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International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 2010; 2(1): 54-57

Research Article ISSN 0975 1556

Antioxidant Activity of the Combined Ethanolic Extract of Derris

brevipes and Derris indica against Carbon Tetrachloride-Induced
Oxidative Stress in Wistar Rats
Yuvaraj Govindaraj1*,Venkatesh Karthikeyan1, Gayathri Sivakumar2, Albert Suresh3,
Rajesh Kumar Nema4
Chromosoft Research Centre, ADEM and Toxicology Associate Division, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Associate Quest Life Sciences, CRO BA/BE Study Centre, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Associate AZIDUS BA/BE Study Centre, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Rishiraj College of Pharmacy, Sanwer Road, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India

Plants like Derris brevipes (papiloniaceae) and Derris indica (leguminosae-papilionioideae) are used for various hepatic
ailments in Indian traditional medicine. The efficacy of the combined ethanolic Bi-Herbal Extract (BHE) from the leaves
of Derris brevipes and seeds of Derris indica against carbon tetrachloride induced oxidative stress was tested using wistar
albino rats. The antioxidant activity was assessed by monitoring the levels of lipid peroxides, antioxidant enzymes like
glutathione peroxidase, glutathione reductase, glutathione-s-transferase, superoxide dismutase and catalase, and non-
enzymic antioxidants like reduced glutathione, vitamin-C, vitamin-E, cereloplasmin and uric acid in the liver tissues.
Administration of carbon tetrachloride increased the level of lipid peroxides, decreased the activities of enzymic and non-
enzymic antioxidants. Pre-treatment with ethanolic extract significantly prevented the alterations induced by carbon
tetrachloride and maintained a near normal antioxidant status. Decreased activities of enzymes in carbon tetrachloride
intoxicated rats and their reversal in the ethanolic extract treated rats shows the potency of ethanolic extract in combating
carbon tetrachloride induced oxidative stress.

Keywords: Derris brevipes, Derris indica, Antioxidant activity, carbon tetrachloride, biherbal extract (BHE), lipid

INTRODUCTION In the present study an effort has been made to evaluate the
Hepatic injury caused by chemicals, drugs, and virus is a combined antioxidant potential of biherbal ethanolic extract
well-known toxicological problem. One of the major causes from the leaves of Derris brevipes and seeds of Derris indica
of carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) induced hepatopathy is lipid (BHE) against CCl4 induced oxidative stress. The leaves of
peroxidation by its free radical derivative CCl3. [1] Thus the known as Derris brevipes (papiloniaceae) “ingarja” have
free radical scavenging activity plays a crucial role in been used in the treatment of Anti fertility diseases in Indian
providing protection against such hepatic damage. Chemical system of medicine. [3-4] Derris indica is an important
antioxidant such as butylated hydroxy anisole is found to be medicinal plant which finds its use in ayurveda and unani
toxic when given at higher doses. Therefore there is need for system of medicine. [5-6] Literature survey revealed that β
the identification of naturally occurring antioxidants, as they sitosterol (14-15 %) isolated from Derris indica possesses
are non-toxic, and cheap with fewer side effects. Fertility significant hepatoprotective activity. [7]
diseases remain one of the serious health problems. In the
absence of protective drugs in allopathic medical practices, MATERIALS AND METHODS
herbals play an important role in the management of various Collection of plant material
disorders. [2] The leaves of Derris brevipes (papiloniaceae) and Derris
indica (leguminosae-papilionioideae) were collected from
*Corresponding author: Mr. Yuvaraj Govindaraj, the Plant Anatomy Research Laboratory, Chennai, India, and
Chromosoft Research Centre, ADEM and Toxicology were authenticated by Dr. Jayaraman (Ex. Professor,
Associate Division (USFDA, MHRA, WHO approved), University of Madras, Chennai, India). The voucher
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India; specimen is available in the herbarium file of the Studies in
Tel: +91(044-43504106), 09952968059; Botany Field Research Laboratory, Chennai, India.
Govindaraj et al. / Antioxidant Activity of the Combined Ethanolic Extract of....

