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Magical Items Expansion

D&D 5E


Soul Stone: .................................................................. 7
INTRODUCTION Mirror of Fear ............................................................. 8
Dungeons and dragons is a whimsical world full of exotic Norac’s Chain Mace .................................................. 8
treasures and ornate magics. This book will expand your pool Pouch of Wild Things ............................................... 8
of exciting magical relics, allowing you to expand your world, Rockseeker’s Might ................................................... 8
indulge your players in rich fantasies or build incredible plot Seeing Stone ............................................................... 8
devices that will add driving force to your own world. Skeleton Key ............................................................... 8
Spirit Bow ................................................................... 8
The items listed in this book have a great many different
origins, styles and purposes. For convenience, various lists Staff of Life draining ................................................. 9
below record prominent details and features about each item, Stormshield ................................................................ 9
making them easier to pick out for the ideal purpose. Tools of The Arkbuilder ........................................... 9
Totems of Amac ......................................................... 9
TABLE OF CONTENTS Tomahawk of Soul Snatching ................................ 10
Trickster’s Coin ........................................................ 10
Introduction 1
Voogan’s Bag of Magic Seeds ................................ 11
Magic Items 2 Voogan’s Terrarium ................................................ 11
Vorek’s Vulcaniser .................................................. 11
Arkus’s Mana Pool .................................................... 2 Weapons of Bleeding .............................................. 11
Bag of Greed ............................................................... 2 Weapons of Venom ................................................. 11
Black Chevron ............................................................ 2 Wildspeak Amulet .................................................. 11
Blast’s Box ................................................................... 2 Wildblade ................................................................. 12
Chalk of the Feywild ................................................. 2
Clay Wartool .............................................................. 2
Crown of Roses .......................................................... 2
Diary of the Lost ........................................................ 3
Dreamcatcher ............................................................. 3
Do’un of Shrouds ...................................................... 3
Elvish Greatblade ...................................................... 3
Eldritch Lock .............................................................. 4
Eye of the Beholder ................................................... 4
Eye of Myere .............................................................. 4
Flagon of Fog ............................................................. 4
Ghoul Mark ................................................................ 4
Ghoul Blade ................................................................ 5
Hand of Hadar ........................................................... 5
Jar of Living Lights .................................................... 5
Key to Gann’s Magic Cupboard .............................. 6
Laryk’s Box of Leeches ............................................. 6
Magic Carpet .............................................................. 6
Melaner’s kit of excelent medicines ........................ 6
Planar Dimension Chalks ......................................... 6
Robe of Etherealness ................................................. 7
Rod of Barring ............................................................ 7
Ring of Haste .............................................................. 7
Ring of Red Rays ....................................................... 7
Shamrax’s Ticking Box ............................................. 7

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Magical Items Expansion
D&D 5E
Wondrous Item, Common
A rustic wooden box with minimal design is sealed with a
Wondrous Item, Rare (Requires Attunement by a Spellcaster) simple latch. Inside are 1d6+2 Vials containing a cloudy,
creamy fluid that occasionally flashes with light. A creature
A spherical glass orb is suspended by chains and a dark iron
can spend its action to open the box and hurl one of the vials at
frame. Inside the orb is a swirling mass of pure magical
a space within 30ft that it can see. Any creature relying on
energy. It glows vibrant purples and blues, shedding dim
sight in a 15ft sphere originating from the point of impact must
light in a 5ft radius.
make a DC14 Dexterity saving throw to avert its eyes. On a
The Item has 5 charges with 1d4+1 recharging each day at failed save the creature becomes blinded until the end of its
dawn. An attuned creature holding this item can expend any next turn.
number of charges to regain a spell slot with a level equal to
the number of charges expended. When the last charge is
expended, roll a d20. On a roll of a 1, the item cracks and Wondrous Item, Uncommon
explodes. Dealing 3d10 force damage to the attuned creature.
A creature can use its action to open the ornate fey inspired
BAG OF GREED wooden box, pull out a piece of faintly glowing cyan chalk and
draw a ring with a diameter of 5ft beneath them. When 2 rings
Wondrous Item, Uncommon (Requires Attunement)
are within 30ft of each other, the creature can expend its bonus
A tatty brown cloth pouch that is knotted at the top in a tassel action to teleport from a ring they stand in to the other ring in
that has 2 bronze faces attached to the ends of each string, the a puff of silky sparkling smoke. The ring the creature
faces are grinning menacingly and have tiny clouded rubies teleported from fades and disappears. The rings automatically
for eyes. The bag feels heavy and clinks as if full of coins at all disappear after 1 hour if unused.
The tassels will simply not come undone, not even by magical
means, when a creature that isn’t attuned to this item attempts Weapon (Warhammer), Very rare (Requires Attunement)
to open it.
Once per day a creature attuned to this item can open the What initially appears to be a damp unfired Warhammer is
tassels and pour out 10d10 gold coins. The coins replicate real actually something much more powerful. Any attempts to fire
gold coins and are impossible to discern without otherwise the clay fail; it always remains wet and unfired.
using a spell such as Identify. They dissolve into thin air, An attuned creature can use its bonus action to utter the Clay
leaving only streaks of silky black smoke behind after 1 hour. Wartool’s Command word and transform it into any of the
Curse. This bag carries a curse. A creature attuned to this item following weapons:
is inflicted by the curse of indefinite greed. They inherit this
personality flaw until dispelled by such magic as the remove  Battleaxe
curse spell:  Warpick
 Warhammer
“I am obsessed with wealth, golden coins above all. I will go
out of my way or put those I love in danger over such items.” When transformed into a weapon, this item is treated as a +2
version of that weapon. The forms that this weapon takes can
BLACK CHEVRON be slightly modified in terms of appearance by the holders
wishes. For example, the attuned creature could include broad
Wondrous Item, Common
stumpy spikes across the Warhammer model. Any appearance
modifications don’t alter the item’s functionality, however.
10 of these dark stone textured chevrons exist in the world.
They form together to complete a powerful weapon. Each
chevron is cold to the touch and has a small skull engraved
into each of their surfaces. Wondrous Item, rare (Requires Attunement)

