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HILOM: Tagaytay Cancer Medical Center

through Healing Architecture National University

Pabico, Grace Z. College of Architecture S.Y. 2018-2019


1.1 Problem Statement and Rationale

1.1.1 Introduction

For many years, high number of deaths among patients with cancer is attributed to
weak health systems, limited access to cancer care centers and partly to the late diagnosis
of common cancers.1 In the Philippines, cancer has turn into an increasing and serious public
health problem specially in NCR, Regions III and IV. Many people think that cancer is an
incurable disease and having it means you are diagnosed to death. It is true that cancer takes
countless of lives and that everyday there is a 11 new cancer cases engaging seven adults
and 4 children that dies every hour.2

Cancer also known as malignant neoplasm, is a cell that has lost its normal control
mechanisms and thus has unregulated growth, it can develop from any tissue within any
organ. As cancer cell grows and multiply, they form a mass of cancerous tissue that invades
adjacent tissues and can spread or metastasize around the body. The most common types
of neoplasm cases include lungs, breast, uterine, urinary bladder, thyroid, soft tissue,
prostate, ovarian, skin, lymph node, kidney, gastric, anal, blood, bone, cervical, esophageal
and colorectal cancer. Basically, everybody knows that cancer has four stages, Stage I, II, III
and IV. In the same treatment and environment, Stage I cancers are the least advanced and
often have a better prognosis or outlook for survival. Higher stage of cancers are often more
advanced, but in many cases can still be treated successfully while some of the patients at
initial stage lose their lives in just a few months.3

At present times, cancer is widespread and often feared disease because it can affect
all people, old as young, healthy as unhealthy and the often-harsh treatment course and the
sometimes-deadly outcome. Consequently, being diagnosed and living with cancer affects
the psychological being and alongside with the physical side effects from the various
treatments. Treatments of this matter will come from expensive means and not all people
from middle class to low class income can easily afford. As a result, there is a higher decrease
in percentage of people across the country is acknowledging the hope of treatment as well

(International Agency for Research on Cancer , 2018)
(Cancer Coalition of the Philippines, 2016)
(The War on Cancer: Facts, Data and Proof, 2015)

HILOM: Tagaytay Cancer Medical Center
through Healing Architecture National University
Pabico, Grace Z. College of Architecture S.Y. 2018-2019

as its survival. The success of early detection and cancer treatment may be then measured
by improvements on survival. Health care providers understands the unique medical and
psychological needs of the patients in accompanying the various phases of survivorship to
be able to decrease the chances of cancer recurrence.

On the other side, there are countless people who have successfully fought with
cancer and regained a longer life. And that is if the cancer patient undergoes a rightful
treatment and a change in lifestyle relating to diets, working environment and emotions.
Nowadays, cancer or oncology centers are extremely stressful place to be for patients,
families and the staffs. Patients are not only faced with the prospect of dealing with their
illness and injury but are forced reckon with an environment that further exacerbates their
pain and stress. Living environment is necessary in curing and preventing cancer from
recurrence. A concept of “self-administration of health” is necessary, like government, a
company and a group organization, all these must rely on a well-organized mechanism to
function smoothly and normally. The human body is a more complex combination which
surely needs a fine way to manage it and make it function healthily and normally.4

In the Philippines, cancer ranks second in leading causes of morbidity and mortality
after cardiovascular diseases. Over the period 2014-16, non-communicable disease has
shown a gradually increasing trend than those of communicable disease, approximately
110,000 for new cases and more than 66,000 cancer deaths in each year.5 The increase in
the population and recorded number of cases for cancer has led to an urgent demand for
establishment and operation for free-standing cancer center facilities and oncology services.
Evident to this need is through the National Integrated Cancer Control Act whose sole focus
is to implement programs that will not only provide comprehensive, accessible and affordable
cancer treatments for all patients, but also will work in minimizing the incidence of preventable
cancer cases. The said bill also authorizes the establishment for the Philippine Cancer Center
and Regional Cancer Centers in collaboration with the other institutions, universities and
organizations that will initiate the research for cancer prevention and cure.6

Specialized care centers and the like are not health facilities alone, but also a place
where you can receive motivation, regain the basic instinct of a healthy body and is a place
for healing built specially for those who are suffering from cancer. Not only it will answer the
impacts and to deal with depression, pain, fatigue and cancer treatments to uplift the patient’s
condition but also to change their lives and the negative impacts that affects their recovery.