Preparation of plant extract by superoxide dismutase (SOD) was used as a measure of the
One kilogram leaves of Derris brevipes (papiloniaceae) and total enzyme activity [11]; glutathione–S-transferase (GST)
one kilogram seeds of Derris indica (leguminosae- Glutathione-S-transferase (GSH-S-transferase) activity was
papilionioideae) were shade-dried and pulverized to a coarse measured using l-chloro-2 dinitrobenzene (CDNB) as
powder. Equal quantities of the powder was passed through # substrate. The enzyme activity was expressed as p moles of
40 and exhaustively extracted with 90 % v/v ethanol in CDNB-GSH conjugate formed per min/mg protein [12],
soxhlet apparatus at 60°C. The extract was evaporated under Glutathione Peroxidase (GPX) Glutathione peroxidase
pressure till all the solvent had been removed and further (GPX) activity was assessed in terms of utilization of
removal of water was carried out by freeze drying to give an glutathione. It is based on the reaction between glutathione
extract sample with the yield of 15.6 % w/w. The extract was (present in the reaction mixture), remaining after the action
stored in refrigerator for further use. of GPX (present in the tissue homogenate aliquot), and 5, 5-
Animals dithio-bis (2-nitrobenzoic acid) resulting in a complex that
Wister albino rats weighing 200-250 g of either sex, was absorbs maximally at 412 nm [13] and glutathione reductase
procured from Chennai Chromosoft Research laboratory (GR) activity was expressed in terms of utilisation of
(Vet. College), housed in polypropylene cages, maintained GSSG/min/mg of protein in the liver homogenate. [14] Total
in temperature controlled room (22 ± 2°C ), and fed with protein in the liver tissue homogenate was also estimated. [15]
commercial rat feed (Lipton India Ltd, Mumbai, India) and Lipid peroxides were estimated by Thiobarbituric acid
clean drinking water ad libitum. They were given a week’s reaction (TBARS). [16] Lipid peroxidation in the heart and
time to get acclimatized with the laboratory conditions. The liver tissues was determined by the method of Hogberg et al.,
experimental protocol was approved by the Institutional where malondialdehyde produced during peroxidation of
animal ethical committee (IAEC) for the purpose of Control lipids, served as an index of lipid peroxidation. MDA reacts
and Supervision of Experiments on Animals (CPCSEA). with thiobarbituric acid to generate a coloured product which
Preliminary Phytochemical Screening absorbs at 532 nm. The peroxidation system contained
The ethanolic biherbal extract (BHE) was subjected to 10mM ferrous sulphate and 0.2 mM ascorbate as inducers.
preliminary photochemical screening to identify the presence Assessment of non-enzymic antioxidants
of various phytoconstituents present in the extract. [8] Ascorbic acid [17], Tocopherol [18], Cereloplasmin, Uric acid
Acute toxicity study were assayed by the reported methods. Liver glutathione was
Acute toxicity studies were conducted for BHE in wistar estimated by 5, 5-dithiobis-2-nitrobenzoic acid (DTNB)
albino mice by staircase method. [9] First group served as according to the method. [19]
normal control. BHE was administered orally to different STATISTICAL ANALYSIS
groups at the dose level of 250, 500, 1000 and 2000 mg/kg. The data were expressed as mean ± S.E.M. [n=6]. Statistical
p.o. of body weight. All animals were observed for toxic evaluation was carried out with ANOVA using SPSS
symptoms and mortality for 72 h. The LD50 of BHE was software. The difference was considered significant if
found to be 500mg/kg b.w. One tenth of the LD50 doses were p<0.01.
selected for the evaluation of antioxidant activity. RESULTS
CCl4 - induced oxidative stress The BHE revealed the presence of various phytoconstituents,
The rats were divided into five groups and each group were like reducing and non-reducing sugars, polyphenolics
having six rats. Group I served as normal control and (flavonoids and tannins), steroids, saponins and triterpenes,
received a single administration of 0.3 ml vehicle (2 % v/v alkaloids, protein, and amino acids were found to be absent.
aqueous Tween-80, p.o.) on all 14 days; Group II served as The levels of various enzymic and non enzymic antioxidants
CCl4 control and received a single dose of CCl4 (2 ml/kg, in normal, CCl4 controlled, BHE treated groups were
p.o.) in 0.3 ml of Tween-80 for 7 days; Group III were represented in Table I & Table II. The levels of lipid
pre-treated with BHE (50 mg/kg, p.o.) in 0.3 ml of Tween- peroxides (LPO) were significantly increased (p<0.01) in the
80 for 14 days and intoxicated with CCl4 (2 ml/kg, p.o.) on liver tissues of CCl4 treated Group II rats. Pre-treatment with
days 7 to 14; Group IV animals received only BHE (50 BHE significantly reversed the increased levels. Increased
mg/kg, p.o.) in 0.3 ml of Tween-80 daily for 14 days; production of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) due to
Group V animals were treated with the reference drug oxidative stress plays an important role in liver diseases.
silymarin (50 mg/kg, p.o.) for 14 days administered with CCl4 has been reported to induce lipid peroxidation and alter
CCl4 (2 ml/ kg, p.o.) on days 7 to 14. After the experimental the antioxidant defence system through formation of free
period the animals were sacrificed after 12 h fasting under radicals, which in turn causes damage, and degeneration of
mild ether anaesthesia. Liver was excised from the animal, hepatic tissues. The significant increased levels (p<0.01) of
washed in ice-cold saline. A 10 % liver homogenate was LPO in group II animals could be due to the damage caused
prepared in Tris HCl buffer (0.1M pH 7.4). The homogenate by CCl4.
was centrifuged and the supernatant was used for the assay of SOD, CAT and GR activities were significantly decreased
following enzymic and nonenzymic antioxidant parameters. (p<0.01) in CCl4 treated rats compared to normal control
ASSESSMENT OF ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY group I rats .But the oral administration of the BHE to such
Assessment of enzymic antioxidants CCl4 treated rats reversed the enhanced levels of LPO and
The activities of Catalase CAT activity was determined using increased the activities of SOD, CAT, GPX, GST and GR.
the method described by Sinha. [10] The colour produced by This indicates the antilipid peroxidative nature of the system
the reaction of H2O2 with dichromate in acetic acid was against CCl4 treatment is enhanced by BHE. Glutathione
measured at 620 nm. CAT activity was expressed as l mol of (GSH) constitutes the first line of defence against the free
H2O2 decomposed/min/mg protein (CAT). The degree of radical. Reduction in liver GSH and reduced activity of GPX
inhibition of the autoxidation of pyrogallol at an alkaline pH and GST in CCl4 treated rats indicates damage to the liver

