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This final lessonis intendedto point out variouspracticalways to usethe combinationsof

Tarot Keys, apartfrom their employmentin exercisesin meditation.

Sr-rppose you have a specificproblem. Considerit carefully. When you have done so, it will
be lelatively easyto determinewhat I(ey symbolizesthe esser,tialnatureof the problem.
Then selectone of the tableausol magic squaresin which that Key is a centralunit. I-ay this
arrangementof Keys beforeyou and look at it with the definite intention of letting it evoke
fiorn your inner consciousness an intimation of what shouldbe your next step.

Do not try to fbrce an answer. Sit ten or fifteen minuteswith pencil and paperat hand for
notesof any ideaswhich may come to you. If none come at the first sitting, do not be
discouraged.Sometimesthesehints from within come during the courseof the day after the
morning practicewith the Keys. Often they pop into your headjust as you are waking the
next morning. I{owever this may work out, be sureto follow the suggestion.

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1\rl(,Llll.,l PldLtlLal UJU Ul tllL JLlUcrlLi) uilLl LdUiLclLtJ lJ tU 6l\L J\rtl d Ulttll Llll\rLr)ltlllulrrtj Ur )Uur

own individuality and personality. To learnmore aboutyour individuality, use the squares
and tableausin which the centralunit is the I(ey correspondingto your Sun sign. To learn
more aboutyour personality,usethe squaresand tableausin which the centralunit is the Key
representingyour rising sign; also thosein which the centralunit is the place of the Moon in
your natal chart. If you do not know your rising sign, or the place of the Moon, consult some
astrologicalfriend. For one who knows eventhe rudimentsof astrology,it is easyto
determinethe place of the Sun and the Moon, by sign, simply by rel'erringto an ephemerisfbr
the year of your birth. Unlessyou know your birth-hour,the rising sign is not so easyto
determine. But a greatdeal of insight into your own make-upcan be gainedby fcrllorvingthis
methodwith the l(eys correspondingto the positionsof the Sun and the Moon.

By using the samemethod,you may get a betterunderstandingof the lives of personswith

whom you are associated.Even thosewho puzzle or annoyyou may be lessof a mystery if
you use Tarot to help you get below the surfaceof their outwardbehavior.

Yort may also usethesecombinationsof Keys to developa betterknowledgeof the particular

principles and laws concernedwith the realizationof your heart'sdesire. What you want to
be and do, more than anythingelse,is an expressionof a principle symbolizedby one of tl"re
l(eys. It may take a little time to determinewhich I(ey standsfor what you want, but
vou will find it if vou look.


By now yott understandthat eventhe solid obiectsof your environmentare actually

embodirnentsof seedideasin the UniversalMind. Tarot is a catalogueof the fundalrental
seedideasand of their relations,one to another. 'fhus you may employ it to help you make
clear itnagesof the genninal principlesfiom which the parlicularforms of expressionyou
wish to experienceare to be developed.

What .lungcalls the "collective unconscious"is a vast reservoirof theseseedideas. They are
helclthereinas symbols. As the CHALDEAN ORACLES say: "The Fatherof gods and men
placecithe mind (nous)in the soul (psyche);and placedboth in the humanbody, The paternal
Mind hath sown symbolsin the soul." Here what is called"solll" is what is called "psyche,,
throughoutthe New Testameutwhere it is distinguishedfrom "pneurra," or the rnodeof the
Life-power syrnbolizedby the variousmasculinefigure of Tarot.

be clominatedby irnmaturepsychic levelsof our consciousness is to be what St. paul calls
tlre man." It is to be within the fatal field of influenceswhich JacobBoellne termed
the "astral spirit." It is to be caughtin the web of Maya (Illusion). Nevertheless,the symbols
in the collectiveunconsciousare the seedsof all possiblecombinationsof physical conditions
rdrich rnay be experiencedby mankind.

be able to evoke the imageswhich correspondto the conditionswe desireto have
manifestedin our surroundingsis to possessa key to extraordinaryexerciseof power. We do
not escapefiorn dorninationby the "astral spirit" by ignoring it. We do not breakthe web of
Maya by trying to destroyMaya itself. What liberatesus is right useof the symbolssown in
the soul.

