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DOI: 10.1111/j.1471-0528.2010.02660.


Perinatal complications increase the risk of

postpartum depression. The Generation R Study
EA Blom,a,b PW Jansen,b FC Verhulst,b A Hofman,c H Raat,d VWV Jaddoe,a,e M Coolman,f
EAP Steegers,f H Tiemeierc,d
The Generation R Study Group b Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry c Department of Epidemiology d Department of Public
Health e Department of Paediatrics f Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Division of Obstetrics and Perinatal Medicine, Erasmus MC
University Medical Center Rotterdam, Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Correspondence: Dr H Tiemeier, Department of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Erasmus MC – Sophia, PO Box 2060, 3000CB Rotterdam,
the Netherlands. Email

Accepted 8 June 2010. Published Online 4 August 2010.

Objective To examine whether specific pregnancy and delivery distress (aOR 1.56, 95% CI 1.08–2.27), a medically indicated
complications are risk factors for postpartum depression. delivery provided by an obstetrician (aOR 2.43, 95% CI 1.56–
3.78), and hospital admission of the baby (aOR 1.45, 95% CI
Design A prospective longitudinal study.
1.10–1.92). Unplanned pregnancy, thrombosis, meconium-stained
Setting Rotterdam, the Netherlands. amniotic fluid, and Apgar score were not associated with
postpartum depression after adjustment for confounding factors,
Population A cohort of 4941 pregnant women who enrolled in
such as pre-existing psychopathological symptoms and
the Generation R Study.
sociodemographic characteristics. The risk of postpartum
Methods Information on perinatal complications was obtained depression increased with the number of perinatal complications
from the midwife and hospital registries or by questionnaire. women experienced (P < 0.001).
Logistic regression analyses were used to calculate the risk of
Conclusions We showed that several pregnancy and delivery
postpartum depression for the separate perinatal complications.
complications present a risk for women’s mental health in the
Main outcome measures Postpartum psychiatric symptoms were postpartum period. Obstetricians, midwives, general practitioners,
assessed 2 months after delivery using the Edinburgh postnatal and staff at baby well clinics should be aware that women who
depression scale. experienced perinatal complications—especially those with a
number of perinatal complications—are at risk for developing
Results Several perinatal complications were significantly
postpartum depression.
associated with postpartum depression, namely: pre-eclampsia
(adjusted OR, aOR 2.58, 95% CI 1.30–5.14), hospitalization Keywords Complications, delivery, depression, postpartum, preg-
during pregnancy (aOR 2.25, 95% CI 1.19–4.26), emergency nancy, risk factors.
caesarean section (aOR 1.53, 95% CI 1.02–2.31), suspicion of fetal

Please cite this paper as: Blom E, Jansen P, Verhulst F, Hofman A, Raat H, Jaddoe V, Coolman M, Steegers E, Tiemeier H. Perinatal complications increase
the risk of postpartum depression. The Generation R Study. BJOG 2010;117:1390–1398.

nise in postpartum women. If postpartum depression is left

untreated it can persist for months to years,1 and may
Many women experience depressive symptoms during the severely affect women’s health and psychosocial wellbe-
postpartum period, ranging from mild complaints such as ing.5,6 In addition, there is ample evidence that postpartum
‘maternity blues’ to clinically diagnosed postpartum depres- depression is associated with disturbances in the behavioural
sion. The prevalence of postpartum depression in the and cognitive development of offspring.5,7,8
general population is estimated at around 10%, with most Previous research reported that low socio-economic
cases manifesting themselves in the first 3 months postpar- background, ethnic minority status, and a young age are
tum.1,2 The diagnosis is, however, often missed by health- associated with a higher risk of postpartum depression.5,9–
care professionals3 because some symptoms of depression 13
Furthermore, various epidemiological studies identified
according to the diagnostic criteria4 are difficult to recog- social and psychological risk factors, such as stress, marital

