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3CORD.LSP - Fills the table in co-ordinates of 3DPolyline vertexes.

Marks vertexes
of 3DPolyline accordingly data in the table by digits or letters. Look section
'ADJUSTMENT' for acquaintance with options.

AMOVE.LSP - Moves multiple attributes simultaneously.

ATNUM.LSP - This program for fast dynamic numbering by a block with single
attribute. To number a suffix and a prefix can be added

ATRON.LSP - This program reacts to an insertion of the block with attributes

(INSERT command). After block insertion and rotation it set an angle of attributes
equal 0� and allows to move attributes to the necessary place.

AWIDTH.LSP - Adjusts necessary width of attribute.

BRI.LSP - Break one of intersected objects.

CBLOCK.LSP - This routine replaces (or adds) blocks to others blocks.

CHATT.LSP - The program for change attributes with the chosen value in dynamic and
ordinary blocks.

CMDCOUNT.LSP - The program is used for testing of drafting skills of AutoCAD users.
It shows the report on quantity of the used commands and time spent for the test

CURSE.LSP - This program will transform various types of curves to LwPolylines with
specified long segments. It works with LwPolylines, Circles, Splines, Ellipses and
Arcs. In LwPolylines arc segments will be transformed only.

DIMBRICKS.LSP - The program for bricklaying dimensioning. Writes the basic size
over a dimension line, and quantity of bricks under a dimensional line.

DISLAY.LSP - The program is intended for processing files which were are exported
from Microsation. It creates layers according to color, linetype and lineweight and
distributes objects on these layers.

DOFF.LSP - Multiple doubleside offset with possibility of delition of source


DOVER.LSP - This program draws aligned dimension and requests to overide

measurement. Do not ask why. So one guy has asked.

DWGCOLLECT.LSP - collect copies of a drawings for revision to the folder specified.

ELEN.LSP - tool for calculation of total length of LINES, POLYLINES 3D-POLYLINES,


FHAND.LSP - Converts objects to 'freehand' style. For LINES POLYLINES, CIRCLES,


HYPSYN.LSP - Synchronises invisible attributes and hints of hyperlinks.

INVIS.LSP - Makes objects temporarily invisible and returns visibility.

MPL.LSP - This lisp draws 2 - 16 polylines simultaneously.

MULLION.LSP - Draws window mullions.

NUM.LSP - This program for fast dynamic numbering. To number a suffix and a prefix
can be added.

ORDI.LSP - This lisp for labeling X,Y coordinates with standard _DIMORDINATE
dimension. The dimension properties is defined by current dimension style and

ORDY.LSP - This lisp for labeling X,Y coordinates and point numbers with standard
_DIMORDINATE dimension. All coordinates and point numbers keeps in the text file
"Drawing_Name.csv" in a format: "point_number, X-coordinate, Y-coordinate, 0". The
dimension properties is defined by current dimension style and variables DIMSCALE,

OUTLINE.LSP - Transforms width polylines to it boundaries (outline).

PATLAY.LSP - Allows to select group of layers with the help of wildcard pattern
string and to do with them following actions: On/Off, Lock/Unlock, Freeze/Thaw,
Highlight (select).

PDIM.LSP - This lisp for dimensioning of several LwPolylines simultaneously. The

program works with current dimensional style. The distance of the dimensional text
from a polyline is equal to multiplication of height of the dimensional text
(DIMTEXT system variable) on a variable 'tOff'. You can change value of 'tOff' in
the program beginning, after note.

RENLAY.LSP - Allows to rename layers quickly without Layer Manager.

RENUM.LSP - This program converts TEXT, MTEXT and ATTRIBUTES in numbers with a
prefix and a suffix.

TABCORD.LSP - Fills the table in co-ordinates of LwPolyline vertexes, and also the
centres and radiuses of arc segments. Marks vertexes of LwPolyline accordingly data
in the table by digits or letters. Look section 'ADJUSTMENT' for acquaintance with

TALON.LSP - Allows to place a text in parallel or perpendicularly a Line, Polyline,

LwPolyline, Arc, Circle, Ellipse or spline.

TTC.LSP - The program copies the text from: DText, MText, Tables, Dimensions,
Attributes, Attributes, Attributes Definitions, DText, MText and inner block's
DText and MText to: DText, MText, Tables, Attribures and Attributes Definitions.
There are Multiple and Pair-wise modes.

VARSPY.LSP - Traces changes of variables and prints in the text window as:
[Variable Spy] Variable_Name Old -> New It is used for tracing of changes of
variables at work of various programs (AutoLISP, VBA, ObjectArx, .NET)

VICO.LSP - This lisp program copies visibility state from one dynamic block to

XPIPE.LSP - Fast 3D-pipe extrude

XTUBE.LSP - Fast 3D-pipe extrude.

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