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Atahua Godoy Miguel , Medina Perez Milagros , Pillaca Rojas Diego , Rojas Iruri Dario
Course: Geología Minera
Facultad de Ingeniería Geológica, Minera y Metalúrgica
Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería


The purpose of a statistical model is to provide the mechanism to make inferences about a population based
on information obtained from the samples. The probability of the observed sample is useful to make an
inference about the population.
In the present work, mention is made of the estimation of mineral resources by the inverse distance method,
which also analyzes the best values that the alpha parameter can take for an optimal estimation of the mineral
resource. This method of the inverse of distance will be focused, like a classic method, when the concept of
variogram did not exist yet.

INTRODUCTION extracted and that define the mineral body. The

most accepted computerized extension functions
The purpose of estimating mineral resources is
applied in the mining industry for the calculation
primarily to help determine if a property is worth
of mining production blocks and sub-blocks are
being mined and, if so, to guide its further
based on the principle of gradual change to make
development. Mineral deposit models are the
value estimates. One of the common methods is
underlying foundation of numerous consequential
generally called interpolation by the inverse to
economic decisions and the correction of those
distance method.
decisions will depend directly on the accuracy of
the resource estimate. The ability to provide PRESENTATION OF THE PROBLEM
desirable estimates of resources relies on the
The IDW method is an approximate deterministic,
development of geological, geometric and
local, and generally non-linear interpolation
mathematical techniques for the construction of
technique. Uses a weighted average of the value of
mineral deposit models. Resource estimates
an attribute (ore grade) of the nearby sample
remain an art that requires practice and judgment
points to estimate the magnitude of this attribute at
in its application. Even with the power of the
unsampled locations.
techniques (present and future), this will remain
so, due to the inherent geological complexity of The weight that is assigned to a particular point
the mineral deposits. From very limited data, well- (sample) in the average calculation depends on the
designed geological inferences must be distance from the known point (known law) to the
constructed, subject to frequent revisions as new unknown point. The general equation that is used
information becomes available. Any estimation of for the IDW method is:
resources must begin with the collection and
treatment of samples (drill hole and geological)
1 It is then sought, with this work, to find the best
∑𝑛𝑖=1 [ 𝑍(𝑥𝑖 )]
(𝑑0𝑖 )𝛼 alpha factor to apply in a specific real case and
𝑍 ∗ (𝑥) =
∑𝑛𝑖=1 compare it with other cases using the cross
(𝑑0𝑖 )𝛼
validation method.
𝑑0𝑖 : Distance between the location to be estimated and the
location of the sample i. OBJECTIVES
Z(xi ): Attribute which is being treated (known values).
Find the value of the alpha parameter based on
The calculation of values by the method depends data from drillhole assays and the inverse distance
on three fundamental factors: the zone of influence method.
(neighborhood or area of influence), the shape of
the search area and the alpha exponent or Study and train us the method of the inverse to the
estimator. distance for the estimation of mineral resources.

The influencing factor implies the determination

of how large this area should be: all points within General Aspects of the Mineral Deposit
a certain fixed distance from the unsampled
location, or whether the zone should consist of a
Antapacay corresponds to a porphyry - skarn
particular number of points.
deposit of Cu (Ag-Au-Mo) of Eocene - Oligocene
age from the Andahuaylas - Yauri batholith, with
medium - high grades.
The mineralization is mainly located in intrusive
rocks of porphyry-quartz monzonite composition
such as dissemination, stockwork, hydrothermal
vents and in contact with box rocks such as diorite,
limestones of the Ferrobamba formation (marble),
calcareous shales, siltstones of the Mara formation
(hornfels ) and sandstones of the Soraya formation
(quartzites), forming mineralized hydrothermal
Figure 1: Small areas of influence, could and contact gaps, stock work in sedimentary. The
generate gaps in the total area of work. highest grades of copper given by chalcopyrite,
The form factor of the search area is to decide bornite and chalcocite minerals are found in the
which samples are used to estimate the value of skarn, its occurrence is very irregular, and in the
the block or point within the reservoir, the hydrothermal vents of the porphyry itself and in
neighborhood or search area is defined. The contact with the clastic rocks (hornfels and
neighborhood of two-dimensional search is used quartzites).
when the estimation of reserves is made in a The batholith of Andahuaylas - Yauri and mainly
projection plane. the intrusives of Allpa are calco - alkaline with
The alpha exponent or estimator, a very important high Na, Al, Ca, Sr, V and low K, Ti, Y, Yb, Zr
factor, will accentuate the weights that the distance and compositionally goes from gabbro -
has during the estimation; in the case of hornblende through diorite to granodiorites. The
representation of surfaces, if the exponent is magmatism associated with porphyritic
greater, individual peaks or heights are mineralization of Cu (Ag-Au-Mo) in Allpa was
accentuated. coincident with a period of rapid cortical growth
over 10km thick in less than 5 Ma, creating a METHODOLOGY
proto-altiplano with 58 km of thickness in the late
Eocene. Horizontal compressive stresses are
The workflow fulfilled with the minesight 3D
responsible for cortical thickening by trapping
9.5 software and Leapfrog Geo 4.0
deep hydrated magmas where they obtain metallic
mineralization through multiple cycles of 1.-An analysis and cleaning of the data was made.
differentiation and malar recharge dominated by To perceive this errors, the Leapfrog Geo 4.0
hornblende. software was used, which allows a direct
interaction to correct the errors.

2.- Cross-validation was performed to obtain the

optimum alpha value. For this we will have to load
the data that we have in Minesight and when it is
finished, we will proceed to apply the tool "point
validation", which is usually used in kriging but
not in IDW.

1. - Creation of a PCF ("Project Control File")

Figura 2: Esquema 3D del yacimiento

(Arostegui 2012)

The limits are established based on the Collar data.

2.-CONCSA:"Convert Collar, Survey, Assay Files

4.-Composite Files 8 and 9

5.- Display of drills in MS3D

6.- Application of the point validation process for

We choose the element, in our case Cu, which we
are going to compare with respect to a domain that
we establish, that is, in our case, 85,70, 70, 2 a 12.

3.- Files. Starting Archives 11 and 12

Application of the point validation process for IDW

7.- Finally we choose the power of the IDW
through the code that has established, with which Alpha vs Correlation coefficient
the analysis of the data is done.
0 5 10 15 20

Summary diagram of the alpha value and the correlation



This method is used to perform local estimates and

Alpha reports and their corresponding correlation consists in weighting the samples near the point to
coefficient were obtained be estimated by the inverse of the distance raised
to some power.
Coeficiente Valor de
de correlación alfa The alpha value according to the results through
0.6102 1 the cross validation and that has a higher
0.6652 2
correlation coefficient, is the value of 9.7,
however, the use of a numerical value as high as is
0.6904 3
not usual in practice. The most usual alpha values
0.6977 4 from 3 to 5 (O. Vargas, 2017), thus being the
0.7018 5 recommended value of alpha, the value 5.
0.7046 6
0.7018 5
0.7057 7
0.7064 9.7
0.705 8

0.7041 9

0.705 9.5

0.705 9.6

0.7064 9.7

0.7063 9.8

0.7062 10

0.7056 11

0.7056 12

0.7056 13

0.7048 14

0.7048 15


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