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The Sixt Semester

Compiled by:

Dinar Esa Dwi Wahyuni (1501050025)






School : SMP Muhammadiyah Banyumas

Subject : English
Class/Semester : VII/1 (two)
Topic : Expressing Gratitude and Apologizing
Skill : Speaking
Time Allocation : 2 x 40 minutes

A. Core Competence
CC 1 : Respect and appreciate the teachings of their religion
CC 2 : Respect and appreciate the honest behavior, discipline, responsibility, caring
(tolerance, mutual assistance), mannered, confident, in interacting effectively with
the social and natural environment within reach of the association and its existence
CC 3 : Understanding knowledge (factual, conceptual and procedural) by curiosity about
science, technology, art, cultural phenomena and events related to the visible
CC 4 : Trying, process, and present in the realm of the concrete (using, parse, compose,
modify, and make) and the realm of the abstract (writing, reading, counting,
drawing, and writing) in accordance with the learned in school and other sources in
the same viewpoint /theory

B. Basic competence and Indicator

3.1 Identifying sociocultural 3.4.1 Observing phrases or spoken words used in thanking
functions, text structures and and apologizing
linguistic elements of oral 3.4.2 Identify the social function of the expression of
interpersonal and written thanking and apologizing and its response
interpersonal interactions 3.4.3 Identify the text structure in the expression of
involving acts of greeting, saying thanking and apologizing and its response
goodbye, giving thanks and 3.4.4 Identify the linguistic elements in the expression of
apologizing, and responding to thanking and apologizing as well as its response
the context of their use. 3.4.5 Identify social functions, text stucture, and linguistic
elements in the expression of thanking and
apologizing as well as its response

4.1 Compose very short and simple 4.2.1 Compose in writing and simple about expression of
oral and written interpersonal thanking and apologizing
texts that involve greeting, saying 4.2.2 Communicating orally and simply about the
expressions of thanking and apologizing
goodbye, thanking and
apologizing, and responding by
paying attention to the correct and
contextual function of social, text
structure and linguistic elements
Focus of strengthening character: courage and confidence

C. Learning objectives
First Meeting
Through a series of learning activities, learners can:
1. Observing phrases or spoken words used in thanking and apologizing
2. Identify the social function of the expression of thanking and apologizing and its
3. Identify the text structure in the expression of thanking and apologizing and its
4. Identify the linguistic elements in the expression of thanking and apologizing as
well as its response
5. Identify social functions, text stucture, and linguistic elements in the expression of
thanking and apologizing as well as its response

Second Meeting
Through a series of learning activities, learners can:
1. Compose in writing and simple about expression of thanking and apologizing
2. Communicating orally and simply about the expressions of thanking and

D. Subject Matter:

 Regular Material
Oral teks :
Thanking Responses
Thank you You’re welcome
Thank a lot Don’t mention it
Thank you very much

Apologizing Responses
I’m sorry It’s okay
Please forgive me It doesn’t matter
I beg your pardon

Social Fungtion: maintaining interpersonal relationships with teachers and friends

Structure teks: Thank you. You’re welcome. Don’t mention it. I’m Sorry. It’s okey. Etc

Linguistic elements:
- Grammar (rote expression does not need to be explained grammar)
- The vocabulary is tied to the expression of thanking and apologizing
- Pronunciation, pressure (stress), and intonation
- Spelling, punctuation, capitalization and lowercase
Topic: various matters related to the interaction between teachers and learners during the
learning process, both inside and outside the classroom.

 Remidial Material
The addition of new vocabulary / expressions about thanking and apologizing

 Enrichment Material
Learners are asked to express "thank you/sorry" on various occasions as a form of
habituation and write down with whom they utter it.
Please write the names of people to whom you said “thank you/sorry” and where you
said it.

E. Learning Method
Observing, Questioning, Gathering information, Associating and Communicating,

F. Media
- Picture
- Video
- Power Point Slide

G. Learning Sources
 Buku siswa : Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Bahasa Inggris, When English
Rings The Bell, SMP/MTs Kelas VII, hal 14-20, edisi revisi

H. Step of Teaching
First Meeting
1. Opening
 Orientation
- Greetings and scolds greetings and praying.
- The teacher greets students with the greeting "Good Morning".
- Teacher checks the presence.
- Teacher asks the previous material.
 Brainstorming Stage
- Teacher shows the picture as brainstorming.
- Teachers provide questions to the students about the list of the names of things
that surround the school and the environment in order to provide real context
of the material to be studied.
- Teacher asks students respons.
 Motivating Strategy
- Teacher tell abaout the learning objectif.