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Perinatal risk factors of postpartum depression

conflict, maternal perfectionism, antenatal depression or from 0 to 30, with higher scores indicating more depressive
anxiety, and lack of social support.5,9,11,14,15 Although symptoms. We classified women with a score of more than
numerous studies have described these sociodemographic 12 as having postpartum depression. Previous research
and psychosocial determinants, little research has investi- indicated that this cut-off score has a sensitivity of over
gated whether complications during pregnancy or delivery 80% and a specificity of 95% for identifying women with
predict postpartum depression. Moreover, the few studies on clinically diagnosed postpartum depression in a community
this topic reported contradicting results. Whereas some sample.22
studies found no perinatal risk factors for postpartum
depression,12,16–18 another study characterised obstetric com- Determinants
plications as modest but significant risk factors.13 The latter The present study examined a wide range of perinatal com-
study, however, examined a composite score of obstetric plications as risk factors (indicated in italics) for postpar-
complications, making it difficult to identify which specific tum depression. Information on the following
complications predict postpartum depression. complications was obtained from midwife and hospital reg-
Within a large birth cohort study in the Netherlands we istries (these complications were prospectively and rou-
studied a wide range of specific perinatal complications as tinely registered for all women). Pre-eclampsia and
risk factors for postpartum depression. Several of these pregnancy-induced hypertension were defined according to
complications are, to our knowledge, studied for the first the criteria described by the International Society for the
time. Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy.23 Pregnancy-induced
hypertension was diagnosed if previously normotensive
women had a systolic blood pressure ‡ 140 mmHg and/or
a diastolic blood pressure ‡ 90 mmHg after 20 weeks of
Design and study population gestation; if they additionally had proteinuria (‡300 mg/
This study was embedded in the Generation R Study, a 24 hour) they were diagnosed as pre-eclamptic. Gestational
multi-ethnic population-based cohort from fetal life diabetes was diagnosed according to Dutch midwifery and
onwards. It has previously been described in detail.19 obstetric guidelines using the following criteria: random
Briefly, all women living in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, glucose level > 11.1 mmol/l or a glucose level > 7.0 mmol/l
with an expected delivery date between April 2002 and Jan- after fasting, both in the absence of previously diagnosed
uary 2006 were eligible for participation. Assessments diabetes. Suspicion of fetal distress was diagnosed on the
included physical examinations and questionnaires during basis of a fetal blood sample with a pH < 7.20 or a deviat-
and after pregnancy. The Medical Ethical Committee of the ing cardiotocogram (e.g. repetitive decelerations, loss of
Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, approved the study. variability, or increased baseline fetal hart rate). Type of
Written informed consent was obtained from all partici- delivery was divided into four categories: (1) spontaneous
pants. delivery; (2) instrumental delivery (including expression,
Full consent for the postnatal phase of the Generation R forceps, and vacuum extraction); (3) elective caesarean sec-
Study was obtained from 7295 women. Women with miss- tion; (4) emergency caesarean section. Location of the
ing data on the Edinburgh postnatal depression scale delivery was either at home or in hospital. Although rela-
(EPDS), either because of logistic problems at our research tively uncommon in most Western countries, in the Neth-
centre (14% received no questionnaire, n = 1051) or erlands approximately 30% of pregnant women give birth
because of non-response (17.9%, n = 1303), were excluded. at home.24 This is the result of the Dutch system of obstet-
In total, 4941 women were included in the analyses. As ric care that is based on risk management. Women with
some women had missing data on one or more perinatal low-risk pregnancies remain in primary care and may choose
complications (maximum 14% per complication), the whether they want to deliver at home or in hospital: mid-
number of women included in the separate analyses varies wives provide the delivery in both places. Pregnant women
per complication studied. with one or more risk factors (ranging from suspicion of
low fetal weight to an innate heart defect of the mother)
Outcome measures get a medical indication for secondary care, which is pro-
Postpartum psychiatric symptoms were assessed 2 months vided by obstetricians in hospital. We categorised location
after delivery with the EPDS, a widely used self-report scale of delivery as follows: (1) hospital delivery provided by an
that has been validated for the Dutch population.20,21 The obstetrician; (2) hospital delivery provided by a midwife;
EPDS assesses symptoms of postpartum depression in the (3) delivery at home provided by a midwife. Although the
previous week and comprises ten statements, each with location of the delivery might not be a perinatal complica-
four possible answers on a scale ranging from ‘no, not at tion in itself, it may be associated with postpartum depres-
all’ (0) to ‘yes, quite often’ (3). The EPDS sum score ranges sion as it is a proxy for complications during pregnancy

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Blom et al.

