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Your Faculty for this Course:

Raychelle Harris, Ph.D. ASL 750: Assessing Sign Language Skills (3) Syllabus - Summer 2017

Online: May 15th - June 16th

Onsite: July 10th - 21st, Mondays through Fridays
HY01: 8:30 to 11:50 am & HY02: 1:30 pm - 4:50 pm
(See sidebar <— for more details, including deadlines to drop/withdraw from this course)

Contact me via my This course examines factors involved in developing and administering an
Gallaudet e-mail address:
Email, Hangout, IM assessment of Sign Language students’ linguistic proficiency and socio-
iMessage/iChat, cultural competence.  Topics include the role and function of assessment,
or FaceTime. assessment validity, assessment reliability, the use of measurement
instruments, current approaches to assessing language learning, and an
Etiquette rules apply to all analysis of current tools for testing Sign Language skills and knowledge. 
correspondence Students will develop samples of assessment tools.
(See #8 on the penultimate Prerequisite: Matriculation in the MA program in Sign Language Education or permission of the
page of this syllabus). program coordinator.

Online Office Hours: PROGRAM OUTCOMES

Mon - 5 to 6:30 pm (EST)
Wed - 5 to 6:30 pm (EST)
See me at Graduates from the MA program in Sign Language Education will:
1) Demonstrate theoretical knowledge and display competence in
classroom settings regarding methodological and socio-political issues
Need to Drop This Class? involved in sign language teaching, curriculum development and assessment;
100% refund: May 8th
2) Produce graduate level Sign Language and English texts that demonstrate
Last day to DROP: May 14th
knowledge of and critical inquiry into key concepts in the sign language
Last day to WD: May 26th teaching field;
Last day to WP/WF: Aug 4th
See link for more details 3) Recognize the importance of the Sign Language teacher as a system
change agent and apply this in practice utilizing effective leadership, advocacy,
consultation, and collaboration to influence change on the individual, group,
and organizational and systemic levels; and

4) Demonstrate preparedness to seek and obtain employment as a teaching

professional in the field of sign language education.

ASL 750: Assessing Sign Language Skills 1 of 9

Program Outcomes
Course Student Learning I II III IV
Outcome Student Learning Assessment Method
After completing this course,
students will be able to…

Articulate application of -Online/Onsite discussion -Discussion rubric X X X

assessment concepts to -Assignments -Assignment rubric
different contexts in sign -Quizzes -Midterm
language education field -Unit Plan Project -Unit Plan Project

Demonstrate ability to -Online/Onsite discussion -Discussion rubric X X X

select and produce -Assignments -Assignment rubric
assessment instruments for -Quizzes -Midterm
different types of sign -Unit Plan Project -Unit Plan Project
language curricula and rubric

Critically synthesize role of -Online/Onsite discussion -Discussion rubric X X X X

different assessment types -Assignments -Assignment rubric
aligned with curricular -Quizzes -Midterm
design and program goals -Unit Plan Project -Unit Plan Project


ASL 750: Assessing Sign Language Skills course is a non-traditional 3-credit bearing experience course,
which requires a minimum of 112.5 hours of course work.

Academic Activity Hours

Online/Onsite Participation 65+

Assignments 20+

Quizzes 12+

Midterm 6+

Unit Assessment 20+

TOTAL 123+ hours

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Letter GPA Definition Percent Range

Grade Value

A+ 4.0 Outstanding 97.6 - 100

A 4.0 93.6 - 97.5

A- 3.7 89.6 - 93.5

B+ 3.3 Good 87.6 - 89.5

B 3.0 83.6 - 87.5

B- 2.7 Unsatisfactory 79.6 - 83.5

C+ 2.3 77.6 - 79.5

C 2.0 73.6 - 77.5

F 0.0 Failing, No Credit 73.5 or below

XF 0.0 Academic Integrity Policy Violation, No Credit

Note: The grade average you see in your course grading center at the end of the course will translate into the
letter grades above. No end-of-course requests or negotiations for grading alterations, rounding-off or extra
credit will be responded to. Strive to do your best on each assignment.

A B- grade or below indicates you have performed unsatisfactorily in the course, and this puts you on
academic probation and possibly academic dismissal from the program. You are only allowed one B- grade as
you complete the courses within your graduate program.

The grading system for graduate students can be found in the graduate catalog here.

Incomplete Grades:
A grade of Incomplete [I] is given only when student performance in a course has been satisfactory, but
the student is unable to complete the latter requirements of a course due to circumstances beyond
their control. A student must be passing the course and have no more than 25% of the course
requirements remaining before the possibility of an incomplete will be considered. The decision to give
a grade of I is made by the instructor, with approval from the coordinator, and only reserved for
extraordinary circumstances (hospitalization or death in family). To be eligible for credit in a course
which an I is recorded, students must complete the requirements of the course by the date agreed up
on in writing with the instructor; otherwise, the grade will automatically become an F.

For all other questions, concerns, grievances or disputes that are not covered in this syllabus, please
refer to the current University Graduate Catalog.

