Tarot Tnterpretation Lesson Eighteen

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TIIE TABLEAU for this week is:

8 9 10

1l t2 IJ

t+ 15 16


ll 16 9

l0 I2 I4

15 8 7a

In both affangements,I(ey 12, the l{anged Man, is at the center. The constantsummationof
the magic squareis 36. It showsresponsiver-ress(I(ey 9), expressingthe power of
discrimination(Key 6), through creativeimagination(I(ey 3). I(ey 12 representsthe means
fior balancingthe forcessymbolizedby theseI(eys. Key 9 showsthe outcome.

I(eep in mind this week the variouscomplementaryoppositesshown in the tableau. Key 12

representsthe agencythrough which are carriedthe actionsand reactionsof 8 and 16, 9 and
1 5 , 1 0 a n d 1 4 , 1 1 a n d1 3 . I ( e y l l b a l a n c e s K e y8s a n d 1 4 .K e y 1 3 i s t h e e q u i l i b r a t i n g u n i t
betweenKeys 10 and 16. Study eachof thesegroupsof threeKeys, and recordin your
notebclclkwhat they suggest.

One reasonfor dealingwith the Tarot l(eys as we are doing in theselessonsis to show how
the forcesthey representact and reacton one another. No singleforce can be wholly isolated.
The very name TAROT is madefrom the lettersof the Latin "Rota," a wheel. Every part of a
wheel is in relation with every other part. All the partsmove together. The force symbolized


by any one Tarot Key is coffelatedwith the forcesrepresented by all the others. Thus the
make-upof Tarot brings hometo us the fact that all the activitiesof our lives are aspectsof a

His higher spiritual consciousnessenablesman to comprehendthe Whole. His intellectual

consciousness discernsonly the parts. The divisions and separationsare in his mind, not in
the true uatureof Reality. No lessonof AgelessWisdom is more importantthan this. It
servesto correcta whole brood of errors.

The rnodeof consciousness attributedto Key 8 has a long name: The Intelligenceof the
Secretof all Spiritual Activities. First of all, it meansthat thereare no unspiritualactivities.
Everything in your experieuceexpressesthe power of the Life-Breath. The secretpictured by
Key 8 is that the subhumanexpressionsof this Life-Breathare always subjectto control by
human subconsciousness. This truth, which theselessonshave now madefamiliar to you, is
of paramountimportanceto every practicaloccultist. It will enableyou to utilize an unlimited
supply of energy. It is the secretof power.

As a rule the consciousmind learnsthis truth from a teacher.Very gifted observerslearn it by

watching the courseof nature. Onceperceived,this truth becomesa new foundationfbr our
of experience.
i nterpretations

Modern ps5'chologyhas definitely establishedstill ancthertruth r,vhichthe AgelossV/isdom

has taught down throughthe ages----narnely that human subconsciousness is always amenable
to control by suggestionsoriginating in the consciousmind.

Now readover thesetwo truths againand considerthem together,taken in conjunctionthey

make evidentthe fact that the sub-humanlevelsof the Light-power'sactivitiesare wholly
subordinateto the consciousmind.

T'huswe come to understandwhy our work must begin with the proper use and control of the
consciousmind; why it is basicallyessentialconsciouslyto implant proper and efTective
suggestionsin subconsciousness; and why the facts of our daily experiencemust be correctly
understood,interpreted,and transmittedto subconsciousness in the form of effective
suggestions.This is the right way . . . indeedthe only way . . . to reachour goals and

In this connectionconsiderKey 12 and the perceptionit symbolizes. Realizethat the way to

secureresultsoppositeto thosewe find restrictiveand painful is to reverseour conscious
attitudetoward life. l{ealize also that what rnostpeoplemay think of as wrong may be quite
the reverse.

lndeedthoserare personswho astoundus by their masteryof natureowe their ability to an

exceptionalmental attitude. Suchpersonsinvariably assureus that they acceptthe idea


representedby the HangedMan. To someextenttheir statementsvary, but the gist of their

doctrine is this: "I have not donethesethings. They were accomplishedby a power higher
than myself, working throughme."

The thoughtsand actionsof thesepersonsare usually misunderstood.They terrify lesser

rninds. Often they are consideredto be enemiesof society. Their ideasand their practicesare
condemnedas offerins a threatto existins institutions.