Ghoul Blade Components. What the player won’t know A creature attuned to this item gains a +3 Bonus to Wisdom,
through simple analysis or even through means of the identify Charisma and Intelligence saving throws. If the attuned
spell is that these Chevrons combine to form the Ghoul Blade. creature ever rolls a natural 1 while performing a check or
They can know as much as that multiple of them exist and that saving throw using any of the bonuses that this item grants a
they are somehow components to a powerful weapon. horrible curse takes form.

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Magical Items Expansion
D&D 5E
Curse. The Crown of Roses carries a horrible curse. When it 8 I see life in a broader light; All forms of
takes effect the item becomes known as the Crown of Thorns. insanity are removed and you are immune
The roses wilt and the thorns become enlarged, jagged and to becoming insane for 24 hours.
9 I pondered some many great things; Your
vicious as the once green stems become an oily black. Any
Intelligence Modifier Increases by 1 for 24
attempt to remove the crown instead deals 1 piecing damage hours.
and 1d10 psychic damage. The bonuses gained from this item 10 I dreamt that I met new people; Your
instead become hindrances, the +3 modifiers become penalties charisma modifier Increases by 1 for 24
of -3 until the curse is removed using such magic as the Remove hours.
Curse spell. When the curse is broken the crown remains in its
hideous new form.
Roll d10 “Nightmare” Effect
DIARY OF THE LOST 1-3 I Rested Poorly; You wake up with 1 less
Wondrous Item, Uncommon 4 My mind is clouded by doubt; Your Wisdom
Modifier decreases by 1 for 24 hours.
This tattered leather journal has no markings or clues as to 5 My will feels weakened; I make saving
what it contains or who it belongs to. A creature can spend an throws against being frightened on
hour analysing the journal and learning its writings. Gaining a disadvantage.
permanent +1 bonus to the creature’s wisdom score. 6 I feel demoralised by my nightmares; You
lose any inspiration dice you have.
Upon analysing the written text, the creature experiences 7 I dreamt that I had no purpose; Your
proficiency bonus decreases by 1.
strange phenomena as well as learning who the writer was;
8 I feel the world closing in around me; You
They descended into a deep twisting madness before abruptly gain a form of short-term madness.
disappearing, leaving the journal incomplete. 9 I feel insecure and feeble-minded; Your
Intelligence Modifier decreases by 1 for 24
Curse. Upon reading the Journal the creature descends into hours.
madness; gaining 1 form of Long Term madness. When it 10 I dreamt that everyone despised me; Your
expires, a new form of long term madness takes its place. This charisma modifier decreases by 1 for 24
curse can be dispelled by the Remove Curse spell and other hours.
similar magic.
DREAMCATCHER Wondrous Item, Common
Wondrous Item, Common (Requires Attunement)
This Conical Bamboo hat has a peculiar desaturated tint,
appearing to be a light murky grey instead of a beige straw-
A creature attuned to this traditional looking Dreamcatcher
like colour. Along the rim are patterns of winding smoke in a
can hang it up while they perform a long rest. In the morning,
traditional art style, painted with blotchy black ink. Any
when they awake, they receive an effect based on how they
creature that dons this Do’un instantly has their face cast in
slept. Roll a d6. On a roll of a 1 they suffer a nightmare, on a
complete darkness; a magical shadow concealing their
roll of a 2 or higher they have a good dream. Roll again on the
identity. Even when light seems to be cast from below, the face
respective tables: (If you feel external factor might influence
remains perfectly shadowed in an aura similar to that created
whether or not a nightmare occurs, alter the initial d6 roll for
by the Darkness spell.
nightmares to have a higher chance)

Roll d10 “Good Dream” Effect ELVISH GREATBLADE

1-3 I rested extremely well; Wake up with 1
Weapon (Greatsword), Rare (Requires attunement by an elf)
Additional Hitdice
4 I feel more insightful; Your Wisdom
A majestic blade built in the very image of apex elvish
Modifier increases by 1 for 24 hours.
5 My will feel stronger; you have advantage weaponry. This dark bladed sword weaves elegant iron
on saving throws against being frightened for tendrils alongside its brilliant sharp blade. The Hilt has
24 hours. impossible detail and is studded with various blue and jade
6 I feel inspired by my dreams; You gain an gems. Although the weapon should weigh well over 6 pounds,
Inspiration dice. it barely weighs a third of that.
7 I dreamt of a different life; you gain
proficiency in a random set of Artisan’s tools
The incredible light weight sword means this weapon can use
for 24 hours.
Dexterity for its Attack and Damage rolls. This sword has 20
charges, with 1d10 recharging at each day at dawn. The user

