockey Federation had sought a loan
rah as Shami, Umesh and Khaleel are not to take o� after the first edition due to their dif- on eight after hanging on for seven overs. In the "These players have consistently shown their poten- from the PCB to send the team to Bhubaneswar and
automatic choices for their franchises ferences on its management. The Legends Ex- morning session a somewhat shaky Rory Burns, tial in the lead up to the showpiece event and I am clear the outstanding dues of players. Pakistan's
and may not play all IPL games (mini- hibition matches were held in New York, Hous- brought in to fill the huge shoes of the retired Alas- confident India will put up a fighting performance," he new head coach Tauqir Dar and manager Hasan Sar-
mum 14). The official said a counter-view ton and Los Angeles in 2015 with most of the tair Cook, was run out for 23. added. The core group of 34 will continue to train in dar confirmed they had spoken to the PCB Chairman
was raised at the same meeting. "Virat top former players in the world taking part, in- Bhubaneswar till November 23 before it plays its World Ehsan Mani and requested him to provide a loan to
wants his two premier fast bowlers to be cluding the likes of Brian Lara, Glenn McGrath SCORECARD Cup opener. cover the expenses for the World Cup.
rested for the IPL but it could well be and Sourav Ganguly among others. While England (first innings) 342: Sri Lanka (first innings) 203 "He was scheduled to meet us on Thursday but
counter-productive as they will be out of Warne, in his book, made it clear that Tendulkar England second innings R. Burns run out 23 K. Jen- THE SQUAD due to some urgent issues he spoke to us on phone.
match practice for two months before took care of all the expenses of the tournament, nings not out 146 M. Ali c Herath b Perera 3 J. Root c Goalkeepers: PR Sreejesh, Krishan Bahadur Pathak; He made it clear that the PCB couldn't advance any
the World Cup," he further said. When he was not impressed with the people that the Dickwella b Herath 3 B. Stokes b Perera 62 J. Buttler c Defenders: Harmanpreet Singh, Birendra Lakra, loan to the PHF since the federation had not re-
one of the franchises interested in pick- Indian batting icon brought on board to manage Silva b Herath 35 B. Foakes c Mendis b Dananjaya 37 Varun Kumar, Kothajit Singh Khadangbam, Surender turned a loan given to them by the board during the
ing Khaleel from the auction was posed the event. "Sachin had this guy there, Sanjay, S. Curran not out 0 Extras B-4, LB-7, NB-2) 13 Total Kumar, Amit Rohidas Midfielders: Manpreet Singh tenure of Lt General (retd) Tauqir Zia in early 2000,"
this question, he said: "If our franchise who was very much a mentor and business ad- (For 6 wickets in 93 overs) 322 (Captain), Chinglensana Singh Kangujam (Vice Cap- said Dar. Dar said that Mani had minced no words in
happens to pick Khaleel (if he is back in visor. I explained my concept and gave them a Fall of wickets 1-60 (Burns), 2-67 (Ali), 3-74 (Root), 4- tain), Nilakanta Sharma, Hardik Singh, Sumit For- stating that due to the old loan it was not possible
auction pool), we would like to avail his slide show. They loved it and flew in a guy called 181 (Stokes), 5-258 (Buttler), 6-319 (Foakes). Bowling: wards: Akashdeep Singh, Mandeep Singh, Dilpreet for the board to give a new loan since it had to an-
optimum services as a current India Ben Sturner from America. Sachin was adamant Perera 30-3-94-2, Lakmal 9-2-30-0, Herath 23-1-59-2, Singh, Lalit Kumar Upadhyay, Simranjeet Singh. swer to its financial advisors and auditors.
player. Workload can always be that his team of people run the whole thing," Dananjaya 18.5-2-87-1, de Silva 12.1-2-41-0.
monitored." Warne wrote in his book.


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IIT-H hosts workshop on


Indians most positive: Study ‘A�ordable Housing for All’

ADITI KHANNA ple in Brazil think pupils respect OUR BUREAU organiser of the workshop, Dr. ing sources jointly pooled by rel-
their teachers, lower than any Mahendrakumar Madhavan, As- evant industries and Govern-
London: Indians are the most other country polled. Indians be- Hyderabad: Indian Institute of sociate Professor, Structural ment agencies to carry out nec-
positive about their children tak- lieve strongly in their country's Technology Hyderabad hosted a Steel Research Group, Depart- essary research with an aim to
ing up a career in teaching, a new education system – rating it 7.11 workshop on ‘A�ordable housing ment of Civil Engineering, IIT produce an up to date steel stan-
global study has revealed. out of 10 – the fourth-highest of for all’ during which experts said Hyderabad, said, “To fulfill the dards which will eventually pave
The UK-based Varkey Founda- any country polled, with only that steel building should be the Government of India’s mission way for steel intensive houses.
tion's ‘Global Teacher Status In- Finland (8), Switzerland (7.2), choice of construction. The of Housing for All by 2022, it is Addressing the seminar, P V
dex (GTSI) 2018' was released on and Singapore (7.1) higher. By workshop was organised jointly important for the policy makers Rao, Managing Director, PEBS
Thursday and is described as the contrast, Egyptians rated their with the Building Materials and and government agencies to pro- Pennar, said that the use of the
most comprehensive study of country's education system Technology Promotion Council mote steel as a sustainable alter- light gauge steel could well re-
how society views teachers across lower than any other surveyed at (BMTPC) under the aegis of native to conventional construc- duce the cost of the construction.
35 countries around the world. It 3.8. Ministry of Housing and Urban tion practices. This can be He also opined that the policy
revealed that over half (54 per When asked to rank 14 profes- Development, Government of accomplished by creating a steel makers from the governments
cent) of Indian people polled said sions in order of respect (includ- India. based ecosystem where re- should compel the use of sus-
they encourage their children to ing headteachers, primary and The Structural Steel Research searchers from academic insti- tainable the materials for the
become teachers – more than in secondary teachers, doctors, Group at IIT Hyderabad has tutions, fabricators, designers construction whereas the cur-
any other country surveyed, in- nurses, social workers, and li- been working in this area for and contractors can work to- rent construction activities using
cluding China (50 per cent). Cooperation and Development's sis by Professor Peter Dolton and brarians), Indian respondents more than six years to solve the gether and share their best prac- concrete will worsen the envi-
By comparison, under a quar- Programme for International the National Institute of Eco- ranked headteachers the fourth- housing need for all Indians tices to deliver a quality prod- ronment of the nation.
ter of British people (23 per cent) Student Assessment (PISA) nomic and Social Research of highest of all the countries sur- through the use of a sustainable uct.” CN. Jha from BMTPC said
would encourage their child to scores. "When we conducted the over 35,000 adults aged 16-64 veyed after Malaysia, Indonesia, material such as Structural Steel. Further, he said that to enable that the construction using the
become a teacher, while only 6 'Global Teacher Status Index' five and over 5,500 additional serving and China. Indians ranked sec- Experts who attended the such an ecosystem, the Govern- steel structures is easier and af-
per cent would encourage their years ago we were alarmed by the teachers across 35 countries. The ondary school teachers the sev- seminar on a�ordable housing ment should step forward to fordable. The Building Materials
child to become a teacher in Rus- weight of evidence pointing to the 2018 index expands upon the first enth-highest of all the countries for all seminars, organised on re- create a ‘Structural Steel Acad- and Technology Promotion
sia, the lowest of any country sur- low status of teachers around the GTSI, which surveyed 21 coun- surveyed, with China ranking cently by Structural Steel Re- emy’ where the required skill Council was undertaking various
veyed. Overall, India ranks eighth world. It was this that inspired us tries back in 2013 and inspired them the highest. search Group of IIT Hyderabad, set in terms of technicians such activities to create the awareness
among the 35 countries surveyed to create the Global Teacher the Varkey Foundation's annual The latest index found that said steel will make the construc- as qualified welders, erectors among the people of the nation
in the 'Global Teacher Status In- Prize, which shines a light on the USD 1-million Global Teacher teacher status was rising globally tion practices easier and a�ord- and fabricators can be pro- to use the sustainable materials
dex 2018', in which China is the extraordinary work that teachers Prize. The survey also found that and of the 35 countries polled, able. The seminar was attended duced. in the construction.
highest-ranked country and do around the world," said In- over three-quarters (77 per cent) Asian nations of India, China, by more than 100 participants In addition, Dr. Madhavan B Umashankar, Head, Depart-
Brazil the lowest. dian-origin entrepreneur and of Indian respondents think that Malaysia, Taiwan, Indonesia and from all over India including stu- said that very little research ac- ment of Civil Engineering, IIT
The index reveals, for the very philanthropist Sunny Varkey, pupils respect their teachers – Korea rank higher in terms of dents, academicians, consultants tivity was being carried out in Hyderabad, said that these work-
first time, that there is a direct Founder of the Varkey Founda- the third-highest of any country teacher status than every Euro- and engineers from construction India in this important area of shops were being organized to
link between teacher status and tion. surveyed after Uganda (79 per pean country and every Western industries. national need. The need of the create the awareness among the
pupil performance as measured The survey is based on in- cent) and China (81 per cent). By nation – including the US, New Speaking on the occasion, the hour was to have dedicated fund- budding engineers.
by the Organisation for Economic depth opinion polling and analy- contrast, only 9 per cent of peo- Zealand and Canada.

