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Welcome to An Nur Child Care and Education Abu Bakr

8 October 2018. Written by T Liz.

Haere mai ki te kura iti (Welcome to preschool) Abu Bakr. We are delighted to
have you join our preschool whānau (family). We look forward to getting to
know you and your family in the weeks and months ahead as we support you
to learn and grow during your time at our preschool.

Asalamo alaikom Abu Bakr, you are settling in at preschool and you are
learning about your new environment. You are developing trust in your
teachers to meet your needs as we play with you and care for you.

Abu Bakr, your learning goal for this term is to develop a new Sense of
Belonging at preschool through building trust and confidence with the
teachers, children and routines at preschool.

We will continue to support you as you deepen your relationships with

teachers and other children here at preschool by spending time with you as we
explain how new experiences work.

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