seedideasare actually the basisof all physicai conditionsboth known and as yet
unknown to man. Theseseedideasconstituteeithersingly, or in definite numerical
cornbinatiotts,principlesupon which the universearoundand in us is undeviatinglybuilt.
They may, but not necessarilymust, be relatively few in number. The "real events"of this
universe,which embracesall phenomenaincluding us, are built in accordancewith these

Consiclerthe building of a housing structure,be it a home or a sky scraper. Therecan be an

infinite number of blue prints settingforth the specificationslbr an infinite variety of
bLrildings.Neverthelesseachset of plans must embodyand conform to a relatively much
smallerset of engineeringprinciples. . . seedideasimplantedby the Cosmic Mind from
which therernust be no cleviation.

Furthermore,the esotericdoctrinebehindTarot includesthe explicit statementthat all

physical manifestationis the consequence of the creativemental activity of the Origi'ati'g
Spirit. That Spirit is omnipresent,and is thereforepresentin man. Today, as always,it
createsby processesof thought. From our self'-conscious humanpoint of view, it appears

I t,90300
l'.4ltO'f I N'I'D IIP R l:1'A'l' I O N . 3 2

that the physical universe,its energiesand laws, are things given. They were herebefore we
appearcdon the scene. They will be hereafter we leaveit.

So far as this goes,AgelessWisdom agreeswith it, but saysthe truth of the matter goeseven
farther. As persons,we had nothing to do with ow appearance on the scene. As persons,we
do not set the stage. But within our personalitydwells a higher life which is the real Being
assumingthe outrvardmaslcof the personalexistence.

This real Being, the true I AM within us, is the only God there is. is the inner
significanceof the statementin Exodusto the eff'ectthat the Name of God is i1!i'1N,Eheyeh,
or I AM. In Ilebrerv, Eheyehis the presentindicativeof the verb "to be." Thus the Bible tells
us that the true "God" is simply what really is and that the only intelligible nameof God is
simply the announcementof AbsoluteBeing-I AM, without a predicate.
All versionof AgelessWisdom bring us to this idea. All agreethat the true Self at the center
of every personalityis identicalwith the Originating Spirit. Identical with it, not derived
lrom it. Personalityis derived. The Self is ONE.

Fortunatelyfor us, we do not have to graspthe fuil rneaningof this truth in order to usethe
power it gives us. We simply have to act as if it were true. This is the basisol'true theurgy,
or God-worl<ing, as contrastedwith variousfbrms of sorcerywhich aim to bolsterup the
weaknessof humanpersonalityby calling outsideentitiesto its aid.

Much rvliich passesfor religion is actuallya form of sorcery. When prayer is conceivedas
being a method wherebythe personpraying flatters,or compels,somebeing outsideto fulfil
his desires,that prayeris a form of falsemagic. When prayeris recognitionof an inclwelling
power, able to modify externalconditionsbecauseit is the power which brings to passevery
externalmanifestation,suchprayeris true theurgy.

Various Nerv Thought cults havehad someglimpseof this truth. So far as it goes,their
rnethodof procedureis correct;but it often is lirnited by misunderstandingof the law whereby
that methodproducesresults. The law is that of fbcusingcreativeseedideasin
snbconsciousness.This is the law at work in all our useof Tarot.

Man's place in the cosmic order is to act as a distributorfbr the power of Originating Spirit.
Man is able to bring into actual,concreternanifestationnew cornbinations of the seedideas
in LJniversalMind. By so doing,he "controls"the forcesof his environment,and bringsinto
tangibleexistence,on the physicalplane,conditionsrvhichwould nevermaketheir'
appearancebut for the action of human self-consciousness.

Actually, of course,man doesnot exefi pelsonalcontrol of circumstance,even when he is able

to perform works of power which seemlihe miracles. For lrue theurgy is basedon
recognitionthat none of us ever doesanythingof himself. We clonot control. We act as
consciousinstrumentsof the original CreativePowerwhich operatesthrough us-always in


harmony with its immr"rtable

laws. When we are awakenedfiom the dreamof separateness,
we know the indwelling presenceof this CreativePowerand are madeawareof its laws of
manifbstation. T'henwe sirnply obey what we know, and the results amazeall who do not
sharethe wisdom which colnesfiom within and above.