In a sensethis is true. If all men lived as thesefew live, the presentstateof societywould be
overthrown. The existing social order (or disorder)is fbundedon fear and the delusionof
separateness.It is a systemof which the mainspringis organizedselfishness.Among human
beingsreleasedfrom the bondageof fear,this reign of greedand terror could not continue.
Iror it is basedon the lie that any man may live for himself alone. (Keys 8, 12, 16)

AgelessWisdom sayseverythingis underthe supervisionof a beneficentUniversal

Consciousness.It saysthe world, and all eventstherein,expressthe Will of a single Knower.
It counselsus to placeour whole dependence on this Will. They who are bestversedin the
practicalmethodsof AgelessWisdom astonishtheir contemporaries by extraordinary
commandof the forcesof nature. They demonstratetheir fieedom from bondageto
cilcumstances.They agreethat their secretis simple. As Jesusput it, they do the will of the

A child can graspthis idea and put it into operation. Yet it is too sirnplefor personscaughtin
the web of delusion. Suchpersonspoint to the sernblanceof evil in the world. They ask how,
if there be a beneficentSupervisorover the whole scheme,suchconditions(which they term
"grim realities") can exist. They ignorethe fact that thosewho apply themselves
rvholeheartedlyto living a life of surrenderare invariably happy and healthy,find their every
needsupplied,and truly enjoy themselves.

The critics pooh-poohthe esotericdoctrinethat their "grim realities"are not realitiesat all,
but are,instead,waking nightmaresproducedby a sort of hypnosiswhich affectscertain
levels of the race-mind. They themselvesare victims of this hypnotism,and like persons
having a bad dreamcannotperceivethat it is preposterousfrom beginningto end.

Sooneror later eventhey will awakento the truth. Their speciousargumentsneednot disturb
us. After all, AgelessWisdom can cite a long line of conspicuouslysuccessfulmen and
women who have saidthat their secretwas the simple one of surrenderto the guidanceof the
One Will. The critics have no suchevidenceto offer in supportof their opinions. They are
defeatists.One logical outcomeof their influencein the world is the sorry spectacleof our
so-called"civilization."( I(eys 9,72,l5)

Grasp,or comprehension,is the root-ideaof Key 10. The symbolismof this I(ey is basedon
the Fiebrewletter l(aph (5) which representsthe hand in the act of grasping. When you grasp


mentally the actual significance of your personality and its relation to the universal order, you
can employ this knowledgeas a meansto effect your releasefrom bondage. Then all the
forcesof the cosmoswill be readyto work for you.

Many find it hard to realizethat our statesof body and circumstancedo really dependon our
comprehensionof relationships.The connectionis by no meansobviousand the natural man
prefbrsthe obvious,

Yet there is a way to get beyondthe limitations of the naturalman. lt is the way of surrender.
Ilence we find the ever*recurringtheme of renunciationrunning through all the books of
wisdom. Remember,what is to be renouncedis a delusion-the error that any human beins is
separatefrorr the beneficentorder ofthe universe.

The hair shirt and flagellationsof the early asceticsand the givings-up-and-
doings-witl-routof the modernbreedis the reverseof the real meaningof spiritual
renunciation. The fullnessandjoy of life is our birthright. Indeedyou are studyingthese
lessonsto attainthem and all other blessings.Thereforegive up and renounceonly your
delusionsof separateness.

When practicehasmadethis renunciationa subconscioushabit, then one becomes

increasinglyawareof the guidanceof a higher Intelligence. Then the way to the heightsof
achievementand reahzationis seento be openand one beginsthe ascentwhich leadsat last to
pcrfbctblendingof personalaspirationwith the CosmicWill. (l(eys 10, 12, 14)

For such surrenderfaith is required. . . but not blind faith basedon unquestioningacceptance
of dogma. it is reasonedfaith, growing out of imaginativedevelopmentof knowledge
availableto anyonewho will masterthe techniqueof scrutintzingcloselywhat goeson in his
environmentand in his inner life.

Lack of attentionis responsiblefor our effoneousopinions. We do not seewhat we look at.

Hencewe draw false conclusionsfrom our faulty observations.Then thesefalse conclusions
becomepremiseswhich subconsciousness elaboratesby deductivereasoninginto systemsof
error and defeat. If we practiceconcentration,so that we observeaccurately,we cannothelp
readingthe messageof the book of nature.

When we accuratelyseeand cognatewhat we look at, we storeour memorieswith correct

representationsof reality. we make correctdeductionsand the fruit of theseis a faith
nothing can shake. Out of that faith comesfull surrenderto the inevitableperf'ectionof the
cosmic proaess.As a consequence of our surrender,evendeathlosesits terrors,transformsits
dreadful oountenance, and at last is overcomecompletely. (Keys 17,72,13)

We cannottoo often remind you that subconsciousresponseto rnentalattitudesheld by

is wholly automatic. Subconsciousness
self--consciousness is like a garden. If you plant


weeds,it grows themiust as vigorously as if you plant flowers. It has no choice. It can offer
no opposition.