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Magical Items Expansion
D&D 5E
can spend charges to activate any of the following effects,  Death Ray: (5 Charges) Force a creature within range
requiring no Material Components: (Intelligence is your ability to make a DC14 Dexterity saving throw. On failed
modifier for these rolls) save the creature takes 5d10 Necrotic damage and
dies if it is reduced to 0 Hitpoints this way.
 Cast Compelled Duel: Costs 2 Charges  Antimagic Ray: (8 charges) an Antimagic field, as in
 Cast Misty Step: Costs 4 Charges the Antimagic field spell is cast in a 30ft cone in a
 Cast Daylight: Costs 6 Charges direction of your choosing for 1 minute. Performing
 Cast Conjure Fey: Costs 12 Charges another action disables this effect early. You can
change the direction at the start of each of your turns
ELDRITCH LOCK requiring no action.
Wondrous Item, Common (Requires Attunement)
Curse. The Eye of the Beholder carries a curse. Each time this
This mysterious looking lock is decorated with fantastic item regains charges there is a 10% chance per charge restored
details, waving depictions of magical effects and complex that the beholder’s soul will overpower the attuned creature’s
runes. When disturbed by a living being the lock glows a will. The creature’s alignment becomes Lawful Evil and it
purple and blue aura through the various details across the gains the following personality trait:
“Everything I do relates to an attempt to gain power and wealth,
An attuned creature can expend its bonus action to close the regardless of the costs and consequences.”
lock, it becomes completely sealed until that same creature
The only way to dispel this curse is to use magic such as the
opens it again using its action. If a creature other than the
Remove Curse spell.
attuned creature attempts to open the lock they must mentally
overpower it by making an arcana check with a DC equal to 10
plus the attuned creature’s arcana modifier or spellcasting
modifier (Attuned creature’s choice). On a failed check the Wondrous Item, Rare (Requires Attunement)
creature attempting to open the lock takes 1d10 Psychic
damage and cannot attempt to open the lock again for an hour. An ancient brace made of a brittle grey metal secures a curious
When a creature other than the attuned creature overpowers living eye that frantically analyses and stares at its
the lock it loses its attunement. surroundings. The eye is bloodshot and has an acidic green
EYE OF THE BEHOLDER An attuned creature can use its bonus action to enter a trance
like state, becoming incapacitated and blinded as a result, the
Wondrous Item, Very Rare (Requires Attunement) creature is considered concentrating while in this state,
breaking concentration returns the creature back to normal.
A metal, spherical receptacle with a black iron base and
While in the creature’s incapacitated state it can see through
glamorous gold framing is locked by a mysterious device of
the Eye of Myere with Truesight out to a range of 15ft. The
which is impossible to force open, even by magical means.
creature can use their reaction to re-emerge from this state.
A creature attuned to this item can open the lock at will,
opening the lid reveals a hideous gleaming eye locked away
The eye has 10 charges with 1d6+4 recharging each day at Wondrous Item, Uncommon
dawn. An attuned creature can use their action to speak the
items command word and expend charges to cast any of the This large jug-like vessel is decorated with intricate wave-like
following spells from the eye requiring no material patterns. The colours consist of incredible black and metallic
components: (All spells have a range out to 30ft) silver. The item appears to be as good as new, having an
immaculate reflective surface.
 Charm Ray: (2 Charges) Force a creature within range
A creature can expend its action to remove the lid and pour a
to make a DC14 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed
liquid-like foggy compound from the vessel. In moments a 15ft
save. creature is charmed by you for 1 minute or until
sphere originating from the creature’s position becomes
you or another creature harms that creature.
shrouded in a foggy substance; it is heavily obscured and only
 Fear Ray: (2 Charges) Force a creature within range to
displaced by a strong wind. The fog settles naturally and
make a DC14 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save
disappears without a trace after 1 minute. It cannot be used
that creature is frightened of you for 1 minute.
again until next dawn.
 Enervation Ray (3 Charges) Force a creature within
range to make a DC14 Dexterity saving throw. On a
failed save the creature takes 4d8 Necrotic Damage.

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Magical Items Expansion
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Wondrous Item, Uncommon GOLEM GAUNTLETS