and delivery. Information on meconium-stained amniotic Statistical analyses

fluid (yes, no), Apgar score at 5 minutes after delivery All analyses were performed using the Statistical Package of
(below seven; seven or higher), and birthweight of the child Social Sciences v15.0 for Windows (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL,
(<2500 g; ‡2500 g) was also obtained from routine mid- USA). Chi-square tests were used to describe the associa-
wife and hospital registry records. Gestational age was tion of general population characteristics (categorical vari-
determined by fetal ultrasound examination conducted at ables) and perinatal risk factors with postpartum
our research centre.25 Birth was classified as preterm if it depression. The relationship between continuous popula-
occurred before 37 weeks of gestation. tion characteristics and postpartum depression was
The following perinatal risk factors were obtained by described with analysis of variance (ANOVA; normally dis-
questionnaire. Upon enrolment, women reported whether tributed variables) or Kruskal–Wallis (non-normally dis-
or not the pregnancy was planned. At 30 weeks of gestation, tributed variables) tests. Using logistic regression analyses
women answered a question about whether they had been we calculated odds ratios (ORs) for the risk factors that
admitted to hospital for more than 24 hours during the first were significantly associated with postpartum depression, as
two trimesters of pregnancy. Two months after delivery, indicated by the chi-square tests. The associations were
the women reported retrospectively on the prevalence controlled for possible confounding factors. Missing data
of thrombosis during pregnancy, and whether or not on the confounding factors were replaced by the median
their baby was admitted to hospital in the first week after (categorical variables or non-normally distributed continu-
delivery. ous variables) or the mean (normally distributed continu-
ous variables). In the multivariable regression analyses, we
Covariates firstly calculated ORs adjusted for family functioning and
Based on the literature, we considered the following non- general psychopathological symptoms of the mother, as we
obstetrical factors as possible confounders in the associa- considered these covariates to be important potential con-
tion between perinatal complications and postpartum founding factors. Additionally, the ORs were adjusted for
depression: maternal educational level, ethnicity, age, and sociodemographic covariates, which may be confounding
general psychopathological symptoms, as well as family factors but could also be anteceding factors, i.e. sociodemo-
income and family functioning.4,8–13 Information on educa- graphic factors causing depression through their association
tional level, ethnicity, and age was obtained by question- with pregnancy complications. Finally, we calculated a risk
naire upon enrolment. Educational level, defined by the score per participant by summing the number of perinatal
highest attained education, was divided into four catego- risk factors that were significantly associated with postpar-
ries, ranging from low to high. We categorised ethnicity as: tum depression in the fully adjusted analyses. We examined
‘Dutch’, ‘other Western’, and ‘non-Western’. The question- the association between the number of perinatal risk factors
naire at 30 weeks of gestation included questions about and risk of postpartum depression with logistic regression
income, family functioning, and general psychopathological analyses.
symptoms. Family income was defined by the total net
monthly income of the household, and was categorised as Non-response analyses
‘<1200 euros’, ‘1200–2000 euros’, and ‘>2000 euros’. Fam- For the non-response analyses, women with missing data
ily functioning during pregnancy was measured by the on the EPDS were compared with women who filled out
‘general family functioning’ measure of the McMaster fam- the EPDS. Women with missing data (n = 2266) reported
ily assessment device.26 This scale consists of 12 statements more general psychopathological symptoms (F-test = 12;
about support and stress within the family: higher scores df = 1; P = 0.001), poorer family functioning (F-test = 12;
represent poorer family functioning. Psychopathological df = 1; P = 0.001), and a lower family income (v2
symptoms during pregnancy, like anxiety, depression, so- test = 42; df = 2; P < 0.001) than women who completed
matisation, hostility, and psychoticism, were assessed using the EPDS. They were also more likely to be educated to a
the brief symptom inventory. The sum score of the 53 lower level (v2 test = 227; df = 3; P < 0.001), to be of non-
items indicates general psychopathology, with higher scores Western origin (v2 test = 181; df = 2; P < 0.001), and
representing more symptoms.27 We consciously chose to younger (F-test = 109; df = 1; P < 0.001).
adjust for general psychopathological symptoms and not
only for depression, because anxiety during pregnancy is
also a risk factor for postpartum depression. Results were,
however, essentially unchanged if corrected for depressive The characteristics of the study population are presented in
symptoms instead of general psychopathological symptoms Table 1. Of the 4941 women, 396 (8%) had postpartum
(data not shown, adjustment for both scales not feasible depression. These women reported more psychopathological
because of colinearity). symptoms (P < 0.001) and poorer family functioning during

