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A Simple Method for the Identification of Borosilicate Glass

A chemist is often required to identify a piece of glass tubing or rod as being either borosilicate
or "soft" glass.
An accepted method of identification has been to immerse the unknown in 8. 41y0 by volume
solution of hensene in carbon tetrachloride. This solution has the same refractive index as horo-
silicate glass (1.474), and the borosilicate glass cannot, therefore, he easily seen when immersed in
the solution. This solution has disadvantages, however, in that volumes must be carefully mea-
sured in its preparation, it most he stored in s. tightly stoppered container to prevent a change in
composition, and it is flammable.
Pure trichloroethylene and pure dimethyl sulfoxide, the refractive indices of which are
1.476 and 1.476 respectively at 2 5 T , have been found to he excellent substitutes for the henaene-
carbon tetrachloride solution. Several observers have found it equally difficult to detect boro-
silicate glass (Pyrex #7740, Kimble KG-33) when immersed in either the pure compounds or the
solution. Trichloroethylene has advant,ages over dimethyl sulfaxide in that it evaporates rapidly
from the glass tested, and it is also nonflammable.
P n o v l ~ ~ N cR.
E , I. 02918

48 / Journal of Chernicol Edumtion

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