This ancient and ominous cross has a prominent design that Wondrous Item, Rare (Requires Attunement)
depicts images of the undead. A large skull is present in the
These solid stone gauntlets have 12 charges with 2d6
center of the crucifix, the handle and arms include more skulls,
recharging each day at dawn. An attuned creature that wears
ribs and other bone-like designs. A freakish black silky fog
these gauntlets and wields no other items can use their action
exudes from the stone-like surface of this object.
to perform any of the following, expending the required
Any creature that holds the cross experiences the item’s power,
amount of charges:
their body decays and rots, bones stick through the skin and
the whole body of the contacting creature resembles that of a
 Golem Punch (1 Charge): Considered a melee weapon
long dead corpse. They return to their original form when they
attack with a range of 5ft. This uses strength for the
drop or otherwise break contact with the item. While holding
attack and damage rolls. On a hit the wearer deals
the cross aging halts, they cannot gain levels of exhaustion and
4d4 bludgeoning damage.
their type becomes Undead. The creature becomes resistant to
 Quake (2 Charges): The attuned creature smashes the
necrotic damage, but become vulnerable to radiant damage.
ground and forces any creatures within a 5ft wide,
When a creature holds this item they gain the following traits: 20ft long line that are making contact with the same
surface as the attuned creature to make a DC14
 Immunity to Poison Damage Dexterity saving throw. Falling prone on a failed
 Immunity to the Poison condition save.
 Resistance to Necrotic Damage  Rock Pillar (3 Charges): The attuned creature chooses
 Vulnerability to Radiant Damage a point on the ground within 15ft of them and raises a
column in the shape of a 5ft wide, 15ft tall cylinder.
The item sends a faint sensory signal to the holder when any of The column rises with incredible speed, stopping if it
the 10 Black Chevrons are within 60ft. makes contact with a surface. If a creature is within
this space, it rises with the column. If a creature is on
Quest of the Ghoul Blade. The Ghoul blade is a magic item the column which it hits the ceiling, the creature takes
that can otherwise be acquired by completing its construction 4d6 bludgeoning damage, then the pillar
using the Ghoul Mark. After acquiring the Ghoul mark 10 Black automatically retracts, leaving the creature prone in
Chevrons can be located in close proximity to the mark. When the space that it started in. Columns created by this
all 10 have been acquired, they magically combine to form the effect remain.
complete blade; Ghoul Blade.  Rock Wall (4 Charges): The attuned creature raises a
wall out of the ground 5ft before them that is 5ft deep,
GHOUL BLADE up to 20ft wide and 20ft tall. The wall refuses to rise
of any creatures of objects are occupying the space
Weapon (Longsword), Legendary (Requires Attunement)
above it. If the wall hits a ceiling, it stops growing
This item has the exact same properties as the Ghoul Mark there. Walls created by this effect remain.
magic item, even when used by a creature not attuned to this
This weapon deals an extra 1d8 Necrotic damage. Undead Wondrous Item, Uncommon
creatures are completely immune to this swords damage.
An attuned creature that wields this sword gains 1 Hitpoint at This mummified hand has deep wounds, appeared to have
the start of each of their turns, assuming they are not at full formed from decay, but on close inspection oily flowing
health. If a creature is dealt necrotic damage as a result of this blackness weaves under the skin, over and around bones as
sword’s effect, the attuned creature that wields this sword dark as ebony.
gains Hitpoints equal to half that amount.
Curse. The Ghoul Blade bares a terrifying curse. A creature A creature that wields the hand can cast the spell “Chill
attuned to this weapon slowly transitions into the undead Touch” without requiring any material components. The hand
form that this blade encourages. The difference being is that featured in the spell instead becomes an oily black tendril.
the creature need not even make contact with the blade to
experience this slow 10-day transition. Once the final day has
counted down, the attuned creature becomes indefinitely Wondrous Item, Common
afflicted with the undead transformation until such magic as
the Remove Curse spell targets the creature. This beautiful jar of fireflies is sealed by a fey inspired lid,
engraved with whimsical depictions of fairies and forests. A

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D&D 5E
creature can cast the spell “Dancing Lights” from the jar MELANER’S KIT OF EXCELENT MEDICINES
requiring no material components by using their action to
Wondrous item, Rare (Requires Attunement)
open the jar and release the fireflies. Once the spell ends the
fireflies return to the jar and the lid seals itself. It cannot be
This fine kit is a long roll of fabric, strapped closed by leather
used again for another hour.
strips and copper buckles. Inside the hempen lining is a vast
range of utensils, vials and miniature ingredient containing
Wondrous Item, rare
A creature attuned to this item gains proficiency in the
A creature can spend a bonus action to place this key into any Medicine skill if they haven’t already. The pouch has 1d6
door’s keyhole and open it to access an extradimensional charges with 1d4+2 recharging each dawn. A creature attuned
cupboard that is 10ft Wide and Deep and 15ft Tall. There is to this item can expend their action and a number of charges to
enough air inside the cupboard to sustain a creature for 1 hour. activate any of the following effects:
A creature that is locked inside the cupboard can force its way
out with a successful DC20 strength check. A creature can also  (1 Charge) Heal a creature within 5ft of you by 1d8
lock itself inside the cupboard using the key requiring no HP.
action. When a creature uses its bonus action to exit the  (2 Charges) Diagnose a creature, within 10ft of you, of
cupboard, they emerge from the last door that was opened by a random illness they might have.
the key. While a door is opened to the cupboard, the door from  (3 Charges) Remove the poisoned condition from a
the other side seems to have never opened. A successful DC20 creature within 5ft of you and any accompanying
strength check to force the door open, shuts the cupboard and effects inflicted by the condition.
spews out the key, followed by that door then swinging open  (6 Charges) Cure one known illness that a creature
naturally. within 5ft of you suffers from.

