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Iroha architecture & design

Iroha v 1.0
(draft 18.06.2017)

The following is a specification for Iroha v 1.0.

1. Overview
Iroha aims to be a simple and modularized permissioned, distributed ledger platform.

1.1 Relationship to Fabric and Sawtooth Lake

It is our vision that in the future Hyperledger will consist less of disjointed projects and more of coherent libraries of components that can be
selected and installed in order to run a Hyperledger network. Towards this end, it is the goal of Iroha to eventually provide the following
encapsulated C++ components that other projects (particularly in Hyperledger) can use:

Sumeragi consensus library

Ed25519 digital signature library
SHA-3 hashing library
Iroha transaction serialization library
P2P communication library
iOS library
Android library
JavaScript library
Blockchain explorer/data visualization suite

1.2 Mobile and web libraries

Having a solid distributed ledger system is not useful if there are no applications that can easily utilize it. To ease use, we created and opened
sourced software libraries for iOS, Android, and JavaScript. Using these libraries, cryptographic public/private key pairs that are compatible with
iroha can be created and common API functions can be conveniently called.

2. System architecture
We consider 3 types of network participants:

client -- creates and sends transactions or queries current state. May be mobile or standalone application or peer itself.
peer -- maintains a full copy of the ledger as well as current state of accounts. Some subset of peers may be used for validation of
incoming transactions.
ordering service -- this entity is used as a external message queue. Also it is used for global ordering of transactions. We consider Kafka
as a good candidate. This is a single point of failure in a system, unless kafka is clustered.

2.1 Peer (irohad)

Peer is a single logical entity in a network. Peer has address, identity (keypair) and trust. Iroha is designed in such a way, that single peer may be
a single computer or scaled for a cluster (when different computers are used for ledger storage / indices / validation and p2p logic).

Overall architecture can be represented as implementation of Event Sourcing + CQRS (command query responsibility segregation) patterns:
Application write interface and Application read interface
We call it Torii.

These interfaces are in fact single grpc server. It is used by clients to interact with peer through the network.

It is asynchronous server, in terms that client's RPC call is non-blocking.

Both commands (transactions) and queries (read access) are performed through this interface.

Event Queue
We call it ordering service. Itself it should be clustered to remove single point of failure. But for development it is okay to use single kafka instanc

Ordering service is in fact external messaging queue used by all peers. It is used to set global ordering for transactions.

Event Store
We call it block store. It stores ledger itself, and is managed by irohad. Every block is stored in a separate file. To preserve the order of blocks,
each block is named after ledger "height" -- simply00..01 (16 chars per filename), starting from 1. Name is encoded in hex. For every new block
new block id is assigned incrementally, thus creating new version of a ledger.

Every block stores:

block header
pairs <public key, signature> of peers, who validated block
time when block was created
block meta
number of transactions in block
ledger version = block id = height of blockchain
global merkle root of previous block (we call it prev_hash)
global merkle root of current block
global merkle root of previous block added as leftmost leaf to the binary merkle tree of fixed size (called maximum block
size -- currently $2^{15} = 32768$)
then hashes of transactions are pushed one-by-one in the same order, as in block body
thus, maximum number of transactions in single block = $2^{15}-1=32767$ (tree becomes complete binary tree)
block body
a list of transactions

Since one peer may be connected to multiple networks (but one at a time), multiple ledgers should be stored.

Example of file structure:


To perform efficient search in block store we need indexes. Any provider of such service can be used, but we selected Redis, mainly because:

it is fast
it can be clustered
it has snapshotting and on-disk persistence, so we don't have to recreate whole index after system fail

To update indexes approach from event sourcing is used: Redis stores last applied block id. So, after new block with block_id is added to the bl
ock store, and after changes in Redis, stored block id is updated to block_id. In case of failure, it is easy to compare last block ids stored in
Redis and in block store and then, synchronize.