IIT-R develops carbon nanomaterials The selfish crows

little mynah. And I took rest on the ately the mynah flew off to a nearby tree, she will let us share the hollow. We did
banyan tree for a while. where luckily she found a hollow in a bro- not have sympathy for her when she was

New Delhi (PTI): Researchers

at the Indian Institute of Tech-
events of real-time image
guided anticancer therapy by a
O nce upon a time, there was a very
big forest. There on a huge banyan
tree lived many crows. They were selfish
The selfish crows saw her perching on
the tree. One of them shouted, “Get off
the tree. This tree belongs to us." The
ken branch. She took her shelter there.
Shortly after, the rain became heavy
followed by thunderstorm. The wind was
in need of this tree." Then another crow
said, “We should not have been so rude.
We forgot that we may need help some-
nology (IIT), Roorkee, have de- single system open a new par- and arrogant. They always quarreled mynah humbly pleaded, “The weather is in high speed. Even the leaves and day." Suddenly the mynah called out,
veloped fluorescent carbon adigm in the field of anticancer with other birds. This behavior irritated bad and my nest is far off from this for- branches were not enough to give shelter “Come! My friends! Come to this hollow.
nanodots for simultaneous de- therapy. other birds. They had no friends, as no est. Please let me take a rest for a while to the crows. Many of the branches of Or you will get hurt. The rain is not going
tection and destruction of can- With these nanomaterials, one liked them.
on this tree, brother. As soon as it stops many tree in which the crows had taken to stop soon. It seems that it may rain for Then the crows took shelter in the hol-
cer cells. we can identify the cancer cells When the rainy season came, dark raining, I will return to my nest." shelter were damaged and hurt by the a long time" The crows flew down to the low place of the tree in which the mynah
The nanosized (10-9 metre) and track them by an imaging clouds gathered in the sky. A small my- “Leave this banyan tree at once. Or we hailstones. But the mynah was safe in- hollow. They thanked the mynah. “We are had taken her shelter. After some time, it
carbon materials that can serve system simultaneously as the nah was returning to her nest. When she will peck you," said the other crows. The side the hollow place in the tree. sorry for having unkind, dear friend! Now stopped raining. All the birds flew to their
as therapeutic and diagnostic cells themselves are being was passing by the banyan tree, it merciless tendency of the selfish crows One of the crows said, “Look at the my- we will never be so selfish." respective nests happily as new friends.
agents for cancer have been ex- eradicated in a precise surgical started raining. “I will stay here for a scared the mynah. The mynah found no nah! How comfortable she is. Let us go
tracted from the leaves of the strike," said P Gopinath who is while until it stops raining," thought the other way except to fly off. Then immedi- there." Another crow said, “I do not think Every day Young Hans publishes stories for children. You can also contribute
stories with moral values at
rosy periwinkle plant. "Such leading the team.

Dissolving a State Assembly – key insights – Part I

P NIROOP REDDY cept in so far as he is by or un- the exercise of his functions. pointed for their first sitting (c) dissolve the House of the (3) If any question arises whether acted in his discretion.