(Salindong, 2018)
(Philippine Statistics Authority, 2016)
(Angara, 2018)

HILOM: Tagaytay Cancer Medical Center
through Healing Architecture National University
Pabico, Grace Z. College of Architecture S.Y. 2018-2019

1.1.2 Background of the Project Cancer Statistics

Basically, the most essential information to know is the cancer incidence, mortality
and survival. Wherein cancer incidence and mortality tell us about the new cases and the
number of death, that is occurring in a given population or age-standardized at a particular
time frame. Cancer survival shows us of how long the patient survived and lived after
being diagnosed in a period of time, usually ranging from 5 to 10 years.

Cancer statistical data are derived from the latest Global Cancer Observatory of
WHO-IARC in preparing for the global cancer statistics to inform about cancer control and
programs. For
Philippines statistical
records, GLOBOCAN
2018 worked alongside
with the Department of
Health-Rizal Cancer
Registry (DOH-RC)
and the Philippine
Cancer Society Inc.
1The recent report
shows that Philippines
ranked (13) among the Figure 1: Top 10 Leading Cause of Death in the Philippines
asian countries with the Source: Philippine Health Statistics,2014

cancer age-standardized rate.7 Total number of new cases 141, 021 from both sexes;
86,337 number of deaths and 291,871 number of prevalent cases for 5 years. Table 1
shows the recorded number of cases in a 5-year interval for male and female. The same
morbid conditions are identified for both sexes, which only differ in rates and consequently
a slight difference in ranks.

Majority of the cancer patients are mainly coming from NCR with a total number of
8,513 number of cases, CALABARZON with 7,728 cases, Central Luzon with 6,109 cases
and others including different regions in the Philippines. Way back in 2014, cancer has
been listed by the Department of Health as rank 3rd in the top 10 leading cause of death
here in the Philippines (Figure 1). With a total number of 54,277 deaths and 10.1% of the

(WHO, 2018)

HILOM: Tagaytay Cancer Medical Center
through Healing Architecture National University
Pabico, Grace Z. College of Architecture S.Y. 2018-2019

percentage distribution based from the 100,000 population.8 It has become the social
cause of terror and a major killer for many people and continued to threaten the Philippine
Health System as it increased to the (2) second rank in the recent statistics, with a total
number of 60,470 deaths and 10.4% of the percentage distribution (Table 2).9

Table 1: MORTALITY: TEN (10) LEADING CAUSES BY SEX Number, Rate/100,000 Population & Percent Distribution
Philippines, 2018
Source: Philippine Health Statistics-Epidemiology Bureau
Both Sexes
Cause of Death Male Female
Number Rate Percent*
1. Diseases of the heart (I00-
74,594 58,231 132,825 133.0 24.7
2. Malignant neoplasms (C00-C97) 31,682 28,788 60,470 59.3 10.2
3. Diseases of the vascular system
26,920 27,357 54,277 50.0 10.1
4. Pneumonia (J12-J18) 26,480 25,980 52,460 52.5 9.8
5. Accidents ** (V01-Y89) 28,660 6,587 35,447 35.5 6.6
6. Diabetes mellitus (E10-E14) 15,170 15,484 30,654 30.7 5.7
7. Chronic lower respiratory
diseases (J40-J47)
16,790 7,292 24,082 24.1 4.5
8. Tuberculosis, all forms (A15-A19) 16,678 7,069 23,747 23.8 4.4
9. Diseases of the digestive system
14,811 6,376 21,187 21.2 3.9
10. Diseases of the genitourinary
system (N00-N98)
12,093 8,446 20,539 20.6 3.8

Table 2: Recorded Cancer Cases in the Philippines Both Sex, A 5-year Interval (2013-2018
Source: PH-Cancer Registries


