Bible Marking Guide

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1. The Greatest Love (GL) 2. The Way to Eternal Life (WL) 3. An Open Door to Golden
1GL – John 3:16 1WL – 1 John 5:13 Opportunities (DO)
2GL – Isa. 59:2 2WL – Titus 3:5-7 1DO – 2 Peter 1:2-4
3GL – Rom. 3:23 3WL – John 1:4-6 2DO – John 5:14
4GL – Rom. 5:8 4WL – Acts 4:12 3DO – Phil. 4:19
5GL – John 1:12 5WL – John 3:16 4DO – Matt. 6:33
6GL – Rev. 3:20 6WL – Rom. 10:17 5DO – Exo. 15:26
*7GL – Gal. 2:20 7WL – John 5:24 6DO – John 14:27
*8WL – Matt. 11:28 7DO – 1 John 1:9
8DO – 1 John 5:12,13
*9DO – John 15:5

4. Steps to Eternal Life (SL) 5. The Word of God (WG) 6. The Rise and Fall of Nation (D2)
1SL – Acts 16:30,31 1WG – 2 Tim. 3:16,17 1D2 – 2 Peter 1:19
2SL – Acts 3:19 2WG – 2 Peter 1:20,21 2D2 – Dan. 2:3,27-29
3SL – 1 John 1:9 3WG – Ps. 12:6 D2 – Dan. 2:31, 37-39
4SL – 1 John 3:4 4WG – Heb. 4:12 D2 – Dan. 2:40-45
5SL – Rom. 6:23 5WG – Isa. 28:9,10 3D2 – Luke 17:20,21
6SL – John 3:3-5 6WG – Acts 17:11 *4D2 – Matt. 25:31
7SL – 2 Cor. 5:17 7WG – John 5:39
8SL – Gal. 2:20 8WG – John 5:24
*9SL – 2 Tim. 3:14,15 *9WG – Rev. 1:3

7. The Second Coming of Christ (SC) 8. The Signs of the End of the World (EW) 9. The 1000 Years of Peace (M)
1SC – John 14:1-3 1EW – Matt. 24:36 1M – Rev. 20:1,2
2SC – Acts 1:9-11 2EW – Matt. 24:3-8 2M – 1 Thess. 4:16,17
3SC – Rev. 1:7 3EW – Matt. 24:29 3M – Rev. 20:4,5
4SC – 1 Thess. 4:16,17 4EW – Dan. 12:4 4M – 2 Thess. 2:8
5SC – Matt. 8:11 5EW – 2 Tim. 3:1-5 5M – Jer. 25:33
6SC – Rev. 6:15-17 6EW – Matt.24:14 6M – Jer. 4:23-26
7SC – Isa. 25:9 7EW – Luke 21:28 7M – Rev. 20:2,3
8SC – Matt. 25:31-34,41 *8EW – Matt. 24:10-12 8M – Zech. 14:4,5
*9SC – Matt. 24:44 9M – Rev. 21:2
10M – Rev. 20:5-10
*11M –Zeph. 2:3

10. Home of the Saved (HS) 11. The Hell Fire (HL) 12. The Origin of Sin (OS)
1HS – Matt. 25:34 1HL – 2 Peter 2:9 1OS – Gen. 1:31
2HS – Rev. 21:16-26 2HL – Matt. 25:31-34,41 2OS – Isa. 24:5
3HS – Rev. 22:1-5 3HL – Rev. 20:14,15 3OS – John 8:44
4HS – Rev. 20:6 4HL – Rev. 21:8 4OS – Ezek. 28:14,15,17
5HS – Rev. 21:1-3 5HL – Rev. 14:9,10 5OS – Isa. 14:12,14
6HS – 2 Peter 3:7,10 6HL – 2 Peter 3:10 6OS – Rev. 12:7-9,12
7HS – Isa. 65:17,21-25 7HL – Rev. 20:9,10 7OS – 2 Cor. 11:14,15
8HS – Isa. 66:22,23 8HL – Mal. 4:1,3 8OS – Rev. 20:10
*9HS – Rev. 21:27 9HL – Mark 1:15 *9OS – James 4:7,8
*10HL – Matt. 18:8,9

