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The tableaufor this lessonis:

5 6

8 9 10

11 t2 IJ

Arranged as a magic square,addingto 27 in every directionit becomes:

8 l3 6

9 11

12 5 10

You have probabiy noticedthat the summationof thesemagic squaresincreasesby 3. Thus

tlre tableaugiven in Lesson10,arrangedin magic form, addsto 12;thatin Lesson11,to 15;
that in Lesson12,to 18; that in Lessoni3, to 2I; andthat in Lesson14,to24'.wrththe
summationfor this lessonbeins.27.

When tire constantsummation of a magic squareis a number which appearson a Tarot Key,
we take that I(ey as representingthe main idea symbolized by the square. When the
summationis greaterthan2l, as24,27, or 30, we add togetherthe digits of that number,and
the resulting number is that of the Tarot Key we must take as symbolizing the main idea of the
whole square.

Thr"rs24, the constantsummationof the squaregiven in Lesson 14, gives 6 as the sum of its
digits, and I(ey 6 representsthe main idea of that square. In this lesson,the sum of the digits
of 27 is 9, and the ninth I(ey syrnbolizesthe main idea behind the doctrineof this lesson.


Your studiesin TAROT FIINDAMENTALS havetaughtyou that Yod (r), the letter
signifying the openhand of man, is the clue to all meaningsof the Hermit. Among those
meaningsis this:

All the actionsof man, all the works of humanhands,arereally expressionsof the power of
the One Identity. We do nothing of our own power becausein truth we have no power of our
own. No power belongsto us. We are merely agenciesfor the distribution and expressionof
the limitless spiritual energyof the universe.

Our personalenergiesare governedby the Law of Response.We do not act of ourselves.We

reactto impulsesrising from the depthsof subconsciousness;ponderwell the differencein
meaningbetweenacting and reacting! In Key 9, the higher impulsesof the Spirit are
representedby the light in the Hermit's lantern.

Most people leavethe power of Spirit out of their reckoning. Supposingthemselvesto be

operatingby their own energies,they limit their ideasof the power at their disposalto the
forcesof their own bodiesand the resourcesof their visible possessions.They leaveentirely
out of accountthe most importantpart of humanequipment,namely the real presenceof
Infinite Spirit enshrinedin the temple of humanpersonality. Becausethe Infinite Spirit
actually dwells within us, every humanbeing has all the limitless resourcesof that Spirit to
draw on.

The first of theseresourcesis the omniscienceof the Life-power. The Spirit dwelling within
us knows everything. For it thereareno problems,no veils of ignoranceand darkness.yet
one of our commonestasseftionsis, "I don't know." Lack of knowledgeof what to do, of how
to meet an emergency,or how to carry out some undertaking-all such forms of ignorance are
purely personaldeficiencies.

We can overcomethem when we realizethat specificknowledgeadequatefor our every need

is always at our disposalwheneverwe put ourselvesin a position to receiveinstructionfrom
the Inner Voice. As usualwith the most importantthings in our lives, the processis simple.
We need only confessour ignoranceand listen for instruction, maintaining the mental attitude
of confident expectationthat our listeningwill enableus to hearthe right answer.

Here the Law of Responseis clearly at work. Our listeningis really a consciousreactionto
our knowledgethat there is a Voice to instructus. "And thine earsshall heara word behind
thee,saying; 'This is the way, walk ye in it."' (Isaiah 30:21.) For the wayshower holds
always l{is light on high to illumine our path, and His voice is ever readywith wise counsel
for thosewho obey the preceptsof His instruction. This is the way which leads,through the
full fi'uition of our inherentpotentialities,to releaseevenfrom the bondageof death. (i(eys 5,

Remember,the power of Inf,rniteSpirit entersyour life throughtwo channels. . . the activities

of your consciousand subconsciousminds. Your consciousthinking, feeling,planning and
desiring are as truly expressionsof the Life-power as arethe wonderful resourcesof your
subconsciousness. The Life-power is the energyexpressedin all your voluntary actionsjust
as truly as it is the sourceof your involuntary activities. However, subconsciousness is the
channelthrough which you make contactwith the superconscious levels of the Life-power's