der this Act required to exer- in the next session. People. any matter is or is not a mat- (3) The question whether any,
hen and in what cir- cise his functions or any of (2) The question whether any, (2) Subject to the provisions of Art. 85: ter as respects which the Gov- and if so what, advice was
cumstances can an As- them in his discretion: Pro- and if so what, advice was this section, the Governor- Sessions of Parliament, proro- ernor is by or under this Act tendered by Ministers to the
sembly be dissolved, vided that nothing in this tendered by Ministers to the General may in his discretion gation and dissolution- required to act in his discre- Governor shall not be in-
without taking it into confidence? sub-section shall be con- President shall not be in- from time to time-- (1) The President shall form tion or to exercise his individ- quired into in any court.
This is a piece of free advice to strued as preventing the Gov- quired into in any court. (a) summon the [Chambers time to time summon each ual judgment, the decision of Art. 163:
the rulers and/or for the general ernor-General from exercis- Art. 74: or cither Chamber] to meet House of Parliament to meet the Governor in his discre- Council of Ministers to aid and
public, on the above stated vexed ing his individual judgment Council of Ministers to aid and at such time and place as he at such time and place as he tion shall be final, and the va- advise Governor-
question. in any case where by or under advise President. thinks fit; thinks fit, but six months lidity of anything done by the (1) There shall be a Council of
Before getting to the central is- this Act he is required so to (1) There shall be a Council of (b) prorogue the Chambers; shall not intervene between Governor shall not be called Ministers with the Chief
sue, it is necessary to have a quick do. Ministers with the Prime (c) dissolve the Federal As- its last sitting in one session in question on the ground Minister at the head to aid
glance at the relevant provisions (2) The Governor-General in his Minister at the head to aid sembly. and the date appointed for its that he ought or ought not to and advise the Governor in
of the Constitution, through his- discretion may preside at and advise the President who (3) The Chambers shall be sum- first sitting in the next ses- have acted in his discretion, the exercise of his functions,
toric time,having a bearing on the meetings of the council of shall, in the exercise of his moned to meet for their first sion. or ought or out not to have except in so far as he is by or
issue and the graded develop- ministers. functions, act in accordance session on a day not later (2) The President may from time exercised his individual judg- under this Constitution re-
ment of the concept of ‘guberna- (3) If any question arises whether with such advice: than such day as may be spec- to time-- ment. quired to exercise his func-
torial discretionary power’. any matter is or is not a mat- Provided that the President ified in that behalf in His (a) prorogue the Houses or ei- Art. 143: tions or any of them in his
The powers under the Consti- ter as respects which the Gov- may require the Council of Majesty's Proclamation es- ther House; Council of Ministers to aid and discretion.
tution,to dissolvean elected body, ernor-General is by or under Ministers to reconsider such tablishing the Federation. (b) dissolve the House of the advise Governor- (2) If any question arises whether
be if the Parliament or the Leg- this Act required to act in his advice, either generally or People. (1) There shall be a Council of any matter is or is not a mat-
islative Assembly, in the Govern- discretion or to exercise his otherwise, and the President Art. 69: Sec. 50: Ministers with the Chief Min- ter as respects which the Gov-
ment of India Act 1935, the Draft individual judgment, the de- shall act in accordance with Sessions of Parliament, proroga- Council of Ministers- ister at the head to aid and ernor is by or under this Con-
Constitution before the Con- cision of the Governor-Gen- the advice tendered after tion and dissolution- (1) There shall be a council of advise the Governor in the ex- stitution required to act in his
stituent Assembly 1948 and the eral in his discretion shall be such reconsideration. (1) The Houses of Parliament ministers to aid and advise ercise of his functions, except discretion, the decision of the
Constitution of India, 1950,upon final, and the validity of any- (2) The question whether any, shall be summoned to meet the Governor in the exercise in so far as he is by or under Governor in his discretion
the aid and advise of the Council thing done by the Governor and if so what, advice was twice at least in every year, of his functions, except in so this Constitution required to shall be final, and the validity
of Ministers is are set out in a General shall not be called in tendered by Ministers to the and six months shall not in- far as he is by or under this exercise his functions or any of anything done by the Gov-
chart form:- question on the ground that President shall not be in- tervene between their last Act required to exercise his of them in his discretion. ernor shall not be called in
Under the Government of In- he ought or ought not to have quired into in any court. sitting in one session and functions or any of them in (2) If any question arises whether question on the ground that
dia Act,1935 acted in his discretion, or the date appointed for their his discretion: any matter is or is not a mat- he ought or ought not to have
Under the Draft Constitution, ought or ought not to have ex- Sec. 19: first sitting in the next ses- Provided that nothing in this ter as respects which the Gov- acted in his discretion.
1948 The Constitution of India ercised his individual judg- Sessions of the Legislature, Pro- sion. sub-section shall be con- ernor is by or under this Con- (3) The question whether any,
1950 ment]. rogation and dissolution- (2) Subject to the provisions of strued as preventing the Gov- stitution required to act in his and if so what, advice was
Sec. 9: Art. 61: (1) The [Chambers of the Federal] this article, the President ernor from exercising his in- discretion, the decision of the tendered by Ministers to the
Council of ministers.- Council of Ministers to aid and Legislature shall be sum- may from time to time- dividual judgment in any case Governor in his discretion Governor shall not be in-
(1) There shall be a council of advise President. moned to meet once at least (a) summon the Houses or where by or under this Act he shall be final, and the validity quired into in any court.
ministers, not exceeding ten (1) There shall be a Council of in every year, and twelve either House of Parliament is required so to do. of anything done by the Gov- (The author is an Advocate,
in number, to aid and advise Ministers with the Prime months shall not intervene to meet at such time and (2) The Governor in his discre- ernor shall not be called in Supreme Court of India,Former
the Governor-General in the Minister at the head to aid between their last sitting in place as he thinks fit; tion may preside at meetings question on the ground that Addl. Advocate-General, State of
exercise of the functions, [ex- and advise the President in one session and the date ap- (b) prorogue the Houses; of the council of ministers. he ought or ought not to have Meghalaya)

Project to help migrant

children join schools
Kochi (PTI): A project was being
implemented to make children of
migrant population enrol them-
selves in schools and also check
the dropout rate among the most
backward sections in Ernakulam
district of Kerala, Collector of the
district K Mohammed Y Safirulla
said here Thursday. The project
'Roshni' has support from the dis-