When Gann’s Cupboard is opened for the first time, it contains PLANAR DIMENSION CHALKS
general clutter such as Brooms, sacks of potatoes, old boots
Wondrous Item, Legendary
and empty barrels etc. There is a possibility, however, that
another magic item is present within the Cupboard. This magnificently designed box of chalks is decorated with
fine multi-coloured gems over a polished metallic surface.
Inside the box are 20 sticks of chalk, all of different colours
Wondrous Item, Uncommon (Except Silver, of which there are two pieces). The colour of the
chalk corresponds to the dimension that it opens, the colours
This dark wooden box has been decorated with what seems to match the Astral Colour Pools for each dimension detailed in
be red paint, making borders and sloppy depictions of slug- The Dungeon Master’s Guide pg.47.
like creatures. Inside the box are 3d4+4 big, fat leeches with Each chalk can be used 3 times before it is completely used up.
curious glowing red labyrinthine patterns along their slimy A creature using the chalk must spend 10 minutes drawing out
skin. A creature can use its bonus action to crush one of the an intricate rune that would mark the portal opening. This
magical leeches in its hand. They gain 4d4 Hitpoints as must be on a flat 10ft2 surface such as a wall, floor or ceiling.
ominous red energy spills from the leech and enters their When the creature finishes drawing the rune it must make a
body. At the end of each of that creature’s turns for 10 turns DC16 Arcana check. On a successful check the portal to the
they take 1 necrotic damage. If the fall to 0 Hitpoints before the corresponding dimension opens when the creature returns the
10 turns have passed they automatically stabilize, unless the stick of chalk to its case, the case then glows, vibrantly, the
creature dies. colour of that dimension’s portal. On a failed check, the rune is
done incorrectly and fades and that third of the chalk is
Wondrous Item, Very Rare (Requires Attunement)
Once a portal is open, it remains open until the creature that
An attuned creature can treat this ornamental rug as a mount. opened it exits the dimension it was drawn on, or if the box of
It is considered a Vehicle (Land). The rug has a flying speed of chalk exits their reach. The creature cannot open the box of
60ft. While the rug isn’t mounted it is indistinguishable from chalk while a portal is open. The box stops glowing after the
an ordinary rug. The Rug has an AC of 14 and 15 HP with portal closes.
vulnerability to Slashing and Fire Damage as well as immunity
The exit of the portal opens in a random part of the target
to Psychic and Bludgeoning Damage.
dimension. Each creature or item that passes through ends up
in the same place. Each time a creature passes through the

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portal it shudders, and there is a 25% chance that the portal Wondrous Item, Uncommon (Requires Attunement)
will close prematurely. Only creatures of large size or smaller
can pass through. A beautifully designed brass box, one side has a complex set of
dials, much like a combination lock, but instead of numbers,
A creature can pull out an unused stick of chalk and crush it many Undercommon characters are present. One face of the
on the ground to teleport each creature within a 15ft radius to box is made of murky transparent glass, inside is a dimly
a random part of the corresponding dimension. Each creature glowing purple crystal that shimmers in the dark, dimly
affected takes 5d10 force damage. lighting up a mass of tiny gears, coils, hammers and dials
inside the receptacle. The top of the box has a small slit in the
A creature cannot draw a portal to the dimension they are top that acts as an audio input.
currently on.
While attuned to this item you can speak in Undercommon
ROBE OF ETHEREALNESS through the hole on the top. Once you have finished the gem
flickers, and the box begins to produce a clacking sound;
Wondrous Item, Very Rare (requires Attunement)
translating what you spoke into the box to the unique Hook
The incredible quality of this robe is instantly apparent. The Horror language.
surface appears translucent and wavering with a mysterious
If Hook Horrors communicating is audible, the gem shimmers
almost fluidic texture. A numbing sensation is gained from
and the dials on the front of the box rapidly spell out, in
making contact with fine magical silk that makes up this
Undercommon, what the Hook Horrors are saying.
beautiful robe.
The robe has 3 charges with 1d3 recharging each day at dawn.
An attuned creature can expend one of the charges to step into
the ethereal plane as if they had casted the spell Etherealness, Wondrous Item, Legendary (Requires Attunement)
except the duration is reduced to 1 hour.
A beautiful diamond like stone with lights that refract wildly
ROD OF BARRING though its form.

Rod, Uncommon When a creature is attuned to this stone they are always
accompanied by a Familiar (controlled by the DM) when it is
A creature can use its bonus action to place this rod on a closed
on their person. The Familiar is only visible to the attuned
door, hatch or window. The Rod expands to fit the frame or
creature, has the same alignment as them and appears to be a
width of the entrance and magically lock itself into place. The
tall luminescent asexual humanoid.
Rod can be deactivated by any creature that uses its bonus
action to pull it off. A DC30 strength check is required to force The Humanoid has a colour tint relating to the attuned
the entrance open from the other side. On a successful check creature’s alignment:
the rod drops to the ground and deactivates.
 Chaotic Evil: Red
RING OF HASTE  Chaotic Good: Green
 Chaotic Neutral: Yellow
Ring, Rare
 Lawful Evil: Black
While wearing this ring you have a +2 bonus to all Dexterity  Lawful Good: Purple
Saving throws. You can also expend one of its 3 charges to use  Lawful Neutral: Navy
the Dash action as a bonus action on your turn.  Neutral: Silver
This ring gains regains 1d3 of its charges each day at dawn.  Neutral Evil: Orange
 Neutral Good: Cyan
Once attuned, the gemstone also becomes the colour associated
Ring, Uncommon (Requires Attunement)
to the attuned creature’s alignment.
When in complete darkness, the ruby encrusted into this ring
The Familiar has an Intelligence score of 19 (+4), a Wisdom
sheds a bright red light for 15ft and dim light for an additional
score of 23 (+6) and a Charisma score of 17 (+3) and Speaks
15ft. Only an attuned creature wearing the ring can benefit
and reads the same languages as the attuned creature. The
from or even see the light. When the ring is again exposed to
Familiar can make Wisdom or Intelligence checks. The
dim or bright light, this effect ceases.
Familiar cannot move more than 15ft away from the attuned
creature. They can’t move through surfaces or walls but can
occupy the same space as other creatures. The Familiar cannot