2013 50,056
2018 141,021

From 2013-2018, the leading cancer sites includes those cancers whose major
causes are known have remained the same: breast, lung, colorectum, stomach, cervix
uteri, prostate, liver, esophagus, thyroid and ovary. In the Philippines, 75% of all cancers
occur after the age of 50, and only about 3% occur at the age of 14 years and below if the
current low cancer prevention consciousness persists, it is estimated that for every 1800
Filipinos, one will develop a cancer annually. Survival rate in the Philippines, are
compared to those of Asian countries. The Philippines has the highest mortality rate for

(Philippine Health System, 2014)
(Philippine Health System, 2018)

HILOM: Tagaytay Cancer Medical Center
through Healing Architecture National University
Pabico, Grace Z. College of Architecture S.Y. 2018-2019

two types of cancer, breast cancer with 27 percent and prostate cancer with 13 percent
as per the age-standardized ration or 100,000 population.2 Cancer Control in the Philippines

Cancer has become such a major concern of Department of Health including other
cancer organizations and society. The call for congressional action in preventing the
disease is being made by the DOH, laws are made in order to expand efforts to effectively
manage and control cancer, in all its aspects and forms. The legislation calls for the
prevention, early detection, optimal treatment and the adaptation of an integrated, multi-
disciplinary and patient-family centered approach.

Figure 2: Leadership and Governance for Cancer

Source: DOH- The Philippine Cancer Control Program

Figure 3: Local Government Cancer Control Committee

Source: DOH- The Philippine Cancer Control Program

HILOM: Tagaytay Cancer Medical Center
through Healing Architecture National University
Pabico, Grace Z. College of Architecture S.Y. 2018-2019

The Philippine Cancer Control Program

The program implementation was conducted in 1998. The PCCP was the
systematic means of the past government of integrated approach towards the
control of cancer in reducing morbidity and incidence. The main goal is to establish
a system that has scientific progress and comprehensive or various program to
reduce cancer. The six pillars of the PCCP are Epidemiology and Research, Public
Information, Health Education, Prevention and Early Detection, Treatment,
Training and Pain Relief.

Other Philippine Government Initiatives

Aside from having cancer registration to monitor the population-based

cancer, the government also established an integrated and comprehensive efforts
that is doable by all sectors of the society. As such, the integrated program for the
prevention of non-communicable disease which promotes a healthy lifestyle,
control of tobacco of 2003, Cervical Cancer Screening Program of 2005, and
Hepatitis B Infection Control and Immunization Act of 2011. More to these are the
Universal Health Care Act of 2013 which aims to improve health care and funding
in the country, the implementation of the Philippine Medicines Policy which
strategically targeted the access to cancer drugs and lastly the Philhealth Z
Benefits providing relevant financial risk protection against illnesses perceived as
medically and economically catastrophic.

The National Integrated Cancer Control Act (Senate Bill 1850)

Now, due to cancer’s high numbers specially in the top three regions
wherein the serious cases was reported, the government was able to form a
program to address the concerns regarding the cancer in the Philippines. The
National Integrated Cancer Control Act for cancer prevention and control action
plan 2015-2020 through Administrative Order No. 89-A was created as a response
and to strengthen the control program for cancer epidemic. In additional to this
DOH, was on its planning phase to setup more oncology center dedicated to
cancer-stricken patients to be strategically located outside Metro Manila and since
almost of the cancer-related facilities are related in the NCR.

HILOM: Tagaytay Cancer Medical Center
through Healing Architecture National University
Pabico, Grace Z. College of Architecture S.Y. 2018-2019 Causes and Risk of Cancer

Normally, cell regenerates itself. The dead and worn-out cells are being replaced
to repair the body and for it to stay healthy. But when it is subjected to some substances
like chemicals, cells undergo mutation and this substances that causes this mutation are
called carcinogens. This cancer initiating substances are can be found in cigarette smoke,
viruses, estrogen and ultraviolet rays from the sun. A cancer is a non-communicable
disease, if left unchecked will eventually lost its normal control mechanisms and thus has
unregulated growth. Cancer can develop through any tissue within in any organ, as cancer
cell grows and reproduce they form a massive cancerous tissue which later on can
intrudes on the adjacent tissue and can metastasize around the body Causes and risks of
cancer are, a host of genetic and environmental contributing factor. Family history is an
important key significantly to cancer risks (PCFE, 2015). Causes and risks of cancer are
a host of genetic and environmental contributing factor. Family history is an important key
significantly to cancer risks.

