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Teacher Evaluation Form

Parents: Please complete this form to the best of your knowledge and return it to school
with your child. All forms should be completed anonymously.

Miss. Glaser…
1. Taught my child the way he/she learns best.

2. Responded to my child in a respectful and positive


3. Demonstrated respect and understanding of my child’s

personality and temperament.

4. Was knowledgeable with the curriculum that was

taught to my child.

5. Provided appropriate individual assistance to my child.

6. Kept me informed about what was happening in school.

7. Kept me aware of my child’s behavior, progress, and needs.

8. Maintained a classroom in which my child felt physically

and emotionally safe.

9. Informed me of ways I can help my child at home.

10. Made my child, as well as myself, feel comfortable

when entering the classroom.

11. Was well prepared and organized.

12. Set high standards and expectations for my child.

13. My child’s overall experience with Miss Glaser as his/her teacher this year has been:
Extremely Positive Generally Positive Satisfactory Not Positive
Has Varied Still Waiting for a Positive Experience

Please write any additional comments/suggestions on the back.

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