Thus you needneverconcernyourself with practicesdesignedto overcomesubconscious

resistance.It is true that time is requiredto exhaustthe consequencesof former errors.
Correctprocedure,however,consistsmerely in repeatingthe assumptionof correctmental
attitudesagain and againuntil new habitshavebeenformed. It is like learningto maintain a
proper bodily posture. At first thereare many relapsesinto the old wrong attitudes,but, as
time passesand etfort continues,thesebecomelessand less.

most fruitful thought on which you can dwell is symbolizedby the Hermit. It is the
thoughtthat you shouldalwaysreckon as part of your daily life the overshadowingpresence
of One who knows, understands, and lights the way for your upward progress.Made habitual,
this thought works subconsciouslyto bring you into harmoniousadjustmentwith the sweepof
the cycles of cosmic activity. Then you find the wheelswithin wheelsof the Life-power's
rnanifestationworking togetherto ripen to fruition the realizationof your aspirations.(Keys
8,9, 10)

Continual endeavorto purify your theoriesshouldbe your aim. Peopleare always saying:
"All this soundsso true, so logical, when I hearit at a lecture,or read it in a lesson. But how
can I, when I return to the world, make it work?"

First of all, try to keep somepart of your consciousness from ever returningto the world. The
truth of things is not to be found on their surfaces.Try acting as if thesedoctrinesof Ageless
Wisdorn were true. Remember,thought is action. Let yourself be directedby the Angel in
I(ey 14. Pausemany times daily to remind yourself of this guidance.Nothing is too srnallto
turn overto it, nor is anythingtoo great.

Tr5zi1, and you will soonfind this out for yourself. In the courseof every day'sactivities,all
sortsof problemsarise. Remind yourself continuallythat, howeverterriS'ing they may be,
theseappearances are due to your ignoranceof somefactor involved.

The ignorance,moreover,is merely personal. Your real Self alreadyknows the right answer.
The more you invite its direction,the speedierwill comethe solutionof your difficulties. You
will probably haveto abandonsomeopinionslong held. It may be necessarytbr you to
demolishmany a structureof misapprehension.In due course,however,therewill be lessand
lessconflict. Keep on exercisingyourself in right thinking. Eventuallyyou will reap from
your subconsciousmentationa rich harvestof constructiverealizations.(Keys 14, 15, 16)



ITIRSTDAY: I(eys 8, 12,16. Every activityof my world is a spiritualactivity. Every

particularmanifestationof this activity is relatedto every other, and eachdependson the
whole. Nowhere is there any real separateness or isolation. The One Spirit is my sole
support: its power dernolishesall structuresof delusion.

SECOND DAY: Keys 9, 12,15. My life and its needsare fully known to the One ldentity. I
rest calmly in this knowledge. I seebeyondthe veil of appearance.My way is lighted by the
lamp of Wisdom. As I still the tumult of my personalthinking, that light shinesas a star
solvingmy problems.

THIRD DAY: I(eys 10, 12,14. Every cycleof the Life-power'smanifestation bringsme
nearerto my heart'sdesire. Let me be free from all senseof struggle. The law of perfectionis
now at wolk transmutingmy personality. The wheel of manifestationturns round the still
centerwhere I standat rest, filled in mind and body with the power of the EternalPresence.

FOURTFIDAY: Keys 1I,12,13. All wasteis eliminatedfrom my life experience.i do

nothing of rnyself. The Life-power is transformingffi€, moment by moment,into a more
perf'ectimage of itself. Poiseis mine this day, and peace,and I seethat every changeis for
tire better.

FIFTH DAY: Keys 8,9, 10. All the forcesof subconsciousness areat my instantcommand.
I am a direct channelfor the Masterand Supervisorof the universe. My place is truly at the
very centerof the wheel of existence.Nothing is, or can be, my antagonist,for I am one with
the Divine Essenceat the heartof all things.

SIXTH DAY: I(eys 14, 15, 16. The path of supremacyis openbeforeme. Whateverbe their
masksof tenor, I fear no appearances.For I seethat thereis no separateness anywhere.
Joyfblly i acceptevery test,meet every problem confidently,for I know I cannotbe separated
liom the Wisdom and Goodnesso1'theEternal.


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