Youl consciousrnind cannotbearthe dazzlinglight of superconscious mental activity, but

must receive that light in a form temperedand modified by its passagethrough
subconsciousness. Yet it is only when you havereleasedsubconsciousness from being
dominated by the consciousmind that you get the best results. This is the removal of the
curseof Eve to whom it was said: "Thy desireshall be to thy husband,and he shall rule over

The curse,however,is not removedby any processdesignedto let subconsciousness dominate

self-consciousness. Many plausible theorieshavebeenadvancedto the effect that all human
difficulties are due to restrictionsput upon the free play of subconsciousness. We hearmuch
talk aboutthe evils of inhibitionsput upon subconsciousness by the self-consciousmind; but
the lact is that were it not for this power of inhibition we shouldall be mad.
Subconsciousness is incompetentto act as the directingagencyin human life, but it is able to
act as a channel thlough which the actual and higher directive power may be brought to bear
on us. take advantageof this, we needonly sayto subconsciousness somethinglike this:

"I recognrzeyour function as agentfor the influx of the limitless resourcesof

superconsciousness into my personallife. I renounceall dominanceover your activitiesand
turn over your entireoperationto the guidanceof Infinite Spirit. I{enceforthyou shall not be
subjectto me nor to my partial knowledgeof the Way of Life. From now on you shall be an
open channelthrough which the limitless potenciesof tlie Life-power shall flow into the field
of my personalconsciousness.You are underthe Life-power'sall-wise direction. Reject all
suggestionsof error which may result from my partial knowledge."

To say this is really to put one'swhole existenceat the disposalof the UniversalLife. It is to
surrenclercompletely and confidently every detail of one'saffairs to the wise guidance of
UniversalBeing. (I(eys6,9,12)

are two ways of looking at Infinite Spirit. One is expressedby the noun "immanence"
and is representedby l(ey 7 wliich showsInfinite Spirit as the ever-victoriousrider in the
veiricle of human personality. The other is expressedby the noun "Transcendence"and is
syrnbolizedby i(ey 9 which showslnfinite Spirit as a power dwelling far abovethe level of
human personality. Yet thesetwo ideasare not mutually exclusive. The Life-Power is above
and beyond all we know or experienceat the personallevel. Thereis no manifestationof
energywhich is not dependenton it.

Yet this very quality of omnipresencemakesthe immanenceof Spirit inevitable. Sincethere

is nowherethat it is not, it must be hereand everywhere.The Masterof our destiniesis with
us always.

all the resourcesof the Infinite are truly at hand for every one of us, and atall times.
Sincewe have alreadyseenthat subconsciousness is the channelby meansof which the
powersof Spirit enterthe field of humanpersonality,it follows that subconsciousness is the
meanswhereby circumstancesare now perfectlyadjusted.All appearances of iniustice and
unbalanceare due to our imperfect personalknowledge.
Relatively, of oourse,thereare what we call maladjustmentssuchaspoverty,misery, or
ill-health. AgelessWisdom declaresthat all thesepainful limitations are educative. pain
prods us into searchfor releasefrom suffering. As Henry Wood usedto say,"Pain is
friendly." Even when we are not yet sufficiently skilled in our applicationof the laws of life
to be surroundedby the outwardevidencesof success,it is profitableto state: "I recognize
tlre manifestationof the undeviatingJusticein all the circumstancesof my life." (Keys 7,9,
I l)

AgelessWisdom declaresalso that all subhumanphasesof the Life-Power'sactivity are

alwaysunder the control of the humanmanifestationsof subconsciousness. By sub-human,
we mean all thoseenergiescalledby Qabaliststhe "vital" or "animal soul" which human
subconsciollsrr€ss shareswith all life below the human levels. We cionot haveto bring these
energiesunder control. They are continuallyunder control. The responsesof subhuman
levels always reflect our subconsciousmental states. They cannotdo otherwise. Even when
they seemto be most adverseto us and to our aspirations,they are simply respondingto the
actualstatesof our own consciousness.

