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Assignment brief – QCF BTEC

Assignment front sheet

Qualification Unit number and title

Extended Diploma in Performing Arts Musical Unit 17: Developing Voice for the Actor
Theatre Pathway (GC 1 – 4)
Learner name Assessor name

Emma Moore

Date issued Hand in deadline Submitted on

Thursday 8th October 2015 Thursday 19th May 2016

Assignment title The Vocal Project

In this assessment you will have opportunities to provide evidence against the following criteria.

Criteria To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that Task Evidence
reference the learner is able to: no.

Describe the principles of voice production and their
1/3 Portfolio/Footag
P1 association with vocal technique in performance

Explain the principles of voice production and their
M1 1/3 Portfolio/Footag
association with vocal technique in performance

Analyse the principles of voice production and their
D1 1/3 Portfolio/Footag
association with vocal technique in performance

P2 Describe how to maintain a healthy voice 1

M2 Explain how to maintain a healthy voice 1

D2 Analyse how to maintain a healthy voice 1

Audio Visual
P3 Participate in voice classes 2

Engage in voice classes and demonstrate improvement Audio Visual

M3 2
in vocal technique Footage
Engage fully in voice classes and demonstrate Audio Visual
D3 2
significant improvement in vocal technique Footage

Audio Visual
P4 Contribute to the delivery of voice classes 2

Contribute to the delivery of voice classes Audio Visual

M4 2
demonstrating a considered use of vocal exercises Footage

Contribute to the delivery of voice classes

Audio Visual
D4 demonstrating a considered and effective use of 2
appropriate vocal exercises

Learner declaration

I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own. I have clearly referenced any
sources used in the work. I understand that false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Learner signature: Date:

Assignment brief

Qualification Extended Diploma in Performing Arts Musical Theatre Pathway

Unit number and title Unit 17: Developing Voice for the Actor (GC 1 – 4)

Assessor name Emma Moore

Date issued Thursday 8th October 2015

Hand in deadline Thursday 19th May 2016

Assignment title The Vocal Project

The aim of this unit is to develop learner’s knowledge of the principles of voice production, vocal
health and the benefits, to the actor, of regular vocal exercise. This assignment is linked to Unit
18: Auditions for Actors (GC5) where you will be expected to apply exercises and vocal
techniques to the preparation of audition material.

You are the producer of a small TV production company that produces performing arts training
videos. You have been commissioned to produce a short documentary/news report for a new
show called ‘The Vocal Project’. The budget is very small so, consistent with industry practice,
you will engage in the research process, generate content as well as work as the presenter(s)
on the show.

Task 1 Research Portfolio

You will prepare and submit a vocal research portfolio. You will demonstrate a sophisticated
understanding of the principles of voice production and their association with vocal technique in
performance. You will fully appreciate how each aspect of voice production contributes to the overall
quality of voice that is produced, and how to maintain a healthy voice.

 Analyse the principles of voice production and their association with vocal technique in
 Describe, explain and analyse how to maintain a healthy voice.

Keywords: respiration, articulation, resonation, hard palate, soft palate, larynx, pharynx,
diaphragm, epiglottis, nasal cavity, warming up, relaxation, dietary considerations, tension, smoking,
alcohol, oral piercings.

HAND IN DEADLINE: Thursday 7th January

This provides evidence for P1, M1, D1, P2, M2, D2
Evidence: Research Portfolio

Task 2 Voice Class

As part of this unit you will both contribute and fully engage in voice classes. You will create a 10
minute lesson plan and deliver the session to your peers. This will be a classroom based session.
During your 10minutes you must present and demonstrate a considered and effective use of
appropriate vocal exercises. Your preparation and research prior to making your voice class will
ensure that all of the exercises and activities used are appropriate and effective. You may use a
range of resources to support and evidence your work and prove yourself to be an asset to the
voice class. As an audience member you will fully engage in all voice classes and show
improvements throughout the duration.

IN CLASS ASSESSMENT: 10th/17th March 2016

This provides evidence for P3, M3, D3, P4, M4, D4

Evidence: Lesson Plan/Audio Visual Footage
Task 3 The Vocal Project

You will work in a small group to prepare and perform a presentation. You will create a short
documentary/ TV chat show/News report about the production of sound and vocal health. You can
have creative freedom with this piece. The show must be scripted and you will take on the roles of
the characters within your show. Each character must entail a challenging vocal performance. You
will deliver a confident, consistent and highly effective vocal performance and characterisation. You
will demonstrate a comprehensive and fully appropriate application of vocal technique with ease and

PRESENTATION DATES: 12th/19th May 2016

This provides evidence for P1, M1, D1

Evidence: Audio Visual Footage

Evidence checklist

Front sheet – signed declaration

Research Portfolio

Lesson Plan

Audio Visual Footage – voice class

Audio Visual Footage – The Vocal Project

Sources of information



 Berry C – Voice and the Actor (Virgin Books, 2000) ISBN 9780245520211
 Clifford Turner J – Voice and Speech in the Theatre (Methuen Drama, 2007) ISBN
 McCallion M – The Voice Book: for everyone who wants to make the most of their voice
(Faber and Faber, 1998)
ISBN 9780571195251

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