Kerala’s great granny

trict panchayat, education de-
partment, Sarva Shiksha Ab-
hiyan, which is a programme
aimed at universalisation of ele-
New skin-like sensor maps
gets laptop as gift blood-oxygen levels in body
mentary education, and non-gov-
ernmental organisations (NGOs), by Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan indi- in a classroom with Malayalam as
he told PTI. cated that over 2,500 migrant the instructional language, the
There were around 2,500 mi- children mostly from Tamil children found it di�cult to adapt New York (IANS): US engineers oximeters (the name for blood-
Thiruvananthapuram (PTI): by helping her to press the keys. grant children in over 18 schools Nadu, Karnataka, Bihar, West to the environment in schools, he have developed a new light- oxygen sensors) use LEDs to shine
Days after expressing her wish Before leaving, the minister ex- in the district, and their school Bengal, Odisha, Assam, and Nepal said. To end this problem, the dis- weight, thin and flexible sensor red and near-infrared light
to learn computers, Kerala's tended full support to the fur- dropout rate was high, the Col- had been enrolled in the schools, trict administration arranged for that can map blood-oxygen levels through the skin, and work only
great granny, Karthyayani ther studies of the 'oldest' stu- lector said. The pilot project was he said. extra classes in the mornings for over large areas of skin, tissue on areas of the body that are par-
Amma, who had secured 98 per dent of the state, family successfully implemented from Also, studies showed that the about 90 minutes to teach Malay- and organs, potentially giving tially transparent, like the finger-
cent marks in a literacy exam at members said. Proving that age October 2017 to February 2018 in children were not regular to alam, English and Hindi, Safirulla doctors a new way to monitor tips or the earlobes. It can only
the age of 96, has got a laptop as is no barrier for learning, four selected schools in which the classes and many of the students said. Service of educational vol- healing wounds in real time. measure blood-oxygen levels at a
gift from the government. Amma Karthyayani Amma had scored highest number of migrant chil- dropped out even in the middle unteers proficient in Hindi, Ben- Injuries cannot heal without a single point in the body.
was the oldest candidate and top 38 out of 40 in writing, and full dren study and it was extended of the academic years, the Collec- gali and Odiya was provided to constant influx of blood's key in- "Thick regions of the body, such
scorer in the 'Aksharalaksham' marks of 30 each in mathematics to 14 more schools this academic tor said. Belonging to di�erent help children communicate eas- gredient -- oxygen. The device can as the forehead, arms and legs,
programme, a flagship initiative and reading in the three-module year, he said. A survey conducted linguistic communities and being ily, he said. track oxygenation of healing barely pass visible or near-in-
of the state-run Kerala State Lit- literacy exam. The proud nona- wounds in real time. frared light, which makes measur-
eracy Mission Authority, with 98 genarian had also received an
marks out of 100. As a gesture of 'Aksharalaksham' certificate UNITED IN The sensor is made of organic
electronics printed on bendable
ing oxygenation at these locations
really challenging," the re-
appreciation for the achieve-
ment, state Education Minister
from Chief Minister Pinarayi Vi-
jayan on November 1.
CELEBRATIONS plastic that moulds to the con-
tours of the body and can be
searchers said. The new sensor,
described in the journal PNAS, is
C Raveendranath Wednesday Amma, a mother of six chil- placed anywhere on the skin. It built of an array of alternating red
handed over a new laptop to dren of whom only two are alive, could potentially be used to map and near-infrared organic LEDs
Amma after visiting her at her six grandchildren and seven oxygenation of skin grafts, or to and organic photodiodes printed
home in coastal Cheppad village great grandchildren, had said look through the skin to monitor on a flexible material. The team
of Alapuzha district. Clad in a that she wanted to continue with oxygen levels in transplanted or- used the sensor to track the over-
traditional Kerala saree, Amma her studies at least up to 10th gans, the researchers said. all blood-oxygen levels on the
received the Minister, who him- standard and learn computers. "All medical applications that forehead of a volunteer who
self is a retired college professor, Having cleared the Aksharalak- use oxygen monitoring could ben- breathed air with progressively
with her trademark innocent sham exam, she has got direct efit from a wearable sensor," said lower concentrations of oxygen --
smile. Asked whether she entry into the 4th grade of the Ana Claudia Arias, Professor at similar to going up in altitude --
wanted to learn computers, she equivalency course of the Liter- the University of California (UC)- and found that it matched those
was quick to reply: "I will study acy Mission. Once she has Berkeley . "Patients with dia- using a standard fingertip oxime-
if I get one." To her amazement, cleared the six-month 4th grade Kashmiri girls burning betes, respiration diseases and ter. They also used the sensor to
the minister soon gave her the course, she can join the 7th grade earthen lamps and even sleep apnoea could use a map blood-oxygen levels in a
"surprise gift" of the govern- equivalency programme and candles during Diwali sensor that could be worn any- three-by-three grid on the forearm
ment- a laptop. He also found subsequently the 10th standard celebra�ons, at where to monitor blood-oxygen of a volunteer wearing a pressure
Hanuman Mandir in
time to initiate the nonagenar- course, the Mission o�cials had Srinagar
levels 24/7," she added. Existing cuff.
ian into the world of computers said.

Singing may reduce SCHOLARSHIPS

Parkinson’s symptoms Category : Merit Based
Scholarship : National Fellowship for Persons with
Disabilities 2017-18

Prizes & Rewards :

: Applicants pursuing above-mentioned
degree courses are eligible to apply.
Monthly stipend, contingency grant,
Description : University Grants Commission (UGC) departmental assistance, escorts or reader
Washington (PTI): Singing may readily respond to medication, findings that singing is an e�ec- under Ministry of Human Resource assistance and HRA will be provided to the
reduce stress and symptoms of but with singing they're improv- tive treatment to improve respi- Development has introduced this selected fellows.
Parkinson's disease, say scien- ing," said Stegemoller. This is one ratory control and the muscles fellowship, which supports academically Last Date to Apply : November 12, 2018
tists who found that the benefits of the first studies to look at how used for swallowing in people strong students, who are di�erently abled Application : Interested candidates need to
of musical therapy were similar singing a�ects heart rate, blood with Parkinson's disease. Re- and enrolled in M.Phil or Ph.D degree in a apply online.
to taking medication. Re- pressure and cortisol in people searchers said that therapeutic university or academic institution. Short Source URL :
searchers from Iowa State Uni- with Parkinson's disease. All singing has the potential to pro-
versity in the US measured heart three levels were reduced, but vide an accessible and a�ordable
rate, blood pressure and cortisol Stegemoller said with the pre- treatment option to improve mo-
levels for 17 participants in a liminary data the measures did tor symptoms, stress and quality Category : Merit Based the graduation degree and is interested to
therapeutic singing group. Par- not reach statistical sig- of life for Scholarship : Tata Trusts Scholarship for Speech take admission in the post-graduation
ticipants also reported feelings nificance. people Therapy 2018-19 program related to speech therapy.
of sadness, anxiety, happiness There were no signif- w i t h Description : TATA Trusts is o�ering scholarships to Candidates who are already enrolled in the
and anger. Data was collected icant di�erences in Parkin- students who are looking forward to do first or second year are also welcome to
prior to and following a one-hour happiness or anger af- son's their post-graduation in programs related apply.
singing session. "We see the im- ter class. However, d i s - to Speech Therapy, i.e., Speech and Prizes & Rewards : The eligible candidate will receive waiver
provement every week when participants were ease. Hearing, Audiology and Speech-Language in tuition fee and related expenditure.
they leave singing group. It's al- less anxious and sad. Pathology, Audio Speech Therapy, Speech
Language Pathology and Audiology, from Last Date to Apply : November 15, 2018
most like they have a little pep in The research builds
any institute in India. Application : Applications can be made online only.
their step. upon the
We know they're feeling better team's pre- Eligibility : The applicant must have secured 60% in Short Source URL :
and their mood is elevated," said vious
Elizabeth Stegemoller, an assis-
tant professor at Iowa State Uni- Category : Merit Based assistance under the same.
versity. "Some of the symptoms Scholarship : Prime Minister Scholarship Eligibility : Students enrolled in the first year of any
that are improving, such as finger Scheme 2018-19 technical and professional course and
tapping and the gait, don't always Description : Dependent wards of ex-servicemen, have scored at least 60% in their qualifying
ex-coast guard personnel and their examination, are eligible for this call.

