The Hungarian Revolution and War of Independence of 1848-1849

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The Hungarian Revolution and War of Independence of 1848-1849

anniversary, approved, bloodless, commemorate, crush, declare, demanded, enable,

execution, imperial, initially, insurrections, public holiday, outbreak, recaptured, referred,
rule, took military action, troops, victories
On March 15th we 1. ________________ the Hungarian Revolution and War of
Independence of 1848-1849. This is also a 2. ________________ ________________ in
Hungary. The revolution in the Kingdom of Hungary grew into a war for independence
from Habsburg 3. ___________ .
Many of its leaders and participants, including Lajos Kossuth, István Széchenyi, Sándor Petőfi,
József Bem, are among the most respected national figures in Hungarian history, and the
4.__________________________ of the revolution's 5. ________________ on March 15th , is
one of Hungary's three national holidays.
The Revolution started on March 15th in 1848, with 6. ________________ events in Pest
and Buda, followed by various 7. _________________________ throughout the kingdom, which
8. _____________________ Hungarian reformists to 9.________________________ Hungary's
new government and the first Prime Minister of Hungary, Lajos Batthyány.
The new government 10.________________ a sweeping reform package
11. ________________ to as the "April laws", which essentially created a democratic political
system in Hungary. They also 12.________________________ that the Hungarian government
have authority over Hungarian regiments in the Habsburg army.
In the summer of 1848, they were on the path to civil war, the imperial government in
Vienna 13._______________________________________ against the Hungarian government
without any official order. War between Austria and Hungary had officially begun.
14.________________________ the Hungarian forces (Honvédség) achieved
several 15.________________________ fighting with Austrian. After Vienna was
16.________________________ by 17.________________________ forces, General
Windischgrätz and 70,000 18.________________ were sent to Hungary to 19.____________
the last challenge to the Austrian Empire. Haynau, ordered the 20.________________________
of 13 leaders of the Hungarian army in Arad and the Prime Minister Batthyány in Pest.

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