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Multimedia Design Project Assessment (MDPA) Report

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Learner Analysis
● 6th Grade Physical Education Class, most students on a reading level from
2-8th grade with a language capability fit for completion of this project.
Students have previously taken basic computer course and were
introduced to project based learning in such. Students at this age have
started to become proficient with technology and computer based skills
but need refinement in those areas.
Context Analysis
● Class characteristics – This physical education class contains 25 students
based upon a 50 minute bell schedule for period, giving students 5 minutes
at the beginning and end of the period for dressing into appropriate
clothing for activity, therefore 40 minutes of instruction.
● Technical considerations – There are computer labs available with up to
30 computers in each of the two labs, making this project a 1-1 ratio for
students and their access to technology. I do have a few students with
reading difficulties, therefore I will need to procure headsets in order for
them to use read aloud software to complete the webquest and explore for
● Teacher characteristics – I am comfortable using the webquest as well as
Power Point at a high level, in order to troubleshoot and guide the students
throughout their webquest.

● Standards –
▪ Physical Education Standards:
● PE6.3: Participates regularly in physical activity.
● PE6.4: Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of
physical fitness.
● PE6.6: Values physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge,
self expression, and/or social interaction.
▪ ISTE NETS-S Standards:
● 1. Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge,
and develop innovative products and processes using
● 2. Students use digital media and environments to communicate
and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support
individual learning and contribute to the learning of others.
● 3. Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use
● 6. Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology
concepts, systems, and operations.
Task Analysis
● Learning Objectives –
▪ Essential Questions:
● 1. Why do we choose certain physical activities when
considering heart rate?
● 2. What are the target heart rates for certain physical

My students will be participating in an online webquest, specific for their physical
education course. We will be exploring target heart rate zones and the specific
activities that fall into the different zones and categories that go along with those.
Students will choose their activity and level of participation for simulation and
ability to explore and determine the appropriate zones.

Content is differentiated to students in order to promote physical activity in giving
them a broad range of options with the activity they choose. I listed the main four
areas: Anaerobic, Cardiovascular, Muscular Strength/Endurance, Joint Flexibility;
which are the broad topic allowing for the students to be diverse in choosing a
specific activity to measure the heart rate zones and participation levels to a task
of their liking. For example, I could have chosen Cardiovascular activity, but
then specifically chosen running as opposed to swimming, which also falls into
the same category. As for universal design, the student is engaged in UD through
having the choice of their activity, promoting individual choice and autonomy, as
well as also utilizing UD through means of expression through multimedia for
communication in their PowerPoint as well as using the heart rate tool calculator
for construction. Either of these types of UD are applicable for many ages and
situations, as this entire webquest could be shifted to a 12th grade course and used
just the same way with some tweaking and wording.
This webquest is an individual assignment, as understanding the heart rate and the
target zones is important for students to explore on their own. Later when the
students began to pick and choose activities that they participate in for a lifetime it
is important that they have the ability to determine heart rate zones in order to
exercise and participate in activity safely. We used PowerPoint and Weebly most
directly with this project in concern of multimedia in order to support learning of
physical education standards as well as ISTE NETS standards. The use of
PowerPoint allows the students to organize and identify the important points they
would like to make and emphasize.
If students with visual disabilities arise I would like to use a hand held zoom
device; with auditory I would incorporate transcripts for the different materials
needed; and for physical depending upon certain cases, for example a kid with
difficulty holding pencils or typing could possibly use a joystick for typing and
selection in order to complete his webquest and project.

My timeline for completion on my webquest was roughly a span of three weeks,
spending time here and there in order to piece things together. I used Weebly as
my tool in order to deliver my webquest, as it is easily functional and accessible
for my students in order to deliver content. Having a slight background with
weebly in completing our shells earlier in the semester did make me more
comfortable with that platform.

In order to implement a good learning experience for middle school 6th grade
students I chose heart rate zones. This is about around the age when heart rate
becomes important in respect to physical activity. To implement this project
students would be given two class periods weekly for the 9 week period they are
in the health portion of their course over 18 weeks (most split the health and PE
portion up 9/9). The first week would be to explore the webquest and get a feel
for the content and to gather ideas and brainstorm with peers. Weeks 2-4 would
be for selection of their own activity and further exploration into that activity.
Weeks 5-6 would be for putting together PowerPoints, working out kinks, sharing
ideas about presentations. Week 7 would be for practice presenting and working
on skills of presenting with a partner. Weeks 8-9 would be for presentation of
projects to the class and feedback from teacher and peers.