Table 3: Causes and Significant Signs for Cancer

Source: Department of Health- Epidimiology Bureau

Cancer Cause Significant Signs

Smoke more than half pack

Continuous cough, lung infection,
Lung Cancer every day, usually contact
chest pain, spuctum, hoarse
smoke and factory dust

Family history of breast

cancer, irregular cycles of Breast or nipple pain, nipple
menstrual period, often eat discharge or nipple inversion,
Breast Cancer high fat food, the maternal lump, ulcer or swollen breast skin,
age is older and first birth, lumps found in lymph nodes
women never pregnant in located in the armpits
her life

Many sexual partners, early

Contact bleeding, vaginal bleeding
age at first intercourse
Cervical Cancer or discharge, vaginal bleeding
(before eighteen), human
after menopause, pelvic pain
papillomavirus (HPV) virus

Oral Cancer

HILOM: Tagaytay Cancer Medical Center
through Healing Architecture National University
Pabico, Grace Z. College of Architecture S.Y. 2018-2019

Smoking, chewing areca Mouth sores that do not resolve

fruit, drinking alcoholoc easily, abnormal lump, a white
beverages patch (leukoplakia)
Hoarse sounding voice, a lump or
Throat Cancer Smoking
a sore in the throat

Tinnitus is perceived in one year,

Smoking, harmful smoke and
Nasopharyngeal hearing loss, nasal bleeding,
dust, food curing and salty
Carcinoma headache, cervical

Esophage-al Tobacco and alcohol Dysphagia or having difficulty in

Cancer consumption, curing food swallowing
Dried food or salted, pickled
Stomach virus, having blood in
Stomach Cancer and cured foods, surfeit,
nervous emotion

Patients with hepatitis B, C Being bloated and in pain at the

Liver Cancer virus and cirrhosis, fatigue, upright of epigastric region,
unhealthy diet jaundice, weight loss and fatigue

Constantly contacting
Hematuria, dysuria or the pain
Bladder Cancer chemical materials and
during urination
control over urination

With a history of polyps, a A change in bowel habit (shape),

Colorecta Cancer family history of early colon the passage of bright red blood in
cancer, diets high in fa foods stool

Although the commonly seen signs related to the cause of cancer are listed in the
form, we can roughly conclude that the forming of cancer is closely related to diets,
lifestyle, working environment and emotions. Some of them can be controlled by the
individual, others cannot. It is commonly seen that some people never smoke in their entire
lives, but they still get lung cancer, so they become indignant. The forming of cancer
belongs to the appearance of multiple symptoms; you do not have to be a smoker to get
lung cancer, and you just have a higher possibility than the average person. When the
body accumulates all kinds of human factors and reaches the conditions to form cancer
cells, the cells will automatically search the weakest organ or tissue. Every one of us has
cancer cells in our bodies, but the immunity regulation is normal (Cancer and it's Risks,

HILOM: Tagaytay Cancer Medical Center
through Healing Architecture National University
Pabico, Grace Z. College of Architecture S.Y. 2018-2019 Prevention and Early Detection

Everybody knows well a basic health concept that prevention is better than cure,
but the problem is people “know it” instead of “do it’. According to the recent studies of the
Philippine Cancer Society, it shows that at least (1/3) one third of cancer are can be
prevented. Even if a patient can successfully complete the treatment, it does not mean
that it can be healed completely. There is still a possibility of metastasis and recurrence.
Based on researches, patients who can increase survival time are basically optimistic,
unrestrained and happy. In other words, they choose to keep a “positive and optimistic”
one. Those who fail to survive are people who moan all day and lose their hopes for living.
The outcome is not perfect as they push themselves to the bottomless and deep “anxiety
and irascibility”. There are basic principles in lowering the chance of having cancer:

