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Name CWID Subject Area

Erica Shoemaker 888880689 Life Science
Class Title Lesson Title Unit Title Grade Levels Total Minutes
Honors Biology Photosynthesis Energy 9 57
Next Generation Science Standards Common Core State Standard Connections
Develop a model to illustrate the role of photosynthesis and cellular
respiration in the cycling of carbon among the biosphere, atmosphere,
hydrosphere, and geosphere
HS-LS1-7: Use a model to illustrate that cellular respiration is a
chemical process whereby the bonds of food molecules and oxygen
molecules are broken and the bonds in new compounds are formed
SL.11-12.5 Make strategic use of digital media (e.g. textual, graphical,
resulting in a net transfer of energy audio, visual, and interactive elements) in presentations to enhance
understandings of findings, reasoning and evidence and to add interest.
LS2.B: Cycles of Matter and Energy Transfer in Ecosystems (HS-LS1-5)
Photosynthesis and cellular respiration are important components of
the carbon cycle, in which carbon is exchanged among the biosphere,
atmosphere, oceans, and geosphere through chemical, physical,
geological, and biological processes.
HS-LS2-3: Construct and revise an explanation based on evidence for
the cycling of matter and flow of energy in aerobic and anaerobic
Lesson Objective(s) Evidence
-In peer groups, students will create an initial model of photosynthesis
and provide at least 5 related terms after they are introduced to the
phenomena of energy and photosynthesis. The students will build on Students will work in peer groups of four to produce posters that will
this initial model to develop a working model of photosynthesis and include their initial model of photosynthesis. The students will build on
cellular respiration. The students will understand and emphasize how this model to include cellular respiration and emphasize the relationship
the products of one process are used by the other process and how between these two processes by expressing how the products of one
these two processes work together in a continuous loop. process are utilized by the other process in a continuous loop. They will
-Students will gain further understanding of photosynthesis and cellular then participate in a gallery walk, where they peer review their other
respirations by peer reviewing other students’ models (gallery walk). classmates’ posters. Students will conclude class with a 3-2-1 ticket to
-Students will fill out a 3-2-1 ticket so we may assess their prior further assess their learning.
knowledge of photosynthesis and cellular respiration.