Novel ‘bionic mushrooms’

widows who are below o�cer rank, are Prizes & Rewards : Annual scholarship of INR 2000 and INR
invited by the KendriyaSainik Board 2250 will be given to boys and girls
Secretariat, Department of Ex- respectively, for up to five years.
Servicemen Welfare, Ministry of Defence, Last Date to Apply : November 15, 2018

can produce electricity

Government of India, to apply for this Application : Online applications are invited.
scholarship and obtain financial Short Source URL :

Category : Merit Based holding a confirmed acceptance from host

Washington (PTI): Scientists, in- professor at Stevens. "By inte- vive long on artificial bio-com- Scholarship : UNESCO/Japan Young Researchers' institution for research purpose.
cluding those of Indian origin, grating cyanobacteria that can patible surfaces. Mannoor and Fellowship Programme 2018-19 Prizes & Rewards : The privileged fellows will be receiving up
have created a bionic device that produce electricity, with Sudeep Joshi, a postdoctoral fel- Description : This invite is for those, who are willing to to USD 10,000 for research in the above-
generates green power by 3D- nanoscale materials capable of low in his lab, wondered if white undertake research in the areas of mentioned areas, in an institution of their
printing clusters of cyanobacte- col- button mushrooms, which natu- Environment, with particular emphasis on interest.
ria on an ordinary white button rally host a rich microbiota but Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Last Date to Apply: November 15, 2018
mushroom. The research, by not cyanobacteria specifically, Intercultural Dialogue, Information and
Application : Interested ones can send their application
Stevens Institute of Tech- could provide the right en- Communication Technologies and
Peaceful Conflict Resolution. via post to: MrSaroj Kumar Choudhary,
nology in the US are vironment -- nutrients, Section O�cer (INC), Ministry of Human
part of a broader ef- moisture, pH and tem- Eligibility : Applicant must be a researcher holding an
MA or M.Sc. degree or equivalent, Resources Development, Room No. 203 'C'
fort to better im- perature -- for the Wing, DrRajendra Prasad Road,
prove our under- cyanobacteria to pro- pursuing research in a subject related to
the above-mentioned areas with age not ShastriBhavan, New Delhi - 110115
standing of cells duce electricity for a
biological machin- longer period. more than 40 years. He or she must be Short Source URL:
ery and how to use They showed that
those intricate molec- the cyanobacterial cells
ular gears and levers to lasted several days longer Category : Merit Based Eligibility : Students enrolled in the first year of any
fabricate new technolo- when placed on the cap of a Scholarship : Prime Minister Scholarship Scheme technical and professional course and
gies and useful systems for white button mushroom ver- 2018-19 have scored at least 60% in their
defense, healthcare and the en- sus a silicone and dead mush- Description : Dependent wards of ex-servicemen, ex-
vironment. lecting room as suitable controls. "The qualifying examination, are eligible for
coast guard personnel and their widows this call.
The researchers took an ordi- the current, we were able to bet- mushrooms essentially serve as who are below o�cer rank, are invited by
nary white button mushroom ter access the unique properties a suitable environmental sub- Prizes & Rewards : Annual scholarship of INR 2000 and INR
the KendriyaSainik Board Secretariat,
from a grocery store and made it of both, augment them, and cre- strate with advanced functional- Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare, 2250 will be given to boys and girls
bionic, supercharging it with ate an entirely new functional ity of nourishing the energy pro- Ministry of Defence, Government of respectively, for up to five years.
clusters of cyanobacteria that bionic system," he said. ducing cyanobacteria," said India, to apply for this scholarship and Last Date to Apply : November 15, 2018
create electricity and swirls of Cyanobacteria's ability to pro- Joshi. "We showed for the first obtain financial assistance under the Application : Online applications are invited.
graphene nanoribbons that can duce electricity is well known. time that a hybrid system can in- same. Short Source URL :
collect the current. "In this case, However, researchers have been corporate an artificial collabora-
our system -- this bionic mush- limited in using these microbes tion, or engineered symbiosis,
room -- produces electricity," in bioengineered systems be- between two di�erent microbio- Courtesy: Buddy4Study / Call: 08448709545, 08527484563
said Manu Mannoor, an assistant cause cyanobacteria do not sur- logical kingdoms," he added.

