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易 筋 經
Yì Jīn Jīng
Muscle Tendon Change
The Muscle Tendon Changing Classic
- Yì Jīn Jīng 易筋經
'Toughen my sinews, harden my bones, Make my blood flow freely,
I will then be young forever In touch with the realm of gods.'
Canon of the Great Void

The Muscle Tendon Changing Classic - Yì Jīn Jīng 易筋經 strengthens the muscles and tendons,
to promote strength and flexibility, speed and stamina,
balance and coordination of the body.

According to tradition Bodhidharma 菩提達摩 (482-539)

settled at the Shaolin Temple - Shàolín Sì 少林寺 around
527CE. He saw that the monks of Shaolin - Shàolín 少林
were too physically weak to handle the rigors of lengthy
meditation so he retired to a cave to ponder the problem.

After meditating against the cave wall for nine years he

emerged and taught three sets of exercises to the monks.

One set of external exercises; the 18 Luohan Hands -

Shíbā Luóhàn Shǒu 十八羅漢. And two internal exercises;
The Muscle Tendon Changing Classic - Yì Jīn Jīng
易筋經 and Bone Marrow Cleansing - Xǐ Suǐ Jīng 洗髓经.

The tendons are taken to represent the meridians, and the marrow is taken to represent the heart.
The Muscle Tendon Changing Classic - Yì Jīn Jīng 易筋經 changes the tendons and opens the
meridians throughout the body and clears them of blockages. Once the blockages have been
removed the energy - Qì 氣 can then flow naturally and health can be restored.

The smooth extended movements of The Muscle Tendon Changing Classic - Yì Jīn Jīng 易筋經
stretch the bones and tendons and improve blood circulation in the fascia of the related areas of
the body. It can, when done on a daily basis over a period of time, restore tendon and muscle
strength and flexibility and in particular enhances the flexibility of the spine.

Practice leads to good health, a strong immune system and slows the aging process

As taught by Doctor Frank Yurasek LAc, PhD.

Medical Qìgōng
Medical Qìgōng
Characteristics of Muscle Tendon Change
The Five rules of The Muscle Tendon Changing Classic - Yì Jīn Jīng 易筋經 are:
· Quietness: Like lake water reflects the moon, a calm spirit allows energy to move inside
the body.
· Slowness: In order to use and flex muscles deeply, to get maximum extension and move
energy - Qì 氣 and blood - Xuè 血, slow movements are required.
· Extension: Each movement must be brought to the maximum.
· Pause: Efficacy comes through waiting and keeping tension for a longer time.
· Flexibility: Limbs and trunk must be extended so that energy - Qì 氣 and blood - Xuè 血
can circulate, so we have flexibility.

Successful Practice
For successful practice:
· Most of the movements use open palms, fists are used only for stretching the tendons.
· The names of exercises change, however the basic idea of movement remains the same.
· Movements are done standing, sometimes bending forward, but never lying or sitting.
· Eyes are always open, never closed.
· Movements are slow but full and tensed, face and body shows relaxed attitude.
· All directions of the upper body section (especially shoulders) are active and moved.
· Dynamic tension rules the moves.
· All parts of the body work together.
· There are different ways of practicing the same The Muscle Tendon Changing Classic -
Yì Jīn Jīng 易筋經 form according to the basic rules:
o To the body shape.
o To the time of practice.
o To the general health conditions.

Medical Qìgōng
The Muscle Tendon Changing Classic - Yì Jīn Jīng 易筋經 should not be practiced if any of the
following apply:
· Balance should be taken into account in all the exercises.
· Physical ability should be taken into account in all the exercises.
· Highly fatigued.
· Severely energy - Qì 氣 deficient.

Functions & Effects

The overall effect of practicing The Muscle Tendon Changing Classic - Yì Jīn Jīng 易筋經 is to:
· Nurture tendons.
· Nurture muscles.
· Nurture bones.
· Develops fast reflexes.
· Develops courage and righteousness.
· Develops Internal Force.
· Clears emotional blockages.
· Cultivates the spirit.

According to tradition the effect of practicing The Muscle Tendon Changing Classic - Yì Jīn Jīng
易筋經 is to:
· The first year gives back physical and mental vitality.
· The second year enhances blood circulation and nurtures meridians.
· The third year allows flexibility to muscles and nurtures the organs.
· The fourth year improves meridians and nurtures viscera.
· The fifth year washes the marrow and nurtures the brain.

Medical Qìgōng
Important Points

Medical Qìgōng
Child Presents a Spear to Buddha

Medical Qìgōng
Carrying the Devil's Staff

Medical Qìgōng
Holding Heavens Gate

Medical Qìgōng
Plucking the Seven Stars

Medical Qìgōng
Pulling the Bull's Tail

Medical Qìgōng
Dragon Sticks Out Palms

Medical Qìgōng
Pulling the Horse's Mane

Medical Qìgōng
Three Kinds of Horse Stance (1)

Medical Qìgōng
Three Kinds of Horse Stance (2)

Medical Qìgōng
Three Kinds of Horse Stance (3)

Medical Qìgōng
Hungry Tiger Hunts for Food (1)

Medical Qìgōng
Hungry Tiger Hunts for Food (2)

Medical Qìgōng
Hungry Tiger Hunts for Food (3)

Medical Qìgōng
Hungry Tiger Hunts for Food (4)

Medical Qìgōng
Ghost Draws his Sword

Medical Qìgōng
Bowing Form

Medical Qìgōng
Tail Form

Medical Qìgōng

Medical Qìgōng

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