Type Purpose/Focus of Assessment Implementation Feedback Strategy How Informs Teaching
Entry Level- The exit ticket; it is
utilized to activate student’s
prior knowledge. Although it is
The opening discussion the This helps us gauge student
administered at the end of the This exit ticket will be
following day will be based on learning based on the student’s
class, its purpose is to help us implemented at the end of the
the exit ticket and we will prior knowledge and helps us
EL gauge where the students are, class through google classroom
address their answers. The exit pace our lessons for the rest of
so we have a basis of their and discussed the next day at
ticket will only be graded for the week on photosynthesis
learning in order to guide us in the opening of the class.
completeness. and cellular respiration.
the photosynthesis and cellular
respiration lesson planning for
the rest of the week.
Progress Monitoring- While The students will break into I will be circulating the room, These poster projects will
students are working in peer their peer lab groups to work providing verbal feedback, illustrate what the students
SSN groups on their posters, I will on their posters after we making eye contact and know. I can utilize this and
be walking around monitoring review a couple introductory providing positive praise; build on their prior knowledge
their progress and answering concepts of the early days that asking leading questions to the in introducing the remaining
any questions. I will also be lead to the discovery groups that may need a little concepts for photosynthesis
asking leading questions to photosynthesis as we know it more guidance to deeper level and cellular espiration for the
engage them in deeper level today. thinking. The students will also rest of the week. It provides
thinking. The students will also be giving their peers verbal me an area to focus on to
be monitoring the progress of feedback during the gallery begin our lesson the following
their peers during the gallery walk. day.
walk and asking them any
Instructional Strategies
Utilizing digital media to introduce new phenomena of energy and photosynthesis.
Peer collaboration on poster project and peer review.
3-2-1 exit ticket to further assess students’ prior knowledge.
Lesson Introduction/Anticipatory Set
Time Teacher Does Student Does
The students will engage in a think-pair-share activity with an
elbow partner. They will each record three ideas about
I will engage students in a think-pair-share activity asking the
photosynthesis and three ideas about cellular respiration. The
15 students to share with their partner three ideas they have about
students will then share and compare these ideas with their
photosynthesis and three ideas they have on cellular respiration
elbow partner. They will adjust their lists and cross what doesn’t
fit and add aspects they shared with their elbow partner.
Lesson Body
Time Teacher Does Student Does
-Introduce the new unit on Energy with phenomenon, Where
does the mass of a plant come from?
-Ask students to open new Google doc and label it “Energy Unit
-Ask students to write down where you think a plant’s mass come
from on Energy Unit Notes “As a plant is growing, what is making
up its mass? What do YOU think?” Draw a quick model in your
-Show second slide of Van Hemont’s mass experiment
-Have students write ideas on this in their notes -Students actively listening to slides on Hemont’s and Priestly’s
-Instruct students to share ideas with partner. experiments
-Class discussion on ideas -Write in Energy Unit Notes when prompted
-Instruct students to write what they know about the -Discuss with partner ideas on experiment.
photosynthesis equation so far in notes -Participate in class discussion.
-Explain Priestly’s experiment (third slide) -Write photosynthesis equation in their notes
-Have students write in their notes what conclusions Priestly -Write cellular respiration equation in their notes.
might have made about the products of photosynthesis. What’s Conclude and predict how these two processes relate to each
needed for this burning gas to be released? other, emphasizing the products and reactants of each process
-Ask the students to write in their notes what they know about -Turn to a different elbow partner to discuss the role these two
the equation for cellular respiration. processes have on each other emphasizing the products and
-Ask the students to draw conclusions and make predictions reactants.
about how these two processes relate to each other emphasizing
the products and reactants of each reaction. -Students create a visual aid poster presentation modeling
-Have the students turn to a different elbow partner and share photosynthesis and providing at least 5 terms related to
what they think. photosynthesis. The students then build on this model to include
cellular respiration emphasizing how these two processes have a
-Instruct students to make a poster (initial model) of what they relationship centering on their reactants and products. Students
know about photosynthesis. They can make a word map, make a work in peer groups then peer review each other’s posters
table or draw a diagram with labels and explanations. Posters through a gallery walk.
must include at least 5 vocabulary terms related to
photosynthesis, their version of the photosynthesis equation
from their notes.
-Then ask the students to build on this model to include cellular
respiration and the equation for cellular respiration.
-Ask the students to emphasize in their model the relationship
between these two processes discussing the products and
-Let students know they will be doing a gallery walk when done
Lesson Closure
Time Teacher Does Student Does
Fills out exit ticket on google classroom:
Describe three parts of photosynthesis you learned or
Instruct students to head back to their seats and take out their
remembered while making your poster and during the gallery
5 walk.
Assign the Exit ticket for the day
What are two questions you have about the process of cellular
How do you think photosynthesis relates to cellular respiration?
Instructional Materials, Equipment, and Multimedia
Google Slides, overhead projector, chromebooks
Poster paper, markers and tape
3-2-1 ticket in google classroom
Co-Teaching Strategies
Team teaching and supplemental teaching. We will greet the students together as they enter the room. Then I will introduce the unit on energy
and photosynthesis, utilizing google slides and multimedia to introduce experiments from the early days of photosynthesis that led to the
understanding of photosynthesis that we know today. I will guide the students in creating their posters and participating in the gallery walk. Then I
will close the day with a 3-2-1 exit ticket that will open Tuesdays’ lesson.
English Learners Striving Readers Students with Special Needs Advanced Students
Students have access to their
chromebooks and google Students have access to their
Students have access to their These students will hold
classroom. They can always access chromebooks and google
chromebooks and google leadership roles in their peer
google translate and are given a classroom they can access a
classroom and can always use it as groups. They will assist students
vocabulary list ahead of time. A variety of resources. They will also
a reference. They are working on that may need it and delegate
few of the words have been have access to a vocabulary list.
a peer exercise in small groups responsibilities within their peer
translated into Spanish and They will also be working in small
and can ask their peers for group ensuring good task and
Korean. They are working in peer peer groups and can always ask
guidance time management.
groups and can rely on their peers assistance from their peer group.
for help when needed.
Today we will introduce the next unit on energy, photosynthesis and cellular respiration. The teacher will present a phenomenon to engage
student interest by leading a discussion of the early days of photosynthesis and the experiments that were involved in shaping the understanding
of photosynthesis as we know it today. The students will be engaged in a discussion of these experiments leading them to create in their peer
groups an initial model of what they think photosynthesis means incorporating at least 5 terms they think are important. The students will then
build on this model to incorporate cellular respiration emphasizing the relationship between these two processes by discussing the products and
reactants utilizing the photosynthesis and cellular respiration equations. They will peer review their classmates’ models through the gallery walk,
asking any questions. The class will conclude with a 3-2-1 ticket assessing the student’s prior knowledge, opening the discussion up for the next day
to further our discussion on photosynthesis leading into a lab activity. After the discussion on photosynthesis is complete, we will continue on
discussing the unit of energy, more specifically cellular respiration next, highlighting the relationship between the two processes of photosynthesis
and cellular respiration and role that energy plays.

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