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Brown, H. D. & Abeywickrama, P. (2010). Language assessment: Principles and

classroom practice. (2nd ed.). White Plains, NY: Pearson.
ISBN-10: 0138149313 | ISBN-13: 978-0138149314   

Cokely, D. & Baker-Shenk, C. (1980). American sign language: A teacher’s resource text
on curriculum, methods and evaluation. Washington, DC: Gallaudet University Press.
ISBN-13: 978-0930323851 | ISBN-10: 0930323858

You are also required to have consistent access to high-speed internet, video recording
devices and computer/laptop to complete assignments for this course.
Note: We will frequently have opportunities to do hands-on work in our onsite classes. Bringing your
preferred devices highly recommended (e.g. laptop, iPad) during lectures. During class discussions,
please refrain from having your devices block your signing space. Putting these devices away during
discussions increases visual access during classroom discussion.

*Instructor reserves the right to add new viewings and readings to course as the course progresses in
order to support spontaneous learning and direction of inquiry taken by the course participants.

GRADING ALLOCATION *Details for each assignment above are discussed below.

Quizzes Exam
Assignments Unit Assessment
Assignment Languages Weight

Assignments ASL/English 25%

Quizzes ASL/English 25%

25% 25%
Exam ASL/English 25%

Unit Assessment ASL/English 25%

Total: 100%
25% 25%

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W1: W2: W3: W4: W6: W7:
May May May 28 June July July 24 -
15 - 21 22 - 28 - June 3 4 - 10 17 - 21 Aug 4




Unit Assessment
Assignments are varied and differ in their degree of difficulty. They also vary in which language they will be in,
ASL or English- or both. The faculty of this course reserves the right to add (or deduct) assignments to the
syllabus as the course progresses, in order to leave room for student-inspired directions the course will take.
Since no assignment is similar in this category, a broad rubric will be used to assess your submission. The
rubric can be found in Blackboard > ASL 750 > Course Documents.

Students are to complete online, open-book quizzes by the deadline indicated on Blackboard. Quizzes will be
based on assigned readings, class lectures and class discussions. Quiz format varies, some will be multiple
choice and/or short answer, and some are posed in ASL or in English or require ASL or English responses. For
quizzes that require ASL responses, please be prepared to film yourself by wearing a solid, contrasting top - and
finding good lighting and background - before you start the quizzes. You are allowed to check your textbooks,
the internet or the course Blackboard to aid you in answering questions to the best of your ability. There will
be a time limit. Answers are to be attempted without help from others, including your classmates. After taking
the quiz, do not discuss or share the questions or answers with your classmates until after they complete their

EXAM (25%)
Students are to complete an online exam during class time. The exam will be a combination of some of your
previous assignments and quizzes. Lectures, course readings and course discussions will also be incorporated
in the exam. Exam format varies, some will be multiple choice and/or short answer, and some items are in
ASL or in English or require ASL or English responses. Please be prepared to film yourself by wearing a solid,
contrasting top before you start the exam. There will be a time limit. Answers are to be attempted without
help from others, including your classmates. After taking the exam, do not discuss or share the questions or
answers with your classmates until they complete their exam.


The assessment tools you’ll be developing for your unit will be the same unit you’ll also work on in ASL 743
course with Dr. Radford. You’ll work mostly on unit and lesson planning with Dr. Radford. In this course, you’ll
be developing informal and formal assessment tools and techniques for your unit plan, including, but not limited
to in-class assessment, assignments, and a quiz. You’ll also write a paper about assessment. The rubric/
checklist can be found in Blackboard > ASL 750 > Course Assessments. Your unit assessment can be used in
your application for ASLTA certification; in your web portfolio you’ll be designing for the ASL 762 course, for
jobs you’ll be applying to in the future; and for your own classes, workshops, weekend retreats, camps and
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Weeks General Theme* General Assignments*

W1: May 15 - 21 Course introduction Course & Syllabus Quiz

Introduction to Assessment Introduction to Assessment Quiz
Competence vs. Performance

W2: May 22 - 28 Types of Assessment Types and Approaches to Assessment Quiz

Assessment Approaches
W3: May 28 - June 3 Principles of Assessment Principles of Assessment Quiz
W4: June 4 - 10 Assessment Techniques Assessment Techniques Quiz

June 11 - July 9 SUMMER BREAK

W6: July 24 - 28 Review Assessment Jeopardy!

Points and Percentages Calculating Grades
Learning Outcomes Exam
Production Assignments Creating video-based assignments
Rubric Design Developing your own rubric

W7: July 31 - Aug 4 Giving Feedback To yourself

Comprehension assignments Creating automated multiple-choice tests
Interactive presentations The Rubrics Debate
PL assessment tools Putting it all together: Unit Assessment
ASLPI & ASL-DES Teaching and Assessment showcase
*for more details please see Blackboard > ASL 750 > Course Modules


1. Assignments: All assignments are to be submitted in the location as instructed (e.g. Blackboard, GoReact).
Professor is more than happy to respond to questions during the week via e-mail, Gallaudet IM,
iMessage, Glide, during office hours and meetings by appointment, however, your professor will not
respond to last-minute questions about your assignments during the weekends. Your best chance in
getting answers to your questions would be to post your question in the course Q&A on Blackboard -
either your professor or your classmates will pitch in.