Resources that are necessary for this project would be access to computer labs
that have computers with PowerPoint previously installed. I will need to arrange
with the media specialist reservations for the labs on Tuesdays/Thursdays for the
9 weeks as well as communicating with the front office personnel that my class
will be in a different location and also communicating with the 6th grade teachers
that their students in health/PE need to report to the computer lab at a certain
location for their designated class period. Students will work on the project
during the class period that they have the course, and have permission to get help
or advice from other teachers on different elements of the project when free time
permits. Technical support for students will come from teachers/peers/and
troubleshooting that is installed on the software. For managing students and their
access to the webquest and instructional material as well as PowerPoint I would
like to implement a software that my school currently has that essentially allows
you to be the “Police” of each and every computer screen that is in the lab at one
time. This gives you access to all students, what they are exploring, and the
capability to lock students out of certain websites and to completely lock them
from the internet if continued unproductivity occurs. The webquest should take
the total of 4 weeks to fully complete and explore with the continued exploration
of their own activity. Students will work on the webquest and save their progress
of information gathering as well as their PowerPoints via the student drive. Due
to a vast number of students not having internet access at home because of
socioeconomic status we will limit work to the time given in the lab in order to be
fair, or time that students are at school, where everyone has access to the internet
at all times.

Student Learning –

To assess student learning there were required portions that were expected
to be produced through the webquest project. The PowerPoint the students
created is the initial evaluation, but the level of comfort that students present
with usually determines the level of learning that they have received from
the project. The ultimate grading procedure is the rubric created via
Rubistar. The categories that were included via the rubric were as follows:
Presentation, Content, Attractiveness, Organization, Mechanics. Student will
be expected to be able to produce the information of what specific heart rate
zones certain activities should be under. I will assess students later on in the
semester with formative assessment that has questions included from the
heart rate zones and specific activities involved. Students do contribute to
each others projects through peer assessment on the days that they get to
present to a classmate for practice. Students have the capability to use the
rubric to practice and grade one another in order to guarantee success. I will
be taking notes of student progress and interest, as well as difficulties
throughout the completion of this webquest project.
Product Design –
I will know if this project was well designed through the ease or lack of ease of
completion by the students. I’ve always felt that if an assignment ever had
students completely stuck, without the capability to direct themselves then it was
not a success at all, but the same could be said if a project is to easy as well.
There has to be that happy medium where students are challenged, but not
stumped and unable to seek, produce, and explore information. Through taking
notes and receiving feedback information from students upon completion data
will be processed and determined in order to see what was successful as well as
what didn’t work well in order to correct and go forward in the future. If I was
choosing a target audience of three participants I would choose a skilled
participant, someone in the middle, and a not so skilled participant, which I feel
would give you data from the appropriate groups in order to determine the level of
product to expect. I would pose three questions for the pilot audience. Was this
webquest easily navigable? Was the information and reading not too difficult for
your grade level? Do the resources and information provide productivity?

Reflect on this project around four aspects:

Project Development –

In creating this project I learned that you can never factor in enough time in
order to create a product, no matter what you produce you feel like you
could’ve altered something in order to make things smoother or more
instructive. What worked well for me was the design of the webquest via
Weebly with my familiarity. Something I noticed that didn’t go well was
particularly the locating of specific resources for my topic. My topic is about
something where there is vast information but not specifically for my project,
so it requires some reasoning and determining from students in order to be
productive. I may make my project a little more broad if I did this project
again in order to allow for a little easier reference capability and ease of
specific information access for students.

Instructional Design –

I like using WebQuest for student learning as I feel like it provides an

exploratory learning aspect into the students, even though the information
may be easily accessible to them. I feel like my instructional resources for
information could have been more specific, but at the same time my topic for
exploration was so specific that it limited the resource availability, should
have definitely made it a little broader to allow for more specific resources,
but exploration and determining information on their own is what we really
want from students so it may be more successful than I think. I tend to lean
toward PowerPoint as a multimedia choice for projects like this simply
because it allows the student to express themselves through graphics, be as
specific as they like or as vague as they like, and really give a student a
chance to use a tool like PowerPoint that is used in many different aspects of
the life, from business to school and everywhere in between.

Personal Growth –

I definitely learned that I have a very high comfort level and skill with using
Weebly and the components within, but would like to get even better as I
really enjoy the use of the platform. I also learned that I am slowly becoming
more patient and through learning more about technology I am becoming
patient in other aspects and avenues as well, learning to troubleshoot with
technology, and troubleshoot with other things through developed patience.

For Others –

If I was giving advice to colleagues considering doing a Webquest I would say

maybe let the students come up with the pitch and idea for something they
would like to explore. Give them certain topics that are to be covered in your
curriculum and let them choose something they want to go in depth more on
and use a WebQuest as as tool to get there. I’d say the greatest tools you can
use when completing a webquest would be to explore others like yours in
setup and jot down ideas you receive, from organizational aspects, to web
design aspects, activities, etc. You cannot have enough information from
examples and I feel like this is the most important piece of information that is
available to help them succeed.

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