Indian women aim for Humpy out of

World Chess Championship
maiden World T20 crown
Providence (Guyana (PTI): A
Khanty Mansiysk (Russia (PTI):
Grandmaster Koneru Humpy's
campaign in the women's world
young Indian squad will aim to chess championship came to an
emerge from the shadows of a end after she lost to Jolanta Za-
winless past when it launches its wadzka of Poland in the second
bid for a maiden title with a tough game of the second round here.
opener against New Zealand in The other Indian Grandmas-
the first standalone Women's ter D Harika is now the only In-
World T20 starting here Friday. dian remaining in the champi-
India have not been very com- onship that started with 64
petitive in the shortest format players. Harika played out a sec-
compared to the 50-over game in ond draw with Bela Khote-
which they scripted a path-break- nashvili of Georgia and will fight
ing moment last year when they it out in the tie-break games of
reached the World Cup final. In shorter duration. Having drawn
the end, nerves got the better of the first game as black rather
them and they lost the title clash easily, Humpy did not get the de-
to England after being in com- sired complications as white and the middle game saw the rooks a little wild after Harika sacri-
plete control at one stage. Captain her hunt for an elusive advan- pair getting traded and the ficed a pawn early in the middle
Harmanpreet Kaur and recently- tage ended on a disappointing queen and minor piece endgame game but the compensation was
appointed coach Ramesh Powar note. looked like headed for a draw. not enough to push for more.
insist that the team has learnt Back in chess just before the While the draw would have Harika took a practical decision
from that final loss and the pres- Olympiad after a nearly two- kept her in contention in the tie- on move 18 and went for repeat-
ence of youngsters, including six year hiatus, Humpy, who has breaker, Humpy decided to go ing the moves that yielded the
World Cup debutants, makes the three months, they are clear with been among the top women for the breakthrough on the king half point after 20 moves. Harika
squad "fearless". India have never their plans. And fielding wise, we Uber joins ICC to support ICC players for a long time, will now side that compromised her own and Khotenashvili will first play
won the World T20 in their pre- are 10 per cent better than in the have to wait for another two king's position. Zawadzka was two games with 25 minutes each
vious five attempts with their best last World Cup," added Mand- Women’s World T20 years to have a go at the next quick to pounce on the opportu- and if still tied, will play two
result, a semifinal appearance, hana, who will open alongside world championship cycle. Be- nity and some finely crafted ma- more games with 10 minutes
coming in 2009 and 2010. veteran Mithali Raj. Hyderabad: Uber and The International Cricket Council (ICC) ing ousted here in the second noeuvres saw her winning a each.
This is the first standalone While Mandhana's perform- announced a world first partnership to support the first ever stand- round might also mean that pawn in the minor piece If the deadlock continues,
World T20 for women after being ance will be crucial at the top, alone ICC Women’s World T20 in the West Indies. Uber and the Humpy will need a direct seed endgame that ensued. The tech- there will be two more games
held alongside the men's event in teenager Jemimah Rodriguez, ICC aim to leverage one of the world’s most popular sports to en- in the proposed candidates tour- nicalities were not complex and if it is still not resolved, the
the past editions. In the lead-up Tanya Bhatia and Harmanpreet gage the broader cricketing community in a conversation around nament for women. It was a enough and the Polish won after players will be locked in a final
to the World T20, India have hit will make up the middle order. the important role sport plays in empowering girls and women Queen's gambit accepted by Za- 78 moves. Harika continued with Armageddon game to decide the
good form, beating hosts Sri The spin department, led by leg- around the world. wadzka through transposition the King pawn opening as white winner. Harika has been twice
Lanka before blanking Australia gie Poonam Yadav, is India's This global partnership will encompass on-the-ground activa- from the opening and Humpy and was up against a Caro Kann bronze-medallist in the cham-
A at home. What should give strength while the pace depart- tion in participating WWT20 countries, in addition to the creation kept the position balanced for a defense from Khotenashvili. pionship that has a total prize
them additional confidence going ment lacks experience after the of a six-part digital film series featuring the inspiring stories of fe- long time. Slow manoeuvring in The Two Knights variation got pool of USD 4,50,000.
into the opener is the wins against retirement of veteran Jhulan male cricketers, watch party and match day promotions across
reigning champions West Indies Goswami. India have failed to go Uber and Uber Eats in participating countries. Social media will
and England in the warm-up past the group stage in the previ- be engaged to celebrate women in sports and various community
matches. Opener Smriti Mand- ous three editions and they will outreach programs including sponsorships for aspiring female
hana, on whom India will be re- have to play well consistently to cricketers to join cricket academies and for fans and families to
lying heavily in the Caribbean, advance to the knock-outs. After cheer on their heroes live.
said the Asia Cup T20 final loss the opener against New Zealand, The ICC Women’s World T20 will be held from 9 to 24 Novem-
to Bangladesh in June was a India will face Pakistan on No- ber 2018, during the 2018–19 international cricket season. The 10-
timely wake-up call. vember 11, Ireland on November team tournament will be played as a standalone event for the first
"After the setback in the Asia 15 and three-time champions time between Australia, Bangladesh, England, India, Ireland, New
Cup, everyone went back and Australia on November 17. Zealand, Pakistan, South Africa, Sri Lanka and the West Indies.
worked hard. You can see every- Coach Powar, a former India
one is up to the mark where you o�-spinner, has high expectations
need to be at the international from his team. "They know that team also, so I'm looking forward Yadav, Poonam Yadav. New
standard," said Mandhana, who if we grow as individuals, the team to that," he added. Zealand squad: Amy Satterth-
is also the vice-captain. "The Sri grows, the Indian women's India squad: Harmanpreet waite (c), Suzie Bates, Bernadine
Lanka series has been really good. cricket grows, and people will Kaur (c), Taniya Bhatia (wk), Ekta Bezuidenhout (wk), Sophie
For me personally, I didn't get re- start noticing the game in India Bisht, Dayalan Hemalatha, Mansi Devine, Kate Ebrahim, Maddy
ally good scores, but one match, and around the world," Powar Joshi, Veda Krishnamurthy, Sm- Green, Holly Huddleston, Hayley
Harmanpreet and I didn't score a told the ICC's o�cial website. riti Mandhana, Anuja Patil, Jensen, Leigh Kasperek, Amelia
single run and we got 170. That "When you enter such tourna- Mithali Raj, Arundathi Reddy, Kerr, Katey Martin, Anna Peter- Five �mes World Champion Viswanathan Anand in a photo session with the top chess players during the draw of Chess
was brilliant. "The bowlers too ments, you have to break records, Jemimah Rodrigues, Deepti
son, Harriet Rowe, Lea Tahuhu, India 2018 tournament, in Kolkata on Thursday
have improved massively in last get noticed as an individual and Sharma, Pooja Vastrakar, Radha Jess Watkin.


CA to give ‘due consideration’ to demand

Melbourne (PTI): Cricket Aus- a win-at-all-costs approach. cently lost the Test and T20 se- long-playing sides," added Smith and Warner were handed a 12-month ban helps the knees in some re-
tralia will give "due considera- "The ACA submission around ries to Pakistan in the UAE and Roberts. After the ODI and one- while Cameron Bancro� was banned for nine spects," he added. The Pakistan-
tion" to the Australian Crick- the players' sanctions was re- currently trail the home ODI se- off T20 against South Africa, born Australian, who scored 85
eters Association's (ACA) ceived by the board a few days ries against South Africa. They Australia will host India for months, a punishment termed "harsh" by many and 141 in the drawn first Test
demand of revoking the ball- ago," Roberts told reporters. "It were also blanked by England 5- three T20s, four Tests and three former players. Australia have been struggling in the against Pakistan last month, re-
tampering bans on Steve Smith was addressed to the board 0 in another ODI series. ODIs starting November 21. absence of Smith and Warner. They recently lost the mains a key member of the Aus-
and David Warner, said board rather than to me or all manage- The relationship between CA tralian team which is without
CEO Kevin Roberts. ment. So not for me to comment and ACA have not been the best Test and T20 series to Pakistan in the UAE and the services of banned Steve
ACA has increased the pres- on a board matter other than to in recent times and repairing it Khawaja confident currently trail the home ODI series against South Smith and David Warner. The
sure on CA to lift the ban on say that the board will be re- is important, said Roberts. "I first Test begins on December 6
Smith and Warner ever since an specting that submission and think what's really important is of comeback Africa. They were also blanked by England 5-0 in and Khawaja would be eager to
independent review claimed giving it due consideration," he that we at Cricket Australia
before Test series another ODI series achieve his fitness to play in
that the 'culture' nurtured by added. need to embrace the players and Queensland's Sheffield Shield
the board contributed to the Smith and Warner were we need to make sure that the Sydney (PTI): Australian opener The 31-year-old had under- but it's actually going really well. match with Victoria in Brisbane
ball-tampering scandal, which handed a 12-month ban while players feel a really valued part Usman Khawaja on Wednesday gone surgery on October 23 after I feel like I'm a little bit ahead from November 27 to spend
rocked the nation in March. The Cameron Bancroft was banned of Cricket Australia. "There's no said his recovery from a knee in- suffering a meniscus tear in his of where I should be," the expe- some time in the middle. "If I
scathing review said the govern- for nine months, a punishment doubt that we need to face up to jury is ahead of schedule and he left knee during the warm-ups rienced left-hander told keep doing the little things right
ing body was perceived as "ar- termed "harsh" by many former the review and the fact that it is confident of making it to the on day two of the second Test "I'm 10 kilo- -- looking after my body, being
rogant" and treated its elite players. Australia have been acknowledged that the organi- team for the four-match Test se- against Pakistan in Abu Dhabi. grams lighter than I was in disciplined -- hopefully that'll
players like commodities, allow- struggling in the absence of sation hasn't been united ries against India, beginning "My recovery is going really well South Africa maybe seven transition to me coming back in
ing 'alpha-male' egos to develop Smith and Warner. They re- enough across the playing and next month. so far. I'm trying to keep it cool, months ago, so I'm sure that time."