2. Student Responsibilities:  Students are expected to actively participate in online & onsite discussions,
completing assigned activities on time, respect diverse perspectives and opinions, and support opinions
and answers with reasons, explanations and documentation from a variety of sources. Note: We will
frequently have opportunities to do hands-on work in our onsite classes. Bringing your preferred
devices highly recommended (e.g. laptop, iPad) during lectures. During class discussions, please refrain
from having your devices block your signing space. Putting these devices away during discussions
increases visual access during classroom discussion.

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3. Deadlines:  Assignments are due by the due date/time. Assignments not submitted on time will receive a
zero. Graded work is final. No make-ups or extra credit. Strive to do your very best. Early
submissions are welcome, with the understanding that the grade given is final. If your professor has not
yet graded your early submission, and you submit multiple submissions, the last assignment submitted
before the deadline will be graded.
4. Peer Network:  Each student is responsible for getting access to and understanding what is expected of
each assignment.  Please form a network with your peers.  If you need information about assignments
or class schedule, go to your course Blackboard and ask other classmates or post your question in the
Q&A section of Blackboard Discussion Board.

5. Text submissions: Submissions are accepted in the following format: .pages, .docx, .pptx, and .key. as well
as .pdf. Please be aware that .pptx, .key and .pdf do not allow for the same level of feedback I can give
via the tracking and comment function available in .pages and .docx.

6. Video submissions: For your video submissions, please use YouTube for the majority of your assignments
unless instructed otherwise Do not modify the speeds of your videos. Edited videos are acceptable, as
long as the edits happen at end of sentences/paragraphs. Mid-sentence editing is unacceptable.

7. Academic ASL/English:  We will communicate using academic ASL/English, which is a specialized type of
discourse for academic settings.  Use only academic ASL/English in classroom and during video
assignments throughout the course. Professional academic discourse requires giving credit to original
authors for their ideas, so citations and references are required, both in ASL and English. Use American
Psychological Association (APA) format when citing and referencing other people’s ideas.  Using written
ASL terms in your typed/written work or English-based signing in your video work is not acceptable.

8. Etiquette: Your professor welcomes emails, GoogleIMs/videos, text/videos sent to me via iMessage, calls via
FaceTime, but will not accept or respond to excessively emotional or colloquial register choices in
either language. This is your opportunity to practice ASL and English in academic and professional
settings, on a consistent basis. An important part of effectively using ASL and English in academic
settings is the ability to be concise.

9. Editing ASL/English assignments: You are strongly encouraged to have your ASL/English assignments edited.
Unedited work will be graded accordingly. Your professor reserves the right to return heavily unedited
work for a zero.

10. Technology:  All assignments are to be posted on Blackboard or as instructed. The Gallaudet Technology
Services staff can assist you with technical issues throughout the course or you can visit for assistance.  You are to post all of your assignments in Blackboard,
unless otherwise instructed. For large files, upload them to GoogleDrive and share the link in
Blackboard (or wherever instructed to do so).

1I. Integrity: If you are to borrow/incorporate ideas, activities, assignments or quizzes from others please
honor your colleagues’ work by asking for permission and/or crediting them. If you are to alter or add
to their original work, please share your work with the original author as a token of appreciation, and
add a line that your work is an adaption of their work. This is a truly a very essential practice as an
ethical, moral sign language professional and this positive action will contribute to vibrant, healthy sign
language pedagogical communities.
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The Gallaudet Credo (link)
The MASLED program would like to emphasize this section: We believe that every person should be
treated with civility and that our community is strengthened by the broad diversity of its members.
Therefore, we will promote and applaud behaviors that support the dignity of individuals and groups
and are respectful of others' opinions. We will especially discourage behaviors and attitudes that
disrespect the diversity of individuals and groups for any reason including religion, race, ethnicity, gender,
age, sexual orientation, disability, hearing status, or language and communication preference.

University Policies (link)

All university policies may be found in the Graduate Catalog. The standards of professional behavior and
communication discussed in the catalog will be mandated in this course and program.

Academic Integrity Policy (link)

All students must read and understand the Gallaudet University Graduate School Academic Integrity
Policy. This policy applies to both ASL and English.

Academic Accommodation Policy (link)

Students are to request accommodation through the Office for Students With Disabilities (OSWD) at
the beginning of the semester prior to course start date. This is to be communicated immediately with
the course instructor in order to ensure accommodations are being made as soon as possible.

Gallaudet Technology Services (GTS) HelpDesk (link)

Submit your ticket to request for help with various technology issues you may experience with your
accounts and courses.

Gallaudet University Library (link)

Visit the Gallaudet University website to search for resources for your course assignments and to
request for help if needed, using their online chat feature.

*Disclaimer: This syllabus is tentative and may be subject to change if circumstances require it.
Changes if any, will be announced via Blackboard announcement feature.

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