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Id Least Most Values

Name Polynominal 0 van Melk [...] lemon (1) Connolly, Miss. Kate (2) Connolly, Miss. Kate (2), Kelly, Mr. James (2), ...[1305 more]

Label Least Most Values

Survived Binominal 0 Yes (500) No (809) No (809), Yes (500)

Prediction Least Most Values

prediction(Survived) Binominal 0 Yes (484) No (825) No (825), Yes (484)

Confidence_No Min Max Average

confidence(No) Real 0 0 1 0.615

Confidence_Yes Min Max Average

confidence(Yes) Real 0 0 1 0.385

Min Max Average

Age Real 0 -2.498 -2.017 -2.319

Min Max Average

No of Siblings or Spouses on B... Real 0 -0.939 6.434 -0.479

Min Max Average

No of Parents or Children on B... Real 0 -0.959 11.054 -0.445

Min Max Average

Passenger Fare Real 1 -0.656 -0.464 -0.643

Least Most Values

Passenger Class Polynominal 0 Second (277) Third (709) Third (709), First (323), ...[1 more]

Least Most Values

Sex Binominal 0 Female (466) Male (843) Male (843), Female (466)

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