13. The Day of Salvation (DS) 14. The Sanctuary Services (SS) 15. The 2300 Days of Prophecy (DP)
1DS – Acts 16:30,31 1SS – Exo. 25:9,10 1DP – Ps. 77:13
2DS – 2 Cor. 6:2 2SS – Heb. 9:2-6 2DP – Dan. 8:13,14
3DS – Gen. 6:3 3SS – Lev. 4:27-31 3DP – Ezek. 4:6
4DS – Rev. 22:11 4SS – Num. 28:1-8 4DP – Dan. 9:25
5DS – 2 Peter 3:10 5SS – Lev. 16:29,30 5DP – Ezra 7:7,13,21
6DS – Isa. 2:18-20 6SS – Heb. 4:14 6DP – Dan. 9:24,27
7DS – Ezek. 7:19 *7SS – 1 John 1:9 7DP – Matt. 27:50,51
8DS – Matt. 7:21 *8DP – Dan. 8:14
9DS – Zeph. 2:3
*10DS – Acts 3:19

16. The Day of Judgment (DJ) 17. The Two Covenants (CT) 18. What is Abolished at the Cross (AC)
1DJ – Acts 17:30,31 1CT – Heb. 8:13 1AC – Deut. 4:13,2
2DJ – 2 Cor. 5:10 2CT – Ps. 89:34,35 2AC – Deut. 31:24-26
3DJ – James 2:12,13 3CT – Heb. 8:11 3AC – Neh. 10:32,33
4DJ – Mal. 3:15 4CT – Jer. 31:33 4AC – Lev. 23:4-37
5DJ – Jer.17:13 5CT – Exo. 19:5,6,8 5AC – Dan. 9:27
6DJ – Rev. 20:12,15 6CT – Exo. 24:5-8 6AC – Hosea 2:11
7DJ – 1 Peter 4:17 7CT – Heb. 8:6-13 7AC – Col. 2:14-17
8DJ – 1 John 1:9 8CT – Gen. 3:15 8AC – Heb. 10:4,5
*9DJ – Eccl. 12:13,14 9CT – Gal. 3:16,29 9AC – Eph. 2:15
*10CT – Heb. 9:14-17 10AC – Rom. 10:4,5
*11AC – Matt. 5:15

19. The Ten Commandments (TC) 20. The Law and Grace (LG) 21. The Perpetuity of the Law (L)
1TC – John 14:15 1LG – Eph. 2:8 1L – James 1:17
2TC – Exo. 20:3-17 2LG – Gal. 3:10-12 2L – Ps. 89:34,35
3TC – Exo. 31:18 3LG – 1 John 3:4 3L – Deut. 4:13
4CT – Ps. 19:7 4LG – Rom. 7:7 4L – Ps. 111:7,8
5CT – Rom. 7:12 5LG – Rom. 6:14,15 5L – Matt. 5:17-19
6CT – 1 John 3:4 6LG – Rom 3:31 6L – Heb. 8:10
7CT – Matt. 5:17-19 7LG – James 1:23-25 7L – 1 Tim. 6:14
8CT – James 2:10 8LG – Gal. 3:24 8L – Gen. 26:5
9CT – Isa. 8:20 9LG – Eccl. 12:13 9L – John 2:4
*10CT – Eccl. 12:13,14 *10LG – Rom. 2:13 *10L – Rev. 14:12

22. The New Commandment (NC) 23. The Sabbath that Jesus Kept (S) 24. How to Keep the Sabbath (KS)
1NC – John 13:34 1S – Matt. 11:28,29 1KS – 1 John 2:6
2NC – 1 John 2:7,8 2S – Col. 1:15,16 2KS – Exo. 20:8-11
3NC – Matt. 22:34-40 3S – Gen. 2:1-3 3KS – Lev. 23:32
4NC – Heb. 8:10 4S – Exo. 20:8-11 4KS – Luke 23:54,55
5NC – James 2:10 5S – Mark 2:27 5KS – Isa. 58:13,14
6NC – 1 John 2:4 6S – Ezek. 20:12 6KS – Neh. 13:16,19
7NC – 1 John 5:2,3 7S – Luke 4:16 7KS – Matt. 12:8-12
*8NC – John 14:15,21 8S – Luke 23:54-56 8KS – Luke 4:16
9S – Acts 13:14,42,44 9KS – Isa.56:2
*10S – Heb. 4:9-11 *10KS – 1 Peter 2:21

25. The Origin of Sunday 26. The Seal and the Mark 27. The Seven Last Plagues (LP)
Observance (SO) of the Beast (MB) 1LP – Rev. 22:11,12
1SO – Isa. 24:5 1MB – Rev. 7:2,3 2LP – Isa. 26:20
2SO – Dan. 7:25 2MB – Ezek. 20:12 3LP – Rev. 16:1-4
3SO – Quotations 3MB – Exo. 20:8-11 LP – v. 8-11
4SO – Ezek. 22:26 4MB – Rev. 14:9-11 LP – v. 12-16
5SO – Matt. 15:8,9 5MB – Rev. 13:17,18 LP – v. 17-21
6SO – Rev. 18:4 6MB – Rev. 13:11,14-17 4LP – Rev. 18:4
*7SO – Micah 2:10 7MB – Rev. 18:4 *5LP – Zeph. 2:3
8MB – Rev. 14:9,10
*9MB – Jer.51:45