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Perinatal risk factors of postpartum depression

Table 1. General population characteristics

Total study population Edinburgh postnatal depression scale

n* % % Normal % Clinically
(n = 4545) high (n = 396)

Population characteristics
Parity (% nullipara) 4869 57.9 58.1 55.6
Twin birth (% yes) 4941 1.1 1.1 1.8
Gender (% boys) 4887 49.7 49.4 53.5
Psychosocial wellbeing characteristics
General psychopathological symptoms, score (range)** 4078 0.13 (0.00–3.04) 0.13 (0.00–2.73) 0.39 (0.00–3.04)*****
Family functioning, score (range)*** 4046 1.42 (1.00–4.00) 1.42 (1.00–4.00) 1.50 (1.00–3.42)*****
Sociodemographic characteristics
Age mother, years (±SD) 4941 31.0 (4.8) 31.1 (4.7) 29.7 (5.7)*****
Education level mother
High (%) 1438 29.1 30.4 14.1*****
Mid-high (%) 1349 27.3 27.2 28.5*****
Mid-low (%) 1359 27.5 27.0 33.3*****
Low (%) 795 16.1 15.4 24.0*****
Ethnicity mother
Dutch (%) 3107 62.9 64.8 40.4*****
Other Western (%) 924 18.7 18.8 17.9****
Non-Western (%) 910 18.4 16.4 41.7*****
Family income
>2000 euros (%) 3731 75.5 77.2 56.1*****
1200–2000 euros (%) 665 13.5 12.9 19.7*****
<1200 euros (%) 545 11.0 9.9 24.2*****

Values are percentages, except for continuous, non-normally distributed variables [median score (100% range)] and continuous normally distrib-
uted variables [mean (standard deviation)].
*Some data were missing: parity (n = 72), gender (n = 54), general psychopathological symptoms (n = 863), family functioning (n = 895), educa-
tion level (n = 229), ethnicity mother (n = 171), and family income (n = 672).
**Measured with the brief symptom inventory.
***Measured with Family Assessment Device.
****P < 0.01, *****P < 0.001 for normal score versus clinically high score on EPDS; v2 tests for categorical variables, ANOVA for continuous nor-
mally distributed variables, or Kruskal–Wallis test for continuous non-normally distributed variables.

pregnancy (P < 0.001). Women with postpartum depression toms and family functioning (second column of Table 3).
were also younger (P < 0.001), were more often educated to Thrombosis, meconium-stained amniotic fluid, and Apgar
a lower level (P < 0.001), and were more often of non-Wes- score at 5 minutes were no longer significantly associated
tern origin (P < 0.001) than women with no postpartum with postpartum depression after this adjustment. Finally,
depression. The mean age of all pregnant women in the study we additionally adjusted these analyses for sociodemo-
population was 31.0 years (SD = 4.8); depressed women graphic covariates (third column in Table 3). The following
were on average 29.7 years old (SD = 5.7). risk factors remained significantly associated with an
The frequencies of perinatal complications among increased risk of postpartum depression: pre-eclampsia
depressed and non-depressed women are presented in (aOR 2.58, 95% CI 1.30–5.14), hospitalization during preg-
Table 2. In total, ten perinatal complications were signifi- nancy (aOR 2.25, 95% CI 1.19–4.26), emergency caesarean
cantly associated with a high prevalence of postpartum section (aOR 1.53, 95% CI 1.02–2.31), suspicion of fetal
depression. For these complications, univariate regression distress (aOR 1.56; 95% CI 1.08–2.27), delivery in a hospi-
analyses were used to calculate the corresponding unad- tal provided by an obstetrician or by a midwife (aOR 2.43,
justed ORs for the risk of having postpartum depression 95% CI 1.56–3.78; aOR 2.23 95% CI 1.38–3.62, respec-
(first column of Table 3). Secondly, we adjusted the associ- tively), and hospital admission of the baby (aOR 1.45, 95%
ation between perinatal complications and postpartum CI 1.10–1.92). The relationship between unplanned preg-
depression for maternal general psychopathological symp- nancy and postpartum depression was explained by both

