Daily Lesson Plan: Subject Area/Grade Level: 7th Grade Unit Theme/Topic

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Daily Lesson Plan

Subject Area/Grade Level: 7th Grade Unit Theme/Topic: Chasing Lincoln’s Killer

Essential Question (from Unit)

What events led to the of Abraham Lincoln?

Student Outcome(s):
Students will be able to connect their prior knowledge to the text Chasing Lincoln’s Killer.

Type of Literacy being addressed (2, 4, 5, 7, 8) CIRCLE WHICH ONE FROM UNIT

2, Prior Knowledge

Instructional Delivery: Handout or Notes given to students/procedures

Worksheet provided.
“What do you already know about the Civil War?”
Create a list of your background knowledge before reading.

Students must make a bullet point list detailing what they know about know about the
civil war.

Assessment/Evaluation (Formative/Summative): Closure Activity/Homework/Exit Ticket

Formative (Exit Ticket):
Students will turn in the worksheet at the end of class as an exit ticket. The worksheet is worth
five points. The students would not be graded on the information that they put down but to
make sure they have information down at all. This is more to assess what the students know so I
can move forward.

Daily Lesson Plan

Subject Area/Grade Level: 7th Grade Unit Theme/Topic: Chasing Lincoln’s Killer

Essential Question (from Unit)

What significant events in chapters 1-5 of Chasing Lincoln’s Killer created the climax?

Student Outcome(s):
Students will be able to identify the significant events that led to the assassination of
Abraham Lincoln.

Type of Literacy being addressed (2, 4, 5, 7, 8) CIRCLE WHICH ONE FROM UNIT

4, Lecture/Slideshow/ Guided Notes

Instructional Delivery: Handout or Notes given to students/procedures

Teacher will provide powerpoint with notes covering chapters 1-5.

Students will take handwritten notes on the PPT.

Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:

Assessment/Evaluation (Formative/Summative): Closure Activity/Homework/Exit Ticket

Formative (Exit Ticket):

The note sheet is worth 10 points. It will be turned in at the end of class as an exit ticket.
Students will not get graded on what they put down but rather that they took notes on Chapter 1-
5. Notes will be handed back to students at the beginning of the next class so they may use
them for future reference.

Daily Lesson Plan

Subject Area/Grade Level: 7th Grade Unit Theme/Topic: Chasing Lincoln’s Killer

Essential Question (from Unit)

What events led to the death of Abraham Lincoln?

Student Outcome(s):
Students will be able to identify the role Mary Surratt played in the assassination of
Abraham Lincoln.

Type of Literacy being addressed (2, 4, 5, 7, 8) CIRCLE WHICH ONE FROM UNIT

5, Close reading

Instructional Delivery: Handout or Notes given to students/procedures

Handout provided with text and essential questions.
The soldiers arrested Powell, Mary Surratt, her daughter, Anna, Lewis Weichmann, and the rest
of the boarders. They searched the house and found evidence: photographs of Confederate
generals, one of Confederate President Jefferson Davis, some ammunition, and a photo of John
Wilkes Booth, hidden behind a picture frame. At headquarters, the interrogator, Colonel Wells,
wanted to know what had brought Mary’s son and John Wilkes Booth together, about her son’s
relationship with the other possible conspirators, and what her connection was to the newly
arrested Lewis Powell. Mary Surratt proved to be cool and collected under questioning. She
revealed nothing to help the authorities to find Booth. She only admitted facts she was sure her
questioners knew from other sources, especially her connection to Booth. She lied when she
claimed she met Powell for the first time that evening as he arrived at her house while the
soldiers were there. She admitted to knowing George Atzerodt, something the government
already knew. Atzerodt was already connected to Booth from the evidence recovered in the
search of the German’s room at the Kirkwood House. Mary Surratt did not tell Colonel Wells
about Booth’s April 14 visit to her, the binoculars, her carriage ride to Surrattsville, nor her
instructions about the “shooting irons.”

Swanson, James L.. Chasing Lincoln's Killer (Kindle Locations 1160-1168). Scholastic Inc..
Kindle Edition.

Essential Questions:
1. Why do you think Mary Surratt lied about knowing Powell and Booth?
2. Do you think Mary Surratt knew about the assassination plan the whole time?
3. Do you think Booth would be able to complete his plan without Mary Surratt?

Assessment/Evaluation (Formative/Summative): Closure Activity/Homework/Exit Ticket

Formative (Exit Ticket):

Students will turn in questions at the end of class. Each question is worth 5 points. Students
are graded on complete sentences, details and text evidence. Answers are opinions and
there is no right answer.
Daily Lesson Plan

Subject Area/Grade Level: 7th Grade Unit Theme/Topic: Chasing Lincoln’s Killer

Essential Question (from Unit)

What events led to the death of Abraham Lincoln?

Student Outcome(s):
Students will be able to compare the chapter title to connections from the events in the
Students will be able to critique and analyze key parts of Chasing Lincoln’s Killer.

Type of Literacy being addressed (2, 4, 5, 7, 8) CIRCLE WHICH ONE FROM UNIT

7, Graphic Organizer

Instructional Delivery: Handout or Notes given to students/procedures

Students will be provided graphic organizer. The graphic organizer is three pages in total.
Chapters 1-14 and the Epilogue each have a section for the students to connect the events to
the story. Each chapter title analysis is worth five points. Each of the essential questions
are worth five points. The students are graded on complete sentences, details, and text
Essential Questions:
1. What was your favorite chapter from the book? Why?
2. Which was your least favorite chapter of the book? Why?
3. In which chapter do you think the climax of the story is located? Why?
4. Why do you think the author choose to not use acual chapter titles, instead just
numbering the chapters?
5. What does having actual chapter titles (istead of just numbers) add to the story, in
your opinion?

Assessment/Evaluation (Formative/Summative): Closure Activity/Homework/Exit Ticket

This graphic organizer will be turned in on the last day of the unit (Day 15) after the
students have completed their test. This in combination with the test will be worth 200

Daily Lesson Plan

Subject Area/Grade Level: 7th Grade Unit Theme/Topic: Chasing Lincoln’s Killer

Essential Question (from Unit):

What events led to the death of Abraham Lincoln?

Student Outcome(s):
Students will be able to identify key points within Chasing Lincoln’s Killer.
Students will be able to use text evidence to identify what events led to the death of
Abraham Lincoln.

Type of Literacy being addressed (2, 4, 5, 7, 8) CIRCLE WHICH ONE FROM UNIT

8, Assessment

Instructional Delivery: Handout or Notes given to students/procedures

Students will be provided the test with 10 questions on it.

1. Is this book fiction or non-fiction? Why?

2. Describe one of the people in the book in as much detail as possible.
3. Why did Booth want to assinate President Lincoln? What other attacks were
planned for the same night? Why?
4. Why did some peeople agree to help Booth, while others refused to do so?
5. Who gave Booth the most help, in your opinion? Why?
6. Describe one of the artifacts pictured in the book. Is it accurate, in your opinion?
Why or why not?
7. Why do you think some of the people who aided Booth in his plot were convicted
and punished?
8. What did the Northerners think of John Wilkes Booth? DId most Southerners have
the same opinion of him? Why or why not?
9. What did most Southerners think of Abraham Lincoln? Did Northerners have the
same opinion of him? Why or why not?
10. Write a recommendation for the book.

Assessment/Evaluation (Formative/Summative): Closure Activity/Homework/Exit Ticket

Summative (Assessment):
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