Diet Habit:
eating vegetables and
fruit, less meat,
nourishment, less
comsumption of
processed foods, fried
and burned foods,
clean water and safe

Living Environment:
Mode of life: don't overexpose to sun,
regular exercise, avoid radiation
Principles to exposure, avoid chemical
good habit of lower the chance
defecation, quit medicaments, watch out
of having Cancer for occupational disease
smoking and drink
less alcohol and brathe more fresh

pay attention to the
functions and
changes of organs
and regularly take
health examintaion
every 6 months

Figure 4: Four Principles to Lower the chance of having Cancer

Source: The War on Cancer by Philip Chen

HILOM: Tagaytay Cancer Medical Center
through Healing Architecture National University
Pabico, Grace Z. College of Architecture S.Y. 2018-2019

In the Philippines, for the past two decades of “Awareness Campaign” conducted
by both public and private sectors, such as those of breast, cervix and colorectal cancers,
majority of them are still not diagnosed and treated at a more curable or early stage. Early
detection and screening for cancer has not been implemented on a national scale by the
government. The reality is that more than 80% of Filipino families cannot afford out-of-
pocket expenses needed for basic medical care. It maybe that most Filipino women may
in fact be already aware that breast cancer is curable when detected and treated early.
Recent evidence says that majority of women with detected breast lumps will likely to have
the mass biopsied if they were assured that the treatment fee is for free. It is not only the
direct costs of the treatment that will have to be considered. Indirect, but equally important,
socioeconomic factors will have to be considered, such as transportation costs, care for
the children and household chores while the mother is in the hospital, perception and
attitude of the husband and attitude about the perceived other “mandatory” treatment such
as chemotherapy. Cure and Treatment

Can cancer be cured?

Majority of cancers can be cured if they are detected early. However, at present
not all can be detected early to be cured and if particularly when curative treatment is
available. These treatments of cancer are most promoted, and the methods are many-
faceted. The main treatment programs of the conventional medication are the following
five methods:

(1) Surgery Treatment

Although the programs of treating cancer trends to be many- faceted, surgery
cutting off a tumor is the most effective, direct and quickest standard method.
Especially early stages of cancer are almost curable. Even if the cancer cell
transfers, surgery can get rid of focus of infection caused by the cancer.
(2) Anticancer Medicine (Chemotherapy)
Anticancer medicine is the effective in curing leukemia and malignant lymph
node. Besides, it can prevent transfer, recurrence and increase the
efficaciousness of entire treatment while surgery is unable to cut off all the
cancer cells. However, most concerns for this treatment is that normal cells are
also destroyed when killing the cancer cells.

HILOM: Tagaytay Cancer Medical Center
through Healing Architecture National University
Pabico, Grace Z. College of Architecture S.Y. 2018-2019

(3) Radiotherapy Treatment

Radioactive rays perform great destruction to the proliferation of young cells
and the growth of cancer cells, so they can be partially used in treatment. They
kill cancer cells spreading around, transferring to other parts of the body and
those can’t be removed completely at surgery.
(4) Traditional and Alternative Medicine
Matters all the illnesses of the body by observing the “human body”. Owing to
the focus of infection effects the whole body, integrated medicine is not only
pays attention to curing the focus of infection, but also recuperating the
immunity of the body. As for treating cancer, this medication advocates to get
rid of the focus of the infection first and stop it from getting worse in order to
improve the condition of the body.
(5) Combinative Treatment
Whether it is surgery, radiotherapy or chemotherapy, they are all effective
treatments for cancer which aim at destroying cancer cells. In other words,
these therapies will reduce the immunity of the body and bring obvious side
effects, complications and sequelae. Therefore, these therapies should include
some ways to increase the patient’s immunity, to remedy the damaged cells
and tissues, and to help the patients to resist cancer, which mean to strengthen
the vital energy.