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be targeted, detected or affected by spells as they occupy some ROCKSEEKER’S MIGHT
other plane of existence. If the stone itself is subjected to an
Weapon (Warhammer), Rare (Requires Attunement)
Anti-Magic effect, the familiar disappears until the effect no
longer influences the stone.
Redesigned over the course of centuries by dwarfs of the
family Rockseeker. This hammer was passed down the family
line to each bold adventurer of the Rockseeker clan, each one
Wondrous Item, Uncommon adding their own unique flavour to the weapon, causing it to
evolve over the course of the years.
A creature holding this mirror can use its action to utter its
command word and point the mirror at a creature that can see The Rockseeker’s Might has attained these benefits:
it within 15ft. The targeted creature must succeed a DC13
Wisdom saving throw or become frightened of the mirror for  Rockseeker’s Might has a Pickaxe head on one end of
one minute or until line of sight to the mirror is broken, a the hammer, thus the user can choose to deal Piercing
creature that succeeds the saving throw is immune to its effects damage instead of Bludgeoning.
for 24 hours. A creature must rely on sight in order to be  This weapon also acts as an Arcane Focus.
subjected to the mirror’s effects.  This weapon has been imbued with incredible
materials; It cannot receive Attack or Damage
The Mirror itself is decorated with a terrifying black steel modifier penalties.
frame, containing details of horrible monsters, bones and  Once per day, on a hit with this weapon, the user can
forms of supernatural phenomena. A creature that gazes into choose to deal 2d10 Thunder damage in addition to
the mirror witnesses its greatest fears. the normal damage.


Weapon (Mace), Very Rare Wondrous Item, Rare

Norac’s Mace is a +3 Mace, a sandy mechanical weapon with This stone doesn’t seem to have any outstanding visual traits,
strange indentations planted consistently around the maces the only definitive unusual factor that this item has is that a
head. Gears and a sturdy handle make for an intriguing neat hole passes through it. When a creature that is either a Fey
design. Creatures holding this weapon can’t be disarmed of it. or Humanoid (Elf) glances through the stone, they have
When a creature makes an attack with the weapon Spikes effective true sight out to a range of 15ft. Everything becomes
sprout from the indentation around the head and deal an black and white, however. Creatures that are magical appear
additional 1d4 piercing damage on hit. This weapon has a to glow yellow when glanced at through the stone. Magical
reach of 10ft, as the head detaches itself from the handle via an items can even be seen through solid surfaces as they glow
extended chain, hitting creatures just out of reach. red. However, 3ft of Earth, 1ft of stone or a thin sheet of lead
blocks your vision.
Wondrous Item, Common
Wondrous Item, Very rare
An old leather pouch with various natural accents and details
like twigs and dried flowers. When opened a mass of smells This key has impressively intricate detail, a skull shaped bow
exudes from the bag (Of which can be smelled from up to 30ft glares menacingly with deep eye sockets the glow red when
away). A creature can use its action to pull out any flower, the vastly complex teeth of the key enter a lock. Every little
seasoning or piece of natural plant matter it could possibly detail is somehow represented by bones.
imagine. None of these items will be enough to sustain enough A creature holding this item can expend their action to unlock
for a whole meal, but can substitute any plant material anything with a keyhole that isn’t magical.
component for a spell, such as flowers, herbs and twigs etc.
Items from the bag can have extreme effects, such as beautiful
smelling flower petals and mushrooms capable of making Weapon (Longbow), Very Rare (Requires Attunement)
someone very ill. Chances are, if it exists in the material plane,
This weapon can come in two forms, both however, appear to
it’s in the bag.
be unstrung bows of incredible design. Roll randomly to
The Contents of the bag are occupying an extradimensional determine which one the player will find.

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Magical Items Expansion
D&D 5E
Bow: Visual Bonus Properties spend their action and 3 of the shield’s charges to cast Lighting
(1d6) Description Damage Bolt requiring no material components.
Fiend Black Base with 1d8 Only Evil
Bow (1- Chaotic Red Necrotic aligned TOOLS OF THE ARKBUILDER
2) markings characters can
resembling that attune to this Wondrous Item, Common (Requires Attunement by a creature
of Infernal weapon. This proficient in Carpenter’s tools)
Characters. weapon attacks
on advantage This item is a magical set of Carpenter’s Tools. An attuned
when targeting
creature that is already proficient with carpenter’s tools has
that proficiency doubled while using this item. Any building
Spirit Turquoise Base 1d8 Only Good
Bow (3- with elegant Radiant aligned times using these tools are halved and all checks are done on
6) silver flowing characters can advantage.
markings attune to this
resembling Fey weapon. This TOTEMS OF AMAC
characters. weapon attacks
on advantage Wondrous Item, Rare
when targeting
Fiends. The Totems of Amac are often kept close together. They may be
When an attuned creature makes an attack with the Spirit contained within a loot chest or scattered throughout a
Bow, they make a pulling motion and a spectral bow string dungeon. They may even be present in six independent rooms
and arrow are conjured and glow the colour of the bow’s in an ancient temple, themed accordingly to the design of the
markings. totem.