28. The Search for the Missing 29. Obedience the Test of Love (O) 30. The Power of Prayer (P)
First Day (MT) 1O – Matt. 7:21-23 1P – Luke 11:1
1MT – John 7:17 2O – Ps. 40:8 2P – Matt. 6:9
2MT – 1 Tim 1:3 3O – Matt. 19:16-19 3P – John 14:13,14
3MT – Matt. 28:1 4O – Heb. 10:26,27 4P – Matt. 6:5-7
4MT – Mark 16:2,9 5O – 2 Peter 2:19,20 5P – Matt. 7:7
5MT – Luke 24:1 6O – James 4:17 6P – Mark 11:24
6MT – John 20:1,19 7O – Ps. 119:60 7P – Prov. 28:9
7MT – Acts 20:6,7 8O – Luke 6:46 8P – James 5:15,16
8MT – Acts 2:46 9O – John 14:14,21 *9P – 1 Thess. 5:17
9MT – 1 Cor. 16:1,2 *10O – Heb. 5:9
*10MT – Acts 17:2

31. God’s Original Diet for Man (F) 32. Food Question Explained (FQ) 33. You and Your Health (YH)
1F – Gen. 1:29 1FQ – Gen. 9:3 1YH – 3 John 2
2F – 1 Peter 2:9 2FQ – 1 Cor. 10:23 2YH – 1 Cor. 6:19,20
3F – 1 Cor. 3:16,17 3FQ – 1 Cor. 6:12,13 3YH – Deut.29:18
4F – Lev. 11:44-47 4FQ – Acts 10:11-15 4YH – Isa. 56:2
5F – Deut. 14:2-10 5FQ – Job 14:4 5YH – 1 Cor. 15:33
6F – Isa. 66:15-17 6FQ – Acts 10:28 6YH – Prov. 20:1
*7F – 2 Cor. 6:16,17 7FQ – Matt. 15:11 7YH – Prov. 23:29-31
8FQ – Matt. 15:1-3,15-20 YH – v.17,20,21
*9FQ – 2 Cor. 6:17,18 8YH – 1 Cor. 6:9,10
*9YH – 1 Cor. 10:31

34. Life and Stewardship (Tithe-T) 35. The State of the Dead (SD) 36. Spiritism (SM)
1T – Phil. 4:19 1SD – Job 14:10,14 1SM – Eccl. 9:5,6,10
2T – Deut. 8:18 2SD – Gen.2:7 2SM – Gen. 3:2-4
3T – Ps. 24:1 3SD – Eccl. 12:7 3SM – 2 Thess. 2:9,10
4T – Haggai 2:8 4SD – Eccl. 9:5,6,10 4SM – 1Sam. 28:6,7,11,12
5T – 1 Cor. 4:1,2 5SD – Ps. 115:17 5SM – 1 Tim. 4:1
6T – Mal. 3:8-11 6SD – John 5:28,29 6SM – Deut. 18:10
7T – Gen. 28:20-22 7SD – 1 Thess. 4:16,17 7SM – Gal. 5:19-21
8T – Lev. 27:30 *8SD – Rev. 20:5,6 8SM – Rev. 21:8
9T – 1 Cor. 9:13,14 *9SM – Lev. 19:31
*10T – Matt. 25:21

37. The Prophetic Gift (PG) 38. Church Membership Necessary (CM) 39. Conversion and Repentance (C)
1PG – 1 Cor. 12:27,28 1CM – Matt.16:18 1C – Matt. 18:3
2PG – Amos 3:7 2CM – Matt. 28:19,20 2C – 2 Cor. 5:17
3PG – 1 Cor. 14:3,4 3CM – 1 Cor. 12:13,18-22,27 3C – Acts 3:19
4PG – 1 Sam. 9:9 4CM – Eph. 5:23 4C – Luke 14:33
5PG – Rev. 12:17 5CM – John 10:16,26-29 5C – 2 Cor. 7:10
6PG – Rev. 19:10 6CM – 1 Thess. 2:13,14 6C – Prov. 28:13
7PG – Rev. 10:8-11 7CM – Acts 2:47 *7C – Mark 1:15
8PG – Isa. 8:20 8CM – Rom. 12:1
9PG – Jer. 28:9 *9CM – Acts 22:16
10PG – 1 John 4:2
11PG – Matt. 7:20
*12PG – 2 Chron. 20:20