After a cancer patient undergoes a certain type of treatment, they are likely to
develop post-traumatic stress as a result of their experience with the disease. Post-
treatments applied physical therapy, psychotherapy, continuous medications and more
that helps the rehabilitation of the patients. Overall, cancer treatment must include medical
treatment and management of the whole life to work. After surgery, radiotherapy,
chemotherapy or alternative medicine, patients should have a special diet, live a normal
lifestyle and exercise properly in order to present the result of cure and to prevent
recurrences. For a complete treatment requires the management of recovery and life.

1.1.3 Statement of the Problem

How might we lessen the incidence and mortality rate in CALABARZON to make
our cancer patients heal and avoid the cancer recurrence?

The over-all development of one country cannot be seen just through its gigantic
buildings and vast-advancements technology. It can be also seen through the country’s
health system of how it treats and control the diseases of people. (PHS-DOH, 2014) It is now
a social health problem that needs to be controlled in order to decrease the incidence and

HILOM: Tagaytay Cancer Medical Center
through Healing Architecture National University
Pabico, Grace Z. College of Architecture S.Y. 2018-2019

mortality in the country, wherein if it continue to increase, it can hinder the country’s over-all
developmental growth over time.

Though general and private hospitals in the country may include medical oncology in
their services already, there is a need of a specialized facility today which is focused not only
on treatments but also prevention, rehabilitation and research in the advancement of cancer
treatment. Cancer should be taken care all throughout its stages to decrease the chances of
recurrence and increase the survival rate of the patients.

1.1.4 Significance of the Study

Cancer treatments should not be just be about the its treatments, it must be about the
whole process, from screening up to rehabilitation. Researches shows that undergoing
rehabilitations lessens recurrences and increase chances of survival, where it is also about
the whole well-being of the body, mind and spirit for one to fully recover and win over cancer.
The facility will be highly concentrated on the four phases of cancer, the prevention and
control literacy phase, early detection and screening phase, the intensive conventional-
palliative treatment phase and the specialized complementary rehabilitation phase. All of
which will be handled at its most utmost care society for the welfare of the patients undergoing
each said phases and type of cancer where it will also serve a vital role in progressing cancer
treatments for Filipinos in the country. For the User

1. This project will provide patients to have a more specialized environment where they
are cared according to their individual or unique needs. Furthermore, diagnosed
cancer patients will now have their own free-standing institute that will concentrate on
their needs away from the general hospitals and other medical facilities with the
hassle of referring them to another specialist.
2. In here, resident doctors and staffs will be the best in their services and will not require
patients to be transferred into other hospitals. Specialists can now have a specialized
facility for them to master their own crafts in helping the society to battle against
society. For the Society

1. The project will not just create jobs but will create careers that can help the country to
be recognized.

HILOM: Tagaytay Cancer Medical Center
through Healing Architecture National University
Pabico, Grace Z. College of Architecture S.Y. 2018-2019

2. It will help the World Health Organization together with the Department of health,
Philippine Cancer Society and other related organizations in the Philippines in the
implementation of the Philippine Cancer Control Program and National Integrated
Cancer Control Act to fight against cancer, reduce morbidity, mortality and disability
due to common knowledge and awareness when it comes to the cancer studies and
3. This study will be beneficial to the country to provide more studies that are focused in
creating a specialized cancer center which can be used for the future development for
cancer health care providers. For Architecture

1. The project will raise awareness and encouragement of building more architecturally-
designed specialize medical facilities in the country that engages Architecture,
Medicine and the Environment in providing a much higher degree of total health care
to patients in CALABARZON, Philippines.
2. The project will be a contribution to architecture for creating and designing a facility
that can help our country in response.