� Comics � Crossword � Sudoku

Across 31 Communion table (5) 12 Famous valley and the river flowing
3 Early technological invention (5) 32 Rise again (7) through it (7)
8 Stairway post (5) 34 Mexican money (5) 14 French vineyard (3)
10 Mob group of Corsican origin (5) 35 Vulgar, ill-bred fellow (3) 16 Rubber hub (5)
11 Benign tumour of the skin (3) 36 Japanese-American (5) 17 One with tears in his eyes ? (5)

12 A device for holding things (5) 37 Conical tent pitched by the Red Indians(5) 19 Speaks indistinctly (7)
13 Diplomatic specialist (7) 38 Serpentine (5) 20 Nebraska city (5)
15 Scientist Newton (5) 21 Call at sea to stop (5)
18 Undergarment (3) Down 23 Decreased (7)
19 More humbly submissive (6) 1 Small salamanders (5) 24 In this (6)
21 A male graduate of a school (7) 2 Capable of being held (7) 25 Small opening? (3)
22 On the ___ : progressing ? (4) 4 Gap (4) 27 Song of the past (5)
23 Pose or part ? (4) 5 TV awards (6) 28 Ribbons (5)
24 Person that is no longer popular (3-4) 6 Indiscretion, omission (5) 30 Poet Nash (5)
26 Lodging house for the students (6) 7 Curriculum ____ : bio-data ? (5) 32 Boulder (4)
29 In short, pounds, shillings and pence (3) 9 Dampen (3) 33 Knock (3)
Dennis The Menace
Judge Parker



he First Look of ‘Operation Gold Fish’, directed by Sai Kiran
Adivi, was recently
unveiled and it introduced
Aadi Sai Kumar's character

of NSG commando Ar-
jun Pandit and it
made an instant
Saqib Saleem
impact, aver mak-

Saqib sports
BVS PRAKASH "We are very

happy that the
tlast, the Hindi dub- first look re-

bing rights of super- ceived ter-
star Mahesh Babu’s up- rific re-
coming film ‘Maharshi’ has sponse ever
been sold for a whopping Rs since it was
20 crore, but it falls short of released.
Ram Charan’s upcoming film
with Boyapati Srinu which was
reportedly sold for Rs 22 crore.
We re-
F ctor Saqib Saleem had to grow a moustache for his
maiden digital project. He says since he had never
sported one before, it was interesting to have the facial
“It is the highest price paid for OGF's final hair.
the Hindi dubbing rights for a schedule The ‘Race 3’ actor will play a "dark but honest" char-
Mahesh Babu’s film till date. near Kargil acter in ZEE5's show "Rangbaaz". "To be honest, I have
Apart from Mahesh’s Babu’s ex- (in Jammu never had a moustache in my life. So just to have that,
panding charisma and hard bar- & Kashmir) was very interesting. I couldn't recognise myself for a
gaining by producers Dil Raju and and in Hi- few days. I think as an actor, it did put me in a di�erent
Aswini Dutt, distributors coughed machal space," Saqib told IANS.
up big sum,” says a Hindi film dis- Pradesh. Thanks Talking more about his character, he shared: "Al-
tributor and adds “but it couldn’t to the tremen- though the process was very interesting, I made sure that
surpass the price paid for Ram Cha- pro- dous efforts of the Aadi I stopped working out because my character wasn't sup-
ran-Boyapati movie which was sold ducers of big stars team, the schedule was a success despite the shoot happen- posed to look very muscular. I did a lot of cardio because
for Rs 22 crore,”. Interestingly, Jr NTR’s are demanding ing in minus 10 degrees temperature at an altitude of 9,000- there are di�erent phases in the show." "I have to look
recent blockbuster ‘Aravinda similar amounts 13, 500 ft from sea level. We will release the teaser soon," add like a man of di�erent ages at di�erent times. I wanted
Semetha….’ was traded for Rs 18 crore, which is no viable makers. After completing the post-production works, 'OGF' to make sure that I looked like that. My character is a
hence Ram Charan stays ahead of his since the viewer- will get ready for a grand release. An action romantic enter- gangster. There are shades of grey, but you will definitely
peers Mahesh Babu and Jr NTR in pan- ship is depleting on tainer, it's a fictional story inspired by real events. find some heart in the character," he added.
India appeal. “Actually, Hindi dubbing Hindi channels these days, due to Uniquely, for the first time in Tollywood, all artists and techni-
rights of big Telugu film stars have a repetitive Telugu content. With cians associated with the movie are producing it. Parvateesam,
good market across India and their
films are bought for anywhere between
neglible theatrical release, the prices
are surely pinching the pockets of
Karthik Raju and debutante Sasha Chetri (the Airtel 4G girl)
and Nithya Naresh are playing he female leads. Script Priyanka Chopra
has pyjama party
Rs 10 to 12 crore in the past. But with distributors,” the distributor con- designing is by Abburi Ravi. Story, screenplay while
one film crossing Rs 20 crore mark, cludes. direction by Adivi Saikiran.