IJPCR January-March, 2010, Vol 2, Issue 1 (54-57) 55

Govindaraj et al. / Antioxidant Activity of the Combined Ethanolic Extract of....

Table 1: Levels of catalase, superoxide dismutase, gluthione-S-tranferase, glutathione peroxidase, glutathione reductase, and Lipid peroxidase
activities for Derris brevipes and Derris indica
S. No Parameter Group-I Group-II Group-III Group-IV Group-V
1. CAT 66±1.20 47.06±1.87a* 56.13±1.39b* 65.27±1.25cNS 68.39±1.79b*
2. SOD 12.39±0.28 9.31±0.43 a** 11.47±0.28b* 15.30±0.45cNS 13.47±0.95b*
3. GST 0.36±0.2 0.24±0.01 a** 0.32±0.01b* 0.40±0.010cNS 0.35±0.19b**
4. GPX 12.60±0.60 9.06±0.29 a** 12.53±0.43b** 14.09±0.66cNS 12.45±0.40 b**
5. GR 0.63±0.02 0.12±0.25 a** 0.48±0.10b** 0.54±0.02cNS 0.46±0.88b**
6. LPO 140.42±1.16 169.15±1.72a** 151.50±1.38b* 139.59±1.02cNS 149.36±1.22b*
Values are Mean ± SEM of 6 animals each in a group
Statistical significant test for comparison was done by ANOVA, followed by Dunnet’s `t’ test (n = 6)
Comparison between: a–Group I and Group II, b–Group II vs Group III and Group V c–Group I and Group IV.
*p<0.05, * *p<0.01, NS–Not Significant
GPx - n moles of GSH oxidised /min/mg protein.
GST –n moles of CDNB conjugate formed/min/mg protein.
GR–n moles of GSSG utilized/min/mg protein.
SOD–units/mg protein.
1 unit of enzyme activity is the amount of enzyme required to inhibit 50% of Epinephrine auto-oxidation.
CAT– n moles of H2O2 utilized/min/mg protein
LPO-nano moles of MDA/hr/100mg tissue weight