1.1.5 Goals and Objectives Goals

The main goal of this study is to propose an architecturally-designed facility in the

CALABARZON that will concentrate in specializing cancer care from prevention,
detection, treatment through Behavioral Pattern Approach and Healing Architecture. Objectives

1. To create an effective and well-organized cancer center involving the concentration of

all above said phases of cancer for Filipinos.
2. To design not just a facility but an environment as well as that incorporate healing
environment design suited for the special needs and with a social inclusion setting for
the benefits of people with such ailment in the country.
3. Raise awareness in the positive effects of treatments and techniques that integrates
Architecture to Medicine using modern technology, advance facilities and the natural

HILOM: Tagaytay Cancer Medical Center
through Healing Architecture National University
Pabico, Grace Z. College of Architecture S.Y. 2018-2019

1.1.6 Identification of Stakeholders and Users Stakeholders

Funding of the project, Tagaytay’s Cancer Medical Center, will come from DOH and
POCC under their program, Development of Regional Cancer Centers anchored with the
NICCA and the ongoing PCCP which stands for National Integrated Cancer Control Act and
Philippine Cancer Control Program which aims to provide services spanning prevention,
detection, diagnosis, treatment, palliative and hospice care, survivorship follow up and
rehabilitation. The land owner is the TMP Realty & Development Corporation. Users

The target users will be the cancer patients coming from CALABARZON provinces
including, Cavite, Batangas, Rizal and Quezon which is identified as the second region with
the most number of cases in cancer with a total number of 5,201.

1.1.7 Scope and Limitation Scope

This study will focus on the design form concepts, strategies and factors that will
greatly influence the proposal of the Tagaytay Cancer Medical Center and of which will
improve this cancer care and treatment facility system in the country as specialized individual

The spatial framework of the desired facility is as follows:

1. The compatibility of the specialized facility to the land use, potential distant patronization
and human necessities in its vicinity.
2. The clear and direct linkage of public access to the development as well as the easiest
systematic ingress and egress to the development
3. The systematic flow to every public or private facility involving security and convenience.
4. The legibility and how the development can be a landmark.

And the architectural context of the structure is as follows:

1. Adequate provision of spacious and secured spaces

2. The passive cooling and natural lighting on the corridors.
3. The design of healing environment, the use of landscapes and vegetation.
4. The flexibility of the interior spaces for possible future expansion.

HILOM: Tagaytay Cancer Medical Center
through Healing Architecture National University
Pabico, Grace Z. College of Architecture S.Y. 2018-2019 Limitation

The cancer center is a field involving architecture, engineering and medical planning
with a very wide scope that will involve a lot of professional career and scientific or technical
activities. The research study does not seek to include the following:

1. Performance calculation of the structural system.

2. Research on other health conditions and other complicated scientific solutions should be
limited to their concepts for it may alter the main goal, study and objective of the
3. The study will limit some engineering aspect such as details of electrical and mechanical
instruments that will aggregate effects in the study. These topics need some help from the
expertise of different fields.
4. Concepts on utilities, structural and vegetation or landscape shall be provided but in-depth
specifications shall be regulated.

1.2 Definition of Terms and Concepts

1.2.1 Definition of Terms

Mortality-is the number of reports for

Malignant Neoplasm-as used term in the death.
the medical world, known as cancer
otherwise. Is the abnormal growth of Incidence-referred to as the number
tissue in some parts of the body. of reports for new cases and

Tumor-is the swelling part of the body, Morbidity-is the state of condition of
it is an abnormal growth that will later being diseased.
on forms a mass, whether of the two-
benign and malignant. Cancer Survival-tells us how long
patients live after being diagnosed
Carcinogen-cancer initiating factors and is usually expressed as the
and substances, which causes mainly proportion of patients still alive after a
the cancer and its mutation. period of time, usually 5 to 10 years.

Non-communicable disease (NCD)- Recurrence-the tendency of the

is a medical condition or disease that cancer to occur again after a period of
is not caused by infectious agents time.
(non-infectious or non-transmissible).
NCDs can refer to Metastasize-medical term for the
chronic diseases which last for long spreading of the cancer cells to the
periods of time and progress slowly. other sites in the body by metastasis.

