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The Shogun

Japan was under this ruling dictatorship and the power laid in the hands of this ruling
until the emperor gained political power and this ruling lost power and this is when
Japan started going towards conflict when they applied M.A.I.N.

Anglo-Japanese Alliance

signing of an alliance with Britain. ended Japan's diplomatic isolation but was also
the first time a military alliance had been signed b/w a Western and a non-western


area closet to Japan and was agriculturally rich w/ mineral resources. this provided
important opportunities for the supply of resources to Japan. Offered the possibility
of providing living space for the rapidly growing Japanese population and,
strategically, it could act as a buffer against the threat from Russia

Twenty-One Demands

compromising five groupings-required trait China immediately cease its leasing of

territory to foreign powers and to ascent to Japanese control over Manchuria and
Shandond among other demands. This caused a sharp reaction from Britain and the
USA, and also angered those within the Japanese government who believed that
such actions stood only to damage Japan's reputation

Shidehara Kijuro

ambassador to Washington in 1921 and foreign minister in 1924-27 and 1929-31,

Japan changed to a foreign policy of internationalism during the 1920s. Developed
Japan's economy via peaceful means: keeping good relations with the USA, a key
trading partner, and continuing to seek economic advancement in China, but within
the framework of international agreement
Five Power Treaty

restricted competition in battleships and aircraft carriers by setting a ratio of 5;5;3 for
Britain , the USA and Japan respectively limited how much the navy could do. This
required Japan's Imperial Navy to abandon its plans for a massive expansion and
was deeply opposed by the Navy General Staff. Japan gets status, getting
recognized as the soul power.


Local or regional military leaders that had their own armies. This would rule areas of
China as their own territories. rivalries and Competition between these meant that at
times they were at war with each other.

Kwantung Army

Japanese army planned to be used to disarm Zhang and to force him to retreat back
to Manchuria before he was defeated by Jiang. This army that guarded the southern
railway. This became a stronghold for the radical "Imperial Way" faction, with many
of it's leaders advocating the violent overthrow of the civilian government to bring
about a military dictatorship. They also advocated a more aggressive and
expansionist foreign policy

Manchurian Crisis

staged event engineered by Japanese military personnel as a pretext for the

Japanese invasion in 1931 of northern China. Historian Kenneth Pyle sees the
Manchurian crisis as a "turning point" for Japan. led to Japan's isolation as it now
seemed to have abandoned international cooperation and the Washington Treaty
system. The West's response to the Manchurian crisis in 1931 was rather cautious,
nevertheless, its condemnation of Japan for using force caused Japan to leave the
League of Nations
Asia Monroe Doctrine

To block the expansion of European powers in Northern China and Korea, and
Japan need to be able to protect itself against the Soviet Army and the U.S. Navy,
and also to make the Chinese Government accept its position in Manchuria and
Northern China. Was the result of decision making by the army rather than the
government and the nationals and sentiment that had been growing in Japan


Placed on Japan as a result of its expansion into Indo-China would be fatal in the
long term for Japan. Official ban on trade or other commercial activity. And then led
to the bombing of Pearl Harbor

Hull's Last Note

Final proposal before the attack on Pearl Harbor. Delivered to the Japanese
ambassador by the U.S. secretary of the state Cordell Hull demanded the complete
withdrawal of all Japanese troops from French, Indochina, and China. The Japanese
were not willing to agree with the note
The Shogun

Anglo-Japanese Alliance


Twenty-One Demands

Shidehara Kijuro

Five Power Treaty


Kwantung Army

Manchurian Crisis

Asia Monroe Doctrine


Hull's Last Note

Japan was under this ruling dictatorship and the power laid in the hands of this ruling
until the emperor gained political power and this ruling lost power and this is when
Japan started going towards conflict when they applied M.A.I.N.

Japanese army planned to be used to disarm Zhang and to force him to retreat back
to Manchuria before he was defeated by Jiang. This army that guarded the southern
railway. This became a stronghold for the radical "Imperial Way" faction, with many
of it's leaders advocating the violent overthrow of the civilian government to bring
about a military dictatorship. They also advocated a more aggressive and
expansionist foreign policy

Local or regional military leaders that had their own armies. This would rule areas of
China as their own territories. rivalries and Competition between these meant that at
times they were at war with each other.
area closet to Japan and was agriculturally rich w/ mineral resources. this provided
important opportunities for the supply of resources to Japan. Offered the possibility
of providing living space for the rapidly growing Japanese population and,
strategically, it could act as a buffer against the threat from Russia

Final proposal before the attack on Pearl Harbor. Delivered to the Japanese
ambassador by the U.S. secretary of the state Cordell Hull demanded the complete
withdrawal of all Japanese troops from French, Indochina, and China. The Japanese
were not willing to agree with the note

Placed on Japan as a result of its expansion into Indo-China would be fatal in the
long term for Japan. Official ban on trade or other commercial activity. And then led
to the bombing of Pearl Harbor

restricted competition in battleships and aircraft carriers by setting a ratio of 5;5;3 for
Britain , the USA and Japan respectively limited how much the navy could do. This
required Japan's Imperial Navy to abandon its plans for a massive expansion and
was deeply opposed by the Navy General Staff. Japan gets status, getting
recognized as the soul power.

To block the expansion of European powers in Northern China and Korea, and
Japan need to be able to protect itself against the Soviet Army and the U.S. Navy,
and also to make the Chinese Government accept its position in Manchuria and
Northern China. Was the result of decision making by the army rather than the
government and the nationals and sentiment that had been growing in Japan

staged event engineered by Japanese military personnel as a pretext for the

Japanese invasion in 1931 of northern China. Historian Kenneth Pyle sees the
Manchurian crisis as a "turning point" for Japan. led to Japan's isolation as it now
seemed to have abandoned international cooperation and the Washington Treaty
system. The West's response to the Manchurian crisis in 1931 was rather cautious,
nevertheless, its condemnation of Japan for using force caused Japan to leave the
League of Nations

ambassador to Washington in 1921 and foreign minister in 1924-27 and 1929-31,

Japan changed to a foreign policy of internationalism during the 1920s. Developed
Japan's economy via peaceful means: keeping good relations with the USA, a key
trading partner, and continuing to seek economic advancement in China, but within
the framework of international agreement

compromising five groupings-required trait China immediately cease its leasing of

territory to foreign powers and to ascent to Japanese control over Manchuria and
Shandond among other demands. This caused a sharp reaction from Britain and the
USA, and also angered those within the Japanese government who believed that
such actions stood only to damage Japan's reputation

signing of an alliance with Britain. ended Japan's diplomatic isolation but was also
the first time a military alliance had been signed b/w a Western and a non-western

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