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1. Write all the verbs you find in simple past. Which of them are regular?

are irregular? Connect the infinitive of the irregular verbs

 Deserted
 Found
 Waiting for me.
 Wanted to.
 Carry.
 Had.
 Had breakfast
 Washed.
 Was.
 Destroyed.
 Arrived


A. Who was happy to stay outside?

 Ben's dog, Fox.
B. What did Ben do in the park?
 He sat on a bench all the time, wanting to be in his bed.
C. What did Fox do at the park?
 Fox ran, jumped and chased some passers-by. And I also destroy furniture that someone had left on
the way.
D. What did Bend have for breakfast?
 Milk and a piece of toast.
E. What was the weather like?
 It was cold.
F. What was ben wearing?
 A tracksuit and a thick coat
G. When did Ben decide it was time to go home?
 When his hands froze

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