This bow does not require ammunition and cannot fire any These six totems each have a unique design. Each of them
ammunition a creature tries to load. resemble a disproportioned native with different facial
expressions and colours. Each totem has 1 charge, recharging
STAFF OF LIFE DRAINING each day at dawn. This charge is used to initiate a special
effect. Each totem is as follows:
Staff, very rare (Requires Attunement by a Warlock or Sorcerer)
1. The Forester (Green) The forester seems to be donned
This +2 Staff has a tall black stem of rocky texture. Strange vein
in simple clothes, twigs and leaves are used fondly as
like shafts travel up and down the staff from an organic
decoration. The Forester’s facial expression is humble.
beating orb that pulsates and glows an eerie red.
A creature holding this totem can use its action
The staff is an arcane focus with 10 charges with 1d10 charges
expend one change and tip a seed from its mouth. In
recharging daily at dawn.
1 hour a small plant grows with a bulbous purple
When damage is dealt to a creature via a spell cast from the
fruit hanging off its tallest stem. Upon consumption,
staff, the attuned creature can expend one charge to regain 1d4
the fruit removes 1 level of exhaustion and returns all
of the creatures Hitpoints. The fruit, along with the
STORMSHIELD plant, shrivels and disappears after 1 minute if not
consumed or picked.
Shield, Legendary (Requires Attunement) 2. The Waterman (Blue) The waterman is donned is fine
clothes and carries a bucket. Depictions of waves are
A brilliantly designed shield with modernized influences of
present on his wear. The Watermans facial expression
angular plates and current carrying wires and rods. It is
is glee. A creature holding this totem can use its
detailed with more traditional markings as well; Dwarvish
action expend its charge and pour one gallon of water
runes are escribed around the perimeter of the shield and read:
out of the totems mouth.
“May the immense strength of nature’s engine empower and
3. The Firestarter (Red) The Firestarter has rustic wear,
protect all those who hold this mighty tool.”
made from broken sticks and hanging stones. The
Many components of their shield glow blue, throbbing with
Firestarter’s facial expression is anger. A creature
raw power as electrical bolts skip over the surface.
holding this totem can use its action to expend its one
Stormshield is a +3 shield that grants the attuned creature
charge to cast Burning Hands from it at 1st level,
resistance to lighting damage. When the attuned creature
requiring no material components.
would have taken 5 or more points of lighting damage at once,
4. The Mystic (Purple) The Mystic donned in the finest
the shield gains a charge (Max. 3).
wears, even a small headdress is present on his head.
When the Stormshield has 3 charges, the attuned creature can
The Mystic’s facial expression is concern. A creature

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Magical Items Expansion
D&D 5E
holding this totem can spend its action to expend its Personality. The Tomahawk of Soul Snatching speaks with
one charge to cast Channel Divinity from the totem unfathomable cruelty and disrespect. It considers itself
requiring no material components. superior to all others as it has ascended to a “higher state of
5. The Hunter (Orange) The Hunter is donned in animal being”, immortality in the form of a weapon. Its voice is
skins and holds a small spear. The Hunters facial cackling and undoubtedly evil. The Tomahawk hungers for
expression is determination. A creature holding this souls and always tries to bend the attuned creature to its
totem can use their bonus action to expend its one twisted will.
charge. For one hour that creature has proficiency
with spears, Darkvision out to 30ft and 10 additional Curse. The Tomahawk of Soul Snatching carries a deadly curse.
feet of movement speed. The creature attuned to it must bend to the will of the weapon
6. The Chief (Yellow) The Chief is donned in a long momentarily every day or risk becoming subjected to negative
robe and a large ceremonial headdress. His effects instantiated by the weapon itself.
expression is of tranquillity. A creature can use their
 (Negative) If the attuned creature goes a whole 3 days
bonus action to expend the one charge. For one day
without providing the weapon a soul to consume
the creature’s wisdom and charisma score increases
(Using the “Snatch Soul” feature) Phantoms, omens
by 2 and they can learn one additional language they
and other terrifying voodoo illusions torment the
don’t already know of their choosing.
attuned creature and ensue the following drawbacks
o The attuned creature cannot benefit from
Weapon (Handaxe), Legendary (Requires Attunement) short or long rests.
o All food taste putrid, the attuned creature is
Ominous voodoo designs have been strongly incorporated into
considered “Poisoned” for one hour after
the design on this weapon. Charms; rat skulls, beads and
food consumption.
feathers dangle from this weapon’s handle. The blunt stone
o All undead creatures’ eyes glow green and
axe head, strangely, has incredible sharpness regardless of the
the attuned creature can temporarily hear
blades seemingly poor shape. Tormenting green lights
them via telepathy within a range of 30ft.
occasionally flicker inside the skulls and other adornments
 (Neutral) If the attuned creature provides at least 1
attached to this axe.
soul over the course of 3 days, nothing different
A creature attuned to this weapon experiences the presence of occurs.
a wicked soul when they rest. Strange phenomena occur  (Positive) If the attuned creature provides the souls of
around the creature while attuned. Other effects become 3 or more Good aligned creatures, they gain the
apparent depending on the creature’s relationship with the following effects for one day:
terrifying weapon. o Their Eyes glow an ominous green, they can
speak telepathically with the undead up to a
Snatch Soul. If the killing blow is dealt to a creature by range of 30ft.
someone wielding this weapon their soul is absorbed into it. o The creature’s type becomes undead.
The only way to extract the soul is to destroy the weapon, or if o They are immune to the Exhaustion effect.
the weapon releases it at its own accord. When A soul is o Over this time the Tomahawk treats the
successfully absorbed into the weapon it gains an additional attuned creature with the upmost respect.
+1 to Attack and damage. The weapon can gain up to 3 points
this way. The modifiers reset at dawn, but the souls are still Breaking the curse requires the weapon to be destroyed. It
contained. must be subjected to 10 points of Radiant damage. The
Attunement ends, as do all effects of the curse. All that is left is
Sentience. The Tomahawk of Soul Snatching is a Chaotic Evil a pile of smouldering ash. The effect of the Remove Curse
sentient weapon with an intelligence score of 9, a wisdom supresses the Item’s sentience for 1 full day.
score of 16 and a charisma score of 17, with hearing and
Darkvision out to 60ft. TRICKSTER’S COIN
Wondrous Item, Common (Requires Attunement)
The weapon can speak, read and understand Common, Goblin
and Giant. It can communicate telepathically with any creature What initially appears to be a completely ordinary gold coin
attuned to it. Its voice is sharp and vile. Its vocabulary is actually has whimsical properties. A creature attuned to this
simple but vicious. It speaks to attuned creatures like they are item can flip the coin into the air. When the creature catches it
a servant of its will. again and calls it, the coin will always face up the side
declared by the creature.

