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 Summary/Overview

For this experience, I will be teaching learners how to play the individual parts of this Orff arrangement

of “Jingle Bells”. They will learn the individual sections separated from the whole, and then we will

combine them together to create the entire Orff arranged song.

 Rationale:

This experience is important, because it introduces a new way of learning and musicking to learners

who may not have experienced making music like this before.

 Standards:

1. The student will play a variety of pitched and nonpitched instruments alone and with others,

including 1. playing two-pitch melodies, using imitation; 2. playing expressively with appropriate

dynamics and tempo; 3. accompanying songs and chants, using body percussion as well as

instruments; and 4. using proper playing techniques. (VA 1.4)

2. The student will perform rhythmic patterns that include quarter notes, paired eighth notes, and

quarter rests, using instruments, body percussion, and voice. (VA 1.5)

3. The student will demonstrate melodic rhythm, using instruments, body percussion, and voice.

(VA 1.7)

 I Can Statements:

1. I can play nonpitched instruments alone and with others, including playing two-pitch melodies

using imitation, playing expressively with appropriate dynamics and tempo, accompanying

songs and chants, using body percussion as well as instruments; and using proper playing


2. I can perform rhythmic patterns that include quarter notes, paired eighth notes, and quarter

rests, using instruments, body percussion, and voice.

3. I can demonstrate melodic rhythm, using instruments, body percussion, and voice.

 Materials and Visual Aids:

The materials for this design include:

 2 different types of xylophones

 Snare drum

 Electric guitar

 Detailed process:

For this experience, I will do the following steps:

1. Sing through the specific section of Jingle Bells we will be performing by myself

2. Have the students sing with me

3. While we sing, they will keep the steady beat somewhere on their body

4. Switch between a quarter note steady beat and an eighth note steady beat to introduce the

rhythmic line

5. Move to the xylophones, and I will first play through one of the lines, then they will echo me

6. After they have the first xylophone line down, we will follow the same procedure for the second

xylophone line

7. Since they are now familiar with the xylophone, we will practice the electric guitar part on the


8. We will then play the one note on the guitar associated with the Orff arrangement

9. Now that they have learned all of the different sections, we will put them all together

10. After they have got their specific section down, we will rotate instruments so they are able to

test out all the different lines

11. We will repeat as many times as needed

 Assessment:

 I can perform rhythmic patterns on the given instruments ___

 I can perform melodic patterns on the given instruments ___

 I can play instruments alone and with others ___

 Extensions:

If we have more time left at the end of the class, I will ask if there are any other common songs like

Jingle Bells that they would like to do and Orff arrangement to. We will then make up all the different

parts together, and perform them in the same way that we did Jingle Bells.

 Adaptations:

To meet the needs of all different types of learning, I will do the following:

o Size:

 If the size of the mallets or drumsticks are too difficult for some of the students to hold

on to, I will use the putty that forms to the students hands that will allow them to hold

on to them.

 If the electric guitar is too big for the students to hold, we will set it on the ground, and

they will be able to pluck the strings while the guitar is on its back.
o Color:

 If the students are having a hard time identifying or remembering which notes they

are supposed to play on the xylophone or guitar, I will label the ones they need to

know with a specific color.

o Pacing

 If the students need more time in specific areas, then we will slow down and make

sure each one of them understands. If they are grasping on quicker than intended,

then we will go faster, and move on to the extension.

o Modality

 Students will be able to kinesthetically play through each of the lines. If they need a

visual representation, I will have the different color stickers for them to look at and

follow along to. If this still doesn’t make sense to them, and they are better at reading

music than the other modes, then I will show them the sheet music to the


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