The following indexes are built (map -- key -> value):

[block hash] => uint64_t <block id>

[transaction hash] => tuple <block_id, tx_id>. Note: tx_id is a transaction number inside a block.

Event Handler
It consists of:

stateless validator - checks hashes, signatures stored in message header

stateful validator
checks account (creator) permissions
"executes" a transaction based on business logic, we call this module executor.
chaincode module - smart contract executor (currently under discussion)

Application State
Currently it is implemented with postgresql. It stores current state of accounts, which is calculated after applying of all transactions from block

Data model is the following:

Account creates a domain in which it can create assets. There are two type of assets: countable and uncountable. Account may have many
wallets (and many accounts may use one wallet), countable assets are stored in wallet. Uncountable assets are stored in account.

Asset can be created only inside a domain. Together with name asset can be addressed as asset_name#domain.

Every account has username in a domain and it can be addressed as username@domain.


account represents identity: one keypair or multiple (M-N multisignature scheme)

quorum is the number of keys, required to issue valid transaction.
status can be:
frozen (e.g. banned)
signatory is a single keypair. In database we store only public keys.
peer represents one member of a network.
peer has ip address, identity (account)
validator - peer is allowed to participate in validation process
member - peer is not allowed to participate in validation process, but is allowed to receive commit messages with block
domain is a group of accounts and assets. As an example, tt can represent a country, a company, a family, etc.
domain is Iroha is similar to domain in the Internet. Each domain has a name: "" and subdomains: "russia.iro".
asset represents any form of value. Field data is JSON encoded in string, which stores details for complex assets. Asset can be created
only within a domain. If asset has name "USD" in domain "", then it can be reffered as "".
countable - stored in wallets (table Wallet)
currency - USD, RUB, JPY, BTC, etc
assets that can be changed in time, like credit or debit
uncountable - stored in accounts (table AccountHasAsset)
land - defined by bounding box (lat/lan points)
serial numbered item - like car, electronics, orders, etc.
contract management - like weather derivatives
wallet is actual storage of countable assets.
has uint256 amount and uint8 precision | amount | precision | result | |--------|-----------|--------| | 100 | 0 | 100 | | 100 | 1 |
10.0 | | 100 | 2 | 1.00 | | 100 | 3 | 0.100 |
exchange - represents how asset1 can be exchanged to asset2. Example: 1 USD = 100 cents, or USD/cents = 1/100.


AccountHasAsset - shows that account has uncountable asset. Can be understood as "has 1 asset", example: has "has 1
credit", but details of credit are encoded in Asset->data.
AccountHasWallet - shows that account has wallet and permission for this wallet:
transfer assets from the wallet to another wallet
increase amount of assets (emission)
decrease amount of assets (remission)
DomainHasAccount - shows that account belongs to the domain, it has certain username in this domain (example: bogdan@soramit and certain permissions in this domain:
create new assets in domain
create subdomains
invite other accounts in this domain
give permissions to the account in this domain

2.3 iroha-cli
This is REPL command-line interface to communicate with irohad.

2.4 Peer service

Every peer should watch for the availability of other peers. For this, UDP heartbeating technique is used.

This service does not answer a question "how to connect new nodes", but answers the question "if connected nodes are online or offline".

Peer has a timer A (50-60 secs, chosen at random every round) for every other peer that is known. After timer A expiration, peer sends UDP
message "PING" and installs new timer B for 5 seconds. Other peer, that receives this message responds with "PONG" and resets its timer
A. Peer that receives "PONG" resets his timer A and removes timer B. New round begins.

2.5 Network initialization

Network starts from one peer. This peer should create genesis block. This block stores the same data as any other block, plus it is
recommented to store network name in meta.

After that, new peers should be connected. They issue new transaction Add Peer with their data (ip, public key, signagure) to this peer and the
first peer adds other peers to the network.
2.6 Consensus algorithm

2.7 Synchronization

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