40. Is Baptism Essential to Salvation (B) 41. The Unpardonable Sin (US) 42. The Last Warning Message (LM)
1B – Acts 2:37,38 1US – Isa. 1:18 1LM – Rev. 14:6,7,9-12
2B – Rom. 6:3,4,10,11 2US – Matt. 12:31,32 2LM – John 15:16,18,19
3B – Matt. 3:15-17 3US – John 16:7,8,13 3LM – 1 Cor. 1:28-30
4B – Eph. 4:5 4US – 2 Thess. 2:8,10-12 4LM – 1 Peter 4:12-14
5B – John 3:3-5,23 5US – Heb. 10:25 5LM – Jer. 17:13
6B – 2 Cor. 5:17 6US – Eph. 4:30 6LM – 2 Peter 2:19-21
7B – Matt. 28:19,20 7US – Heb. 10:37-39 7LM – Isa. 56:6,7
8B – Mark 16:15,16 *8US – Joshua 24:15 8LM – Phil. 1:19-21
*9B – Acts 22:16 *9LM – Deut. 30:19

43. The Trinity (TY) 44. The Remnant Church (RC) 45. Christ and Jehovah (CJ)
1TY – Deut. 6:4 1RC – Jer. 6:16 1CJ – Isa 41:6
2TY – Matt. 28:19 2RC – Dan. 8:12 2CJ – Rev. 1:17,18
3TY – 2 Cor. 13:14 3RC – Ps. 119:142 3CJ – Exo. 3:14,15
4TY – Luke 1:35 4RC – Rev. 11:3 4CJ – John 8:58
5TY – John 15:26 5RC – Ezek. 22:26 5CJ – Deut. 32:3,4
6TY – 1 Cor. 8:6 6RC – Ps. 85:11 6CJ – 1 Cor. 10:4
7TY – Heb. 1:8 7RC – Rev. 12:17 7CJ – Isa. 43:10
8TY – 1 Cor. 3:16 8RC – Rom. 9:27 8CJ – John 8:28
*9TY – Eph. 4:30 *9RC – Jer. 51:45 9CJ – Isa. 43:11
*10CJ – Acts 4:11,12

46. The Divinity of Christ (DC)

1DC – John 1:1-3,14
2DC – 1 Tim. 3:16
3DC – Col. 2:6,9
4DC – Heb. 1:8
5DC – 1 John 5:20
6DC – Titus 2:13
7DC – Col. 1:15,16
8DC – Rom. 1:20
*9DC – Ps. 90:2

Bible Facts & Figures Quotation #1:

3,586,489 Letters You may read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation,
773,692 Words and you will not find a single line authorizing the
31,173 Verses sanctification of Sunday. The Scripture enforce the
1,189 Chapters religious observance of Saturday.
Ps. 118:8 Middle verse in the Bible (The Faith of Our Fathers) pp.111,112
Ezra 8:21 all the Letters in the Alphabet are found Catholic Cardinal James Gibbons
Esther 8:9 longest verse in the Bible
John 11:35 Shortest verse in the Bible
Ps. 119 Longest Chapter Quotation #2:
Q: Which is the Sabbath day?

10 Divided Kingdoms of Europe A: Saturday is the Sabbath day

1. Alemani – Germany
2. Franks – France Q: Why do we observe Sunday instead of Sabbath?
3. Burgundians – Switzerland
4. Suevi – Portuguese A: “. . . because the Catholic Church transferred the
5. Anglo-Saxons – England solemnity from Saturday to Sunday.”
6. Visigoths – Spain (The Converts Catechism)
7. Lombards – Italy
8. Heruli unknown
9. Vandals where to Quotation #3:
10. Osthrogoths find “It was the Catholic Church that decided Sunday should
be the day of worship for Christians, in honor of the
Quotation #4: (Catholicism and Fundamentalism)
“Perhaps the boldest thing, the most revolutionary Karl Keating. Ed. 1988, p.38
Change the Church ever did happened in the first
century. The holy day, the Sabbath, was changed
from Saturday to Sunday. . . not from any directions Quotation #5:
noted in the Scriptures, but from the Church’s sense “The Catholic Church for over one thousand years
of its own power. . . People who think that the scriptures before the existence of a Protestant by virtue of her
should be the sole authority, should logically become divine mission, change the day from Saturday to
Seventh-day Adventist, and keep the Saturday holy.” Sunday.”
SAINT CATHERINE (May 21, 1995) (The Christian Sabbath) p.16
Catholic Church Sentinel

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