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Magical Items Expansion
D&D 5E
Wondrous item, Uncommon Wand, Rare (Requires Attunement by a Spellcaster)

This small rustic hempen bag has 6 charges with 1d4+2 This white glittering stick is a +1 wand that deals an additional
recharging each day at dawn. A creature holding this item can 1d4 radiant damage when a spell attack that is cast from it hits.
expend their action to open the vine-link tassels and pull out a An attuned creature can cast Light from this wand requiring no
seed and plant it in the ground. In exactly one minute a full material components. This item is a Spellcasting focus.
version of that plant will have fully grown. The creature
expends charges with a number depending on which seed they WAND OF THE BLIGHTED OAK
Wand, rare (Requires Attunement by a Spellcaster)

 Purple-Fruit Plant: (1 Charge) This 5ft plant produces

This black itchy surfaced branch is a +1 wand that deals an
a bulbous purple fruit that can be consumed to
additional 1d4 necrotic damage when a spell attack that is cast
sustain a creature for 1 day.
from it hits.
 Climbing Vines: (2 Charge) This plant grows An attuned creature can cast Darkness from this wand
vertically up a surface no further than 5ft away, up to requiring no material components. This effect can only be used
a height of 60ft. be used once, and regains the ability to do so the following day
 Carpet Shrubs: (3 Charges) Plant life grows in a 15ft at dusk. This item is a Spellcasting focus.
circle originating from the point the seed was planted.
This area becomes difficult terrain. WEAPONS OF BLEEDING
 Man Eater Plants: (4 Charges) A vicious medium
Weapon (Any), Uncommon
sized plant that is indistinguishable from a normal
harmless plant. When a hostile creature moves within
These weapons have darker shades, splintered blades and are
5ft the plant attacks them, dealing 1d12 piercing
covered with blood that never dries. When a creature is dealt
damage. The Plant has 10HP, an AC of 10 with
damage by this weapon they take an additional 1 damage at
vulnerability to slashing and fire.
the start of each of their turns. This effect lasts until the
creature is healed magically, performed a successful DC10
Medicine check upon or until a number of rounds have passed
Wondrous Item, Common equal to 10 Minus that creature’s constitution modifier. This
effect does not stack and Constructs, Oozes, Undead and
Truly a beautiful and unusual item. This oddly shaped bottle Elementals are immune to this effect.
contains a thriving ecosystem of small plants and mosses.
However, instead of air inside is a thickly wavering green oil. If a critical hit is dealt to a creature the ongoing damage
A creature can use its action to smash the terrarium on the becomes 2 points instead of 1.
ground beneath them or throw it up to 30ft. The oil spills out
and thick mossy foliage and plants grow in its shattered wake. WEAPONS OF VENOM
A 15ft square area originating from the point of impact
Weapon (Any), Very rare
becomes difficult terrain. The plant-life only grows on solid
surfaces. These weapons are made from cracked stone with faint green
glows dwelling within. The Blades and heads of these
VOREK’S VULCANISER weapons are covered with a magical green glowing substance
Wondrous Item, Very Rare that never fades.
When a creature is damaged by this weapon they take 1d4
A gleaming bronze helmet shaped and designed for a Poison damage and are poisoned until the end of their next
Dragonborn wearer. A Dragonborn wearing this helmet while turn.
attuned to it can adjust the dials on the side of the helmet to
alter the shape of their Dragon Breath attack (No action WILDSPEAK AMULET
required). They can choose from 15ft Cone, 30ft Long 5ft Wide
Wondrous Item, Uncommon (Requires Attunement)
Line or a 15ft Sphere that appears in a space that you spit a
bolt of your damage type at within 30ft that you can see. Your An elegant twig like necklace with an incredible jade emerald
breath attack also does 3d6 of your breath attack damage type. hanging from its delicate lace. Any person attuned to this item
In addition, roll a d6 at the start for your turn. If the result is 6 while they wear it can effectively communicate with any Beast
your Breath Attack recharges. within 30ft telepathically.

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Magical Items Expansion
D&D 5E
Weapon (Dagger), Common

A magnificently designed dagger with vine like details around

the handle and blade as well as a wolf face with tiny jade gems
for eyes rests at the bottom of the handle. The wielder has a +2
attack bonus against Beasts and always deals a critical hit
against them using this weapon.

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Magical Items Expansion
D&D 5E

Cover Image: Sattva ~

Cover Icon: Iconka – Denis

Author: Christian Maund

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