If we changeour mental states,the responseswill also change. From the moment we begin to
rcahzethat our lives are underthe guidanceof Infinite Spirit, all thosesubhumanphasesof
life-expressionwhich constituteour environmentalconditions,will begin to reflect this
realizatron lt will appearto ourselvesand othersthat things have begun to work for us
insteadof againstus. What really occursis that we have identified ourselveswith the
integrativeor up-buildingphasesof the Lif-e-Power'saction. We go with the cu*ent of the
Life-Power insteadof againstit. By the reversalof our mental attitude,we experiencewhat
seemsto be a reversalof conditions. In reality, all the sequences of the Life-power's
manifestationmove on just as they did before,because"with Him thereis no variableness,
neither shadowof tuming." The changeis in ourselves.(Keys g, 9, 10)

The whole matter dependson our establishingthe habit of listeningexpectantlyto the Inner
Voice. That Voice is not loud. It is a "still, small voice." 'Wernustlisten attentivelybefore
we can hear it. We must bearalwaysin mind that harmonybetweenthe consciousand
subconsciouselementsof our personalityis broughtaboutby releasingsubconsciousness
from clominationby our limited self-consciousknowledge. This releaseis effectedby


deliberatelysurrenderingourselvesto the directionof Universal Spirit. We must practice

thinking of that Spirit as an immediatepresencein our lives until practicehas madethe
thouglrt secondnature. We shall then be alwaysresponsiveto guidanceby the One Identity
and our daily experiencewill be a demonstrationof the power of that One Spirit to turn all
tlringsto beautifulresults.(Keys 5, 6,7)

Through suchpracticewe accustomourselvesto think of subconsciousness as the agency

whereby all conditionsof our lives are so adjustedas to bring a maximum of good into
expression. As we becomemore and more habituatedto this new mental attitude, we find that
eventhe leastdetailsof our personalactivity are includedin the operationof the Law.
Nothing is too small for the Life-Power to take careof, nor is anythingtoo greatfor it to

Even the transformationof our bodies,so that our brainsmay registerthe finer types of
experiencewhich releaseus from bondageto the idea of death,is includedin the operationof
the Law. Subtle changesin function and structureare brought about so that we become
consciouslyawareof what may be calledoctavesof vibration beyondthe rangeof ordinary
human experience. We can learn experimentally that we are not limited by our bodies to the
extent that we seemto be. When this knowledge has been gained,the last enemy has been
overcorle. (I(eys ll, 12, 13)


FIRST DAY: I(eys 5, 9,13. Inf,rniteSpirit hasno problems. It seesclearlyjust what I must
do this day. It stimulatesmy imagination to changethe structureof my body so that it may
respondmore easilyto the impulsesof the One Life. Instructedby the All-Knowing Mind,
overshadowedby Omnipotenceitself, I move on this day toward the goal of perfect

SECOND DAY: Keys 6, 9,12. My subconsciousness is an openchannelthrough which the

limitless potenciesof Universal Spirit arc at my disposal. The Hand of the Etemal leadsme.
I depend utterly on the firm support of the One Reality. Consciousharmony, the certainty of
guidance,and the frrm assuranceof adequatesupport are mine now.

DAY: I(eys 7, 9, I 1. The Divine Self is not afar off; it is a real presencein my life.
Yet is its power beyondall humanlimits and aboveall human attainments.Its perfect Law
ad.iustsevery detail of my life-expressiontoday. Closerthan handsor feet is the One Identity,
which now IS all that I hope to become,and this One Life directsall my actionsnow.

FOURTH DAY: I(eys 8, 9, 10. Human life hasautomaticdominion over everythingbelow it

in the scaleof evolution. Human Personalityis the agentof the Master of the universe. The
cycles of cosmic transformationwork with me and for me becauseI know this truth. Mine is


the inexhaustiblestrengthof limitlesspower. Mine is the sureknowledgeof the Knower of

All. Mine is the perfectionof the universalmechanism.

FIFTH DAY: Keys 12, 7,8. I am firm in the knowledgethat the One Life is my perfect
support. My thoughtsand words expressits PerfectWisdom. It transcendsand controlsthe
energiesof my daily activities. Supported by the Self I expressVictory and dominion this

SIXTI-IDAY: I(eys 10, 11, 6. My cyclesof expressionarecontrolledby -y Higher Self.

The I-aw works for me as I work with it. The Divine Mind establishesharmony betweenmy
consciottsand subconsciousminds. I now recognizethe one life ceaselesslymanifesting
growth, equilibration and discrimination in my every activity.

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