The beginningof this modification of man's environmentwas probablythe domesticationof

wild animals,by sub.jectingtheir lower orclerof intelligenceto humandirection. Then came
agriculture,establishingspecialconditionsin lvhich grasswas transformeclinto grai', as
I-uther Burbank proveclconclusively. Stepby step,man's consciousness was fashionedby
the Lifc-pclwer,and tluough combinationsof energyknown as tools, man extendedthe empire
over subconsciousness. So was developedthe complexsystemof
artilrccs wherebythe forcesin our environmenthave beenmadeto serveus.

Wrat has not beenwell understoodis that humanpersonalityis the fi1est tool of all. and. like
other tools, may be irnproved. Human personality,evennow, doesexpressthe Ad'rinistrative
lntelligencesymbolizedby Tarot I(ey 21. When one realizesthis, it becomesperfecthuman
personality. By "perltct," as we use it here,we do not meanthat personalityis to be brought
to a stalesuch as is, by somethinkers,conceivedas absoluteperfectiol. What we mean is
that the averageman or \\ronlanis far fi'om living up to tlie true potentialsof personality.

As bror'rghtitlto existenceby what may be calledthe generalaveragesof the evolutionary

process,humanpersonalityis only "tnan in the rough." like an early nrodelof somein'ention.
Eveu the more "advanced"races(as someof their memberslike to imagine)are by no nteans
perfectedinstrumentsfor the Life-power's self-expression.Furthermore,membersof
supposedly"backward" racesmay, and do, equal,and sometimessurpass,the achierrements of
membersof raceswhich, until very recently,were supposedto be the "flower of hiunanity.',

are no superior,and no inferior races. Inf.eriorpersonalitiespredominateover superior
onesin every race,when one sintply countsheads. We haveto learnthe lessonof Key 14.
Wherevera superiorpersonalityappears,that personalwaysknows that he has beenfashioned
by the Lif-e-powerand not by "himself." This is one of the distinguishingcharacteristicsof
every tluly superiorman or woman.

Yet it is also true that beforethis higher self-knowledgeblossomsinto full splendor,a

pleparatoryperiod, during which one seelnsto be in the midst of a sharpconflict a'd making
intensepersonaleflbrt, precedesthe actual realization.

Mele lip-serviceto the idea that the Life-power is the only Thinker and the only Actor is 'ot
enough;and the wise agreethat eventlie perfectedpersonality,exceptin rare momentsof
ecstasy.remainsin the illusion of separateness. Consequently,he must exert what seemsto
be "ltis" will, but all liis exertionconsistsin the effor"tto surrenderthat will to the One Will, to
"dive into the depthsof Pure Being." In the outer affbirs of humanexistence,sucha person
aotive,industrious,and assiduous.'fhe main differenceis that, though he experiencesthe

R O T ' , I N ' , tE' R t ' R E ' , t " 4 ' .It 'O ^ r . 32

sameillusions as the rest of mankind,he is neverdeludedby them. Thus his whole

motivation is clifferent,and so is his main purpose.

Sr.rcha perfecteclhumanpersonalityknows, evenin the early stagesof his awakening,the

wonderful truth that the destinyof man is to go beyondhumanity. Man is truly the Son of
(iod, and, as the old Rosicrucianaphorismputs it, "There is no God but Man." In every
manl'sinnermostbeing, the essentialReality is what we call "God." Nor shouldwe be
provincial in our conceptof the word "man." This is a large universewith probably billions
of inhabitableplanets. . . not to mentionother modesof existence.Man can exist in other
placesand forms when he evolvesbeyondthe pr"rrelyanimal state. For in our Father'shouse
are many mansions,both physicaland nonphysical,wherein Man dwells.

