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UCL Transactions Report & UCL

Balances Report
(For Excel Import)

May 2009
UCL Transactions Report & UCL Balances
Report (for Excel import)

• From the Navigator window, choose Reports->Request->Standard-

>Single Request.

• From the pick list, select either UCL Transactions Report (for Excel
Import) or UCL Balances Report (for Excel Import).

Fill in the required parameters as if running an ordinary Transaction or

Balances report (refer to separate documentation for details of how to do this
if in any doubt).

The UCL Transactions Report (for Excel import) may be run across financial
years, but the UCL Balances Report (for Excel import) may only be run for
one financial year at a time.

Both may be run for either single or multiple periods.

NB: Do not use the period entitled END**** in your parameters. Doing so
will cause the reports not to run properly and will therefore return incorrect

• When you reach the submit request form, click on completion

options. If a default printer value is shown in the printer field, place the
cursor next to the printer name then from the Edit menu, select Clear
Record. Then click OK.

• Submit Request.
• Once the request has completed, view output.

• Save the resultant document as a text file (.txt).

NB: To do this, select the file menu->save as->type in preferred filename

and location->change save as type to Text File (.txt).

• Open Microsoft Excel.

• From the File menu->Open->saved filename. The Text Import Wizard

box will appear:

Change the file type from ‘Fixed Width’ to Delimited.

Scroll down to see on which line the data appears and place the
corresponding number in the Start import at row box. In this example it is
number 2.

Click Next.
• Uncheck ‘Tab’.

• Check ‘Other’.

• Enter the Pipe character in the box to the right hand side of ‘Other’.

NB: To find the Pipe character ‘|’, press shift and ‘\’ on your keyboard.

• Click Finish.

The data will now be imported into Excel.

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