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Table 2. Frequencies of perinatal complications by score on the Edinburgh postnatal depression scale

Perinatal complications Edinburgh postnatal depression scale

Normal (n = 4545) Clinically high (n = 396)

Unplanned pregnancy (% yes) 21.1 (n = 871) 36.2 (n = 121)***

Pre-eclampsia (% yes) 1.4 (n = 59) 3.2 (n = 12)**
Pregnancy induced hypertension (% yes) 4.0 (n = 169) 3.8 (n = 14)
Gestational diabetes (% yes) 0.6 (n = 28) 1.0 (n = 4)
Thrombosis (% yes) 0.6 (n = 27) 2.1 (n = 8)**
Hospitalization during pregnancy (% yes) 1.8 (n = 70) 4.4 (n = 14)**
Type of delivery
Spontaneous delivery (%) 70.0 (n = 2879) 69.8 (n = 252)
Instrumental delivery (%) 18.0 (n = 742) 15.2 (n = 55)
Elective caesarean section (%) 5.1 (n = 208) 4.7 (n = 17)
Emergency caesarean section (%) 6.9 (n = 285) 10.2 (n = 37)*
Suspicion of fetal distress (% yes) 7.7 (n = 338) 10.8 (n = 42)*
Meconium-stained amniotic fluid (% yes) 14.8 (n = 646) 18.8 (n = 72)*
Location of delivery
At home, provided by midwife (%) 17.9 (n = 808) 6.3 (n = 25)***
Hospital, provided by midwife (%) 22.2 (n = 1004) 27.4 (n = 108)***
Hospital, provided by obstetrician (%) 59.9 (n = 2708) 66.2 (n = 261)***
Preterm birth (% yes) 4.6 (n = 207) 6.1 (n = 24)
Low birthweight (% yes) 3.9 (n = 168) 3.6 (n = 13)
Apgar score of <7 at 5 minutes (% yes) 0.8 (n = 37) 2.4 (n = 9)**
Hospital admission of the baby (% yes) 16.5 (n = 731) 22.2 (n = 86)**

*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001 for normal versus clinically high score on the EPDS with v2 tests.

psychosocial wellbeing and sociodemographic characteris- who experienced more than two perinatal complications
tics: the OR was reduced by 79% from 2.12 to 1.24. are especially at high risk of developing postpartum depres-
Finally, Table 4 shows the association between the number sion. Some perinatal factors, e.g. meconium-stained amni-
of perinatal complications per participant and the risk of otic fluid, were associated with later postpartum
postpartum depression. The sum score was based on the depression, but these associations were explained by prena-
perinatal complications that remained significantly associ- tal psychosocial wellbeing and the sociodemographic char-
ated with postpartum depression in the fully adjusted analy- acteristics of the mother.
ses (see also third column Table 3). The majority of the The strengths of the present study are the large number of
participants (n = 3579, 74%) had none or just one complica- women participating, the population-based design, and the
tion, whereas only 6% of the participants experienced three availability of detailed information on numerous perinatal
or more complications. The risk of postpartum depression risk factors. We measured risk factors prospectively and rou-
increased with a higher number of perinatal complications tinely, which limits potential bias of diagnosing more peri-
(P < 0.001, tested by including the number of risk factors natal complications in women at risk for postpartum
per participant as a continuous variable in the model). Next depression than in women with a low risk of postpartum
to an accumulation of perinatal complications, psychopatho- depression. Retrospective measurements have potentially
logical symptoms during pregnancy are an important risk limited previous research, and might explain the differences
factor for the development of postpartum depression. Low between our findings and other studies.12,13,18 A final
educational level and non-Western ethnicity were also inde- strength of the study is that we controlled for several possi-
pendently associated with postpartum depression. ble confounding factors. Previous studies reported associa-
tions between pregnancy complications and postpartum
depression that were only marginally adjusted, and thus may
have resulted from confounding factors.12,18,28,29 We showed
This population-based study showed that various complica- the extent of confounding, as several perinatal complications
tions during pregnancy and delivery predicted postpartum were initially associated with postpartum depression, but
depression in women 2 months after giving birth. Women these relations were explained by sociodemographic and