Sharwaa, Sai Pallavi a heady combo ‘If Jayalalithaa were alive,

T wouldn’t have made Sarkar’
he teaser of new-age stars Shar-
wanand and Sai Pallavi upcom-
ing movie ‘Padi Padi Leche Manasu’
created ripples, aver makers.
Buoyed by the fantastic response K NARESH KUMAR few days prior to the film getting released
with over three and half million worldwide, the director had admitted
views for the teaser, the makers have
announced the first song launch de-
tails. On November 12, the title song
W ith the Day 2 reports for his
recent bi-lingual re-
lease ‘Sarkar’ announcing
plainly: ‘I would like to cate-
gorically say one thing. If
Jayalalitha madam had
of ‘Padi Padi Leche Manasu’ is going its entry into the 100- been alive, I would
to be released, they added. Vishal crore club, director A R not have readied up
Chandrasekhar is the music com- Murugadoss and his such a story. It was Priyanka with her girl gang
poser of this romantic entertainer camp are expectedly her demise and its
and it is being directed by Hanu
Raghavapudi. Shot extensively in
Kolkata, Nepal and Hyderabad, the
very happy. The
dubbed version in
Telugu, as of now, has
aftermath that
gave me the
courage to take up
A head of her wedding
to American singer
Nick Jonas, actress
nightwears. "Pyjamas are
cool... bride squad. Pyja-
mas and heels," she cap-
film is nearing a completion. The no competition till a political film. If Priyanka Chopra cele- tioned. Priyanka was in
youthful entertainer has Murali the next week, also she was alive and I brated with a pyjama Amsterdam over the
Sharma and Sunil in important drew good openings in would have at- party with her girl gang weekend to celebrate her
roles. Produced by Sudhakar the two Telugu states. tempted something including actress-cousin pre-wedding festivities.
Cherukuri under Sri Lakshmi However, the uncom- similar, the restric- Parineeti Chopra, heiress Priyanka and Nick are
Venkateswara Cinemas banner, the fortably close depiction of tions would have been Isha Ambani and "Game reportedly getting mar-
film is releasing on December 21. Dravidian politics, with both the A R Murugadoss more’. Already, a few DMK of Thrones" star Sophie ried at Rajasthan's
Sharwanand who is riding high on Tamil political parties brought leaders have had to hear protests Turner. Mehrangarh Fort in De-
hits like ‘Mahanubhavudu’ and Sai minutely under the scanner for its style of about a few scenes, if reports are to be be- Priyanka shared a few cember. The two got en-
Pallavi with ‘MCA’ are sharing governance must have been a calculated lieved. All the same, the phenomenal re- pictures from the party gaged in August in a tra-
screen space for the first time and risk for the producers, the formidable Sun sponse in the opening week must have re- on Instagram. She is seen ditional ceremony at her
Sharwanand and Sai Pallavi the combo generated lot of buzz. Pictures. Speaking to the local media, a assured the banner for sure! posing in a white striped residence in Mumbai.

Kareena doesn’t shop for me: Saif Surveen Chawla

ctor Saif Ali Khan, who has launched his
own ethnic fashion brand 'House of
Pataudi' with Flipkart-owned online fashion re-
tailer Myntra, wants to bring the idea of old

her pregnancy
heritage through his clothing line.
"I just love clothes. I have a certain sense of
ethnic style in clothes. I feel there is a gap in the
market and there are more people looking for

Indian clothes online. So I talked to Myntra's ctress Surveen Chawla, who surprised everyone a few months
CEO ... and we came up with the idea of 'House ago, by revealing that she has been married for two years,
of Pataudi'," Saif told IANS in Mumbai. is now expecting her first child.
While on the subject of fashion, Saif could Announcing the news of her pregnancy, the actress who has
not resist complimenting wife Kareena Kapoor graduated from television to films, on Thursday took to In-
Khan, considered a fashion icon. stagram and wrote: "Life happens when it chooses to
"(Kareena) has an amazing fashion state- happen, when it wants to happen. And it is happen-
ment. She has always been interested in clothes. ing right now in this very moment, making our
When we met, she would shop cool dresses to blessed and beautiful world even more blessed
wear at functions. I think she must have started than what it already is!
the benchmark of cool dresses, and then every- "Yes, there is a miracle taking place, a miracle
one started sourcing it and getting such called life. And we are growing by two little teeny-
dresses." weeny feet!"
Asked if Kareena shops for him too, Saif The message was accompanied by a photograph with her
smiled and said: "No, of course not. I select my businessman husband Akshay Thakker.
clothes on my own... If you understand women's After garnering visibility with TV show "Kahiin Toh Hoga" and "Kaajjal",
clothes, it does not mean you understand men's Surveen has featured in films like ‘Hate Story 2’, ‘Ugly’ and ‘Parched’.
clothes too. They are very di�erent. Sometimes, She has also done Punjabi movies.
they are even more complicated."

High on gloss, low on content

pectations from this one. Frankly this one
makes Amitabh’s 90s duds like ‘Mrityu-
data’ and ‘Lal Baadshah’ come across as
soul saving classics. Maximum footage
is devoted to Aamir and after a long time
RAHUL DEO BHARADWAJ the end the bad guy is dead and the king- he came across as uncommitted and
dom is free again. Gandhi, Nehru and bored in his acting effort. Amitabh as

‘T hugs of Hindostan’is everything that

defines a Diwali cracker of our mod-
ern times. High on price. Low on quality.
Bhagat Singh were therefore have got a
reduced work load in future as per this
movie. The movie has paid all homages
Khudabaksh is the only saving grace of
this movie and trust me you will do your-
self no harm if you walk out of the movie
Even lower on performance. The story possible to 1970s cinema. Heroine danc- post the entry scene of this great action
unfolds in a fictional sea side kingdom of ing in climax and villain sportively in- hero. Fatima Sana Sheikh and Katrina
Raunakpur. The British headed by a dulging her. Also trying to escape in his Kaif have the most badly written shallow
crimy slimy Clive take over the kingdom private ship as is the villain’s code of characters and Fatima actually has done
and in the process kill the Nawab , Mrs conduct in every 70s cinema climax, way below average acting , particularly
Nawab and Son Nawab. The daughter thankfully he does not take away some in the scene when she takes over as the
Nawab is left along with a Man Friday- buddhi maata with him on gunpoint. chief of the rebels. Like the overhyped
probably Bollywood’s answer to Kat- The movie is not just badly written it is five star hotel parties of New Year
tappa called Khudabaksh played by even more lazily directed which is so which are over priced and no one re-
Amitabh. There is an eagle/Falcon or shocking given the fact that this was the members them the next afternoon this
whatever which howers around like the coming together of two of our biggest one brings the same quality and promise
famous cell phone company’s dog . In superstars and audiences had huge ex- to the table.

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