2. Main Activity
 Learners look at pictures of expressions of thanking and apologizing
 Learners read the dialogue about expression of thanking and apologizing
 With teacher questions from teachers, learners identify vocabulary, social
functions, and linguistic elements of expression of thanking and apologizing

 Learners formulate questions related to social functions, text structures and
linguistic elements that have not been understood or who want more known from
the expression of thanking and apologizing that he heard
 Participants are taught to underline an unknown word

Gathering information
 Learners copy sentences that reveal about thanking and apologizing
 Learners write similar sentences with the help of teachers to complete the table.
 Learners use a dictionary to obtain meaning information and pronunciation of
words or phrases about thanking and apologizing
 Learners work in pairs to match a dialogue on thanking and apologizing

 Students work in groups (2 people)
 Learners write sentences produced on the board
 Learners are facilitated to determine sentence patterns by analyzing
 The learner with the teacher's direction determines the text structure written by
the teacher on the board
 Learners determine the social function of the text based on the teacher's referring

 One representative of the group presented the conclusions in front of the class
 Learners get confirmation and reinforcement in class

3. Closing
a. Teacher and students conclude the material.
b. Teacher ask students the difficulties.
c. Teacher give feedback and review.
d. Teacher tell next material.
e. Teacher and the lesson.
Second meeting
1. Opening
a. Greetings and scolds greetings and praying.
b. The teacher greets students.
c. Teacher checks the presence.
d. The teacher mentions the learning activities to be delivered
2. Main Activity

a. Learners work in pairs
b. Each pair makes a dialogue about the expression of Thanking and apologizing
c. Students are alternately asked to have a short conversation based on a dialog that
has been created in pairs
4. Closing
a. Teacher and students conclude the material.
b. Teacher ask students the difficulties.
c. Teacher give feedback and review.
d. Teacher tell next material.
e. Teacher and the lesson.
I. Assessment, Remedial Learning, and Enrichment
1. Spiritual attitude
a. Assessment techniques : observation
b. Instrument : observation sheet
NO Time Student Name Record of Behavior Grain Attitude

2. Social attitude
a. Assessment techniques : observation
b. Instrument : observation sheet
NO Time Student Name Record of Behavior Grain Attitude

3. Competence
a. Assessment techniques : Writing Test
b. Instrument Form : Essay
No Item Indicator Item
Read the Dialogue and answer the
questions below!
Joko : Andi, can you help me?
Andi : yes, what can I do for you?
Joko : I want to go to the library to
borrow a book, will you
accompany me to go there?
Andi : sure
Joko : thank you.
Andi : don’t mention it
Joko : Mr. Budi, May I borrow a
Mr. Budi : Your library card please?
Joko : Oops,. I’m sorry I forgot to
bring it.
Mr. Budi : So, you can’t borrow this
1. Social function book
Determine the purpose of a short and simple Joko : Ok, sir.
dialog about expressing gratitude and
1. What is the text written for?
2. Determine the focus discussed in a short and
simple dialog about expressing gratitude and
2. What is the text about?
3. Determine the benefits that can be gleaned
from short and simple dialog about
expressing gratitude and apologizing
3. What can you learn from the text?
4. Stucture text
determine the job / position of someone in a 4. What does Mr. Budi do in the library?
short and simple dialog about expressing
gratitude and apologizing
5. Language elements
determine the meaning of words in short and 5. The underline word has similar
simple dialogs about expressing gratitude and meaning with..

c. Scoring guidelines and rubric assasement writing skiil and speaking skill

4. Skill

Rubric for the assessment of writing skills

No Rated aspect Criteria Score

1 Conformity of content with the 100% contents accordingly 5
purpose of writing a message 80% contents accordingly 4
60% contents accordingly 3
40% contents accordingly 2
20% contents accordingly 1

2 Diction 100% contents accordingly 5

80% contents accordingly 4
60% contents accordingly 3
40% contents accordingly 2
20% contents accordingly 1
3 Sentence alignment 100% contents accordingly 5
80% contents accordingly 4
60% contents accordingly 3
40% contents accordingly 2
20% contents accordingly 1
4 Spelling 100% contents accordingly 5
80% contents accordingly 4
60% contents accordingly 3
40% contents accordingly 2
20% contents accordingly 1
5 Originality of writing 100% contents accordingly 5
80% contents accordingly 4
60% contents accordingly 3
40% contents accordingly 2
20% contents accordingly 1

Rubric for the assessment of speaking skills

Aspect Description Score

Aspect Very clear to understand 4
Pronunciation Easy to understand even though the influence of the mother 3
tongue can be detected
There is a pronunciation problem so listeners need full 2
There is a serious pronunciation problem so it cannot be 1
Grammar No or little grammatical errors 4
Sometimes there are errors but they do not affect the meaning 3
Often make mistakes so the meaning is difficult to understand 2

Grammatical errors are so severe that they cannot be 1

Vocabulary Use appropriate vocabulary and expression 4
Sometimes using a less precise vocabulary so it should be 3
explained again
Often uses inappropriate vocabulary 2
Vocabulary is so limited that conversations are impossible 1
Fluency Very smooth 4
Smoothness is slightly disturbed by language problems 3
Often hesitant and limited to language limitations 2
Talk falter and stop 1

𝑠𝑘𝑜𝑟 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑙𝑒ℎ𝑎𝑛
Nilai = skor maksimum
Remedial learning
Repeating the lesson of thanking and apologizing from the structure of text, social functions,
and language elements with a more detailed explanation.

Enrichment Learning
Teacher asks Learners create a dialog that contains expressions of thanking and apologizing
with different situations and contexts.

Purwokerto, 3 February 2018

Dinar Esa Dwi Wahyuni

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