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Perinatal risk factors of postpartum depression

Table 3. Perinatal complications and the risk of postpartum depression

Perinatal complications n Univariate Analyses adjusted Analyses additionally

analyses* for prenatal adjusted for
psychosocial socio-demographic
wellbeing** characteristics***

OR (95% CI) P OR (95% CI) P OR (95% CI) P

Unplanned pregnancy (yes) 4454 2.12 (1.68–2.68) <0.001 1.38 (1.06–1.80) 0.02 1.24 (0.94–1.64) 0.1
Pre-eclampsia (yes) 4647 2.40 (1.28–4.50) 0.007 2.63 (1.33–5.21) 0.005 2.58 (1.30–5.14) 0.007
Thrombosis (yes) 4876 3.51 (1.58–7.78) 0.002 2.38 (0.99–5.74) 0.05 1.74 (0.71–4.27) 0.2
Hospitalization during pregnancy (yes) 4236 2.56 (1.43–4.60) 0.002 2.44 (1.29–4.61) 0.006 2.25 (1.19–4.26) 0.01
Type of delivery
Spontaneous delivery 3131 Reference Reference Reference
Instrumental delivery 797 0.85 (0.63–1.15) 0.3 1.01 (0.73–1.40) 0.9 1.07 (0.77–1.49) 0.7
Elective caesarean section 225 0.93 (0.56–1.56) 0.8 0.94 (0.53–1.66) 0.8 0.99 (0.56–1.75) 0.9
Emergency caesarean section 322 1.48 (1.03–2.14) 0.04 1.49 (0.99–2.23) 0.05 1.53 (1.02–2.31) 0.04
Suspicion of fetal distress (yes) 4793 1.46 (1.04–2.04) 0.03 1.55 (1.07–2.24) 0.02 1.56 (1.08–2.27) 0.02
Meconium-stained amniotic fluid (yes) 4746 1.33 (1.02–1.74) 0.04 1.12 (0.83–1.52) 0.5 1.09 (0.80–1.48) 0.6
Location delivery
At home, provided by midwife 833 Reference Reference Reference
Hospital, provided by midwife 1112 3.48 (2.23–5.42) <0.001 2.69 (1.68–4.30) <0.001 2.23 (1.38–3.62) 0.001
Hospital, provided by obstetrician 2969 3.12 (2.05–4.73) <0.001 2.70 (1.74–4.18) <0.001 2.43 (1.56–3.78) <0.001
Apgar score of <7 at 5 minutes (yes) 4743 2.85 (1.36–5.94) 0.005 2.27 (0.96–5.35) 0.06 2.21 (0.92–5.31) 0.08
Hospital admission of the baby (yes) 4828 1.45 (1.12–1.86) 0.004 1.42 (1.08–1.88) 0.01 1.45 (1.10–1.92) 0.009

Values are odds ratios and estimate the risk of having postpartum depression for the perinatal complications indicated in the first column.
*Univariate analyses.
**Adjusted for general psychopathological symptoms, measured with the brief symptom inventory, and family functioning, measured with the
family assessment device.
***Adjusted for general psychopathological symptoms, family functioning, maternal ethnicity and age, education level mother, and family

prenatal psychosocial features. However, our thorough con- clinical diagnoses, and are commonly used as a measure of
trol for possible confounding factors may have led to an postpartum depression.22
overadjustment of the associations, as some sociodemo- We showed that various pregnancy and delivery compli-
graphic variables, e.g. educational level, may partly act as cations predicted postpartum depression in women. Several
preceding factors in the relationship between perinatal com- mechanisms may explain these associations. Firstly, we hy-
plications and postpartum depression. pothesise that the association between pre-eclampsia and
Some other limitations must also be discussed. The par- postpartum depression may be caused by physical and hor-
ticipants in this study represent a selection towards a more monal changes. For example, serotonin levels in the blood
healthy population.30 Our non-response analyses showed are known to be increased in women with pre-eclampsia.31
that the EPDS data was more complete for highly educated, This might lead to decreased levels of serotonin in the
Western women. This resulted in an under-representation brain, thereby causing depressive symptoms.32
of the most disadvantaged groups, who are most at risk of Another possible mechanism mediating the studied rela-
postpartum depression.4,8–10,12 If similar effects were pres- tionship is physical health. Women who had pregnancy
ent in these disadvantaged women, our results would be an complications or a troubled delivery, as indicated by an
underestimation of the true associations. It is less likely emergency caesarean section and fetal distress, are more
that the selection led to spurious findings. Secondly, despite likely to experience physical morbidity in the postpartum
our large study population, the prevalence of some perina- period.33 Physical morbidity can lead to higher rates of
tal complications was rather low, and may have limited our postpartum depression, as poor health is a well-known
power. Finally, a limitation of our study is that the EPDS stressor because of pain, tiredness and limitations.
was developed to screen for clinically relevant symptoms of Thirdly, psychological mechanisms might underlie the
postpartum depression, rather than for postpartum depres- association between complications and postpartum depres-
sion itself. However, EPDS scores correspond closely to sion. Most women have particular expectations about their