Table 2: Levels of Ascorbic acid, Tochopherol, Uric acid, Cereloplasmin, Uric acid and Glutathione for Derris brevipes and Derris indica
S. No. Parameters Group-I Group-II Group-III Group-IV Group-V
1. Ascorbic acid 3.45±0.29 1.00±0.086a** 1.83±0.17b** 2.72±0.06cNS 1.94±0.16b**
2 Tochopherol 5.44±0.15 3.42±0.12 a** 4.95±0.20b** 5.40±0.15cNS 4.40±0.11b**
3. Cereloplasmin 1.67±0.15 0.73±0.09 a** 1.18±0.11b* 1.25±0.06cNS 0.97±0.11b*
4. Uric acid 3.55±0.15 1.79±0.12 a** 2.39±0.17b* 3.58±0.12cNS 2.69±0.14b**
5. Glutathione 8.15±0.175 6.50±0.065a* 7.86±0.061b* 8.58±0.30cNS 7.99±0.054b*
Values are Mean ± SEM of 6 animals each in a group
Statistical significant test for comparison was done by ANOVA, followed by Dunnet’s `t’ test (n = 6)
Comparison between: a–Group I and Group II, b–Group II vs. Group III and Group V c–Group I and Group IV.
*p<0.05, * *p<0.01, NS–Not Significant
* Ascorbic acid – Expressed as mg/dl
Tochopherol-- Expressed as mg/dl
Uric acid -- Expressed as mg%
Cereloplasmin-- Expressed as mg/dl
GSH- micromole GSH/100 mg liver tissue.

cells. But the reconstitution of the levels of GSH, GPX and implicated in disorders, resulting usually from deficient
GST activity in the rats treated with BHE proves the natural antioxidant defences. Potential antioxidant therapy
protective and antioxidant efficiency of the drug. should therefore include either natural free radical
The decreased levels of vitamin-C, vitamin-E and scavenging antioxidant enzymes or agents which are capable
cereloplasmin were observed in CCl4 treated group II rats. of augmenting the activity of these enzymes which include
Group III animals showed near normal levels of vitamin-C, SOD, CAT and GPX. [22-23] The end of lipid peroxidants are
vitamin-E and cereloplasmin activities (p<0.01) when known to induce cellular damage and have been shown to be
compared to group II animals. Thus the free radical responsible for oxidative free radicals induced human
scavenging property of BHE could have maintained the near disease. [24] The enzyme superoxide dismutase and
normal levels of non–enzymic antioxidants in group III glutathione constitute the first line of defence against free
animals. The decreased levels of GSH in group II animals radical induced damage and a restoration of the superoxide
may be due to the increased utilization or lower expression of dismutase activity and glutathione level by the BHE may
GSSH. The unavailability of GSH reduces the activities of account for its protective effects. Increase in CAT and GPX
GR, GPX and GST. No significant change was observed in activities are essential if a beneficial effect from increase in
Group III animals when compared with group I normal SOD activity is to be expected. [25]
animals. Since the critical antioxidants superoxide dismutase and
glutathione, which are the first line of defence, offer
DISCUSSION protection against free radicals and thus maintain low levels
Preventive action of liver damage by CCl4 has been widely of lipid peroxides. Decreased activities of GSH, GR, CAT,
used as an indicator of liver protective activity of drugs in SOD, GPX and non-enzymic antioxidants like Vitamin E,
general. [20] It has been established that CCl4 is accumulated Vitamin C, Cereloplasmin and uric acid levels in CCl4 treated
in hepatic parenchyma cells and metabolically activated by group II rats may increase their susceptibility to oxidative
cytochrome P450-dependent monooxygenases to form a injury. However over expression of the antioxidant molecules
trichloromethyl radical(CCl3). The CCl3 radical alkylates with BHE is indicative of their ability to reactive
cellular proteins and other macromolecules with a hepatocellular antioxidant defence in the liver.
simultaneous attack on polyunsaturated fatty acids, in the Many plant products are known to exert antioxidative effect
presence of oxygen, to produce lipid peroxides, leading to by quenching various free radicals and single form of
liver damage. [21] Thus antioxidant or free radical generation molecular oxygen as mentioned. [26] The BHE activated
inhibition is important in protection against CCl4 -induced antioxidant enzyme that catalyse the reaction of oxidants in
liver lesions. [1] Free radicals oxidative stress has been diseased liver (CCl4 treated). The maintenance of GSH levels
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