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How to Intubate Lesson Plan

Objective: Teach pre medical students indications for intubation, intubation tools, and how to


First 8 minutes → Talk to the students about criteria for intubation

 Intubation is indicated for definitive control of the airway

 Usually done in general anthestia procedures or critically ill patients such as
cardiac/respiratory arrest, inadequate oxygenation, or anticipated airway obstruction
 Making sure not to miss other possible reasons for loss of breathing
 Discuss the anatomy of the head and neck while showing pictures
 Talk about ABC assessment
 Preparation of material
o Mask ventilation
o Laryngoscope (MAC vs Miller)
o Suction
o Monitors
o GLideoscope
 Discuss the OPL axis

 Last 12 minutes  Lets the students go wild and give feedback as needed
o Discuss not rocking the wrists (Most common dental injury)
o Discuss how to lift the patients head to get the best view (i.e 45 degree view)
o Learn how to use cricoid pressure
o Learn about using a stylet and advancing the tub
o Discuss conformation of the placement
 22cm marking on an average sized adult
 Carbon dioxide detection
 Auscultation
 Chest radiography

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