I{Luran personality,however,masl<sthe true natureof man, and this mask makes

urrenliglrtenedhumanbeingsappearto one anotheras animals,or evenas mere objects. This
delusionis characteristicof the greaternumberof personsin incarnationat present. There are,
happily, somemen who have escapedfiom this delusion,and to them we owe the Ageless
Wisdom which tells us we are destinedto becometrue sonsand daughters,clf the Most High,
able to act as the human instrumentswherebytruly divine power may be broughtto beirron
man's own nature,and,throughthat regenerated nature,on humanenvironmentand human
power wirich conciensedtireptrysicaiobiectsis presentin us aii. it works fit-rrnrirc cellier
outward. The laws whereby it worLs are summarizedin Tarot, and Tarot is one of several
symbolsof tlie CreativePattern. We may follow this pattem so as to produceselectedresults.
Using Tarot in this way, we establishin our field of personalsnbconsciousness the particular
seedideaswhich are the universalbasisfor the fbrms we clesireto seearoundus. This is true

There is, of course,no intrinsic power in a Tarot Key. It is not Tarot that works. A Tarot l(ey
is merely a pictorial announcementof someprinciple or law of life. It influences
strbconsciousness becausethe naturallanguageof the collectivesubconsciousness is pictorial
imagery. Wrile you hold the imageof a given I{ey in your consciousness, your
subconsciousness is being impressedwitli the meaningof that image.

Day after day, week after week, you have given consciousattentionto valious combinations
of Tarot symbols. This work may lraveseemedmore or may be that you
have not beentremendouslythrilled by it. Seed-planting,after all, is not so very exciting.
But, if you have stuckto your practice,you have beenimpressingyour subconsciousness with
the fundamentalprinciplesof the universalcreativeprocess.

By using many clifl'erentcombinationsof the I(eys, you avoidedthe dangerof specializingon

thosewhich, fbr one reasonor another,you fancied,while neglectingotherswhich, for you,
lacl<superficialappeal. lfhus this course,besidesacldingto your generalknowledgeof Tarot


symbolism,hasprovided you with daily exercisesin the employmentof the subtlepower of


You are now ready for anothetstepahead. In the monthsto come,you will make further use
of your'l'arot knowledgeto preparefor the exerciseof powerstruly divine.

I-Ierelet us remind you that l'arot was inventedby the sameInner Schoolwhich first brought
the'frue and Invisible RosicrucianOrder to the notice of the eruditeof Europe,early in the
seventeenthr:entury. The doctrineand practiceveiled by Tarot is true Rosicrucianism.It is a
combinationo1'theSecretWisdom of Israel,concealedby the letter of the Olcl Testament.
rvitir the Gnosisveiled in the languageof the Ner,vTestament.

This Gnosisis iclenticalwith the GuptaVidya of India, and with the esotericdoctrineof Egypt
lt is the fulfillment and perf'ection,but by no rneansthe abrogation,of the
ancientHermetic Wisdorn. Hcncernuchof it is to be found in suchfiagmentsas are
preset'vedin THE CI{ALDEAN ORACLES and othel partial survivalsof the writings of the
Neo-Platonistsand Neo-Pythagoreans.Tracesof the samedoctrineare to be found in the
booksof iamblichus,Plutarchand Philo.

Yet anothersoLlrceof instructionis to be found in the books of genuinealchemists.Eiiphas

Levi tells tts tliat lvithout Tarot the true meaningof thesecryptic writings is undeciph.rubl.,
br-rtbecornesplain to the persollproperly instructedin Tarot symbolism.

True aloiremyhasmuch in commonr,viththe Hindu philosophl,and practiceof yoga. Incleed.

alchetnyrlight be termedthe WesternYoga. lt is a nrethodo1'trainingwherebythosewho
uliclertal<eit arc zrbleto norl<.principallyby rnentaltneans,i1tlie laboratories
of their own
physicalbodies. The alchemisthimself is the primarysubjectof the GreatWork. Successi'
this rvork is attainedwheu the alchemisthastransmutedhis own that it may expressa
higher order of consciousness beyondthe limits of ordinaryhumanpersonality. With this
higher consciousness go powersbeyondthoseof the ordinaryman.