HILOM: Tagaytay Cancer Medical Center
through Healing Architecture National University
Pabico, Grace Z. College of Architecture S.Y. 2018-2019

Surgery-is the treatment of injuries or

disorders of the body by incision or Integrated Medicine- healing
manipulation, especially with instrum oriented medicine that takes account
ents. of the whole person including all
aspects of lifestyle. It emphasize the
Radiotherapy-is a cancer treatment therapeutic relationship between
that uses high doses of radiation to kill practitioner and patient.
cancer cells and shrink tumors. At low
doses, radiation is used in x-rays to Curative Treatment- refers to health
see inside your body, as with x-rays of care practice that treat patients with
your teeth or broken bones. the intent of curing them, not just
reduce their pain or stress.
Chemotherapy- is a type of cancer
treatment that uses one or more anti- Oncologist- a medical practitioner
cancer drugs as part of a standardized whose expertise and qualification are
chemotherapy regimen. to diagnose and treat tumors.

Cobalt Therapy- cobalt-60 therapy is Benign- a mass that is referred to as

the medical use of gamma rays from not malignant or cancerous.
the radioisotope cobalt-60 to treat
conditions such as cancer. Biopsy- this is an examination of
tissue that is removed from a living
Palliative Care- is an approach that body to discover the presence, cause,
improves the quality of life of patients or extent of disease.
and their families facing the problem
associated with life-threatening Sequelae- a condition in which is a
illness, through the prevention and consequence of a previous disease or
relief of suffering by means of early injury.
identification and impeccable
assessment and treatment.

1.2.1 Definition of the Acronyms

DOH Department of Health

WHO World Health Organization

CCPh Cancer Coalition of the Philippines

EB Bureau of Epidemiology-DOH

PSC Philippine Cancer Society

POCC Philippine Oncology Center Corporation

HILOM: Healing Architecture for Tagaytay’s
Cancer Medical Center National University
Pabico, Grace Z. College of Architecture S.Y. 2018-2019

PHS Philippine Health Statistics

PCFE Philippine Cancer Facts and Estimates

PSA Philippine Statistics Authority

GCO Globocan-World Health Organization

PCCP Philippine Cancer Control Program

1.2.2 Other Concepts

Healing Architecture- designing in consideration of physical environment in the process of

healing that may foster improved moods and reduce the stress that would impact negative
thoughts that could impede the healing process, results can be positive
psychophysiological effects and improved medical outcomes.

Behavioral-Pattern Approach- design will be mainly based on the user’s activity path and
behavior in a studied setting.

Therapeutic Environment- has been proven as cost-effective by improving patient

outcomes, reducing the length of stay, and by enhancing staff satisfaction, recruitment, and
retention of staff.

Cost efficient- most reasonable price of land and the project itself based on the needs and
financial capability of the program beneficiaries and appropriate financing schemes.

Environmental Sustainable Design- designing and maintaining energy-efficient buildings

by implementing programs to conserve energy and water. It also requires the use of non-
disposable, multi-use and durable materials.

Patient-Family Centered Approach- is a way of working with the patient’s needs and with
families across healing process to improve their capacity to care for and protect their
children. Information sharing between medical staff, family, and child allow understanding
and education of the illness or injury and promote active participation in making decisions
about their health and care. It focuses on children's needs within the context of their families
and communities and builds on families' strengths to achieve optimal outcomes.

HILOM: Healing Architecture for Tagaytay’s
Cancer Medical Center National University
Pabico, Grace Z. College of Architecture S.Y. 2018-2019

1.3 Frameworks

1.3.1 Theoretical Framework

In order for the researcher to make the research successful and the project to be
feasible, the study takes a procedural step for project research. The study involves
descriptive method in collecting data in order to test hypothesis and to answer all the
questions regarding the current situation or situation of subject matter. First, she identifies
the main problem in order to formulate a proper research plan. There are three ways in
order to achieve and gather the data, first is the observational or ocular study, case study
and interviews. In accomplishing the requirements to achieve an accurate design solution
for the proposed HILOM: Tagaytay Cancer Medical Center.
Figure 5: Research Paradigm

HILOM: Healing Architecture for Tagaytay’s
Cancer Medical Center National University
Pabico, Grace Z. College of Architecture S.Y. 2018-2019

1.3.2 Conceptual Framework


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