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Table 4. Number of perinatal complications and the risk of postpartum depression (adjusted for prenatal psychosocial wellbeing and
sociodemographic characteristics)

Variables included in the analyses n (total n = 4835)* OR (95% CI) P

Number of perinatal complications**

0 770 Reference
1 2809 2.36 (1.45–3.83) 0.001
2 956 2.93 (1.75–4.93) <0.001
3 241 4.55 (2.46–8.40) <0.001
4 or 5 59 5.47 (2.25–13.3) <0.001
General psychopathological symptoms (per score point) 4835 9.73 (7.19–13.2) <0.001
Family functioning (per score point) 4835 1.28 (0.99–1.66) 0.056
Age mother (per year) 4835 1.01 (0.99–1.04) 0.252
Education level mother
High 1438 Reference
Mid–high 1349 1.29 (0.85–1.94) 0.230
Mid–low 1359 1.44 (1.00–2.08) 0.051
Low 795 1.83 (1.28–2.59) 0.001
Ethnicity mother
Dutch 3107 Reference
Other Western 924 1.12 (0.82–1.54) 0.476
Non-Western 910 2.14 (1.61–2.85) <0.001
Family income
>2000 euros 3731 Reference
1200–2000 euros 665 1.15 (0.83–1.61) 0.408
<1200 euros 545 1.19 (0.86–1.63) 0.291

*Participants with missing information on three or more perinatal complications (n = 106) were excluded from these analyses.
**The following perinatal complications were used to calculate the sum score: pre-eclampsia, hospitalization during pregnancy, type of delivery,
suspicion of fetal distress, location of delivery, and hospital admission of the baby.

pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum period. Sudden life partum depression. Hence, further research is needed to
events, like a complex delivery or hospitalisation of the confirm our findings. These studies should have a prospec-
baby, lead to worries and feelings of disappointment and tive design and consist of a large study population.
failure.4,8,10,13 This may affect a woman’s ability to adapt in The detection and treatment of postpartum depression is
the postpartum months, and cause her to experience important for both mothers and their children. It is impor-
depressive symptoms. tant that obstetricians, midwives, general practitioners, and
Finally, personality differences might explain that women staff at baby clinics are aware of the substantially increased
with a hospital delivery have a higher risk of developing risk of postpartum depression associated with complicated
postpartum depression. We hypothesise that personality pregnancies, difficult deliveries, and health problems of
characteristics are associated with both choice of place of babies in the neonatal period. These healthcare workers
delivery and risk of postpartum depression. Presumably, must be particularly attentive for depressive symptoms in
women delivering at home are optimistic and self-confi- women who experienced a number of perinatal complica-
dent, as they rely on having positive delivery outcomes, tions.
whereas it is known that self-confident women have a
lower risk of postpartum depression as compared with neu- Disclosure of interests
rotic women.5,8,14 There are no potential conflicts of interest.

Contribution to authorship
All authors have significantly contributed to this scientific
Only a few studies have previously examined the relation- work and approved the final version of the manuscript.
ship between perinatal complications and postpartum EAB performed the data analyses and wrote the manu-
depression. To our knowledge, this was the first time that script. PWJ was involved in the design of the paper, super-
suspicion of fetal distress, meconium-stained amniotic vised the data analyses, and co-wrote the manuscript. FCV
fluid, and thrombosis were studied as risk factors of post- and HT were involved in the conception of the project,

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