The next five courseswill prepareyou fbr the esotericaspectsof AgelessWisdom training.
As a Clorresponding Probationeryou will be given a thoroughgroundingin the secretwisdom
whiclr is bchind farot and Alcherny. THE MASTEI{ PATTERN, THE TREE OF LIFE, and
]'IiE PATIIS OF WISDOM containthe essenceof this wisdom and of its
applicationto the practicalart of living. Followingtheseis SOTND AND COLOR, which
gives instructionin the use of soundand light for healing. Then comesthe final coursei'
your initiatory spiritualpreparation,PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF THE GREAT
WORK, which dealswith the art of true Alchemy.

aboveis not all rve have to impart, however,for thereare severalcoursesof Extended
Doctrineswhich were given by Dr. Ann Davies. Ileretofbre,theseadvancedteachingshave
beenreservedfor only the earsof the few; but now, as we enterthe AquarianAge, the influx
il 1lO T I N T' Ii Il P ll [:]'[.7 1 l O N

o1'spirituallypreparedsoulsis suchthat this EsotericWork must be madeavailableto those

who are ready. We ask,therefore,that you begin your work as a CoffespondingProbationer
with an inner dedicationto the principleswhich your lurther enlightenmentwill necessitate.
Theseare incorporatedin the STATEMENT OF DEDICATION which is on the following

May your aspirationburn brighter,and your soul grow ever lighter.

1 ' , AR O ' , t ' I, N l ' , t ' R PR t i ' , t A ' , t ' , I o N . 3 2


ln answeringthe questionsbelow,type or write in inh on one sideonly of standardlettersize

paper. I)ttt your nameand addressat the upperright liand cornerof the first page,and number
cach answerto correspondto the cluestions.Do not copy the questions.

1. Statebriefly yotu purposein seekingto becomefurther acquaintedwith our worh.

2. SLrbrritthreeexamplesof'meclitations
which you h:rvelyritten out from any of the
lableausgivenin Lesson31.

3. What is your unclerstanding

of the term, "Magic of Light?"

4. Nantethe sevenstageso1'spiritualunfbldment.

Pleasecopy in your olvn handwriting the lblloivingstaternent

ancisubnit it u,it6
your testpaper. It will be returnedto yon.


I herebyittvokcntl'lligher Soul to help me to apply rnyselfe\/ernrorefully to tlie attainment


I will not lettdor circulatethe lessonsi receiveas Corresponcling

nor will I use
this materialin giving instructionto others,unlessauthorizedto do so.

I herebycxpressnty carnestiutentionto employall knowledgeandpowerI may now possess,

or laterclevelopas a resultof theseadvancecl studies,lbr the expresspurposeo1'promoting
ItLttnatt regarclless
o1'race,caste,color or creed. I will work quietll,ald persistentlyto
apply rvhatI learnto fttrtherthe causeof betterunderstanding, harmony,and peaceamongall
tly associates, irl my hotue,in my vocation,and in my socialcontactsof everynature.


But[0snsof f,h€ abytum,ltO.
rempte o[ ranot ano hoLy qegalrh bvDr'P,uIFoster
Founded case
Extefld.edDoctrtnes by Dr, Anfl Ddutres
A Nort-Profl, Corporatlon Based on tbe Mystlcdl-Occult TeacblnEs and Practlces of tbe Hollt Qabalab arrd Sacred. Tar.ot

FAX: (323)2ss-4166
website:http: //


You havebeena memberof our Orderfbt quite sometime. As a conscientiotts aspirant,you

undoubtedlyhaveachieveda developmentthatis far higherthanyou realize.Only asyou progressinto
the more advancedWORI( will you graduallyknow how much you have developedthe inner part of

You canrrotknow a Spiritual Truth until you haveexperiencedit. You canonly expelienceit by
application, never by mere reading. WheneverLife offbrs what appearsto be an obstacle to your
5 ' c u b u s i l l ' a l i c ' u i p ' .t i ; s t r a i g i i t c i l o i . l ll i s e c i n i l t ! : . ' i i l ' f i c L l l t i ' .
i i i u g i c S S . . l o i i o i p ' . r iu s i d c ) ' o r i i i L ' i s c i i s ' , ' , 1 : i l u
That is the time to tum to your SacredKeys of Wisdomandfind the onethatwill unlockthe door to the
solutionyou seek.

You are now preparedto take the higher instruction in subjectswhich reveal methods and
information kept hidden for centuriesand which only recently were madeavailableto studentsby the
Mastersof the Inner School. Thoughtheyremaininvisibleto you, it is their guidancethat will revealin
all its glory the MASTER PATTERN and leadyou to the mysticalTreeof Life.

With all blessingsand goodwishesfor your furtheradvancement

in the Limitless Light.

Fraternallyyours in L.V.X.,


"Except the Lortl build the house,the-yltrbour in vain that buikl it ..."

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